Should Stone Cold host Wrestlemania???

That N Word

Actively evolving
"Stone Cold" may appear at WrestleMania 31 but not as a wrestler. I was thinking wouldn't it be cool if WWE were to be able to say the whole Mount Rushmore of Sports Entertainment has hosted WrestleMania? Think about it Rock hosted 27, Hogan hosted 30, Austin hosting 31 or 32, Cena hosting 33 or 34!!! Short and sweet what do you think???
What exactly do hosts do other than take up promo time and talk about how excited they are to be there? Do they actually add anything to the show? I'm genuinely asking.
Have him host WrestleMania 32 which will be in Texas. Have him in the opening segment with Vince McMahon.

Here is my ideal WM32 booking:

-Host: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

-Hall Of Fame inductee: The Undertaker

-Main Event: The Rock vs Reigns/Bryan/Brock/HHH
What exactly do hosts do other than take up promo time and talk about how excited they are to be there? Do they actually add anything to the show? I'm genuinely asking.

hmm I start to feel that they really did add something. When Rock hosted Wrestlemania it led to the feud between Rock and John Cena. That feud might've not gone in the good way as expected but still it got something to do with Rock hosting that WM.

Likewise Hogan introduced the Andre the Giant memorial battle royal and the three great ones met at the 'Silver Dome'. It was something huge for the Sports Entertainment.

I'm not saying that Steve Austin should host a mania but if he does then it certainly gonna be something that we can expect the unexpected!
What exactly do hosts do other than take up promo time and talk about how excited they are to be there? Do they actually add anything to the show? I'm genuinely asking.

Came here to post this. I personally was very bored by the opening segment of WMXXX. 1) Didn't start watching until 2002 so don't care about any of those 3 and 2) it's called WRESTLEMANIA lets have 3 guys stand around and shoot the shit for the first 20+ minutes. yawn.

I don't like the idea of a host for another reason, it seems like the whole night is their birthday party. The rock hosting whatever wm it was had terrible moments and ruined the main event. Say what you will about Miz but he was doing pretty well (other than that god awful jerry lawler title match ppv before) had great video package@ W.M and one bought into anything that happened in Main event bc we just KNEW Rock was going to do something.
I hate the idea of WM having 'hosts', The Rock wasted too much time yacking and yacking when he was the host, and Hogan clearly did not review his lines when he made the Silverdome mistake. That aside, hosts don't get me any more excited than I already am when I watch a PPV or even a tv episode. So much time has been wasted these past Wrestlemanias doing storyline recaps before every match and showing the Host backstage mingling with old timers that are making an appearance. Just have someone sing "America the Beautiful", but to the announcers welcoming the viewers and get straight to the matches. They could fit so much more talent on the bill if they dropped the silly stuff.
I don't see what it really does for us. These guys make appearances on the regular shows now and then. Only time I recall it being somewhat entertaining is when Hogan was in the ring with guys he hadn't stood in the ring with ie. Austin, Rock, Cena all at the same time. The Rock guest hosting WM27 wasn't a big deal. Him encountering Cena was. Guest hosts have done nothing for me, and I doubt it has for the majority.
I'm with quite a few of yous here. I don't care much for a WM host. I never liked it for the beginning it wasted to much valuable time. Sure, last years was alrightl but I didn't like the one that the Rock hosted. Call me old fashion, but I would prefer a traditional match to jerk the curtain at the beginning to kick off the show right after "America The Beautiful"

Now should their be a host perhaps have them out at the end of the first match.

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