Should someone have come out to help Bret?

The Kingpin

Dark Match Winner
So just now we saw Bret Hart get beat up and spit on when Bret attacked Big Vince and out of nowhere Batista shows up to help McMahon. When this happened the crowd erupted into Cena chants for 10-15 seconds not once but twice. Everyone at the arena expected the SuperMan of WWE to come out and make the save for Bret Hart. But nothing.

Now I know its hard for WWE to for-see who the crowed will want to come out, hell they could have chanted for Shawn Michaels but they picked the obvious in John Cena, and to be fair I was expecting Cena to come out and make the save, but again to no prevail.

Now my question is, Should WWE have made the possibility that either Shawn or Cena COULD come out, you know have them watch from the TitanTron and if the crowd wants it they get it or is it just to unpredictible to do it?
Yeah someone should of helped him. I actually thought Shawn Micheals was going to come out and help even though the crowd chanted for Cena. But I think it would make more since for Shawn to come out since he was a part of the srew job. But anyway yeah someone should've helped Bret Hart.
I believe that this is going to lead into a Batista VS John Cena match at WrestleMania as it was rumored.

To answer your question, no , no one should have helped Bret Hart, the feud is just getting bigger and having John Cena or HBK come out would just ruin the build up seeing as how EC is coming up and WrestleMania is still 2 months away.

On a side note Bret Hart was amazing tonight , except for when came out and starting attacking him, it seemed as if he was going for a Batista Bomb but Bret's jacket got in the way , so he gave him shots to the head but Bret's face was amazing when Batista held his arms and Vince spat on him.
Absolutely not, with 55 days till Mania there is plenty of time to build this up, even though we all know where this is going. I will say you could tell Batista was really giving weak shots to the face of Hart(for obvious reasons), on the other hand it looked like Bret was going to town on Vinces face. I am eagerly waiting to see how this is going to play out over the next few weeks once everyone is involved.
I was surprised to see Batista come out to help Vince at first, but now it makes sense. With the rumored Batista/John Cena match at WrestleMania, Batista coming out to help Vince made sense. Since it was Cena that talked Vince into letting Bret come back to confront him, and Cena was the one that eliminated Batista from the Rumble, it made perfect sense for Batista to come out and attack Bret. Anyway, NO, it was not necessary for someone to help out Bret. There's 55 days until WrestleMania, so they have PLENTY of time to build this up into the obvious Bret Hart/Vince McMahon match.
Yes, they should've had some come out and help Bret... But that's not the point of the story they are trying to tell at this point in time. As I was sitting there watching Batista (Why the heck was he brought into this anyway?!) I was hoping that Shawn would come out and help Bret, but then I reminded myself... That's not who Bret Hart is.... He is a man who can stand on his own two feet and fight his own battles. And the moral of this story is, that like a bottle of's better when it's a little bit aged. They, put this into the story tonight with Shawn Micheals. Shawn Micheals is a guy who up untill now, has been ageless....however... as time will come...many of the younger wrestlers are going to point out to Shawn that he is almost 45 years old and it might be time for him to slow down a little. Shawn will disagree with them and will prove to them they are all wrong. They are setting up for Shawn Micheals to go into wrestlemania this year with a big match where he will come out victourious! Same will go with Mr. Hart.... Bret Hart will leave the WWE ring for the last time as he looks over his shoulder at Vince Machan, lying in the middle of the ring, bloodied, and unconious. Shortly after Wrestlemania, Vince will call Bret out for a rematch...but Bret will deny him one.
As everyone has mentioned, it looks like WWE is setting up Batista/Vince vs. Cena/Bret for WrestleMania. I'm not particularly fond of this arrangement or the way this angle has been developed whatsover.

To answer the question, should someone have come out to help Bret Hart while he was being attacked by Batista and Vince? No.

WWE's objective for this week's segment and the January 4th segment is to make Vince (and now his muscle, Batista) an even bigger villain. Of course's he's going to make Bret Hart look defenseless.

Tonight's Raw established Batista as McMahon's hired gun; the coming weeks can be used to develop the Cena/Bret Hart alliance. Besides, if Cena were to come out immediately after the Batista attack, it takes the emphasis away from Bret vs. Vince and sort of suggests an underlying feud between Batista/Cena for reasons other than the Bret Hart situation.

They've got time to set this up. And as WWE has demonstrated, they like to take their sweet time with this angle, to the point where it loses most of its momentum before they take it up again.
I agree without Cena or HBK coming out it lets the feud build. But why the fck wouldn't Cena come out if he was in the building. It just doesn't make sense. they should have shown Cena leaving or something. With his schedule it's easy to say he needs to leave asap to make it to whatever. I mean are we really to believe that not ONE wrestler wouldn't have run out to help Bret Hart? I'd be happy with the midget even.
It looked to me that Bret was fighting against taking the Batista Bomb so they did the punches instead. Dave did have an annoyed look on his face. I was actually surprised to hear the Cena chants...I can't remember the last time I ever heard chants for him without heavy booing mixed in. While I was watching it, I was thinking how cool it would be to see Shawn come out to help Bret. I know it wouldn't make sense with Shawn's current self-absorbed, obsessed with the Undertaker story, but it would've been good to see.

I wish they had indeed showed Cena coming to make the save. The way it ended, it seems pretty inconceivable that with all the flack the wrestlers had given McMahon about Bret, that not one would try to make a save.

On another note, Bret still looks a bit frail to me. Hopefully, he is able to put on a decent performance in his match.
For the purposes of building the Bret Hart/Vince story for Wrestlemania, I would say no, Bret Hart should not have been saved. It also builds into next week as now we have to tune it to see what the reactions will be.

It would have been nice to see the Hart Dynasty make an appearance, though... ah well.
A save wasn't necessary. Bret is pretty much going to continue to get more or less beatdown until Wrestlemania, which is when he'll finally get McMahon to himself and beat the hell out of him. Itll play out exactly like a super hero movie, with the good guy getting his ass kicked the throughout then pulling it off somehow at the end.

It won't be vince vs bret, but rather as others have said, cena w/ bret vs batista w/ vince, and after cena wins he will basically feed mcmahon to bret, who will beat the living hell out of him and strap on the sharpshooter for a long ass time.

That will be 1 of the most amazing, if not the most amazing, moment in recent Wrestlemania history with mcmahon out cold most likely, and cena and bret celebrating in the ring together. This is also a good way to get cena over with wrestling purists which is obviously what WWE needs for their top babyface.
When Batista ran into the ring and attacked Bret I kinda cringed and thought... Bill Goldberg. Batista isn't the safest in the ring by no means but if Cena/Batista is the goal then great. I still hope that its not Vince in 1 corner and Bret in the other because that would be a crock for payoff. I think Bret attacking Vince though was way too early. If its 55 days to Wrestlemania I think they could have held off them coming into contact like that for a while. Id rather have had Bret take off his jacket and approach Vince to attack him only to ahve Batista ambush him and have Vince spit in Bret's face. Oh well way better build than last time they were together. I definitely hope they keep Bret off air for a few weeks or atleast have Vince and Bret avoid any form of contact for a while or they'll overexpose the angle. I just hope in the end Bret gets his revenge with no other help like a Cena or Michaels run in.
I think it should be a tag match w/ The Dr. and The Hitman vs The Animal and The Chairman as I don't think Bret could do a 1 on 1. Tonight w/ nobody coming in to save Bret looked like That it took 2 people to take him out which makes Bret look good as strong. does anybody remember Cena-Batista 1 it sucked maybe if it's a tag it'll be alot bettr. So in conclusion I dont think nobody should saved Bret.
No one should have came out and helped Hitman. If someone came out to help it would have been too soon. We have a while until Mania and it gives this angle some more build. I believe in the end Cena will be the one to help Hart, but I'd love for it to be HBK and have him come to Hitman's aid. Hitman will finally get his revenge on McMahon, which will most likely happen at Mania after whoever helps Hart gets McMahon to him.
For a second it actually looked like Bret was gonna get set up for a Botchtista Bomb. I was like, "WTF? Didn't Dave get the memo that Bret can take any bumps?"

Honesty, this storyline is already wearing thin on me. Knowing Bret can't do much in the ring kind of kills it for me and adding Batista and Cena isn't adding anything to it.

They might as well have had Cena come in and do a save. If the end goal is to have Bret and Cena together and Cena had already interjected himself into the storyline the week before, it seems odd that Cena didn't come in for the save.
The only thing that comes to mind is that Bret was always prepared, he was the "Hitman". I thought they would have had him with the Hart Dynasty as back up. We all know there are alot of Harts and it would bring a better family dynamic to the tag team and a HUGE pop for saving Bret.
Not yet but it will probably happen. I hope it is not Cena tho. I don`t think Cena-Batista really fits into this 12 years old feud.

I think HHH turning on Michaels(for burying the hatchet) and having HHH-Michaels with Bret and Vince in a respective corner would have been more fitting. But Cena? Batista? I can`t really connect them with Montreal and everything. But really excellent segment last night.
I think the reason Bret didnt get the Batista bomb was what he had stated earlier, he had suffered a stroke a few years back, and even though it's looking like a street fight between hart and mcmahon at WM, I doubt they wanted to take a chance of Bret getting hurt doing a huge spot like a BB. but thats just my opinion
I was at the live event last night with my wife. Oh, and by the way....first time post, long time lurker! I've enjoyed reading the forums for a while now and this really prompted me to join!

But anyways....

Like I said, my wife and I were there last night and let me tell you, it had a "Pay-Per-View" atmosphere. I don't know if it's because WWE hasn't been to Nashville in a while or if it was the fact that the Royal Rumble was the night before. But the crowd was really energized. Great stuff! After the camera's turned off, and i've sent the main site a report via email about this, Cena did come out and help Bret. It scattered Batista and Vince. Eventually, Cena helped Bret up and Bret saluted the crowd with major POPS!!!! He then walked up the ramp, shaking hands and stuff as he goes, and salutes everyone at the top again. Huge POP! again!! Cena is still in the ring and Justin steps in and announces a match. It's Cena vs Sheamus for the WWE Championship! This was a knock down drag out fight from start till Batista got in the middle of it again. Sheamus was knocked out and outside the ring while Batista was man handling Cena. Eventually, Batista managed to get the bottom half of the aluminum ring steps into the ring and he managed to "Batista Bomb" Cena on them. That was horrible looking straight up. I just hurt watching it. Batista eventually left the ring and Justin announces that Cena won by DQ, but the title doesn't change hands. Sheamus gets up and starts taunting the crowd and Cena wakes up just in time to give Sheamus an "Attitude Adjustment" which got a huge loud POP! from the crowd. At that time, it was pretty much over. Sheamus eventually got his belt and left the ring, Cena did his thing with saluting the crowd and Justin thanked everyone and off we went. I don't have a voice today thanks to last night! LOL!! Hope this creates some interesting conversation!

Take care everyone!!

Michael Davis
It'd be better if Bret actually got beaten down for a good couple of weeks before someone else is introduced into the fued. Make the fans think there's literally no hope for Bret until the fortnight before WM and then have Cena (assuming that's who'll help Bret) do a run-in save. That way we won't know all the elements of the fued until right at the very end of the build, and we won't get bored of watching everyone waste time on Raw, talking about wrestling each other in a month and a half's time.
This whole thing is crazy, though. First, I remember reading that Bret can't even take bumps, let alone do any kind of work in the ring, even a street fight with Vince.

Second, and I know a lot of people have wide and varying opinions on this, I think Bret sold himself out.

Yes, everyone has a right to make money and earn a living. But, all we've heard from hart over the last 12 freakin' years was Montreal this and Montreal that.

He says he was screwed and humiliated, and yet, last night allowed himself to be humiliated beyond belief. Couldn't you just hear Vince orgasm in his pants when he spit on Bret? I'll bet he's been waiting to do that for years.

It almost makes the screwjob look like a work.

The only thing I can see happening here is Bret going over the edge, storyline wise. Perhaps he'll get a stable together to combat Vince.

I was surprised Trips didn't come out and help Bret. It almost seems like they're teasing a HHH/Batista match at WM. Cena's hurt, and we know Shawn will fight Taker, so Trips would have been the logical choice.

I wonder how much rep Bret will lose in Canada over this.
Cena came out to help Bret after Raw went off the air to send the fans home happy.

Nobody should of helped him on TV, it was an effective way of getting the fans solidly behind Hart because people under about 19 won't remember him.

They should humilate him for the next couple of weeks on TV, (perhaps bring out a midget dressed as Hart ala Shawn Michaels), and someone should come out to save Bret the night after the elimination chamber when they're about to force him to join the kiss my ass club. John Cena is the most likely, although I'd rather see HBK or The Undertaker make the save. It would also be awesome if Stone Cold came back to help Hart.
Personally id love to see Anvil come back but...i know that kind of thought process doesnt fly in this era of wrestling. But to me guys like Bret, Anvil...just one of a kind.

Just for the fun factor really, thats what i miss about wrestling the fun of seeing your favorites come to the aid of their buddies and vice versa...or seeing that out of no where name to come help.

But i can see it now, that audience wouldnt know what to do if Anvil ran out.

Edit: Or ironically, would love to see Michaels involved in this and be on Harts side.
No, nobody should have come out to help Bret. Wrestlemania isn't until march 28th. They have plenty of time to build this angle before the time comes for the big match. It's better that they develop it slowly so that fans won't think it has become "too old" by Wrestlemania. WWE leaving questions unanswered makes some fans more likely to keep watching next week's show to see what happens. The fans who are wondering what Batista's involvement was, who could side with Bret, and (most importantly) what happens next, will all be watching next week to find out. It makes a lot of sense to do it this way rather than develop the angle too much too soon. A storyline that takes a long time to develop but keeps you asking for more is far better than a short complicated one that does too much too quickly, and that's it's better that no one has come out to help Hart yet.
I don't get the reasoning here. We have a face come out and rescue Bret, and then what? The faces win and we have celebrations all the way up until Wrestlemania because the faces won? This is wrestling, and sometimes the bad guys have to win. That makes their eventual downfall so much more interesting. People only cared about Austin beating up McMahon because he had been such an evil boss before hand. By establishing the heels as this evil force that can't be stopped, it will make Bret eventual triumph all the more sweeter.

Come on this is Wrestling 101.

I said it in the Raw LD and I'll say it again now, I am damn sure that this will lead to Cena vs Batista, and I saw it as soon as Cena cut his promo last week. You have two of the biggest superstars in the company, both groomed for greatness and finally, ones heel whilst the other is face. We'll have Cena representing Bret and Batista representing McMahon. However, they can't have Cena just come out and clear house every week. We'd get bored in two weeks, and Wrestlemania is still months away. No one should have helped Bret, and no one should until they're ready to pull the trigger on the feud. Let him get beat up a bit more.

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