Should Shawn Michaels become "The Holy Taker" again?

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Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Last year during the buildup for the Michaels VS Taker match, and again for his entrance at Wrestlemania 25, one of my personal favorite moments was when HBK did a "Holy" parody of Undertaker's entrance and outfit. The whole "Heaven VS Hell" theme for last year's match was awesome and they could use it again in this year's sequel, even though they already billed it as "Streak VS Career". I personally think that this should be done again. It was really great last year and I would really like to see it again because it was one of the coolest things HBK has ever done. What are your thoughts?

Now, my question for you is this.... Should Michaels become "The Holy Taker" again this year? Do you agree or disagree, and why?

I don't know really.
I completely agree with you, It was absolutely awesome to see Shawn walk out as the holy version of The Undertaker.
But again, I don't think this feud in itself will be over the whole "will light conquer darkness" which was pretty much a thing that the whole 2009 feud revolved around.
So I don't really see the relevance in Shawn walking out dressed as the Undertaker, because Shawn isn't going to be cutting a promo on the whole god vs the devil concept which was basically what he did the first time.
So I don't think we will be seeing a holy Shawn Michaels once again, I simply don't see it fitting into this feud.
Besides, Shawn used pretty much 2-3 weeks cutting promos that were either the holy Undertaker thing, the Undertaker funeral, and the graveyard thing, yet we have 2 weeks till Wrestlemania, so if we wanna see something proper based around that, WWE has damn sure better hurry up.
I don't see it as being neccessary to this fued.

My personal interpretation of that aspect of last year's angle, was HBK mocking Taker in order to get inside his head. Considering that prior to WM25 HBK had never lost to Taker, it seemed like HBK was saying:

"You've spread darkness to the WWE for years, but you've never been able to extinguish my light. At WM25, my light will burn brighter than ever before, and your darkness will be gone forever."

To which Taker responded by saying, 'Sometimes it's hell, trying to get to heaven' which to me translated to, "Even if you get the win at WM, you're still going to be a battered, crippled mess by the time i'm finished with you."

This time around it's all focused on HBKs obsession with ending the streak. He's done countless things that no one else is likely to achieve, except this. HBK needs to absolve the doubt and fear that he's dealing with as a result of losing to the Deadman cleanly. He's facing the same sort of emotions that Flair did before he hung up his boots.

"Can i still hang with the big boys? Is it time to walk away, or do i still have the energy and will to reach the top of the mountain and stay there?"

So this year, instead of having both of WMs MVPs squaring off to determine which is superior at the 'Showcase of the Immortals', it's now all about HBK proving to himself that he can still go, and rather than go for a title or something, he'd rather plunge head first into battle with an opponent that has never been defeated in this scenario, and i don't see where the 'Holy Taker' parody would fit into an angle that features a lot more serious emotional elements such as this one.
I don't think it's necessary for HBK to become the Holy Taker again. It was cool during their match last year, and personally I think HBK's Holy Taker entrance was his best Wrestlemania entrance. I don't think we'll see the Holy Taker again. Since HBK's career is on the line, we'll probably see him have a more serious demeanor similar to how he was during his feud with Jericho a couple of years ago. I wouldn't even be surprised if we didn't see the usual HBK entrance. He'll probably come out slow and calm, say his prayer, and get into the ring.

I would like to see "The Holy Taker" again, but I don't feel like it's necessary for this match. Last time the whole heaven VS hell thing was cool, but this time around things have changed.
I don't think it's needed. Last year's feud was almost the "Light vs Darkness". This one isn't. This is more of a pride issue for Shawn as opposed to doing something he feels is needed. This HAS to be done in Shawn's mind. I think the "Light Undertaker" was a great selling point last year. By doing that again it would make many fans groan since it's the same thing as last year but also making it seem like Shawn's career being on the line would be a backstory and not as important.
Nah, I don't think so. It was a unique concept last year and it directly related to the buildup of their WM match. Last years match was more about Light vs Dark/Heaven vs Hell, rather than just the streak. This year is different, and it's all about Streak vs Career, and I think the buildup should stick to that. Plus if they do some of the same stuff as last year, it will just seem unoriginal and repetitive.

I do agree with you though, HBK as the "Holy Taker" was awesome.
It's not needed, last year it was because that is what their feud was about, light vs. dark, good vs. evil, Heaven and Hell, so it fit last year and it was awesome. However it doesn't fit this year at all. This is about good and evil again, it's purely Michaels trying to end the streak and prove he can beat the Undertaker. So it would be silly for Michaels to come out as "Holy Taker" again. So now he shouldn't become that character again. What he needs to become is just Shawn Michaels, even his entrance will be serious I think.
With everyone screaming bloody murder about this rematch I think putting him back in that "character" would only lead to further comparison. I truly do feel that they intend on doing a very different match with a different build. The battle of dark vs light was, as mentioned above, used to show how Shawn had always outlasted Taker. He was always able to slide through the darkness and win. This year, we were seeing an almost crazy HBK bound and determined to get his rematch. Now, that he has, he is calm, cool, and collected. Personally, I wanted to see them push Shawn into the "dark". I thought that would have been a great contrast. Shawn goes where no one else has in order to beat Taker. He goes into Takers world, remains somewhat crazy, and talks to Taker as Taker often talks to others. That, IMO, was the best direction.

While I loved last years build, I don't think it is necessary again this year. It was a fantastic promo on Smackdown and a fantastic entrance at WM. They need something new this year. It should be of high importance for them to seperate this match as much as possible from last years as far as direction. We need to see something different, in build and match so that it doesn't appear to be the same thing two years in a row.
Shawn Michaels' entrance last year was awesome, right up there with the best Wrestlemania entrances of all time.

However for this year I don't see any reason why it would be repeated. As mentioned above, the focus of this feud isn't "Light v Dark" as it was at Wrestlemania 25. Instead, it's centred around Shawn's obsession with proving to himself (and the world) that he can end the streak, and also the fact that one of the greatest careers of all time is now on the line.

For this year's entrance I'd love to see Shawn just walking to the ring, no dancing, jumping around or playing to the crowd, just a fixed stare as he makes his way down the aisle towards the squared circle.
Shawn Michaels' entrance last year was awesome, right up there with the best Wrestlemania entrances of all time.

However for this year I don't see any reason why it would be repeated. As mentioned above, the focus of this feud isn't "Light v Dark" as it was at Wrestlemania 25. Instead, it's centred around Shawn's obsession with proving to himself (and the world) that he can end the streak, and also the fact that one of the greatest careers of all time is now on the line.

For this year's entrance I'd love to see Shawn just walking to the ring, no dancing, jumping around or playing to the crowd, just a fixed stare as he makes his way down the aisle towards the squared circle.

But you know this "might" be Shawn's last match..EVER!!! He shouldn't just do a regular walk into the ring.
He knows that this might be the last time we will see his entrances maybe something unique perhaps?
I think he shouldn't do the holy undertaker entrance, I would like to see the attire and entrance he used for Wrestlemania XX or 21, maybe even how he used to swing in from top on a rope?? pretty cool huh
No. Last year they ruined a great wrestlemania entrance by doing it on the RAW just prior to WM. I would have been more impressed had the entrance been done first at WM.
This years bout doesn't have that same feel to it. I think they've done a good job of recognizing last years match, yet building something different this time. It'd be nice to see something different to further establish that distinction.
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