Should Rick Derringer and Jim Johnston Be Inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame?


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Admittedly, I was quite torn as to which section to put this into, as this could be relevant to either the WWE or the Old Section. However, I decided because I'm also dealing with Rick Derringer, who no longer has any affiliation with the WWE.

First is the obvious, Jim Johnston. For those that don't know, Johnston is the composer to most of the themes you hear, and all of the classics that used to accompany wrestlers. Sexy Boy? Yeah, you bet your ass that was Johnston. Hitman, Warrior, Yokozuna's theme? Yeah, it was that guy, too. Of course, the guy does have a case of horrifying stage fright, so it may be difficult for him to take public accolades. Still, it's hard to deny the man put hard work and dedication into the business. Granted, he isn't a real worker, and to the best of my knowledge, those that work backstage with the production aspect of the show never get inducted. Still, for this case, I really believe you can make an exception for this man, and put him into the Hall of Fame, based on his entire body of work he's had with the WWE.

Which brings me to Rick Derringer. Yes, he doesn't have much to do with the WWE, and really, he'd be more of a celebrity wing. Still, this man is absolutely tied to WWE history. How, you ask? I think this should give you a good idea...


Yes, he was the same man that created "Real American". Now, I realize there's no way he'll be inducted as long as Hogan works for TNA. Still, I think this theme had plenty to do with us identifying with Hulk Hogan. Hell, if you took a Pavlovian test, and sought out who would react accordingly to this song, you'd find everybody marking the fuck out at the thought of seeing The Hulkster. Also, the guy did create The Demolition song, which I'm on record to being a large mark for. I realize it's only two songs, but it's easily identifiable with the Era, really intertwined with the WWE's history. If it had been anyone else, really, I would probably just drop the topic. But it was Hogan, and when people associate music to eras, this is the one that would symbolize the 80s.

I realize technical folk rarely, if ever, get into the WWE Hall of Fame. But given the significance of both of these men to our television shows, and the house shows we went to, would you put Jim Johnston and Rick Derringer in the Hall of Fame?

Just remember.... :hogan:
Jim Johnston definitely deserves a part in the HOF for his work... he's probably the unsung hero of the WWF era... Derringer I could see being inducted as part of Demolition's induction for the theme...

As for other musicians not really, otherwise you'd induct Strauss for Flairs theme or Beethoven for them using the 9th for Trips all those years ago... Motorhead will get it when Trips does... but no one else has done a theme that merits it...
They inducted a baseball announcer who worked 1 wrestlemania, so I say, why the fuck not?

You make excellent cases for both, and it would shed some light on a side of the WWE that we don't hear much of and honor two guys who worked hard and did great things for the company.

Sign me up!
I say why not...Bob Uecker is in, Pete Rose is far as Hogan being with TNA is concerned the theme was orignally composed with the US Express in mind (Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo) so that leaves WWE with an out to use. Of course everyone associates it with Hogan but it would still be a nice tip of the cap to Derringer and Johston to let them in. Heck Derringer covered Rock & Roll Hoochie Coo with McMahon, Okerlund and I think Jimmy Hart so he did more than theme music and Real American.
Jim Johnston without doubt should be inducted into the hall of fame. He's done the majority of the wrestler's themes, and until recently did most of the promo music. He's the most famous composer in all of wrestling history and has earned his spot in the hall of fame.
Jim Johnston is a no brainer and should definitely be inducted into the HOF. He created some of the most memorable theme songs and a lot of those themes were instrumental in getting certain talent over (most notable would be the Ultimate Warrior, his theme and entrance were his best attributes), not only that he had a real knack for creating theme songs that perfectly encapsulated said wrestlers personalities, like Mr. Perfects theme song. Jim Johnston should be inducted soon, and should probably be in there already.

Rick Derringer wasn't a big part of the WWE but like you said he did create IMO the 2 best wrestling theme songs of all time in Demolition and Real American, and for that he deserves to be in the hall of fame in my opinion. If the WWE will put in someone like Pete Rose for getting tombstoned, they should put Derringer in there, he definitely did more for the wrestling business than Pete Rose ever did. Derringer should wait until they put more HOF worthy people in there, but Johnston should be put in ASAP. Either way they both should be in there.

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