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Should Rey Mysterio even bother returning?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Look, it would be a great tragedy to fail to recognize the accomplishments of Rey Mysterio, Jr. on the world of wrestling. The contributions of Mysterio have been wondrous. I never imagined back when I was watching WCW in 2000 that Rey Mysterio: Giant Killer would be WWE World Champion. We all love Mysterio, but there is a massive problem with him right now.

The problem now though is he CAN'T stay healthy to build any sort of momentum. His most recent run with Sin Cara as a tag team was cool. I liked it. It was nice. It's either an injury or some kind of beef outside the ring. Whether it is steroids, family or whatever. Whether it is avoidable or not, Mysterio can't stay in the ring. Watching him come back and get hurt so quickly after watching him fly for so long is disheartening for me. It is like watching the little engine that could run out of gas or watching it's wheels fall off.

It's not like Rey Mysterio has anything to prove. It's not like he isn't a wrestling icon who has a job wherever and whenever he wants one. What do you say? Time for Mysterio to hang up the boots once and for all before something forces him to and we are forced to remember him that way?
I feel that Rey Mysterio has definitely lost his luster up to this point. He's not hot, he's barely relevant, and nobody cares or is talking about him. The only thing that would keep him the least relevant is his fans, which are mostly kids. Other than that, his best days are behind him IMO.
As much as I love Rey, I have to agree that he's not really needed in WWE anymore. The only thing left for him to do is to vs Sin Cara. I wanted it to happen at WM29 but obviously it didn't so either as soon as Summerslam, maybe Survivor Series, or the latest at WM30 would be perfect. He's had a hell of a career!
I hope he comes back and turns heel to feud vs Sin Cara. Rey turning heel would be huge! This would be as big a back stab to the fans as Hulk Hogan's turn to the NWO.

I'd say that it would be bigger than Cena turning heel. B/c I think Cena already is one. Story line wise Cena is still a face, but the crowd reaction is still heel. He is an evolution of Kurt Angle's heel character, where the Olympic athlete probably should be a face but the crowd hates him.

But back to Rey going heel. He is too injury prone to stay with the lucha style. If he wants to continue his career, he needs to ditch the high flying moves or get ready for one last retirement match. Turning heel would keep him relevant and allows for a storyline excuse for changing his moveset.

By dialing back the high flying moves, he can protect himself better and not have the crowd cheering for him instead of booing. Most of his matches end on a roll up and now he can cheat by holding tights to win.

I can see him finally joining CM Punk after their Straight Edge Society feud. Now Heyman can cut promos for him. And with Rey in the stable w/ Brock, Rey can be an anti enforcer for CM Punk on nights when he doesn't have a match. Ref gets distracted then Rey runs in w/ a quick 619 on Punk's opponent. Then Punk gets the win. Everybody boos.
I hope he comes back and turns heel to feud vs Sin Cara. Rey turning heel would be huge! This would be as big a back stab to the fans as Hulk Hogan's turn to the NWO.

I'd say that it would be bigger than Cena turning heel. B/c I think Cena already is one. Story line wise Cena is still a face, but the crowd reaction is still heel. He is an evolution of Kurt Angle's heel character, where the Olympic athlete probably should be a face but the crowd hates him.

But back to Rey going heel. He is too injury prone to stay with the lucha style. If he wants to continue his career, he needs to ditch the high flying moves or get ready for one last retirement match. Turning heel would keep him relevant and allows for a storyline excuse for changing his moveset.

By dialing back the high flying moves, he can protect himself better and not have the crowd cheering for him instead of booing. Most of his matches end on a roll up and now he can cheat by holding tights to win.

I can see him finally joining CM Punk after their Straight Edge Society feud. Now Heyman can cut promos for him. And with Rey in the stable w/ Brock, Rey can be an anti enforcer for CM Punk on nights when he doesn't have a match. Ref gets distracted then Rey runs in w/ a quick 619 on Punk's opponent. Then Punk gets the win. Everybody boos.

Bro, I feel ya. It's WAY too late for Mysterio to turn heel. He just isn't in that part of his career. He's never been a massive talker and his in ring style is where he tells his stories. You want to take that away from him? Not only that, but is the guy even remotely threatening as a brawler or a technician? It's asking for too much at the wrong time in his career. The heel turn would have been cool in 04 or so before his knees went downhill. We'll always have the dream man.
No he shouldn't.

He's not healthy enough to do a full time run and he's not big enough to be a part-timer that draws any money. What could happen is that if the WWE's in San Diego or in Mexico, maybe have him show for a house show and go from there.

But as far as a full-time wrestler, he shouldn't bother coming back.

He's feuded with pretty much everyone on the roster and to be honest, he's losing a few steps and his major draw is jumping around like he's got springs in his shoes. Those springs have since worn down, so I don't see a way he comes back and is productive.
Rey has been around wrestling for a long time, and I don't think there's much if anything left for him to accomplish. He should come back for one last run and a send-off.
I think Mysterio’s time is up. He’s 38 years old. That’s not really old in the wrestling world but Mysterio has been wrestling for over twenty years and with his high risk style it must feel like twice as long on his body. I appreciate Mysterio but his inconsistency is annoying. It’s hard to get excited about him coming back when I expect him to be on the shelf again sooner than later. Not only is his body wearing down but Rey’s heart doesn’t seem to be in wrestling as much as it used to. He’s had a fantastic career and at 5’6 did an incredible job of overcoming the odds to be extremely successful in WWE for over a decade. I think it’s safe to say Mysterio accomplished way more than he set out to when he began his career. There is nothing left for Rey. I don’t think anyone cares about a match with Sin Cara anymore and a heel turn would just not work. The time is right to walk away while he still can walk.
Most fans notice how great Mysterio once was. His work was innovative at a time when innovation in that high flying style was just starting to get major attention in wrestling. Anyone who seen his run in WCW notice his current problem. He just cannot stay healthy and seems to be injury prone. He cannot work long enough to remain relevant or start anything long-term. If at this point in time Mysterio cannot perform at the level he once used to, it's time to call it quits.
Maybe he needs the money but he is a spent force in my mind

whatever he does, heel or face, i could care less.

He was amazing, back in the day, his matches with Angle were topclass

If he comes back now, all he will get is squashed by behemoths and his body will last exactly 4 months in that arena
He can part-time. His merch still sells well, or at least the masks, and he's got a devoted fanbase. He shouldn't work a full schedule, but keep him handy for tours of Mexico and visits to areas with a large Hispanic population. He can put young guys over, still give getting Sin Cara over a shot, and set himself up for an early retirement and a legends deal or backstage job.
Man I hate to say it, but yeah it is time for Rey to step away. I remember watching Rey in my teens and never saw anything like him. The fact is, I just can't get excited about his returns anymore because I know it isn't going to last long. His style has really taken its toll on his body. I really hope he is financially stable because he deserves to step back and enjoy his family after all of these years of entertaining us. The only real feud for him that is left would be to go against Sin Cara, and no one even cares about that at this point. I think Rey should come back have his moment with the fans and then step away. It's time.
classic! i hate rey mysterio. so no, he shouldn't bother. maybe if he had of been part of the 2001 invasion i would of liked him. if there is a cruiserweight show on WWE channel, it should revolve around Rey.
In my opinion, I'd say no. As has been pointed out, Mysterio just doesn't seem to be able to stay all that healthy. Mysterio's knees have been giving him problems for the last 5 or 6 years now especially, and it's just gotten worse the past couple. He's been wrestling since he was in his mid teens and his style is a very fast paced, high flying Lucha Libre style that's more common in Mexico. As he's gotten older, he's altered his style somewhat and has incorporated more storytelling while still keeping a good number of flashy moves. But the damage, as evident, has already long since been done.

If all the various reports are true, then Mysterio does make a lot of money for WWE in merchandise. Kids & adults by his stuff and have been buying his stuff for years. He's someone that's able to significantly add to WWE's revenue, which is why I think he's still ultimately with them. It's also said that Mysterio is one of the highest paid guys on the roster and that has to be something that's sort of irritating at least some officials in the company right now. It has to be a bit of a sore spot to pay someone as much as Mysterio when he's simply not able to perform.

I just think the guy's time is about up. Something will eventually have to give because I don't see WWE continuing to put up with Mysterio working for 6 weeks then having to be out injured for 6 months while making top dollar. I see them either offering Mysterio a very reduced schedule at much less money, Mysterio getting hurt & being forced to retire or tensions reach a breaking point in which Mysterio leaves the company altogether.
I really see no point in him coming back, at least not as a full-time in ring competitor. His injuries & constant contract holdouts have him consistently out of action, he can't really do the fast pace style matches he's known for on a nightly basis due to all the years of damage down to his body, at this point it's just not worth it for him or WWE.

WWE would just be better off signing him to a Legends deal, & just have a do a few appearances here & there, maybe role him out as an occasional surprise entry into the RR, or to work a few matches when they head down to Mexico, stuff like that. He can still help the company but his in ring career for the most part is over.
I'd agree and say that he shouldn't have one last proper run but he does deserve one last match. I'd have him return and let him feud, if only for a month, with someone younger who could retire him. That would be beneficial in many different ways.
He can part-time. His merch still sells well, or at least the masks, and he's got a devoted fanbase.

Now, that's a good idea, if Rey insists on continuing his active career. My problem with the way he's booked concerns him chopping down giants and being in the mix for the world title, which he has been in past years. As far as I can see, the only reason he's been out of the title loop for the last couple has been the damn injuries; you just can't count on any continuity from him since he's always a short step away from a long absence that obliterates any momentum he's built up.

But on a part time basis, he can do his 619s (people hate Cena for being stale, but they love Rey?:confused:). He can thrill the kiddies who buy his merchandise.....and don't care whom he's in the ring with, anyway. He can be kept out of the storyline and left to do what he does best; have larger men rush into position to be devastated by his high-flying offensive moves.

What to pay him? We've always read that Rey has a career-long gripe about compensation, so something would have to be worked out. He can't realistically expect to be one of the highest paid performers if he's on a part-time schedule. Still, the amount of merchandise he sells must be taken into account.

Let the little guy work on commission: more pay for more play. If he's out with one of his numerous injuries, he doesn't have to drain the company coffers while he sits at home re-habbing.
I hate Rey. I've always hated Rey. He sucks on the mic, he's shorter then my girlfriend, and I just can never see him being a real threat to anyone.

At this stage in his career, his body is done. He'll come back and be hurt again within a month or 2. That's been his gimmick the last 3-4 years.

It's time for Rey to hang 'em up.
The problem now though is he CAN'T stay healthy to build any sort of momentum. His most recent run with Sin Cara as a tag team was cool. I liked it.

Yikes. If you were Rey Mysterio, why would you want to come back at this point? To team with Sin Cara in a jobber tag team? No thank you, I'd say.

I remember a time when Rey was a Friday night staple. Whether I watched it that night or YouTubed it the next day, more often then not the thing I looked forward to most on the show was a match or segment involving Rey Mysterio. Along with Chris Jericho, he helped bring prestige back to the IC Title with a great series of matches that encompassed the spring of 2010. Unfortunately, that was 3 years ago.

What could Rey possibly have left in his knee? As someone who's had multiple knee surgeries(5) in my right knee, and had it replaced last year, I still am extremely limited in what I can do, exercise wise. I can use an elliptical, but I can't run or play sports. While I know Rey hasn't had a full replacement, he's had virtually everything else done to his knee but.

For selfish reasons, I'd love to see Rey return on a full-time basis, as a single's competitor, and specifically, a challenger to Dolph Ziggler. Again, this is based on the memory of his matches with Ziggler from 4 years ago. But how does it benefit Rey? Does he need the money so badly that would necessitate a return? If not, why risk putting his knee through more?

Rey is 38, so while he's at the point where he's getting up there, he's hardly old. At this point, if I were both Rey and WWE, I'd use him as a special attraction. Put him in a feud for a title with a heel needing to get over, have a couple of solid matches, and have the Shield put him on the shelf.

It was nice. It's either an injury or some kind of beef outside the ring. Whether it is steroids, family or whatever.

If it were steroids, WWE would have to report it, and it would become public knowledge. They report to shareholders, so just like with Randy Orton, any "time away" due to a Wellness Policy Violation would have to be announced publicly. But I digress.

Personally, I miss Rey. There's no one even remotely whose stepped up and filled his shoes as a high-flyer, and I've always found him to be incredibly charismatic and a better talker then most give him credit for. But if he's simply fighting to come back and he's only 60-70% healthy, let him do so as a special attraction. I'm not saying people will be anticipating a Rey match the way they do Undertaker, but sometimes, less is more.

If Rey can give 2-3 great matches a year without risking further injury, it could be something special.
No rey should not bother coming back. Rey Rey is undoubtedly the greatest high flyer of all time. At only 5'6 175 he set the standards for small men that will never be equaled. At 38 which isnt old by any stretch but the style which he wrestles at for over twenty years he is done as done can be. No one talks about him anymore no one misses him and he is paid way too much for be a non-factor.

I have said this time and time again WWE needs to do one of two things. Out right cut him or sign him to a legends deal! I want his last match to be at WM30 where he puts over someone. I just dont see Rey Rey coming back and even if he does when does he go back to the injury list? I dont want that for him and im sure rey doesnt want that for himself.

His knees are shot he is at least two steps slower than he used to be. Please Rey we are all beggin you retire and walk away when you are still able to walk.
Rey is at the end of the line, and truth be told, he's been there for some time now. I could see Rey coming back for sporadic runs. Maybe wrestling a match at Wrestlemania, Extreme Rules, or Summerslam. Rey won't have the big time box office draw status of Lesnar, but he's a big enough name to create some buzz.

Mysterio can't work a regular schedule anymore, and it's that simple.
I can't see any significant reason for Mysterio to come back, other than money.

His best days, as was stated before, are far behind him and watching him wrestle now is almost like watching a heavily choreographed circus act. Don't get me wrong, he was once one of my favourite superstars to watch growing up, particularly during his first World Title run. Nowadays however, he just doesn't shine as bright.

The only reason I want him to bring back is to either pass the torch/give the rub to Del Rio (who still isn't over enough) or to mentor Sin Cara (so he doesn't kill himself).

If not, just hang up the mask Rey.
Honestly I think WWE should cut him from his contract. If they want to continue using him, they can pay him on a per appearance basis. Let him be the surprise entry for the Royal Rumble, or let him be the "guest host" for RAW, or let him have a short match on the milestone episodes like the 1100th episode of RAW or the 15th anniversary of SmackDown. But I don't think he can be a full time wrestler any more.
While I enjoy Rey, I'd rather see him be able to walk around for a bit more than in a wheelchair. Rey's had a pretty damn good career, World Heavyweight Championship, a token WWE Championship win, good run in the tag division with several partners in both WWE and WCW, two time Intercontinental Champion, three time WWE Cruiserweight Champion plus five times in WCW.. His WM21 match against Eddie I greatly enjoy and liked, and his match at ONS against Sabu is memorable especially the end of it. All in all, he should have no major regrets about his career. Maybe one half decent run putting someone over and a solid retirement match at one of the big four, maybe involving the RR and being one of the last four.

It's time to take the Mask off.

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