Should NXT go to 2 hours (eventually)


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While the show was very enjoyable I felt it had a feeling of being rushed which didn't usually come over when I watched the 1 hour ECW.

It's pretty simply to keep track of time issues because we know there are 8 rookies and 8 pros.

The show had an opening segment with Miz/Daniel, a tag team match with Carlito/Christian, a quick squash match with Punk's guy, and the main event with Bryan and Jericho not to mention a handful of video promos.

It's very noticeable that Hardy and Regal's guys were completely left off of the show.

While an hour is fine at the moment while WWE test the waters to see if people actually like this show (reviews say they do) and if the ratings agree (1.3 is pretty good for a 1 hour, first week of a show) do you think the show should go to two hour some time after Wrestlemania?

I think as long as there is no rush of getting alll of these guys off NXT into SD/RAW within one "season" two hours will be great. Next season add about 3-4 guys to the show (with 3-4 mentors) and you could easily fill two hours with some good TV.
I was asking myself this same question earlier today. I loved the show and two hours would make sure that enough time is made and given for fans to become familiar with all the Rookies and there'd just be more time in general for promos and matches.

Right now, it's too soon to tell what's going to happen. Reviews from fans and wrestling insiders have been great for NXT and as long as good numbers can be sustained for the show, I wouldn't be surprised if the show eventually did go to two hours.
if the first season (which according to Barrett lasts 17 weeks) is a success, and keeps the same level of ratings as it did this week, then WWE should make a play for an extra hour.

Personally I'd love for it to be an extra hour long. It gives extra time for the Rookies to do stuff on camera, possibly getting all of them to do something and more camera time = more character development = more overness, which is the point of it. Of course then you've got to address the problem of how the hell do you fill up two hours with a 12 man roster, but prefilmed video packages would help address that issue.

NXT is great with only one hour, it'd probably be better with another.
I want to say no it's too early to tell, but the more and more I think about it......

You know what? Sure why not? It would be nice to be able to see every rookie every week. It would greatly benefit each and every one of those rookies. Mic time, time to develop a character, backstage segments, more matches, it would be a great help.The only problem is that NXT has the potential to be a great show, I don't want creative to run out of ideas. But other than that, I would be all for it.
Im gonna go out on a limb a say yes. Although i have no idea what the concept is of this show but im not really a big fan of this show going on 17 weeks at a time. I think it should be on every week and eventually one gets called up to RAW or SmackDown. But then again it may get stale so im really not sure what to think of this show for the long-run but yes definatly 2 hours.
NO because NXT is no considered a brand. their's not enough wrestlers to fill 2 hours because one by one, they'll all be sent to either Raw or smackdown so what would happen when all the good rookies are gone from NXT and all that are left are the sucky ones, no one would watch and ratings would go down. one hour is the best bet because it leaves you wanting more and then you'll tune in next week to see what happens next. Also one hour gives them less pressure to use all their stars because with 2 hours, WWE will have A LOT Of pressure to bring up everyone from FCW just to fill the time

i know everyone is excited about NXT because it's new and fresh but eventually, everyone will get use to it and it's just going to be another WWE show
If it's needed then why not. If this is only the first season and they feel it's successful enough to warrant a second season, it would probably be best to make it two hours. It gives the audience more time to know the rookies, and allows the rookies to get exposure and sharpen their skills. I'm sure there will be a second season and they will tweak it a bit after learning from the first season, and adding an hour will probably one of the changes they make.
I think every wrestling show that promotes storyline elements (for example, Superstars doesn't need to be two hours, it's just wrestling) should be two hours long. Sometimes an hour just isn't long enough to do what you need to do out there. With two hours, you can only expand upon what you do, there really isn't a downside to it. But with an hour, things can seemed rushed and not well done.
Nah, one hour should be enough. Back in the day they used to be able to introduce new characters on their own as well as show the established wrestlers on a one hour show like superstars (circe 1991-92 mind you) and, in general, not seen too much personality amongst most of the rookies and spreading it out over two hours would show their short-comings even more (and in Brian Danielson's case, longer matches where he has to hold back his best stuff and let his fans down). They could just add some more "unseen" footage on the website which would direct traffic towards the site and give those that want to see the extra bits the chance to learn more about the rookies as well!
I think it would be nice. But the only reason any of us are asking this question is because we didn't see Justin Gabriel or Skip Sheffield at all practically. To me, this first show obviously focused on Miz and Bryan. And answer me this, who's to say that one of the other wrestlers won't be the primary focus next week? Just because this first episode should have been dubbed the Miz and Bryan show doesn't mean next week, it'll be the same thing. For all we know, NXT could basically do the same thing every week by pitting one of the rookies against a pro in the main event. And who knows? We may even get bored with it after awhile. So for now, I'm gonna say it's too early. Cuz even though I highly doubt it, next week could be all about Justin Gabriel and we might not see hardly anything from Miz and Bryan. If it becomes apparent that all of the guys need face time every single week, then WWE should do it 9-11, but it's just too early to tell.
If they are going to do RAW recaps, PPV run downs, video montages, and have a whole bunch of filler, then yes move it to 2 hours, because I was looking for more on Tuesday (which was a good thing…I was entertained), which I think had only 30-35 minutes of actual NXT programming.

If they are going to cut all of that stuff out, then 1 hour should do the trick. 2 hours allows every wrestler to get a 10-15 minute segment, which is ideal. It can’t go 2 hours though, because that would make a Smackdown Taping an over 4 hour event, and the crowd would be burned out.
For the posters that said that one hour is enough, I dont think so, Because one hour is not enough. NXT needs a two hour show to introduce all the talent. Last week we only were able so see Daniels, Barret, Young, and David. I wanted to see Justin and skip, But we didnt got the chance to.

I also wanted to see more of the show, By adding another hour you keep us the fans happy. And we could see more of the Rookies and the Mentors.
I think it was perfect at one hour. It was entertaining, and it seemed to transition okay. Though the only reason we want it at two is because we know how good anielson, slater, justin gabriel are.
Adding an hour sounds good at first, but in the long run it would be a bad idea. This season of NXT is going to last for a while, and they need to be able to keep coming up with things for the guys to do. They will run out of ideas twice as fast if they have to do a show that's twice as long. Plus, in a format of just one hour they are only able to develop some of the rookies in one episode, making us more likely to come back next week to see who gets to do something this week. If everyone got to be on the show doing a promo and/or a match every week, it'd start to get old, making us lose interest, which lowers the ratings, and leads to a worse product. No one wants that. NXT being one hour long is fine and it should not go to 2 hours because unlike Raw or Smackdown it doesn't have a reason to justify it needing to be 2 hours, it's just 8 rookies with a few getting developed each week. 1 hour is fine.

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