Should Mr McMahon Stay?


Pre-Show Stalwart
After watching one of my favourite Raws of the past year tonight, I was wondering. Mr McMahon returned to one of the biggest pops of the year. Should he stay on TV? Should he stick around for the 'Big Summer Angle?'

I think he should stay on TV, and fire Big Johnny at No Way Out, then at Money in the Bank, or the 1,000th episode have Big Johnny return, and have him bring out loads of Superstars to take out one of the main events? Then use this as the summer angle?

What do you think? Should Vinnie Mac stay?
LOL Vince IS gonna fire Lauryngitis at No Way Out but he'll still be on tv as an assistant to "the board of directors"...... ....... oh yeah SPOILER ALERT BTW vince dancing with da funkadatyls and zack ryders face made me lmao
he should and personally i think this current angle should continue on for a bit its been a while since a good angle has come up so dont kill it right away. Vince was the reason why rating were high in the first place and wouldnt be surprised to see the ratings be up this week to normal WWE numbers as well.
He should show up...... more than he does now, yet less than he used to. Apparently, the appearance of pro wrestling's ultimate authority figure is more exciting to the fans in attendance than the actual wrestling matches, as evidenced by the reaction McMahon got last night. I couldn't hear the fans, and I presume as many were booing as those who were cheering, but I could see many of them out of their seats as they watched him do his stuff. Reaction is the important thing, whether it's negative or positive.....and Vince gets it.

Of course, the whole thing revolved around his firing (or not) John Laurinaitis, the tin god who's set himself up as the person in authority. An audience of regular people would find it irresistible to see a big man taken down by someone even bigger. The problem is, WWE can't do something like that every week.....therefore, it would be counter-productive to have Vince McMahon show up too often.

But, dag-nab it, I find myself missing the guy when he stays away so long. He lives for the business and it's hard to resist someone who not only feels that way age still willing to take a couple of bumps in front of millions of people to show that he doesn't ask his employees to do anything he wouldn't do himself.

Stick around, Vinnie Mac. Not too often, but stick around.
I want more segments of Vince making fun of Jim Ross's illness while in the backround there is a poster for Be A Star

Its that kind of unintentional comedy that shows how far that company has lost touch, not just with their own fans but within their own company. They do not even know what they are doing or why.

I want Vince to stay, so that when the rating stabilizes at 2.5-2.9 he can blame the writers again, whom he overrides and screws with on a daily basis.
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No, he should not stay. What makes Vince's appearances so great it that we hardly see him. Him being there every week wouldn't be any where nears as good as last night. Vince has the perfect role of the head authority figure who only shows up when he is really needed.
. Vince sucks. Yea I said it.

They struck gold with Austin/McMahon, but I'm sick of them trying to revamp the formula every few years or so. If they would spend time telling stories in the ring instead of promos after every commercial break, maybe they can hold interest for a longer period of time.

My favorite example is CM Punk. Many would say Punk is the best promo man in the game, & its hard to disagree with. But since Survivor Series, he's been a quiet man for the most part(unless sniping at Big Johnny). A rundown of his timeline and you tell me if he said something memorable:

November: He was the challenger against Del Rio with his back against the wall. Took the title.

December: New champ with back against the wall against Del Rio & Miz. Retained.

January: Not so strong champ going against Ziggler, who beat him every week leading to the PPV.

February: Strong champ willing to take on all challengers at the Elimination Chamber.

March-April: Very strong champ taking on Chris Jericho for title of "Best in the World". Then Jericho decided to attack Punk's family to try to take the mental edge. A very lackluster fued, the best moment was when after Jericho busted the Jack Daniels bottle on Punk, he slipped during an assualt which had the live crowd laughing. This is the fued with the most time on the mic & the least accomplished. Only payoff from the Jericho abuse was Punk's sister slapping him in Chicago.

May-June: Strong champ going against Beat the Clock winner Daniel Bryan, & eventually the
Monster Kane with AJ playing everyone on the side. Even though this fued has had its share of mice time, I would argue that the best storytelling has been what has happened in the ring & away from the mic. Last night's tag team match would be a perfect example of the point I'm making.

I watch basketball for basketball, baseball for baseball. Promo's have their place in wrestling and I really appreciate them(can't wait for Damien Sandow's 1st fued). But I don't want weekly power struggles unless it involves struggling for the belts. Guys like Orton are rumored to be getting release & Ziggler's just fodder to the secondary belts while David Otunga is getting 3-4 segments a show? Am I the only one bugged out with this? If this comes down to a McMahon/Johnny match, I'll be disgusted.
Well I think after last night getting knocked out by the Big Show we might just have our answer. Unless that punch has killed VKM like he has tried in storyline past, I think he might be staying around for a little while to put him self in this story. Big Johnny and Big Show against VKM the board and John Cena.. could be this knock your socks off story they are planning on running lol. Should he stay yeah I dont mind he is a good character that people either love or hate but he gets reactions I just hope it pays off for a hot summer of good wrestling.
I want more segments of Vince making fun of Jim Ross's illness while in the backround there is a poster for Be A Star

Its that kind of unintentional comedy that shows how far that company has lost touch, not just with their own fans but within their own company. They do not even know what they are doing or why.

I want Vince to stay, so that when the rating stabilizes at 2.5-2.9 he can blame the writers again, whom he overrides and screws with on a daily basis.

Wow your an idiot

That being said if you really took that much offense to one little segment then you need help. Id like to see Vince be back on more often. I thought he was gold all night with Johnny,dancing with Brodus girls,Saying Woo Woo Woo to Zack Ryder and the look on Zack's face. Maybe not every week but it would good to see him back on a regular basis.
YES! YES! YES! Anything is better than the current product we're being fed. Vince would at least add some entertainment to the show, unlike some people, *cough* John Laryngitis *cough*.
I think he should stick around and feud with Big Johny. John Laurinaitis is the Mr McMahon of this generation. They seem to work well together last night and everyone wants to see McMahon fire Johny. With The Big Show vs Cena feud most likely continuing they could maybe book Big Show and John Laurinaitis vs John Cena and Mr McMahon at Money in the Bank to mix it up a bit.

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