Should mods only be allowed to infract in their own sections?

Y'know, the ones they have control of. Otherwise what's the point in them being a mod of just certain sections if they can infract posts in others without deleting?
Definitely get Luther's point. It's not like there are long periods of time when there's not a g-mod on, or a mod of every section.
I don't see a problem with it. Spam is spam, right across the board. While I could be wrong, I believe there are mods of different sections for them to focus on driving discussion in those sections.
Well mods are just regular posters with a bit mroe power. My point is, this is much the same as Will asking before why everyone couldn't just have "Global" powers around the board. We're not made mods because admin think we'll use the Mod CP well, we're made mods because we've shown we can drive discussion. The definition of spam stays the same regardless of what section you're in, so I don't see why you can't infract outside of your section.
I support mods only being able to infract in their sections, with the exception of any bots or advertising.

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