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Should Fortune Replace Roode?


SORRY! About you damn luck!
As most of us know one of the biggest stables on TNA, well it's not quite a stable, it's more just a group of people that are together is Fortune, it started with more than four guys, they then decided to stick with four: AJ Styles, Robert Roode, James Storm and Kazarian.

For quite some time Christopher Daniels, I think since Lockdown 2011, was also a part of Fortune. Now Daniels is a heel and departed from the group the same thing happened this month with Robert Roode, now World Champion.

Fortune was never known for working together as a team in the ring, more like a group of guys that hang out. For me, I think they should use Fortune more as an in ring group than just a bunch of guys that are friends and it that said I believe TNA should add two guys to the group and could easily benefit from it, I'm talking about Motor City Machine Guns: Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin.

We know that Sabin is out with an injury, but I guess he is in the final stage of recovery, and should be ready by the end of 2011, so in just a month, he does not even need to compete at first. So I guess it would be a big problem.

You would have a group of four guys: AJ Styles, Kazarian and MCMG, that are easily one of the most cohesive groups out there, and I guess that all of these four would benefit from working together, and I don't mean as a heel group like Evolution but MCMG could be tag team champions, Kazarian X-Division Champion and AJ Styles TV Champion, because Storm is not on Fortune anymore, or at least doesn't look like it, and he is fighting for the World Heavyweight Championship soon enough against Robert Roode.

What do you think? Should TNA focus on Fortune and add two more players to the group? Being them MCMG or not.
I think of it the other way around to be honest. Since Roode is a heel, I think he should take the Fortune name and recreate them as a heel stable. Fortune sounds like a heelish name anyway.

I wouldn't mind seeing them built like the original four horsemen or even Evolution where Roode is the center piece. The other three's sole purpose is to keep the belt around his waist. I always thought Roode would of been a better Flair protege then AJ Styles. When Roode was doing his rich guy gimmick I thought that was perfect for Flair.
I agree with sabataged. With Roode vs Styles in an Iron Man match Roode should tell AJ that he has to put something up and have him want the Fortune name cause he was Fortune and dont want them using it.

Now the question is who will be the other members.
No. Fortune has for all intents and purposes run it's course. There is no Immortal and TNA is in the hands of Sting with guys like AJ Styles and James Storm on top of the roster. Fortune met it's purpose. No sense in having them anymore as a group.
If Fortune were to become more of a unit like stable like The 4 Horsemen were. And I think that was its original direction. They need to reform it.

AJ Styles is prime to be a leader. There is no doubt about that. He has all the tools, and I think the right attitude to lead Fortune.

Samoa Joe would be perfect to be the enforcer of the group. Like Arn Anderson, he has never had a problem speaking his mind. I remember a few times AA had to get in other Horsemans faces about things. Joe would be perfect for that role.

Then there is the Tag Team. As much as I enjoy MCMG with Sabin coming fresh off injury it might be to soon to put them both in high profile situations like that. Perhaps place Kaz with someone instead. I think Kaz and The Pope could make for an interesting team.
I think of it the other way around to be honest. Since Roode is a heel, I think he should take the Fortune name and recreate them as a heel stable. Fortune sounds like a heelish name anyway.

I wouldn't mind seeing them built like the original four horsemen or even Evolution where Roode is the center piece. The other three's sole purpose is to keep the belt around his waist. I always thought Roode would of been a better Flair protege then AJ Styles. When Roode was doing his rich guy gimmick I thought that was perfect for Flair.

Exactly what I was going to say. The whole "Fortune" gimmick is not only heelish but even fits perfectly with Roode's persona as the "Money" from Beer Money in his past days as a heel. It would be a great move, as part of continuing his feuds with both Styles and Storm, for him to come one night with a new Fortune to stick it to his old buddies.

I actually was thinking of starting this thread not long ago; who should join Roode in a new, heel Fortune? The hard part in forming this is that two of the guys I like for it are already in Immortal. So to set this up, have a falling out between Bischoff and Flair that divides and kills Immortal.

I'd then have Roode walk out one night and start cutting some promo, only to be interrupted by Flair. He gets the full Nature Boy sales pitch about how awesome he is and that he's the future of the business and so on. Flair offers to make him a bigger star than he ever was. They shake on it, and then later that night Roode faces Kazarian.

Flair keeps interfering, eventually drawing out Styles and/or Storm to run him off. He/They chase him up the ramp when suddenly out run Magnus and Doug Williams. They fight on the stage while Kazarian looks like he's about to beat Roode in the ring. Bully Ray jumps the guardrail and now slides in to hit Kaz from behind and give Roode the win. With the numbers in their advantage, Roode, Ray, Magnus, Williams, and Flair beat down the other former Fortune guys and then come together in the ring. With a nod from Roode, they all throw up the "four" hand sign and the old Fortune music (back when they first started as heels) starts playing.

Now you could go other ways with this. I thought of adding Gunner and Steiner instead of Magnus and Williams, but then it'd just be Immortal with Roode as the leader. I also thought of using The Pope instead of Bully Ray but I'd hate to see him stuck in a secondary role behind Roode. Maybe the best thing would be Roode, Ray, Gunner, and Pope with Ray and Gunner as the tag team and Pope as sort of the wild card 4th man. I just liked the idea of giving Magnus and Williams something to do and thought they'd look great backing up Roode. Seems like there'd be good chemistry there.
I think Fortune should just die a quick, quiet death and everyone concerned should just move on. Immortal in and of itself is really just going through the motions, and they're made up primarily of scrubs at this point in time anyhow. Without Immortal, there's no need for Fortune and, truthfully, none of the members of Fortune except for Kazarian really needed the group to be relevant. AJ Styles is the most beloved homegrown talent in the history of the company, Beer Money is arguably the best tag team in wrestling in the past half decade and were long before the days of Fortune.

TNA has relied far too much on the faction storylines anyhow over the past several years. I think it's time to give it a rest for a while personally. It'd be a breath of fresh air to have the major storyline going on in TNA not revolve around the faction wars.
I agree 100% with having Roode make his own Fortune stable. Have Roode come out 1 night saying that he was the best Fortune had to offer etc.... AJ and Kaz come down to fight him then have Daniels come down to help Roode. So you have 2-2 for a few weeks. I do like the idea of having Magnus and Willaims joining up with Roode and Daniels for a heel Fortune. Willaims and Magnus can say that they were always held down or some shit likle that as why they joined. 4-2 for a week or so until a returning MCMG save AJ and Kaz. Sabin and Shelly have been in TNA forever anyway so they fit into Fortune.
As sad as it makes me to say this I think Fortune has run it's course and it needs to go. It was cool for a while and they were a successful group that backed up each other if they were ever in a tight spot but now that Roode has split from the team I don't wanna see any new members or any kind of revival. Especially with the lack of trust now between James Storm and AJ Styles, that is a sign that Fortune won't even survive with 3, I think there needs to be some kind of final conflict that breaks them up for good.
I like the idea of having Roode create his own "Fortune" stable. It could be:

Robert Roode-leader/Main Eventer
Samoa Joe as the Muscle/TV-Title
Kaz-X-Division (Heel turn)

Daniels/Kaz could even be the tag team. Then you have AJ's "Fortune" stable consisting of:

AJ Styles-Leader/Maineventer
Eric Young-TV Title (Ditch the goofball gimmick)
Alex Shelley-X-Division/Tag Team
Chris Sabin-X-Division/Tag Team

I would probably have Roode join Immortal then start taking it over and kicking people out saying that he only wants TNA Originals in his group. Keep the Immortal name though. Jeff Jarrett could be the manager of Immortal and Sting could Manage Fortune setting up a huge 10-Man Tag Match with all TNA Originals.

No. More. Stables. Period.

That era ran it's course. Between Fourtune, Immortal, EV2, World Elite, etc. TNA has had their fill of stables and stable wars. There is no need for yet another one, even if it's simply a second version of an original group. Worse, there's no need for a guy like Roode (who is finally proving he can make it as a singles star) to have to shrink from that singles spot light right now.

Let the guys hang on their own. Worry about stables when the time is right for them again.
did the Four Horsemen run it's course?

I think it could be great for Roode to get the Fortune name.

of the original members.. Roode, Styles, Storm, Kazarian. exit Roode. can you really replace him with someone else and still have a group that includes both Styles and Storm when they should both be in the world title scene? what if they face each other?

I like the idea of Roode being the leader of the new Fortune. I also really like the idea of Ric Flair being the manager/mouthpiece of this group. Flair is one of the best on the mic ever. since Roode has gone heel and done more talking, maybe it's me but I'm not totally buying him all the time on the mic. I don't always feel the passion/emotion. having someone like Flair to talk could be great, and I think Roode would be better with a manager. he's been cheating lately, what better way to cheat than have Flair in your corner.

I still like having Immortal around. they aren't the power in control group they were before running everything. now just another stable. manager Eric Bischoff, with wrestlers Bully Ray, Gunner, Steiner, Jarrett.
Flair currently with Immortal could leave them for Roode and the new Fortune. I don't think you always have to have it be face vs heel. I think you could still have 2 heel groups like Fortune and Immortal.

question is, who else is in the new Fortune.
I like the idea of Samoa Joe. a guy who should be heel anyway. he could be the enforcer.
someone who could really benefit by being in a group that gets seen with main event wrestlers, Austin Aries.
maybe also turn heel with Kazarian? I don't think Styles or Storm need to be in a group to get attention, but someone like Kazarian I think is better in a group rather than being alone.

just some thoughts.
I think they should let Fortune and Immortal die and start using the fall out to re-invigorate the tag team division. With Immortal being neutered and Roode turning heel, the stable necessity is cancelled out.
Fortune do not need to add anybody. There only needed to be four in the first place, then for some reason they made it 5.... AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, James Storm, and Kaz. That's all they need. I do agree that the stable has run its course and I think that everyone who was in the group can become a main event player once the time comes for a push. If they do keep the group around then Storm needs to become the leader. It would help his angle with Roode if he has Fortune behind him. As for Immortal.... they are the most pointless stable in wrestling history and need to disband. NOW. I really hope TNA do not screw up Roode's reign by bringing him into THAT group.

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