Should Cryme Tyme be split up?

The Viper

Occasional Pre-Show
Heres the deal, when was the last time you saw these guys win a match that actually mattered? oh wait THEY NEVER HAVE! They have already been released once then rehired, at this point it looks like once again there is nowhere for them in the current smackdown plans. But what if they just split up and went their own ways as singles competitors? maybe even having a lil mini feud?

Neither of these guys are great in the ring But they are both at least ok in the ring JTG definitely being the superior wrestler but Shad can still move pretty quick for a big guy and he is very powerful. Put them in the IC title seen, or in the Money In the Bank. Do you agree with me on this? Should they be split up or kept a team? Or should they just be released? thoughts?
I see breaking them up in the same light as releasing Santino or Hornswaggle. They aren't meant to be taken too seriously and are there for nothing more than hyping the crowd really. They get decent pops and are always there when they want to book a match with a random heel tag team for a one off or something.

With the few teams we've got right now, it would be stupid to break them up and add try them as single stars. Neither have been spectacular in the ring or shown anything that portrays them as future stars. People are already wanting creative to push wrestlers x y and z all at once, theres just no room or time for them. Keep them doing what theyre good at, and thats being a tag team when you need them and for backstage segway segments.
Cryme Tyme definitely shouldn't be split up. Shad is pretty awful, and while JTG is better, he is too small to ever be a serious singles wrestler. They are one of the few tag teams that you can be sure are better than the sum of their parts, and splitting them would be condeming both of them to the released superstar announcement page. Together, they have a moderately amusing set up, and they certainly bounce off each other. Cryme Tyme aren't great, but they're over, and they never would be as singles stars, so they have to stay.
No way. Shad and JTG NEED each other to get over. If they split up, I think they would get released shortly after it happened. I don't think WWE fans would care to much about a Cryme Time split. JTG can be pretty exciting and fun to watch in the ring at times, but on his own, he would probably fade way into obscurity after a while,and Shad is pretty much just a big man with nothing else to offer.
Yeah I think JTG is far better than Shad. Shad is pretty boring in the ring and the Cryme Tyme gimmick is getting old. Oh my god they steal things...which they havent done since the PG change by the way. I think JTG will be a breakout star if he loses his current gimmick.
Cryme Time i really dont care is they split up or not they really dont do nothing for the "E".....The only good fued they actually had was with Jerishow now i dont even know were they at the last time a seen them was in the RR but that was i really dont care if they split up or not.They should just get release and make room for upcoming superstars....
They definitely should stay together but they need a gimmick makeover. Maybe a semi heel turn. They're super over with the crowd, so if they break a few rules, become a little bit more "street" (I mean come on, the gimmick is so offensive anyway, at least they should make it believable.) They could be a new Harlem Heat. They should be anyway. And Shad is not awful. He's a good big man, and given a chance I know he can go. I saw videos of him in developmental. He should be a 1/2 step below monster. And JTG is a mediocre smaller guy. It would work if they quick making them the token hype jobbers.
When I think about Cryme Tyme potentially splitting, I think about what happened when LAX both went their seperate ways. Hernandez was seemingly getting pushed to the main event only to find himself back in the tag team division and Homicide... well no one knows where he is... but I digress. To me, splitting up Cryme Tyme would be just like splitting up LAX: a mistake. It was mentioned earlier, these two need each other to get over with the crowd. Also, these two are among the only "legit" (for lack of a better term) tag teams the WWE has. I like to use this analogy sometimes (even if it's not a good one): Shad is to Hernandez what JTG is to Homicide. IMO, right now all of these guys are nothing without their tag team partners and it will remain that way for... a duration.
Why not split them up? WWE REFUSES to have a decent tag division, so why not?

I like these guys a a tag team. It isn't their fault(s) that the WWE has completely ruined tag team wrestling. Just like it isn't the Hart Dynastys fault. Put together a tag division, with REAL TAG TEAMS, not thrown together superstars, and this wouldn't even be a question.
The only way Cryme Tyme should be split up is if you're willing to let them be released. They simply cannot work as singles competitors. Shad has size, but isn't interesting in the ring and has no personality. JTG has that missing personality and is more entertaining in the ring, but not good enough to stabilize the fact that he's small and doesn't have the drawing power of anyone who would remotely be considered for even a midcard title.

Shad and JTG need each other. They're like the positive and negative sections of a battery. You eliminate one, you render the whole package useless. Look at Primo. That's exactly where JTG would be if they split up. Shad would probably be repackaged as a heel that doesn't even get as much air time as Mike Knox, and then he'd be released (ie like a Bam Neely or Ricky Ortiz route).
i can see JTG making it singles but not much.Lower card is what i think he will get to.His exciting though.Shad will just be released or made into a big heel who is like Ezekiel Jackson.If they stay together though i think they would just job to different teams.
They both suck,but they're over with the fans (I dont know why).Let them be the tag team that jobs to the up & comers.Theres a reason why they have not won the tag belts,they're lame.
If Cryme Tyme were to split up, we'd be wishing them well in their future endeavors within a few months. I can't see either of them getting over as singles stars. Cryme Tyme is pretty over with the people and they are getting at putting over heel teams when need be. I would like to see what Cryme Tyme would do as a heel team. It could be done, but judging by how over they are I can't see them switching any time soon.

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