Should Chyna have only wrestled women?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was reading highlights from Jim Ross' blog the other day, and he said he didn't agree with Chyna wrestling men during her career.

I thought it was pretty cool actually. I gotta admit, I was secretly pulling for her when she won the IC title from Jericho.

How do you guys feel?
Should the girls stay away from the guys?
Was it a bad idea for Chyna to wrestle men?
I'll agree that the idea of it was cool. In practice, though, it accented the fact that wrestling is fake, which is exactly what a professional wrestling organization doesn't want to do. Look, we all know that match results are pre-determined and that performers have to sell for one another. But the product in the ring has to look believable...... or the whole spectacle falls apart.

For instance, take Rey Mysterio beating the superheavyweights. The sight of him pinning the shoulders of Batista to the mat was one of the most visually ridiculous things I've ever seen. And he's a guy!

With Chyna, it was even worse because she lacked the athleticism necessary to make us suspend belief long enough to accept her as a woman who could beat men. Yes, she was strong, but she was also one of the slowest and least agile people I've ever seen in the ring......male or female. One would expect a woman who wrestles a man to have movement and agility superior to his. If she did, we might buy the idea of her being competitive with him. Instead, we had Chyna, who was slow as molasses. Her ring repertoire was equally slow and pathetic looking. It just didn't look real and it was unacceptably obvious that the men were laying down for her.

I could sooner see Beth Phoenix wrestling men than Chyna. That is, if you've got to do it at all.
I didn't mind Chyna fighting the guys. She looked pretty tough and was easily strong enough to lift the less-heavy male wrestlers. I agree that her in-ring offense was not amazing, but it sure as hell didnt suck. She could also do backwards handsprings and things like that, so she wasn't entirely un-athletic either.

I thought it was something new and different and fitted in well with the Attitude era focusing more on the entertainment side of wrestling rather than the actual in-ring action as much. It was a big deal when she beat Jarrett for the IC title, when she appeared in the RR etc. I thought she was pretty cool to be honest. If she had wrestled the women, like Tori, Jackie or Ivory it would have been decent too, but having her fight the guys was something different.

I loved how WCW tried to copy the idea and bring in their own jacked up woman, Asya (Asia).. Chyna (China) and Asya (Asia) get it? Oh WCW, how much you did sometimes suck!
I never agreed 100% w/Chyna wrestling men. I just thought that it made things look really unconvincing. Yes, Chyna was a sight to see and could probably have no problem kicking the average man's ass, but not "pros."

I thought it was a nice F U when she beat Jarrett in his last WWE match. But I was not happy when she beat Jericho at Survivor Series for the IC title. I was at this event and could not believe what I saw. I thought that Chyna getting over on Chris did nothing for his career. It was a step back for him. I wouldn't have minded seeing her win matches against Brian Christopher, The Mean Street Posse, Mideon, Eass Rios, or Gangrel....but not Chris Jericho.

I loved Chyna's role as Mamacita to Eddie Guererro, so I guess it was necessary to have her in the ring with men. It really helped get Eddie over w/the mainstream audience.
I loved how WCW tried to copy the idea and bring in their own jacked up woman, Asya (Asia).. Chyna (China) and Asya (Asia) get it? Oh WCW, how much you did sometimes suck!

You realize WWF copied WCW first right? Ms Jackie was in WCW beating men way before Chyna. (she would later go to WWF to fued with Sable over Mark Mero)

Asia was a Russo idea .. ugh that man needs to leave wrestling.

In any event I think women shouldn't fight men and visca versa.. but like val venis said.. if its done the right way I don't see nothing wrong with it. I don't think Chyna should beat super heavy weights.. but the average man, jobbers? yeah sure I can buy that.
You realize WWF copied WCW first right? Ms Jackie was in WCW beating men way before Chyna. (she would later go to WWF to fued with Sable over Mark Mero)

I did know Jacqueline fought men in WCW.

What I meant by WCW copying WWF was by bringing in a big muscular woman with the name Asya (pronounced Asia) when WWE already had a big muscular woman with the name Chyna (China). Considering China as a country is in Asia, it was clearly done as a rip off of the WWE characters name.
It was a nice and novel idea for Chyna to wrestle against men and she did quite well. When she went to the women's division, it felt like she was better than everyone else and it rubbed people the wrong way. I thought it would have been better for her to start in the women's division and then wrestle the men a few times.

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