Should Beth Phoenix leave WWE & jump ship to TNA?

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Before you jump me and start calling this ideas stupid, listen up.

Beth Phoenix is possibly the only credible female wrestler in the WWE. However, because the 'E want to show off their "Sexy" Divas and treat the title like a piece of crap, calling it the Divas Title and throwing it to girls who can't wrestle (Nattie an exception), should Beth Phoenix go?

If she was to jump & hitch a ride over to TNA, just think, she could be the top dominant Knockout TNA has been missing since Kong & ODB disappeared. She'd be a great contender to the Knockouts title and I believe she could pull off great feuds with Mickie, TBP, hell even Daffney. I could see those two fighting hardcore.

So yeah, my question to the IWC, would Beth benefit more from leaving the WWE and moving over to TNA?
I listened, it still sounds like a stupid idea. Why would someone turn down the bigger money and larger viewership of WWE just because they could have a role in a smaller company chasing a fake championship around?

It's not about how big of a star you're in in your respective pond. It's in how much your bank balance increases when your check gets deposited.
If she indeed were to jump ship now, the only new feud that would be worth watching would be with Angelina Love.
If she stay in the WWE she could have matches with Natalya, Eve, the NXT divas etc. Better match ups plus more money, why would she want to move over to TNA?
For more entertaining, credible wrestling matches then YES she should go to TNA.

But for financial reasons, there is no way she should jump ship. As another poster already said, she will make far more money in WWE than she could ever hope to make in TNA, plus more exposure and royalty cheques etc, it just does not make financial success for her to move
Am I the only one here that doesn't think Beth is any good outside of being able to literally woman handle a bunch of models? She doesn't present a character, she has no charisma, and she just does a bunch of power spots, regardless if the person taking them can do it safely or not.

Should she leave the WWE? Nah. She doesn't have to change up anything and gets a boat load of cash just to throw people around in a routinely manner.
for the benefit of her NO, she shouldn't go to Tna.

now for the benefit of the matches, yes she could have entertaining matches in TNA, meanwhile in wwe she can only hope for a 2 minutes squash tv match.
Everyone has pretty much already said it.

She has more to gain in WWE. Until TNA ups their game a bit she is better of where she is. Yes, TNA gives their women more to do but jumping ship right now doesn't make much sense. She just came back, let's see what she and Natalya can do together. (I'm hoping for a feud)
I agree, Beth is probably one the MOST dominant females in WWE right now. Would she be more credible in TNA? Perhaps, would it benefit her financially to go to TNA? No way. Right now they are not in the best financial shape to take one people and pay them near what they pay the majority of people in WWE. Sure Beth will probably have to play some second fiddle matches here and there, but, she will still get more long term benefits in WWE than in the other company, and not have to worry about falling into any other 'copycat' storylines. For all we know, she may enjoy her time in WWE. I really don't think TNA would be able to AFFORD her with the way they are paying 'certain' people in TNA as of now. I think the Glamazon will be BEST suited in WWE, and is going to have better long term opportunities with McMahon and Co.
I don't know why so many people are still so high on the Knockout Division. I admit that it has gotten a little better since Mickie James' arrival, but the Knockout Division is no longer head, shoulders, hips & ass above the Divas. Overall, they're about on the same level now and have been for close to a year. For instance, Mickie James is easily the biggest female star in wrestling since Trish Stratus, but TNA has basically reduced her to little more than just being another name on the roster. Women's wrestling in TNA is no longer a real issue and it hasn't been for a long time. I know it's fashionable to bash the Divas, with good reason most of the time, but let's not fool ourselves about the overall state of women's wrestling in TNA either.

As others have said, why would Beth Phoenix want to leave the WWE to work for a company where she'd make only a fraction of the money she makes now? I don't know if this is true or not, I won't swear to it as nobody has access to TNA's financial records, but it was reported a few months ago that Velvet Sky makes only $600 per appearance and that she was the highest paid woman on the roster. That's probably changed since Mickie James appeared, but I doubt she's getting much more than that.

I sometimes read complaints about how the "art of wrestling" is being overlooked for financial reasons and I think that's just an example of how deluded some fans really are. Being a pro wrestler is a job and, like any other job, people expect to be compensated financially for their work. Unlike most other jobs, pro wrestling puts an enormous strain on the body due to the demands of it. They're not out there doing it just for the fun of it. If some are, then they're every bit as stupid as a lot of people think wrestlers are in the first place. If the WWE made an offer to any Knockout on TNA's roster, with the exception of Mickie James as she's probably secure financially, they'd probably jump at the offer in order to make some real money. Beth Phoenix is seen by many more people and makes considerably more money working for Vince than she would for Dixie.
Meh, I think Beth is fine where she is. She is one of the few WWE Divas with a unique personality, and she at least is being used right. If she was being a talent wasted like Gail Kim, I'd be all for her leaving to TNA. But as it stands, Phoenix seems fine where she is.
Am I the only one here that doesn't think Beth is any good outside of being able to literally woman handle a bunch of models? She doesn't present a character, she has no charisma, and she just does a bunch of power spots, regardless if the person taking them can do it safely or not.

Should she leave the WWE? Nah. She doesn't have to change up anything and gets a boat load of cash just to throw people around in a routinely manner.

I think you are on your own on that one first of all Beth has loads of talent and charisma but she also plays a power character so she's not gonna jump and prance and skip to the ring which usually draws cheap pops from the fans. She is gonna come out and do what her character is designed to do which is dominate. Secondly i am sure if beth was given extended mic time then she would truly shine. rxample of this would be her early dominate days on the mic and even her promo with trish last year when trish was guest host she is solid on the mic also reference her time with santino. Womens wrestling is underappreciated in the US market so its kind of hard to get fans on your side with an 8 min squaksh match sometimes less. The only divas that are given promo time are laycool. But beth has talent both in and out of the ring more so than the vast majority of the divas. As to wheather she should jump ship absolutely not in WWE you have royalties,bonuses for ppv appearane etc. In Tna you have per appearance pay which is what $600. I am no financial wiz but if you look at most knockouts they are excepting indy bookings and some even have pt jobs with the exception of mickie and tara which tara owns her own bike shop she also used to own a pizzaria so she is prob financially stable. Mickie has wwe money and album sales. But on the long run it would be a financial nightmare look at gail kim she left to get a bigger pay day. On the competition end it would benefit but not for long as she'd only be there for as long as the novelty lasted and the fueds become repetetive.
In my opinion, Beth would have more people to fued with and would have better matches in TNA. But, if I was Beth, I would stay in WWE. Why? Well there are a couple of reasons.

*Let it be known, I'm NOT trying to bash TNA in any way*

1: Money- This is the obvious reason. In TNA, Beth won't get paid nearly as much as she's worth. In WWE, she's working hard and getting paid a good amount of cash.

2: Viewers- Let's face it, WWE gets way more people to watch than TNA does. In WWE, her talent is showcased more. A lot of people get to see her wrestle and it probably feels good to preform in front of a lot of people. You just don't get the same rush with a smaller crowd.

3: Wrestlers- In TNA, there more possible fueds, but that could also be a bad thing. TNA may not want her to fued with everyone. With all the women wrestlers they have, she may get stuck in the mix. TNA already has a good amount of talented Knockouts. With Beth, it may get a bit crowded. In WWE, there aren't as many talented wrestlers for her to fued with, but she is a cemented top Diva and doesn't need to worry about people getting pushed above her.

The right move for Beth, is easily to stay with WWE.
Fuck no. Seriously. No.
Big fish in a small pond sucks and is usually just chicken shit ego-stroking, especially when it's the pond that's paying your bills.

As for feuds, she's already run programs with Mickie, has the superior Team Laycool to work with making tBP pointless, and yea then there is Daffney I guess –but might I just ask why do you want to see female hardcore matches? No, thanks.

Anyway, in no way does it benefit Beth, who is potential in the prime of her career, to go to TNA. Perhaps on the way down, or when she's too banged up to keep up WWE's pace, but not now when she's potentially in the latter part of her peak earning years. That's just flat out bad business. Great for you, and perhaps people who share your stylistic tastes, but bad i.e. NOT beneficial for Beth herself.

Gotta say, as per your OP this idea does sound a tad bit stupid.
Is this really a question?!?

Why would Beth turn down the bigger pay and the larger audience to go to TNA. I admit that TNA does have a better Knockouts division than the Divas division but the Divas also have some good wrestlers(Nattie,McCool,Melina) so it really wouldn't make sense for her to go to TNA even if they do have a few more talented Knockouts(Angelina,Tara,Mickie,Madison,Sarita). Plus Beth is not being wasted, so I don't think it's likely for her to go to TNA.
Pretty much what everyone else has said.

The Divas are flat out better than the Knockouts right now with Laycool being perfect at being the stuck up bitches, Nattie as the technical master as the addition of the NXT chicks that we know is coming and then the reintroduction of Beth as the unstoppable badass. This chick was in the Royal Rumble for crying out loud. She has more exposure here, she's got to be making a ton more money, she would actually get treated as someone special (Rumble remember) as opposed to being thrown into the recurring stuff that is the Knockouts Division. Absolutely not she shouldn't leave.
And go where exactly? To TNA where she'd get no air time unless she was somehow added to the Beautiful People's current feud and make no money. To SHIMMER where she'd make no money, have "great" matches but be watched by the only two people on the planet who buy SHIMMER DVDs? Or the indie scene in general, where she'd be wrestling gutter trash in empty school gymnasiums for no money.

And obviously, these are superior options to staying in WWE where she'll be watched by more people, be in a better spot and make more money.
Obviously there is more prestige in being a knockout champion seen as women defend it more vigorously and more often not to mention the difference in match length between the two. But beth phoenix coming back adds prestige to the women's divison so in a weird way, she is her own reason to stay. Unlike how has happened recently, beth is one women who can't be confined to eye-candy like say rosa mendez, kelly kelly or 90% of raw's divas are. She actually feuds, has matches and looks the part doing it all.

If she goes to TNA, she will be both paid less, and thrown into the fray with the women there. In WWE she can still have great pay, and be top dog. The question is, is it worth being top dog on a mountain of puppies, of fighting wtih a pack of wolves.....I think if you can add a zero onto the end of an annual contract, you've got yourself an answer.
Obviously there is more prestige in being a knockout champion seen as women defend it more vigorously and more often not to mention the difference in match length between the two. But beth phoenix coming back adds prestige to the women's divison so in a weird way, she is her own reason to stay. Unlike how has happened recently, beth is one women who can't be confined to eye-candy like say rosa mendez, kelly kelly or 90% of raw's divas are. She actually feuds, has matches and looks the part doing it all.
Holy hell; no, there isn't. There's no prestige in being the Knockouts Champ, least of all when compared to the WWE Women's/Diva's championship. First off, in and of itself, it's all phony so "defending it more vigourosly" and the potential length of the matches mean absolutely jackshit. Second, when compared to WWE's championship—which is the combined history/legacy of the NWA/WWF/WWE Women's and Diva's championship—there is a hell of a lot more prestige, recognition, and value associated with the belt, the champion, the company, the fan base etc…
If she goes to TNA, she will be both paid less, and thrown into the fray with the women there. In WWE she can still have great pay, and be top dog. The question is, is it worth being top dog on a mountain of puppies, of fighting wtih a pack of wolves.....I think if you can add a zero onto the end of an annual contract, you've got yourself an answer.
Again, the "fights" are phony so there is no legitimately competitive contests to be had. Second the wolves v. puppy thing while cute is back-asswards (though as The King would point out: puppies rule; she-wolves, not so much). TNA's women's division is better… at drawing less, mattering less, being filled with has-beens/never-weres and being seen by fewer people. In North America if you're on top of the mountain it's WWE's mountain; in TNA at best you can be King—or in this case Queen—of a hill.
Why would Beth Phoenix leave WWE and jump ship to TNA? This would make absolutely no sense whatsoever. Sure, if she were to be future endeavoured and have absolutely no option whatsoever, she may reluctantly choose to go to TNA to finish her career, rather than retire prematurely or end up in the indies. What motivation would she have to go to TNA? The money? While I don't have access to their books, I doubt that she would make a fraction of the money in TNA that she makes in WWE. The profile? Come on, look at the respective audiences between WWE and TNA, then re-ask youself the question.

The suggestion that being knockouts champion means anything more than being divas champion is ludicrous. The Knockouts Division is no better than the Divas Division, in fact it could be argued that it is actually worse. Beth Phoenix leaving the WWE to go to TNA would be like Tim Tebow leaving the Denver Broncos to go to the Toronto Argonauts. Sure he'd be starting (possibly), but in relative obscurity for a fraction of the money. Simply not logical.
No. This would be a really stupid move on Beth's part if she were to do this. Why would she jump ship to TNA after making a big return? She's going to be right next to Natalya as far as being a top dominant female in WWE goes. If she were to go to TNA, then she would be taking a HUGE risk of losing this elite status. Madison Rayne, Sarita, Mickie James, Angelina Love, and Tara are all ahead of Beth in TNA, so The Glamazon might have to wait at the back of the line. She's at the top of the women's division in WWE, she makes more money, and there's a good chance she will actually be seen on Smackdown every week. There's no reason for her to go to TNA.
Beth Phoenix is possibly the only credible female wrestler in the WWE. However, because the 'E want to show off their "Sexy" Divas and treat the title like a piece of crap, calling it the Divas Title and throwing it to girls who can't wrestle (Nattie an exception), should Beth Phoenix go?

WWE has plenty of talented female wrestlers. Gail Kim is a 2 time former womens champion, although shes been buried since she returned. Melina is a 4 time Womans/Divas champion, and a good wrestler as well. Both are far from eye candy. And McCool, while annoying as hell, is a very talented in ring performer. It's just her antics that overshadow her wrestling ability.

Why should Beth Phoenix go? To accept LESS money in a division that's overstocked with talent? I don't understand the logic as to why she would be a good fit.

If she was to jump & hitch a ride over to TNA, just think, she could be the top dominant Knockout TNA has been missing since Kong & ODB disappeared. She'd be a great contender to the Knockouts title and I believe she could pull off great feuds with Mickie, TBP, hell even Daffney. I could see those two fighting hardcore.

ODB was never a dominant knockout. Beth isn't a humungous woman to the point where should would be a monster heel. With WWE having LESS talent in their women's division, Beth is a perfect fit. I imagine they're setting up a long build for Natalya/Beth at Wrestlemania. Why would that be a BAD thing for Miss Phoenix?

So yeah, my question to the IWC, would Beth benefit more from leaving the WWE and moving over to TNA?

No, shes far better off in WWE, both financially, and her positioning in the company. Based upon her return, shes going to receive a large push. Shes well off where she is.
I'm tired of people saying TNA Knockouts are better wrestlers than WWE Divas.

Let's get this straight, I'd say most of the divas on the WWE roster have the skills it takes to put on a decent match. There's a story about how Jillian Hall could do a 450 Splash in OVW, but when she got up to the WWE they wouldn't let her do it, and I'm sure she's not alone.

And sure, we have had our fair share of divas who can't wrestle... Maria, Candice, etc., but look at the divas WWE currently has who CAN wrestle: Bethe Phoenix, Natalya, Eve, Maryse, Michelle McCool, Layla to an extent, even the Bellas have been looking good lately. And fuck me, even Kelly Kelly is doing alright for herself.

Maybe TNA has better opportunities for divas to shine... so what, they still get paid less. Lighter workload and more pay, or heavier workload and less pay... what do you think the average female wrestler will choose?

Furthermore, let's stop pretending TNA Knockouts are anymore prestigious than WWE Divas. Women's wrestling doesn't draw. Period. It's a nice little break that helps fulfill fantasies of cat fights and what not, but other than that, it's really not all that important.

So no, Beth Phoenix should NOT jump ship to TNA.
Absolutely not. Trish and Lita have been gone for years, and Mickie James is in TNA. Beth Phoenix is THE top girl in WWE right now. Yes, Natalya holds the belt, but Beth is the best in terms of in ring ability and mic skills right now. She is at the top in the better federation. Beth should not go to TNA because it would do her no good when she can be at the top for quite possibly the rest of her career in WWE. Fewer people watch TNA, and they have a better female division with girls like Tara or Mickie who are better wrestlers than Beth. Why leave when she can be at the top of the better organization? Exactly. She shouldn't go to TNA.
no way, going to tna seems morelike a last resort like for mickie. i mean i really enjoy watching beth and would be tight if she went to a lesser brand...she puts on good matches with laycool and hopefully will have one with nattie soon enough

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