Should a wrestler's finishing move be part of their legacy?


"Original Blade"
Alot of wrestlers have instantly reconisable finishing moves. When you think of Hogan, you think of the red and blue, the posing and the big boot followed by the Legdrop. Stone Cold is fondly remembered for coming into the ring and delivering the Stunner to everyone. These days the opinion on Randy Orton's matches is that he's boring, but he's awesome when he delivers the RKO. Petey Williams is always going to be "that guy who did the Canadian Destroyer".

So should this happen? I mean, these guys are talented all-round wrestlers. Some of them are former world champions who have had amazing feuds and classic matches.. But, like with other great wrestlers, people think "Yeah, he has an awesome finisher".

Should a finishing move be so important to a wrestler's identity?
I believe it should its a part of the "package" of a character, its' what puts the wrestlers mark on the match along with the rest of their signature moves, entrance theme, wrestling attire and promos.

It is a point in time where you can pick out marking out to that particular wrestler as it is significant to them.

Brock Lesnar is another great example, everyone will remember him for looking am monster, scary music and giving people the devastating F-5, you can't deny it doesn't go with his persona.
With a lot of wrestlers their finisher is what makes them instantly recognizable. Stone Cold is probably best known for his segments almost always ending in him delivering the stunner to someone, Triple H and the Pedigree and the Rock with the Peoples elbow are other obvious choices. Their finishers fit their characters - Triple H decimates his opponents which shows in his finisher, the Rock was an entertainer and a showman, which was evident in the Peoples elbow.

When people remember a superstar they think of their matches, including their signature moves, particularly those that are unique, eye catching or iconic. I think that finishing moves are indeed a huge part of a wrestler’s legacy, even if a Randy Orton or Stone Cold is mostly known for theirs because they have fuck all other impressive moves. I mean that more in the case of Stone Cold, as Orton can pull out a couple of other moves when the occasion demands. I think the timing of the stunner and the delivery of the RKO equate with their characters, especially the speed of Orton.

Wrestlers are nothing without the moves that they employ – Bret Hart will always be the Sharpshooter, HBK will always be the superkick… The list goes on. I think that this is fitting as it encourages wrestlers to create and employ original and impressive moves, I also think that the success of a wrestler can be greatly boosted by having an impressive finisher. I would definitely be an advocate of a wrestlers finisher being intertwined with their character and becoming a part of why they are remembered.
Of course, a finisher can be a summary of that wrestler's persona.

When you see a wrestler with a shooting star press as a finisher, you remember that person as a spotty, high flying wrestler e.g Evan Bourne. A quick finisher such as the RKO shows a sneaky heel who can win the match at any second e.g Randy Orton. The opposite is with the long finisher that plays to the crowd. This is given to the wrestler who is full of charisma and can get the crowd on their feet with a single move e.g The Rock.

As you see finishers are a summary of wrestlers through history. They are a part of a wrestler's legacy. After you have seen that wrestlers career and they made that finisher famous like the sharpshooter, the commentators always reference Bret Hart. Great wrestlers create that impact and their finisher lives on in matches.
Hogan is remembered because he probably had the best look, the perfect character, and tons charisma to go with it. The leg drop is a very plain and ordinary finisher. Taker sometimes uses it as one his regular moves. Orton doesn't do the RKO like he use to. He's even slowed that down.

I don't think a wrestler's finisher should be a major part of his legacy. Austin, Rock. and HBK are rememberd for having tons of charisma, being great on the mic, and having good characters. If a wrestler has one those "holy shit!" finishers, it might help add to their legacy, but I don't think it should be a key part of their identity

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