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Dark Match Jobber
i had no excitement going into the flair big show match, but they put on a good show. i was impressed with flair and he suprises me everytime. say what you want, but he fuckin loves this sport. rest of the show was perty weak in my eyes.

plus, he's old as shit
Yup dat's why I hate Flair he shouldve retire years ago but he just doesn't listen oh well atleast he'll be in SmackDown V.S. RAW 06 and 07 so I can pick Randy Orton to kick Flairs ass.
hahahaha don't hate flair. i'm not a huge fan, but cmon man, dude takes bumps like amotherfucker. orton doesn't do shit for me.
yeah I was very impressed with that match. Flair really gave the fans what they wanted to see. And the fans appreciated it. I thought the rest of the show was pretty weak. I think once they stop showing all these promos for CM Punk and Shannon More, and they actually step in the ring. There will be more time for the matches.
J-Slim said:
Yup dat's why I hate Flair he shouldve retire years ago but he just doesn't listen oh well atleast he'll be in SmackDown V.S. RAW 06 and 07 so I can pick Randy Orton to kick Flairs ass.

wow you know flair once kicked randys ass right?

:2up: :2up: :2up: :2up:
haha flairs the man...and theres finally something positive about ecw said in here
I would agree, i was expecting a boring ass hell match, but then by the ending i was like "Damm" it was way better than i expected. Ric Flair should retire now though it's just that he's been in the business to long now.
I wasn't even going to watch the match, but i decided to, and i thought it was amazing, great match, shows flair will still do anything for this company
To think he was one of the last ones to come in from WCW, when WCW was bought out he aint come right away but Im actually glad he did. But like Terry Funk he doesn't know when to hang up his boots
DocHolliday said:
hahahaha don't hate flair. i'm not a huge fan, but cmon man, dude takes bumps like amotherfucker. orton doesn't do shit for me.
Its amazing he's still able to wrestle at his age.....he is one bad*** mother
ok ok I'll give Flair some credit for wrestling for like 30 years yeah I know he luvs this buisness but he shouldn't be in hardcore matches or he'll just get hiz saggy ass kicked again. And Orton is tha future of tha WWE he aint 55 he's 26 so U got a whole lot more to see from him.
the good thing about flair is that he makes the young guys look good. he is not selfish. he makes wrestlers famos. unlike some of the past and current mega stars that will only wrestle if they can have control and win
The reason Flair is still in the buisness is because he got into debt a couple of years ago and this is the only way he can still make money. Otherwise I think he would retire. He's still great though.

Flames Out
whats so bad about the new ecw ? i mean honestly just because its part of wwe now doesn't ean its shit, but i will say some parts of the show like kelly's exposure is pointless and i hate her cos shes so amature, and i'd like to see the sand man in a match once in a while and not just coming out at random points of the show and caneing some guy to death. but i love the main events that ecw have put on so far. ame one bad main event since the project started. i cant, they were all good. the extreme battle royal, randy orton and edge vs kurt anle and rvd, rvd vs kurt angle, rvd vs the big show and just recently big show vs ric flair which was an out standing match.
The Legend Killer said:
whats so bad about the new ecw ? i mean honestly just because its part of wwe now doesn't ean its shit, but i will say some parts of the show like kelly's exposure is pointless and i hate her cos shes so amature, and i'd like to see the sand man in a match once in a while and not just coming out at random points of the show and caneing some guy to death. but i love the main events that ecw have put on so far. ame one bad main event since the project started. i cant, they were all good. the extreme battle royal, randy orton and edge vs kurt anle and rvd, rvd vs kurt angle, rvd vs the big show and just recently big show vs ric flair which was an out standing match.

ECW constantly featured contests between evenly matched competitors. With WWECW, it's so easy to predict the outcome of every single match. I don't think I have been wrong once since the show debuted on Sci-Fi. Credit where it's due: The Big Slow and Grandpa Ric did put on a good match for their abilities. But the fact remains that this match featured a WWE Superstar vs. a WWE "Defector", and felt more like a WWE Hardcore Match than an ECW Match.

In addition, many great ECW wrestlers have been reduced to jobber status (Balls Mahoney, Stevie Richards, former ECW Tag Team Champ Danny Doring, former ECW World Heavyweight Champion Justin Credible!), the matches are far less intense, the great entrance themes for each wrestler have mostly been replaced (Sandman and Credible now have themes that are just horrible), and they're bringing in talentless morons who are betting off mopping the arena floors (Kelly Kelly, Mike Knox, Fertig). Where the hell are New Jack, Steve Corino, Bill Alfonso, Cyrus, Joel Gertner, Stephen DeAngelis, Francine, Beulah, etc.? They deserve a spot on the roster more than these idiots. CM Punk looks promising and Test seems to have improved, but I'm not holding out much hope for the new faces of ECW.

The worst thing of all is this: With the occasional exception, all ECW Matches are officiated under WWE Rules!!!!! This more than anything else proves to me that Vince McMahon doesn't understand what ECW was about, and for all we know, he may have never watched it. In actual sports, the best General Managers scout other teams for players, tips, and other ways to improve their team. I doubt Vinnie Mac does this. In fact, the only reason why the Attitude Era even happened is because someone told him about the NWO in WCW and the edgy storylines in ECW - they were forced to change due to falling ratings. Now it's back to business as usual since there is limited competition, and we have wrestling pirates, boogeymen, vampires, fitness experts, and other gimmicks. It might as well be 1995 all over again. Maybe if Vinnie actually watched ECW once or twice, it could have been decent. If he insists on having complete control, maybe he should watch a few matches - he owns the whole ECW tape library, so there's no excuse not to.
the thing that bothers me the most is that not all the matches are extreme rules. i realize that not all of the old ECW matches used weapons, but they still had that option. and i also realize that this is not the old ECW, but it should still have the same ground rules.

also, i think cm punk is the future of the industry if they use him right. i have been watching him in OVW for a while now and he amazes me every single time i watch him wrestle. please oh please push him to the sky because he is awesome.
I have big hopes for CM Punk...I hope they put him into some tough matches and don't throw jobbers at him.
Paganthedark said:
I have big hopes for CM Punk...I hope they put him into some tough matches and don't throw jobbers at him.

Of course you know he's going to face one of the wrestlers that ECW are using as jobbers right now - either Justin Credible, Danny Doring, or Little Guido. They did the same thing with Mike Knox and Test when they arrived in ECW. I just hope he's not going to face an endless string of jobbers like some of the "talent" on Raw and SmackDown.
CM punk is getting a big push, at least I hope so. But with so many comercials how they going to build all these guys. The ECW allumni are the ones who get put to the side and made to job to the "new blood"
I hope it's two weeks, and no more than that. I wasn't watching TNA when CM Punk was with the company, so I'm really curious to see what he can do. With the time that they're already going to waste on that terrible main event (Big Show vs. Undertaker - two non-ECW guys, isn't that great?) and yet another dreadful edition of "Kelly's Expose", I'm really looking for a reason to watch this week's episode, because I can already tell it's going to be an episode nearly as awful as the first one.
realblackhart said:
i hope they don't water down Punk

Well, he's using a triangle hold variation called the Anaconda Vice as his finisher now, as opposed to the Pepsi Plunge. Even though it's not as dangerous, I hear it's a pretty good submission hold, one that rivals the Crippler Crossface.
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