Shit Jobs

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
If you're like me and you have held a number of different jobs, surely you've had one that you despised. So I ask, what is the shittiest job you have ever had?

For me, it would have to be Sonic. I worked there for the better part of a year and I hated every fucking second of it. The cooking wasn't really all that bad, I've had plenty of experience in fast food to the point that it's almost second nature to me. But after a while, they had me closing 6 nights. I know that it's more hours and that didn't bother me at all. However, they began to pile up more and more shit on my to do list as the weeks went by.

First they added changing over the fryers to my list of duties, which was originally a job for the opener who literally does nothing for the first hour the store is open. Then they added prep work. Now I used to do some of it, like cutting tomatoes and dicing onions. But then they took the prepping of the Cheddar Peppers, Cheddar Bites, and Popcorn Chicken which are all way more time consuming and took it from the opener and put it on me.

Now the reasoning for all of this is that the GM hired his little brother to open and since he absolutely sucked at everything, all of the work shifted to me. If they would have given me some sort of raise or something, I would have tolerated it, but no dice. Matter of fact, my little brother(who got me the job) revealed to me via his friend who was the manager that the GM's worthless brother was making over a dollar more an hour than me.

I exacted my revenge though. One of the rare nights that the GM was actually closing with me, I waited for my mid shift cook to leave and I walked out around 8 o' clock and left him with every single one of my jobs to complete. The next day my brother told me that he was livid about having to do everything and that he didn't get out of there until 3AM. It really felt good to hear.

So yeah, back to you. What's the shittiest job you have ever had?
I worked (and still kind of do) at a Wendy's back home when I'm on break from college. I started last summer and also worked there over winter and spring break. Now this Wendy's is about 15 minutes outside of Detroit and many of the people who work there are black and take the bus from Detroit or its outskirts into work. Now a couple of them are borderline mentally challenged but I actually like most of the people who work there. It's the customers that really get to me.

Working at Wendy's has made me hate old people, ignorant black people, and stupid white trash people. Many times I would be working the front cash register and I had to encounter these people that I hated. With old people they are either extremely nice or they are the anti-christ. It's the latter of those two types that I kind of hope fall and break their hips on the way out the door. Ignorant black people and stupid white trash people are basically one in the same. They all complain about prices and they all complain about orders that are done perfectly in order to get free food. Let's also not forget that this is the fast food industry so the work you do for minimum wage isn't exactly the best.

It isn't all bad though because you do get some entertainment. I once had a customer try to pay with a bus token. Another customer ordered a hamburger and someone put cheese on it. That customer proceeded to come back to the drive through, ask the back cash person "what's wrong with this burger?", and then when he didn't have an answer the customer said "there's cheese on it," and he stuck the burger to the drive through window. Also working with a lot of black people it was entertaining even when it was slow. Sometimes when no one was in the store a fellow employee would beat box over the microphone and a few people would take turns freestyleing. Even with this entertainment the job sucked ass. Stupid customers outweigh entertaining employees.

Before I go I would like to share a story about one fellow employee named Cordonte. Now Cordonte has improved but when he first got hired over the summer I was really wondering how he graduated high school. On his first day he went to the back to get something and saw the back cash person doing dishes. The water was extremely soapy and he proceeded to ask her if she was "cookin milk." Also that day he asked what something was and was told it was a chicken fryer. He proceeded to ask what it did. Finally while I was cooking grilled chicken.... on the grill. He asked me if it was fried chicken.

So all in all the negatives outweigh the positives and Wendy's was the shittiest job I have had.
So it seems the fast food industry will be the common denominator because for me, the worst job I've had was working at Subway... and I've worked at a lot of shitty jobs over time.

Now for me, what made Subway intolerable wasn't the customers, wasn't the co-workers, wasn't the hours, and it wasn't even the pay. Hell I was eight months in and was being paid 10 bucks an hour and up for shift manager.

And with all of that, my one problem was with the late night manager. I HATED that bitch with a passion. Now at Subway, there's a rule that if there's a line, the manager is supposed to help just as much as the regular sandwich makers. But this lazy bitch always ALWAYS stood back and did nothing. And when the lines kept getting longer she would start making complaints after complaints about stuff that should be done a certain way.

It got to the point one time when the customers started cussing her out and telling her to shut up while me and my co-workers did our jobs.

Maybe it's where I was working, but the customers there were really nice and polite. If you made a mistake (before the sauces went on) then all you had to do was pick it off and throw it away. Customers weren't too picky though, and if the lines were long, they'd live huge tips... even though we didn't really NEED them.

Now I've heard that she's gone and I've even got a call from the store's owner about coming in as a manager myself. But honestly, I just feel like it would be a step back for me, plus there's complications with my wrestling career that would prevent me from working every shift.
I maintain that a paper round is a fucking shit job.

I used to do a weekend paper round for our local newsagents and I hated it. Having o get up really early on both Saturday and Sunday mornings always used to be piss me off, because of that and going to school you never got a single lie-in until the half-term holidays which were always several months apart.

Secondly, it was age the age where you started to have beers with your friends on the park on Friday nights, so I was always rough as fuck the morning after and still had to get up to do the paper round.

Thirdly, the weather. Cycling round in the early mornings when it was fucking freezing, snowing, raining, windy, name it, I did it. And I got cold, wet and the flu. It was shit

Also, the customers could be absolute assholes. For example, I pushed the newspaper through the letterbox and a big fuck off dog on the other side grabbed it and tore it to shreds. I am like "ahh, fuck it" and walk off, not my fault the dog was there. Next thing I know, the guy is chasing me in his car, waving the ripped up paper like a madman and yelling at me because it was ripped. "Dude, your dog mauled it, fucking control it!"
Obviously, the paper shop deemed it was my fault there was a dog behind the door, so I got in shit for it. What a joke
I'm in kind of a unique situation in that the shittiest jobs I've ever had have also been some of the best jobs I've ever had. I'll explain this paradox with one word: management. Your manager/supervisor makes or breaks your work experience. When I worked for Best Buy, I was fortunate enough to work for two different stores. While the first store I worked for was borderline unbearable, the second one was amazing. The differences between the two were like night and day: while the managers at the first store were relatively lazy and hypocritically rode your ass, the managers at the second store had amazing work ethics and rightly expected you to put in the same amount of effort that they put in; while the managers at the first store couldn't give a shit what you did so long as you put up good numbers (e.g., selling extended warranties, chumbo, accessories, etc.), the second store only cared that you put forth your best effort. I could go on here, but I think you get the picture.

So, to reiterate, your top brass makes or breaks your work experience.
Had a job working in an amusement park one Summer. I can't work retail because I'm deaf, so the park agreed to put me in the ticket booth where I could face the customers and read lips. Instead, they stuck me in a one-girl booth where I made pizza and sold it; all by myself. The problem was that making the pizza forced me to turn my back to the counter and people couldn't get my attention. After someone hit me in the back with a can of beer to let me know he was there, I quit.

Shit job?.....Guess so.
I certainly have a story, and I'll give you the punchline first. I'm still doing it.

Ever had a fire or a flood, and had a group of people come in and clean up the mess so you could get back to living the way you're used to? Yeah, that's what I do. Sound all sunshine and fucking sparkles, right? Wrong. The main thing I do is so bad, it was actually featured on the show Dirty Jobs. Oftentimes, when it rains to much, or something clogs the system, the sewer will back up into homes. Up toilets, sinks, floor drains, the worst. Imagine everything that gets flushed down there. Without even considering piss and shit, there's feminin hygiene products, used condoms, and a whole bunch of other crap that shouldn't even be flushed to begin with. My job is to clean that, and I'll admit I get paid fairly well to do it, but to make shit worse, our company is owned by 4 brothers. 4 very fucking greedy brothers. They take every cent they possibly can and allow the business to just BARELY scrape by, which in the industry I'm in, is a huge no-no. There are literally times we don't have the proper tools to do our job. It's absolutely ridiculous. Currently, I'm sitting in an airport, flying across Canada for these jerk-offs. Pleasant, no?
I coach QBs for my old high school team, it's not a full time job, but it's enough for a college student like myself to have fun with. Now, I've been helping out with the team since my playing days and once I had to coach the little league kids. I swear to God, 60 little runts running around me all day made me want to jump off a cliff. The kids were young, 7 and 8, my job was to teach them the fundamentals and keep them out of trouble. It was kind of a problem when they started climbing onto our cars, climbing trees, running away, etc. I'll never coach kids again - or at least not those ones.
When I was 18 I worked at a place called James Harding building material manufactoring co. and I would be about 25 ft down under the factory in a small room for 9 1/2 hrs with a safety harness and a rope tied to it with a little cloth mask covering my mouth and nose shoveling rock/gravel into a little 12in x 12in grate for it to be turned into cement/concrete premix, and if I wasn't doing that I was moving big bags of roofing shingles from one place to another. All for $7.25hr, that job sucked major ass. I lasted about 4 months there as a temp and couldn't take it anymore.
Tim fucking Hortons was hands down the worst job I ever had.

You know its a bad job when someone's Grandpa is on his deathbed and the boss refuses to let the person go because he is scheduled to work, that is the ONLY job I've ever had where that happened. The sad part is they would always do it if you were one of the bosses favorite workers but if you were someone the bosses didn't really know you just got a big middle finger.

You also know its a bad place when you get written up and threatened to get fired because you can't work extra hours because you have a final exam in the morning and actually CARE about your education. This one was especially bad because I was the type that would always help them whenever they needed it, I didn't do it once and got treated like shit every day since.

The moral of the story is, never work for Tim Horton's (or at least the one in Airdrie Alberta)
I used to work at a movie theater and for a while, I loved it. I got free soda, popcorn, and movies, my supervisors were chill, and the rest of the staff was really friendly. I worked there for a year and about 6 months in management changed. The manager in charge of scheduling was a completely asshole. My supervisor repeatedly recommend me for promotions and told management that I was the harder worker there, but I never moved up. But I a girl who had been there less than a month and was two years younger than me moved up right away. The manager's way of judging an employee's work ethic: how big her boobs were and how often she flirted with him. Since 1. I don't flirt with creepy 30 year old guys and 2. I had a boyfriend who also worked there, he hated me. That job became unbearable and I finally had to quit.

After that I went to work at a waffle house. That one was worse. They would schedule 8 hour shifts and never give me a break, but they would take out 30 minutes of pay so it looked like i got a break so they wouldn't get in trouble. Then as I was about to clock out, they'd tell me I had to stay another hour or two. It was never a request, it always a statement and I couldn't say no even if I had class or I had to be some where or whatever. They repeatedly scheduled me against my availability and during times when I was supposed to be in class. And they kept our tips. They did all this to everyone, not just to me. I started working there when it first opened last November and by mid-December 2/3 of the people I was hired with had quit. It was awful.
I worked for Valley Crest Landscaping for a few weeks this past year, easily the worst job ive worked. Woke up at 5:00 every day to head out to the yard, then we'd drive to the location and do landscaping all day, have one 10 min break and then end around 4. That wasn't the part that made me leave, the guys were treated me like crap and when they spoke spanish to eachother(which I lead them to beleive I spoke none of) I could hear them talking tons of shit about me. I got fed up, left and got a job where I could make more money, be respected and not die out in the sun all day.
It wasn't a "shit job", but easily the job I disliked and kinda hated the most. I worked at a porno/smoke shop for a little more than half a year. I got paid minimum wage and worked erratic shifts. That's not why I didn't like it.

You're probably asking "erratic shifts?" I'll break it down for y'all. There are three shifts in a day: 1st shift for 11pm-7am (plus one extra hour "overtime" to clean the Arcade -- viewing rooms for porn); 2nd shift for 7am-3pm (the shift our boss always had, except Sundays 'cause that was his day off); and 3rd shift for 3pm-11pm.

As I stated earlier, our boss got almost every 2nd shift while the rest of us got alternating 1st and 3rd shifts and the odd 2nd shift Sunday (my favorite since it was always slow). I had to take the bus to-and-from work for about 5 months and had to ask a few friends for a ride home if I had 3rd shift (I lived over 20 miles away from the shop and the bus to get home stopped running before I even get halfway through the commute). The commute on the bus and walking took 1.5 hours for one way, so I'd be away from home for almost 12 hours, 13 hours if I had 1st shift -- thank gawd I didn't have school! This is what I disliked about the job but didn't have a problem. Here's why I kinda hated it.

(clears throat)

Other than normal customers with a job looking to buy porn or pipes or scales or synthetic "marijuana" or any other "headshop" trinkets, I hated a majority of Arcade customers. The night shift (1st shift) brought out all the crackheads, dope pushers/dealers, transvestite prostitutes, troublemakers, etc. Fuck my life -- I worked in the middle of a semi-upscale neighborhood with a predominantly "black ghetto neighborhood" on the other side of the freeway nearby -- I don't mean to be prejudice or racist or whatever by saying "black ghetto neighborhood", I just hated driving near there and got lost in there while driving one afternoon on the way to work to avoid the traffic on the freeway. It was literally a crappy neighborhood with worn-down houses and, ugh, other things associated with ghettos, minus the star of David.

Anyways, they were the usual clientele and "money is always right"; the night shift always brought the most money in a day. I'd have to kick 'em out, argue with a few of 'em, ignore the ones who begged to get in and not pay the $7 entrance fee "AW COME ON *****, I'M ONLY 2 DOLLAS SHORT! I GOT YOU WHEN I LEAVE, OKAY?" I hated hated hated HATED them sooooo very very very very fuckin' much. There was one crackhead who didn't give me problems at first until he started begging to go in. I banned him from the store after he left the Arcade and told me "I get you a little rock of crack when I come back to get back in, okay?" and winked. Later I found out that he parked his rusted old VW in the back parking lot and fell asleep during the night. When I saw him asleep one morning while throwing out the garbage, I had the urge to get my crowbar out of my car and bash his skull with it 'cause I've told him over a dozen times before to leave -- that is when I realized I couldn't put up with the job anymore. I gave my two-weeks notice and left. Oh but I did call the cops on him, so I hope he's rotting in jail for possesion of crack and ignorance.

That's why I hated the job. And the fact that there was mold in the ceiling. And rain leaked from the ceiling a lot in different spots. And rain flooded the main entrance of the shop. And the building was worn down. The emergency fire exit door in the Arcade had a broken lock and the alarm didn't go off, so there would be customers going in and out through there without paying. The lighting was very dim in our workstation and I could barely read a book in there! The bathroom sink was broken (off the wall broken!) in the customer restroom. The supervisor clearly didn't give a shit and neither did the company.

Two months after I left, or July 1st of this year, a former employee (he worked there when I started) went to the shop with a gun and planned on killing our old boss and burn the shop down with him alive. What my old boss told me about the situation he was in is another story, but at least he made it out safely -- the former employee burned the shop and commited suicide inside. A blessing in disguise, I guess.

And maybe 'cause I hate East Bay Inc. (based in Dallas, TX), the company I worked for, I'll add more fuel to the fire. After the shop burned, my two co-workers/friends and fomer boss had to be relocated. My former boss works at a shop closer to home, but had to be demoted. My two friends were told to either work at a shop 25 miles in the north side of town (we lived in the southside) or be out of a job. They both didn't have cars and the commute on bus would have taken almost twice as long, so they're out of a job.

Fuck East Bay Inc., fuck that job. Looking back, I hated it with a passion and still do. And one of my friends working there told me he finally got a raise after one year! A raise of 25 cents.

Holy fuckin' tl;dr!
My first job after college was at a preschool. It was horrible. There was one crazy owner that would yell at you if you were a minute late. She was always spying on you. I always felt like I was under surveillance. But, during lunch was the worst. They would have you cover for other teachers while they went to lunch and the kids were napping. No problem, right? Well, this crazy bitch would come by and check to see if you were eating. She would actually tell you to STOP EATING, claiming it wasn't your lunch break?!? You couldn't even eat a snack! So, sometimes you would have to wait until 1 or 1:30 to eat when you got there at 7:30am. On top of that, the owners randomly decided one day to get rid of the cleaning crew. They were too damn cheap to keep the cleaning crew. I guess they had to keep up with their Mercedes car payments. So, we had to clean the floors with bleach (I'm allergic to chemicals, but that didn't matter to them), clean the nasty toilets, vaccum all the hallways and playrooms, etc. They would only schedule ONE person to do this every week! I didn't mind cleaning my classroom or the even the areas near my classroom. But, it's a little ridiculous to have us teach and discipline preschoolers all day, then turn into a cleaning crew during the afternoon hours.

Needless to say, there was a high turnover rate. One woman quit right in front of the kids, and it was her first day!! I got outta that hell hole after a year. And I'm surprised I lasted that long, but I needed the money.
The job i am in currently is the worst job i have ever had. I work in a bingo hall and if i didnt have my daughter would of walked out a long time ago.

Where do i start?

Is it the work collegue who has a std and refuses to go to the clinic yet he never washes his hands when he goes to the toilet. Which isnt very nice when we all share microphones.

or the manager bringing in her mate as a supervisor without even asking any of us if we would like to be considered for the role.

how about the customers that refuse to leave the building because of their gambling problems?

or that we got a pay rise when we were bought out a couple of months ago which took our pay up by 2 pence.

i swear i would love to write a book about that place some of the stories i have got over the past 3 years.
I was a stocker at store called Family Dollar. Horrible job. I didn't really wanna work there but I had that "Oh, it can't be that bad!" mentality. Where to begin? Sheesh. First off, I was given very few hours. They only called me in when they needed help unloading the truck. Hundreds upon hundreds of boxes. The stock room was rather small too, and the manager/store was very unorganized. Secondly, the place is located in a rather ghetto neighborhood, I live in the ghetto and it's a minute down the street from me. Apparently the manager thought he could make me double as security, so he would tell me to walk around the store and if I caught anyone stealing or shoplifting (which happened quite often) that I should kick them out the store. I've lived in this neighborhood all my life and I know how rough it is. No way in hell am I doing that so someone can come in and shoot me over a damn socket wrench or something. The customers were incredibly rude and because I had just started, I wasn't sure where everything was at in the store yet so if I didn't know where the pot holders or something were they would flip shit and start cussing, throwing out racial slurs and just acting like assholes in general. The final nail in the coffin was one night they had me take out a bunch of boxes on this rolling trolley type deal, and it was very windy outside. As soon as I rolled the thing outside the wind blew every single box off the trolley and into the parking lot, so here I am trying to keep the trolley from hitting peoples cars in the parking lot and chasing down boxes, all while my co-workers and my manager are standing in the warm, comfortable store (it was like 30 degrees outside, btw.) watching me and laughing at me. I didn't think that was the right thing to do, you're supposed to help out if you see your co-worker struggling usually. I quit the next day. Horrible job.
This week past I was working at a big Oil and Gas Conference that rolls around every 2 years with the catering department. I used to work at a shop that was primarily a music store but had a restaurant, convenience section, take-away bar and electrical department but the place was closed down in June and I've been out of work since.

So the job offer came through the job centre and I was quite happy just to be working again and have a routine of sorts. But fuck me, 3 12-hour shifts in a row did me in, especially the last day when I could barely walk from blisters on both feet.

The worst part about it was other people's work ethic though. I was mainly replenishing stock for the most part but also helping clear tables and recycling stuff etc so was all over the place. The majority of the other folk were in their late teens but I think it was only one persons first job of sorts. It was shocking how many times I'd ask someone to give me a hand topping up the fridges, or go and get some stock from the main storage area, then they'd just stop and not think about the next step; asking someone to get a pack of coke/water/crisps etc from storage because we're running low, then not actually putting them out. Unreal!

The main guy I was working with was a lad with "troubles" who was more focussed on eyeing up a lass than actually doing what he should be doing. On the second day he was stepping up his approach for her, trying to perform the knight in white armour routine despite someone already helping her while I was on my own, but whenever I asked him to do something he'd make a face like a 5 year old in a sulk then complain about it. Later that day he was fired, small consolation.

Overall I was glad to earn money again, but for the most part it was pretty shit due to others' working attitude. Bloody kids these days!

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