Shelton Syndrome: It's all about the Benjamins

I said win, not do well. He'll get over and have decent-good matches, but WWE wont give him the 'breakout star' push. That'll probably go to Riley. But that's a guess.

That might be true that Riley will win it, but I wouldn't mind on that, Lucky does still however have the potential to win it because he's over, because he's good in the ring and because he's good on the microphone.

Granted, though in FCW, Cannon was something more of a commodity than Maria and would therefore be less likely to be ignored.

Now that again I cannot comment on, but I would agree, Maria however has been listened to, so it's not that bad, and much less FCW could very well be more up and going on ignoring, or WWE could be the actual ones that choose to ignore him.

Not really that's pretty much how a sunset flip looks to be performed. The recipient basically trips over the deliverer's shoulders and lands as if he's recieved a sitout powerbomb.

I know, but with the size difference, the IWC would find a way to call it a botch.

He slapped Santino for laughing during a 'serious segment' and laments that wrestlers no longer keep kayfabe outside the arena. So yeah, he's a crazy ass.

Yep I heard those reports as well, also heard about Eric Bischoff's comments towards him, especially with the suicidal things and such.

Besides while I'm probably wrong, I would trust Bischoff over Cornette in terms of the business.

And Bischoff will say anything that makes him look good. Like Time Warner restricting the chequebook when he was paying millions of dollars to celebrities.

True, but who wouldn't say anything to make himself or herself look good?

And when ISN'T Cornette called an ass? That was the 'joke', that saying 'at times?' was to signify my disbelief that Cornette is ever complimented.

He's been commented for being a brain of the business and being a great manager, it kinda stops there although from my knowledge.

Granted, but if you're taking getting more people to follow you on Twitter as more serious than the job you're getting payed to do, that suggests you've got your priorities slightly wrong.

Depends in which way the twitter is used, let's remember that John has that twitter for the sake of talking to the fans, as well as some of the other WWE wrestlers and divas.

It is fairly true though. Rey is certainly one of the few exceptions to the 'criuserweights are fun to watch but have no ring psychology' stereotype (which is pretty accurite)

Rey Mysterio is fun to watch because of his cruiserweight experience and the performances he can do as a cruiserweight.

Has psychology but no tallent. I have never been entertained by Matt Hardy when Jeff isn't involved. He still fits the stereotype/

Matt is just boring, but he has talent nonetheless, it was just more visible when he was a tag team wrestler.

Another 4 exceptions to the rule. How many criuserweights were there in WCW? Rey is an exception, but like you've pointed out not the only one. He has been one of WWE's most consistent performers of recent years though.

Of course Rey has been consistent, because of his in-ring abilities, but he's as well not the only consistent guy, Chris Jericho perhaps being more consistent.

Unless you're telling me that Heel SCSA who was playing nice with Vince was the same character as the McMahon bashing, hell raising beer drinking ass kicking machine, he did. Hell, Vince pointed out that they were very different asking for the old Stone Cold.

Might have a point there, I have never seen the big difference between the two of them, as opposed to the changes John made, and Triple H.

Well Ric Flair in his later career started playing more of a mentor role in later versions of the 4 Horsemen, especially if we count Evolution as a version of the Horsemen.

Still not that large a change, considering he was still going by the same gimmick, and had some kind of mentor position before in terms of the Four Horsemen because he was the leader, so by my state I would say Triple H in Evolution as well was a mentor.

He did change. The Narccistic HBK is not the same as the HBK he was after he returned from injury (the latter was more toned down), who was certainly not the same as the 'Taker obsessed HBK he was in his final months.

That's not a gimmick change, it's a change of heart, because Shawn himself refused to perform those things, Shawn still had some kind of cockiness over him from time to time, but not in terms of being annoying and backstage hated.

Yes, yes he did. Vampire =/= Comedic Cool Dude =/= Rated-R Superstar.

The vampire thing was overblown really, there weren't that much of a vampire of him as there were a lackey, but I do see a bit with the cool dude - Rated-R Superstar, but he was still risky, cocky and insulting back then.

He certainly has changed. See: Edge, only replace 'Rated-R superstar' with 'Captain Charisma'

Same thing as Edge, except he's not risky cocky and insulting now, he's the polar opposite.

And even those that don't change, sort of do.

only partially.

Yes they could, and they probably should.

Should is questionable considering a guy like Triple H, John Cena etc. really is just fine, on the microphone, a bit of things could be changed, but ultimately they're good enough to not change.

Indeed, Mic skills (unless they're insanely good, ala the Rock) certainly won't shoot you to success over night. You also need to be entertaining.

Which is also somewhat of a challenge, but nonetheless it's more doable than to be great on the microphone.

The Miz (and others) has joked about it on Twitter, so I'd assume he's aware of his promo prowess, or lack thereof.

The Miz jokes about a lot on Twitter, insulting Chris Jericho for taking up air time, boring promos and matches I believe, what doesn't that say about the legitimacy of their jokes and arguments?

Otunga was NEVER winning though. He was simply too bad in the ring. I didn't even think he'd make the final.

Yet before the plans for The Nexus, was that Otunga would be included on the roster as well, and that it was only 4 guys that would get in there, Otunga, Barrett, Bryan Danielson and Justin Gabriel (only because they liked his finisher)

if that promo was heelish, the Rock was always a heel in WWE.

The Rock was heel a lot of times in WWE, he was still insulting no matter what, he was just insulting towards others, that does have heelish tendencies.

Very true, but it's a move right out of the 80s which has degenerated into a rest hold. It's like getting a regular DDT over as a finisher today. Not an easy feat.

That's true.

as a resthold?

Nonetheless it's applied, and applied well, the sleeper has served as the primary rest-hold for a long time, and even with that it takes a bit of experience to apply it properly and make it look legit, but nonetheless again, it rests on the opponent to sell it properly.

Shawn Michaels could botch a move and make it look good. But there's a diffedrence between making a resthold look painful and using a glorified resthold as a finisher.

That's true, but it could be used as a finisher easily as well, again, it's all about the opponent selling it, it's just like the clothesline from hell.

Hell I'm sure someone could use a hammerlock as a submission finisher, as long as it's sold legitimately, it can work.
That might be true that Riley will win it, but I wouldn't mind on that, Lucky does still however have the potential to win it because he's over, because he's good in the ring and because he's good on the microphone.

He is all of those things, but so is Riley who is better than him on every level. But he's certainly someone who'd make a better winner than most of the guys on NXT.

Now that again I cannot comment on, but I would agree, Maria however has been listened to, so it's not that bad, and much less FCW could very well be more up and going on ignoring, or WWE could be the actual ones that choose to ignore him.

I can't see why FCW, a place where gimmicks change regularly, and designed for future WWE tallents to develop the skills and characters that they;ll need on the main rosters would be reluctant to accept change. Especially when other, formerly generic wrestlers have developed characters and been turned by the fans.

I know, but with the size difference, the IWC would find a way to call it a botch.

The IWC are idiots.

Yep I heard those reports as well, also heard about Eric Bischoff's comments towards him, especially with the suicidal things and such.

Besides while I'm probably wrong, I would trust Bischoff over Cornette in terms of the business.

Can't blame you. He's the one whose company was a national success.

True, but who wouldn't say anything to make himself or herself look good?

True, but there's a difference between telling the story as it happened and lieing your ass off. Which Bischoff did.

He's been commented for being a brain of the business and being a great manager, it kinda stops there although from my knowledge.

Cornette is an ass and a fool. He's a fool who knows the buisness well, but he's so old school that his opinions are delapidated and outdated.

Depends in which way the twitter is used let's remember that John has that twitter for the sake of talking to the fans, as well as some of the other WWE wrestlers and divas.

Well, however it's being used (to answer fan's questions and become the most followed season 2 rookie), it's not something that you should be using while you're being payed (presumably) to do something else. Does your boss let you go on facebook when you're in the office?

Rey Mysterio is fun to watch because of his cruiserweight experience and the performances he can do as a cruiserweight.

Matt is just boring, but he has talent nonetheless, it was just more visible when he was a tag team wrestler.

Both these paragraphs are true. And when you're working in a tag team with Mr Bump, it's not hard to look like a competant worker.

Of course Rey has been consistent, because of his in-ring abilities, but he's as well not the only consistent guy, Chris Jericho perhaps being more consistent.

Agreed, Jericho has always been a tallented, consistent Mofo. Rey went from jumping bean to consistent worker though, which is impressive.

Might have a point there, I have never seen the big difference between the two of them, as opposed to the changes John made, and Triple H.

He was being nice to Vince and buying him presents. That's fairly different from this:


Still not that large a change, considering he was still going by the same gimmick, and had some kind of mentor position before in terms of the Four Horsemen because he was the leader, so by my state I would say Triple H in Evolution as well was a mentor.

Fair enough. I'm sure if I followed Ric's career in any grerat detail I could find evidence of significant changes in it. But I haven't, and they may not be present so I'll give you Flair as someone who didn't change much.

That's not a gimmick change, it's a change of heart, because Shawn himself refused to perform those things, Shawn still had some kind of cockiness over him from time to time, but not in terms of being annoying and backstage hated.

A change in the character for whatever reason is a change in the character. And in any case, once Shawn superkicked Marty Jannetty his gimmick wasn't that of a rocker anymore. Which would be a change.

The vampire thing was overblown really, there weren't that much of a vampire of him as there were a lackey, but I do see a bit with the cool dude - Rated-R Superstar, but he was still risky, cocky and insulting back then.

Fine, he was a goth in the brood. Either way that's a big change to 'cool dude' and the change from cool dude who'd pose for the crowd (for the benefit of those with flash photography' is fairly different to an obsessive guy who manipulates the crowd for no other reason than because he loves to manipulate. And even if the initial jump wasn't a great one, the Rated-R character itself changed to something that was a big difference from 'Cool Dude'.

Same thing as Edge, except he's not risky cocky and insulting now, he's the polar opposite.

Is he posing for the benefit of those with flash photography? His change might not be as drastic as Edge's but it is still a big change from what he was. Especially in his singles heel turn when he competed as a superhero.

only partially.

Proof of concept, if nothing else.

Should is questionable considering a guy like Triple H, John Cena etc. really is just fine, on the microphone, a bit of things could be changed, but ultimately they're good enough to not change.

Very good point. However, that's not to say that they shouldn't practice promocutting anyway. Got to keep the old silver tounge shiny and sharp.

Which is also somewhat of a challenge, but nonetheless it's more doable than to be great on the microphone.

Agreed, it's harder to learn to cut a good promo than to become entertaining. Though with enough practice, you can improve a lot on the mic in a short period of time. I know I've improved in my ability to orally present stuff to an audience.

The Miz jokes about a lot on Twitter, insulting Chris Jericho for taking up air time, boring promos and matches I believe, what doesn't that say about the legitimacy of their jokes and arguments?

Morrison jokes on Twitter as well. However in the case of Morrison's promocutting there's more than a grain of truth. And given that anybody new to the buisness should probably be trying to learn from the veterains and asking where to work on, he probably has been told to his face that he is a bad promocutter.

Yet before the plans for The Nexus, was that Otunga would be included on the roster as well, and that it was only 4 guys that would get in there, Otunga, Barrett, Bryan Danielson and Justin Gabriel (only because they liked his finisher)

Where was that reported? and in anycase, he ended up on the roster anyway. My original opinion was that Gabriel Barrett and Danielson were dead certs for the final 4 with Otunga competing with Slater for the final spot. Slater is worse on the mic but a million times better in the ring.

The Rock was heel a lot of times in WWE, he was still insulting no matter what, he was just insulting towards others, that does have heelish tendencies.

If calling someone fat counts as being heelish then then calling someone a 'rudypoo candy ass' would make someone a full time heel.

That's true.

I thought so.

Nonetheless it's applied, and applied well, the sleeper has served as the primary rest-hold for a long time, and even with that it takes a bit of experience to apply it properly and make it look legit, but nonetheless again, it rests on the opponent to sell it properly.

Selling a sleeper is a matter of being floppy and closing your eyes. Very complex stuff. And a primary resthold isn't something to boast about. It's like a headscissors takedown being a primary highflying move for years. It's a spot that could be interchanged with a dozen others, making it all the more impressive that Dolph has taken a hold that could be interchanged with any other and made it an irreplacable part of his arsenal.

That's true, but it could be used as a finisher easily as well, again, it's all about the opponent selling it, it's just like the clothesline from hell.

JBL's clothesline from hell was a lariat taken right out of Stan Hansen's playbook. Ask these guys how much selling was involved with that move:


Hell I'm sure someone could use a hammerlock as a submission finisher, as long as it's sold legitimately, it can work.

Very true, but it would still take some effort on the part of the guy who wants to make it his finisher.
I apologize for the late respond.

He is all of those things, but so is Riley who is better than him on every level. But he's certainly someone who'd make a better winner than most of the guys on NXT.

Yes Riley is better on all those levels, and yes both of them could win it, because I don't see any of the other people being legit winners.

I can't see why FCW, a place where gimmicks change regularly, and designed for future WWE tallents to develop the skills and characters that they;ll need on the main rosters would be reluctant to accept change. Especially when other, formerly generic wrestlers have developed characters and been turned by the fans.

That might very well be true, but as the argument I have used so many times by now: We do not know how it functions backstage.

Can't blame you. He's the one whose company was a national success.

Not only that, but because Eric truly does strike me as more of a mind for the business, especially in the bigger promotions, having been a general manager for the most of it, as well as an investor / influential backstage name MUCH more than Cornette.

True, but there's a difference between telling the story as it happened and lieing your ass off. Which Bischoff did.

That's very true.

Cornette is an ass and a fool. He's a fool who knows the buisness well, but he's so old school that his opinions are delapidated and outdated.

And that's one of the problems for his promotions really, especially on the whole staying in kayfabe material.

Well, however it's being used (to answer fan's questions and become the most followed season 2 rookie), it's not something that you should be using while you're being payed (presumably) to do something else. Does your boss let you go on facebook when you're in the office?

I don't go on other sites than what I use for work when I'm at work, but I do get where you're coming from, but he's not the only one to be doing it, Chris Jericho updates his twitter, as well as The Miz when their backstage from my understanding, or at least they have done that in the past.

Both these paragraphs are true. And when you're working in a tag team with Mr Bump, it's not hard to look like a competant worker.

Mr Bump? Jeff Hardy?

Agreed, Jericho has always been a tallented, consistent Mofo. Rey went from jumping bean to consistent worker though, which is impressive.

That is true, but it's been done by others as well, who probably have done it in a better manner as well.

He was being nice to Vince and buying him presents. That's fairly different from this:


That is true, but the fact of the matter is that compared to Triple H and John Cena who really went through more of a gimmick change than anything, Austin didn't change as much.

Fair enough. I'm sure if I followed Ric's career in any grerat detail I could find evidence of significant changes in it. But I haven't, and they may not be present so I'll give you Flair as someone who didn't change much.

I as well haven't followed Ric's career that much, but I would assume he hasn't changed really, there has been gimmick change considerations, from the very guy that fired / caused Ric Flair to leave NWA-WCW.

A change in the character for whatever reason is a change in the character. And in any case, once Shawn superkicked Marty Jannetty his gimmick wasn't that of a rocker anymore. Which would be a change.

I can't believe I have forgotten about that, it is indeed a change.

Fine, he was a goth in the brood. Either way that's a big change to 'cool dude' and the change from cool dude who'd pose for the crowd (for the benefit of those with flash photography' is fairly different to an obsessive guy who manipulates the crowd for no other reason than because he loves to manipulate. And even if the initial jump wasn't a great one, the Rated-R character itself changed to something that was a big difference from 'Cool Dude'.

When you put it like that, it does make a lot more sense.

Is he posing for the benefit of those with flash photography? His change might not be as drastic as Edge's but it is still a big change from what he was. Especially in his singles heel turn when he competed as a superhero.

same as above.

Very good point. However, that's not to say that they shouldn't practice promocutting anyway. Got to keep the old silver tounge shiny and sharp.

That's true, you can't simply cut the practice, even if it's something that is basically done on an every day note, I doubt Chris Jericho talks any less or any less rant-like backstage, besides Chris is a great talent in adapting, so he probably could simply talk, and keep talking, till someone interrupts.

Agreed, it's harder to learn to cut a good promo than to become entertaining. Though with enough practice, you can improve a lot on the mic in a short period of time. I know I've improved in my ability to orally present stuff to an audience.

That is true, it can be practiced and practiced well, let's remember The Rock, who thanked his ability to talk to school.

Morrison jokes on Twitter as well. However in the case of Morrison's promocutting there's more than a grain of truth. And given that anybody new to the buisness should probably be trying to learn from the veterains and asking where to work on, he probably has been told to his face that he is a bad promocutter.

Yet another thing we can only assume that he has, but I agree, he most likely have.

Where was that reported? and in anycase, he ended up on the roster anyway. My original opinion was that Gabriel Barrett and Danielson were dead certs for the final 4 with Otunga competing with Slater for the final spot. Slater is worse on the mic but a million times better in the ring.

I don't recall the site that I read it on, but I believe it was F4online (Wrestling News Observers)

If calling someone fat counts as being heelish then then calling someone a 'rudypoo candy ass' would make someone a full time heel.

That's true, but I would assume any kind of insulting has a grain of heelish attitude over it, even for John Cena, it's mostly due to the nature of which an insult, is an offensive / bad thing.

Selling a sleeper is a matter of being floppy and closing your eyes. Very complex stuff. And a primary resthold isn't something to boast about. It's like a headscissors takedown being a primary highflying move for years. It's a spot that could be interchanged with a dozen others, making it all the more impressive that Dolph has taken a hold that could be interchanged with any other and made it an irreplacable part of his arsenal.

No need to get sarcastic ;)

And sure it's nothing special, and Dolph using it as a finisher should be applauded, but nonetheless it's nothing special in learning or teaching.

JBL's clothesline from hell was a lariat taken right out of Stan Hansen's playbook. Ask these guys how much selling was involved with that move:


I know it was, but nonetheless it's still about selling it to make it a finisher, besides the majority of Stan Hansen's lariat's looked sloppy compared to how JBL twisted and bended his opponents when performing it, people apparently have gotten better at selling.

Very true, but it would still take some effort on the part of the guy who wants to make it his finisher.

Of course it takes effort from the guy who performs the finisher, but even with that the finisher becoming legitimate looking is due to the opponents sell.
For people that say Shelton Benjamin never had a chance, you're dead wrong. Shelton beat Triple H, the top dog, right after being drafted to Raw. Benjamin just half assed everything so he never went anywhere. I really hope Morrison doesn't get full blown "Shelton Syndrome" because I think he has championship potential. I think that the best thing for him would be to have Melina be his mouthpiece when she returns, I must say that she is very good at that. If Morrison can get better on the mic and just bring a little more effort he could be a success.
I apologize for the late respond.

As do I. I haven't been in a posting mood recently.

Yes Riley is better on all those levels, and yes both of them could win it, because I don't see any of the other people being legit winners.

Very good point. I see McGillicutty/Hennig as a possibility as well.

That might very well be true, but as the argument I have used so many times by now: We do not know how it functions backstage.

Very true, we don't.

Not only that, but because Eric truly does strike me as more of a mind for the business, especially in the bigger promotions, having been a general manager for the most of it, as well as an investor / influential backstage name MUCH more than Cornette.

Wasn't Cornette a booker for ages? Counts as having a lot of backstage power in my book.

And that's one of the problems for his promotions really, especially on the whole staying in kayfabe material.

It's more a comment on how he thinks kayfabe is insanely important. It is, but not to the level he thinks it is. Especialy post-attitude era.

I don't go on other sites than what I use for work when I'm at work, but I do get where you're coming from, but he's not the only one to be doing it, Chris Jericho updates his twitter, as well as The Miz when their backstage from my understanding, or at least they have done that in the past.

Do you go on Wrestlezone at work? When you're supposed to be talking to people and bigging up your product (I assume you work in an office). THere's a difference between tweeting to pass the time and doing it 'on the job'

Mr Bump? Jeff Hardy?

Who else?

That is true, but it's been done by others as well, who probably have done it in a better manner as well.

Can you give me an example of who? Jericho was always good, as were the other guys you mentioned. Rey was a spotmonkey, the other guys you listed always had more of a technical base.

That is true, but the fact of the matter is that compared to Triple H and John Cena who really went through more of a gimmick change than anything, Austin didn't change as much.

Before he became Stone Cold he did.

I as well haven't followed Ric's career that much, but I would assume he hasn't changed really, there has been gimmick change considerations, from the very guy that fired / caused Ric Flair to leave NWA-WCW.

Same here tbh. His prime was before my birth.

I can't believe I have forgotten about that, it is indeed a change.

As was 'funny degenerate' to 'deadman obsessed guy'

When you put it like that, it does make a lot more sense.

same as above.

I thought so.

That's true, you can't simply cut the practice, even if it's something that is basically done on an every day note, I doubt Chris Jericho talks any less or any less rant-like backstage, besides Chris is a great talent in adapting, so he probably could simply talk, and keep talking, till someone interrupts.

Jericho does consider mad improv skillz to be important. Mainly because improving on the mic means that you can learn to improvise in the ring. Always helps.

That is true, it can be practiced and practiced well, let's remember The Rock, who thanked his ability to talk to school.

If I became a pro wrestler I'd owe any ability to talk in front of an audience to university. Any place where you can get critiqued on your ability to talk will greatly improve your promo cutting ability.

I don't recall the site that I read it on, but I believe it was F4online (Wrestling News Observers)

I remember that rumour. I also remember ignoring it and writing him off because he's not good enough to be entrusted with a solo run at a tile.

That's true, but I would assume any kind of insulting has a grain of heelish attitude over it, even for John Cena, it's mostly due to the nature of which an insult, is an offensive / bad thing.

Good point.

No need to get sarcastic ;)

I disagree. Sarcasm is a gift that should be given often.

And sure it's nothing special, and Dolph using it as a finisher should be applauded, but nonetheless it's nothing special in learning or teaching.

But delivering it in a convincing manner is impressive.

I know it was, but nonetheless it's still about selling it to make it a finisher, besides the majority of Stan Hansen's lariat's looked sloppy compared to how JBL twisted and bended his opponents when performing it, people apparently have gotten better at selling.

Actually, my point was that with Hansen's lariat, no selling was neccesary. Because he hit you. HARD. You went down whether you like it or not. JBL might not be as criminally stiff as Hansen but you were still going down, like it or not.

Of course it takes effort from the guy who performs the finisher, but even with that the finisher becoming legitimate looking is due to the opponents sell.

Very true. At least half of the effort of making a move look convincing is on the recipient. Especially when it comes to submission moves.
For people that say Shelton Benjamin never had a chance, you're dead wrong. Shelton beat Triple H, the top dog, right after being drafted to Raw. Benjamin just half assed everything so he never went anywhere. I really hope Morrison doesn't get full blown "Shelton Syndrome" because I think he has championship potential. I think that the best thing for him would be to have Melina be his mouthpiece when she returns, I must say that she is very good at that. If Morrison can get better on the mic and just bring a little more effort he could be a success.

No your wrong, and you obviously haven't been watching wrestling long. Alot of people beat triple haycth, so what does that mean? Anybody can beat anybody on any given night. So ok dude. Him beatin haycth isn't a guarantee to anything. Benjamin wasn't utilized worth of shit and any real person knows that. What happen was they knew benjamin wasn't going to resign anyway, so their "oh can't no one quit on us" ego got the best of them and released him first, pathetic.
Good Doctor Remix (aka: Professor Unsex):

Attached is a case file I believed to be it's own unique case, but after reading your report I have come to believe it is a related disease, possibly the predecessor.


This is the first person I had encountered with symptoms similar to the ones you have described, in fact I dubbed the disorder "D'Lo Brown Syndrome".

D'Lo Brown had a surprisingly long stretch of employment and exposure in the WWE during his career. An addition made from the now defunct Smokey Mountain Wrestling, D'Lo first caught my eye as a member of the Nation of Domination. He seemed to have a decent mixture of talents, and among others in the company who started around the same time he seemed like there might be potential for him to at least top the mid card.

Problems arose when he was given a mic; D'Lo spoke English well enough, but lacked the charisma needed to connect with fans. His matches were well worked, for the most part, and he avoided any long term injuries quite well (except for a suspect Pectoral Muscle injury). However, he was involved in the paralyzation of a fellow worker, Darren Drozdov. A combination of factors, most outside of Brown's control, lead to a botched powerbomb that left Drozdov temporarily a quadriplegic. Reports confirm that Brown was deeply upset by the accident, and in fact that he thought of quitting at the time. It is my belief that this may have had a long lasting impact on the remainder of his career.

D'Lo was matched with high calibre performers before and after the accident, including but not limited to: The Rock, Eddie Guerrero, and Booker T. These were usually short affairs, however, as D'Lo was never able to pick up any following or any measure of heat from the fans. He was relegated to jobber status, but still received a considerable amount of airtime for a performer who was showing signs of having difficulty jumping to the next level of competition. D'Lo Brown is one of four WWF/E performers to hold both the Europeon and Intercontinental Championship belts (the others being Jeff Jarrett, Kurt Angle, and Rob Van Dam), but he also holds the distinction of being the only one of these four to not later receive a world title reign in any modern national wrestling promotion. Even as late as 2002 he was given a decent push involving Theodore Long and a racially charged storyline. This push even including him going on a win streak on Smackdown for short time. However, like every other attempt to bump D'Lo up the ranks, it fell flat on it's face. He was released quickly afterwards. He's since bounced around from scene to scene, making a brief return to the WWE in 2008 where he was placed in an angle with Santino Marella which ended quickly and he was removed from television quietly and released early in 2009. Currently, he is a road agent for TNA.

If not it's own seperate but related case, I believe D'Lo Brown to be an early sufferer of what you have called the "Shelton Syndrome". I hope this information can help you in anyway with your research. One day, we will find a cure!
Very good point. I see McGillicutty/Hennig as a possibility as well.

Yep I see him being one of the final 3 as well, but I hope mostly that we see Alex Riley winning.

Wasn't Cornette a booker for ages? Counts as having a lot of backstage power in my book.

I cannot say, I never truly followed Cornette, but Eric Bischoff had investments and didn't he actually own WCW for a period of time as well?

It's more a comment on how he thinks kayfabe is insanely important. It is, but not to the level he thinks it is. Especialy post-attitude era.

Exactly, besides the majority of fans that are over the age of 20 or so knows what's going on, as opposed to what people knew and thought in the 80's or 90's.

Do you go on Wrestlezone at work? When you're supposed to be talking to people and bigging up your product (I assume you work in an office). THere's a difference between tweeting to pass the time and doing it 'on the job'

I don't really work at an office, more like a small business which works with repairing computers, I'm in the room where we repair it.

And no I don't go on Wrestlezone at work, I did at school although, lurking mostly because I didn't have the time to reply to all posts.

But even with that, them tweeting backstage is not a big deal compared to someone tweeting at an office for example, due to the fact that what can you truly do to contribute to the show that's going on, backstage rather than lights etc. which there's others hired to do.

Can you give me an example of who? Jericho was always good, as were the other guys you mentioned. Rey was a spotmonkey, the other guys you listed always had more of a technical base.

I have always considered Eddie Guerrero as someone who was somewhat of a spot monkey before he went to WCW and WWE, I could be wrong although.

But Jeff Hardy was also somewhat of a spot monkey, jumping around and shit, he's doing pretty well on the ground as well.

And while they might not be able to compete with Rey's adaption, there's a large handful of X division wrestlers doing it, and doing it well.

Before he became Stone Cold he did.

That's true, but afterwards he didn't truly change.

As was 'funny degenerate' to 'deadman obsessed guy'

I wouldn't count that really, because it was still the same Shawn Michaels, he might have changed a bit in terms of what he wanted to accomplish, but that was around Wrestlemania, Shawn is always serious around Wrestlemania.

Jericho does consider mad improv skillz to be important. Mainly because improving on the mic means that you can learn to improvise in the ring. Always helps.

Improvising in the ring? I'm not sure I follow you about how improving on the microphone helps you improvise moves in the ring, or I could be totally off track and you mean improvising promos? which WWE rarely ever does anymore, I know of very few people that were completely unscripted during their career, or the majority of it.

If I became a pro wrestler I'd owe any ability to talk in front of an audience to university. Any place where you can get critiqued on your ability to talk will greatly improve your promo cutting ability.

Agreed, but I believe even with university or any other speaking class etc. there's still some people who are limited.

I remember that rumour. I also remember ignoring it and writing him off because he's not good enough to be entrusted with a solo run at a tile.

That might very well be true, but all of the rookies could've accomplished something in one sense or another, no matter what I see them all with some kind of championship potential, they're not all world championship potential although.

I disagree. Sarcasm is a gift that should be given often.

I disagree with that, mostly due to my incredibly lacking ability to work with sarcasm unless it's literally thrown in my face, then smeared around like some older clown movie with pies.

But delivering it in a convincing manner is impressive.

That is true, but even with that, it's not necessarily a hard thing to do, especially not with a sleeper.

Actually, my point was that with Hansen's lariat, no selling was neccesary. Because he hit you. HARD. You went down whether you like it or not. JBL might not be as criminally stiff as Hansen but you were still going down, like it or not.

That's true, probably due to JBL being in an era where people being stiff and all could become a bad thing, the 80's guys were supposedly tough sons of bitches, but nonetheless great wrestlers, but I do believe that Stan Hansen's lariat would've come off better if it didn't look so damn stiff.

Very true. At least half of the effort of making a move look convincing is on the recipient. Especially when it comes to submission moves.

Exactly, but even with that there's a bit of selling done by the guy applying the hold, Chris Jericho is the master of this in terms of making the hold look legitimate by himself, his facial looks and screams "TAP" makes The Walls of Jericho so much better.
There are just so many afflicted with The Shelton Syndrome.
But I'd like to point out one who had everything in his grasp and f***ed it all away

Jeff Hardy

During the momentum of a lifetime, when his popularity was 2nd to none, when he was the face.... THE FACE of Smackdown, the same brand that has the Undertaker, (had) Jericho, Edge; Jeff was top dog and his merchandise was flying off the shelves ( in fairness they always have, WWE has always made great Jeff Hardy merchandise)
AND THEN, the boy decides that he wants to....paint?!!?! What did he really wanna do I still don't know but it is plain clear...that boy has the stupids.
Why oh why!! would you leave (when you're healthy) and then go to the mediocre 'competition' ?!!!!.:banghead:

No desire-SIMPLE!
see he had connected with the crowd, was monstrously over and then he just lost the passion to keep striving, to keep traveling, to keep his name etched in the minds of fans worldwide.
He had a chance to be one of the few rare wrestlers who are over mainstream-wise and also admired by the IWC.

A wasted talent who had unbelievable, unimaginable potential (sigh):confused:

I move the court to change the name of the disease from the Shelton Syndrome to ' THE JEFFAILMENT '
what kinda name is Lucky Cannon?? What is that?!! an erectile disfunction!!!
There are just so many afflicted with The Shelton Syndrome.
But I'd like to point out one who had everything in his grasp and f***ed it all away

Jeff Hardy

During the momentum of a lifetime, when his popularity was 2nd to none, when he was the face.... THE FACE of Smackdown, the same brand that has the Undertaker, (had) Jericho, Edge; Jeff was top dog and his merchandise was flying off the shelves ( in fairness they always have, WWE has always made great Jeff Hardy merchandise)
AND THEN, the boy decides that he wants to....paint?!!?! What did he really wanna do I still don't know but it is plain clear...that boy has the stupids.
Why oh why!! would you leave (when you're healthy) and then go to the mediocre 'competition' ?!!!!.:banghead:

No desire-SIMPLE!
see he had connected with the crowd, was monstrously over and then he just lost the passion to keep striving, to keep traveling, to keep his name etched in the minds of fans worldwide.
He had a chance to be one of the few rare wrestlers who are over mainstream-wise and also admired by the IWC.

A wasted talent who had unbelievable, unimaginable potential (sigh):confused!

I'd rather call this Burnt Out Syndrome. This is an interesting syndrome where a wrestler cannot keep up with a particular schedule and wishes to wind down, in some cases to try other interests (paint) or to simply relax and heal. It is especially potent in high flyers as they put their body on the line more than others due to their high risk moves. Some like Rey Mysterio however do not really take breaks and end up injured meaning they are out of action anyway.
I'd rather call this Burnt Out Syndrome. This is an interesting syndrome where a wrestler cannot keep up with a particular schedule and wishes to wind down, in some cases to try other interests (paint) or to simply relax and heal. It is especially potent in high flyers as they put their body on the line more than others due to their high risk moves. Some like Rey Mysterio however do not really take breaks and end up injured meaning they are out of action anyway.

Yeah but during your biggest roll!!???
During one of the hottest feuds on TV in nearly 3 years?!!!
Look maybe this was overdue, he wanted a break, was burnt out; he isn't a Taker or a HBK but WWE did give Edge some time off too when he was a little jaded a couple of years back. He could've taken a couple of months off and then come back too.

You can bet your bottom Dollar that Jeff Hardy would've come back and won the Royal Rumble this year, because he was still SO over!!

Then a World Heavyweight Championship feud with Punk where he finally pins him....would've worked out perfectly.
But NO!!! Now he's in TNA being an 'enigmatic asshole' ( I for the record hate that, just crass) and working the upper mid-card
Good Job Jeff :disappointed:

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