Sheamus vs Del Rio-Who's push was better?


Dark Match Winner
So the thread says it all. Sheamus, when put in Raw (and even on ECW), he dominated the whole entire roster. Within literally 7 weeks in Raw, he became world champion. Along with that, he completed a full successful year of accomplishing to headline with Trips at Mania, become a dominant contender in any match on Raw or PPV, obtain the a second title reign under his belt, and put on a great freakin feud with JoMo.

Del Rio seemed to gain widespread spotlight when he came last summer. Led a feud with Mysterio for a very long time, "attacked and hurt" Christian, won the Royal Rumble and now headlining for the world champ at Mania. Though I hate his wresting (same crap all the freakin time), he has a great persona and overall pretty good mic skills.

So who will it be, guys?
Alberto Del Rio by far. Then again, I'm biased towards Smackdown's style of shows. Sheamus is being buried by the second, meanwhile Alberto Del Rio is headlining Wrestlemania. I'll admit, it was a little too fast, but Alberto Del Rio will definitely be molded into a star very soon. Sheamus may be too far gone.
Easily Del Rio. Sheamus on ECW wasn't a big force, in fact I think he lost to Goldust, but I'm not sure, when he got to RAW, he was shoved down our throats. Del Rio has been pushed properly, and still is.
Sheamuses he got WWE championship in a few weeks dominated & did it in a barbaric way delrios push is nothing specal just a midcard heel to move up to main event picture sheamus didn,t look weak he looked like he could beat most guys fair but prefered dominating anyway he could
I think Sheamus.

Sheamus did destroy ECW and then RAW, and he won the WWE Championship, not only within his rookie year but within like 8 months. He was also one of the final survivors in a team which consisted of him and The Miz at that years Survivor Series. He was pushed to the moon. And he beat John Cena to win the WWE Championship. Not just anybody.

Del Rio hasn't done anything, too big asides from winning the Rumble. Had the feud with Rey and the short one with Christian but they ust put him over. And even now, if he wins the World Heavyweight Championship he'll only be beating Edge. Granted at Wrestlemania.

But it isn't John Cena, it's Edge. Edge has been a transitional Champion for a long time now.
I'd say Del Rio's push is being done in a much more gradual i.e. "proper" way. I feel if Sheamus had been pushed in a similar manner his first title reign would have been much stronger. To me, his second reign went more like his first should've gone, with his second being even stronger than it actually ended up being. I also don't understand all the talk od Sheamus being buried. If winning KOTR, being used to make JoMo look more credible, and being in the main event pretty consistantly is him being buried, I'd tend to think everyone on the roster would love to be buried like that.
Del Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiooooooooooooooooooooooo

Its obvious that Del Rio has the better push
Even the accomplishments were better

Sheamus - 2-Time WWE Champion (We won't count the horrible 2nd reign)
King of the Ring
Injured Triple H
Retired Jamie Noble

Alberto Del Rio - Royal Rumble Winner
Headline WM27
Most Likely 97% to win World Title @ Mania 27
Injured Rey Mysterio
Injured Christian
Del Rio. Shaemus was pushed slower than Del Rio, but his 15 minutes of fame are probably over. The King of the Ring tag doesnt mean ANYTHING, in current WWE. I dont even think he was in a major match in the past month besides the Raw EC. Del Rio is headlining WRESTLEMANIA, a dream that every WWE Superstar has. And if he WINS, itll be a much bigger achievement, and I think he'll have the title for a while. If he loses, I think he'll move to RAW at the Draft and then be a future WWE Champion. So bottom line is, Del Rio's push is far better than "King" Shaemus.
Del Rio by a mile. Sheamus beat JOBBERS and nobodies and won over Cena which was made to look like a fluke win by accident with Cena falling through the table then got the title.

And winning the Royal Rumble is far bigger than being one of the last guys on a survivor series team.
I don't think it's fair to compare......


-2X WWE Champion
-King of the ring winner
-Put Triple H out of action
-Retired Jamie noble
-Slammy award winner for best Breakout star
-Has never been defeated by John cena in a One on one match

Alberto del rio

-Royal rumble winner
-Put Christian out of action
-Will headline Wrestlemania 27

If you look at it from a quantity stand-point, Sheamus has accomplished quite a bit more. But If you think about it, Winning the royal rumble is far more important than winning King of the ring.

Both of these guy's have a very bright future ahead of them, we can go back to this topic in 5 years when they really have a track-record.
I way prefer Sheamus to Del Rio but I think Del Rio's push was better. Sheamus got a shot only by beating a handful of superstars who hadn't one a title before. Whereas Del Rio beat 40 other superstars in the Rumble. I had mates who missed a couple of weeks of raw and when they came back were like who the hell is this guy Sheamus with the belt. Del Rio got built properly and made a big deal out of in the right way.
This is a good topic but is probably way to early to tell they both have their strenghts and weaknesses. I think that sheamus got the bigger push in ring wise and del rio got the bigger character push. its like they wanna show how powerful and barbaric is in the ring and they wanna show how flashy and arrogant del rio character is. I personally would take sheamus's matches over del rio and take alberto's promos and segments over sheamus.

I feel like they both are good superstars and both have a solid future in the business. One thing i give the advantage to sheamus is that they let him take out the HHH and in the wwe they make that seem like he just took out hogan in his prime.
Antonio Del RIOOOOO! This guy is the Real Deal! He not only is great on the Mic! He knows how to control the crowd! Has them in his own hands!

Sheamus had a full head of Steam! But lost his Power Grip! Now his is like a Wus! Less than average Mic Skills. and just WWE hasnt done nothing good with him. They did the same thing to a few other guys! Like Jack Swagger!

But Del Rio has been in the Business for years, and knows the business well! This guy is very intelligent, well spoken in both English and Spanish, WWE has found a treasure, hope they dont mess this one up!
Sheamus is not even in Alberto Rodriguez league.
1. Rodriguez is a real wrestler and fighter,10yrs wrestling 4yrs in CMLL, he won a medal in Olympic style wrestling at the 1997 Pan-Am games and qualified for the 2000 Olympics but Mexico couldn't afford to send a Team, he also has a 9-5 record in MMA.
2. Sheamus 9yrs wrestling, only 2yrs in the wwe.
what makes Alberto Del Rio more amazing is that this is the 1st time he is playing a heel in his career. At times I laugh on how the so call wrestling fan knock this guy without researching his true background, which is compatible to Kurt Angle. But you already know that ;)
obviously shamous...i mean 2 time champ with wins over supercena and he went to mania agaisnt the game. its not eeven close.

that being said shamous is gettin buryed and del rios on the upswing so del rio has the brighter future.
The question really should be which of them was shoved down our throats harder?

Quite frankly Del Rio's current push is harder than sheamus ever was. I mean to be on raw and smackdown for every show since the start of the year is a little much.
Yeah Sheamus jobbing to Mark Henry tonight I think tells you the story...

I do actually quite like Sheamus, big powerful guy but very agile too, much better than other "monster" wrestlers in terms of ability, but it seems creative don't know what to do with him now after a promising start. It wasn't long ago it was strongly rumoured he'd be up against Undertaker or HHH again at Mania, but now who is he going to fight? Perhaps just someone to make up numbers in the MITB match would be the best guess, and I can't see him winning that.

Del Rio has grown on me. I didn't know about his previous career in Mexico but he's a solid wrestler and I can't see him losing at Mania (if he does lose then Miz will probably win his title match... it's rare for a face to win both title matches at Mania). I love his character, Ricardo Rodriguez and he seems like a viable world champion now, rather than with Sheamus who was pushed way too quickly, and once people began to realize he was genuinely a good wrestler they decide to bury him.

I think any wrestler would rather have the push Del Rio has got over the way Sheamus was booked. Also there is so much potential over the next year for Del Rio; creative have already planted the seeds to what could be a great fued between Del Rio and Christian post Mania, and I also reckon Morrison will make the move back to Smackdown come the draft (as a main eventer rather than an upper mid card guy this time around) and that will also promise some great matches. Even the Undertaker if he returns for a full schedule post Mania.

I just can't see the same with Sheamus, unless he gets put in a fued with a top face like Undertaker/Orton or renews his fued with HHH then I don't know what they can do with him on either show. Another option is to turn him face but I can't see that happening for a year at least.
I think Del Rio myself but then again im a fan of a slower type push that he got. The slow burn method gets a guy over slowly and it's easy to see if a guy can hang in the main event scene. The push em in to the limelight and see if they wither or bloom method that the E used with both Sheamus and Swagger is very hit or miss and rubs me the wrong way due to the feeling i get that the superstar is being forced on me.
I'm going to have to go with Del Rio's push. Whereas Sheamus sort of came out of nowhere with the new Superstar Initiative on ECW and then appeared on RAW and retired Jamie Noble, Alberto had a bit of a slow burn with his vignettes. He established himself as well spoken and cocky, made you just want to hate him.

Sheamus was just thrust on the scene in a tables match for the Championship against Cena. He was just portrayed as a snarling brute who didn't say much. Alberto came in with loads of character, was entertaining and had some quality matches.

I much preferred watching Del Rio develop as opposed to Sheamus thrash in the deep end he was deposited in.
Well, you have to put it this way:

Sheamus'es push was way better than Del Rio's, that's a fact. Yet Sheamus got de-pushed later, into what he is now.
Alberrrto Del Rrrriooo, on the other hand, is still in the prime of his push, so at the moment he's looking better than Sheamus.

That's pretty much it.
I think Sheamus' push was way better and he will be around long after Del Rio.

Personally, I hate Del Rio, and I can't figure out what all you people see in him.
The push that they are giving him, reminds me of the same push they gave Carlito and Chris Masters when they first came in.

Sheamus established himself as the real deal. He tore through all the major guys on the roster, and defeated John Cena for the title. He's a huge guy, and he's going to be around for a long time.

Del Rio is just being forced down our throats. I think he's mediocre on the mic. I haven't really taken anything away from him other than "My name is Alberto Del Rio...but you already knew that". What else does he say that makes him great on the mic? Fill me in, because clearly, I'm missing it.

He has defeated NO ONE. He's not intimidating. He is sloppy in the ring, and he has a crappy finishing move, and his ring attire is ridiculous. If you want to be a star, dress like a star.

It's like they took Eddie Guerrero, JBL, Razor Ramon, Carlito, and Ted DiBiase and just meshed them all into one gimmick, in a desperate attempt to put him over. How long before the WWE stops paying for these cars he drives in with? What's next for this guy? Is there anyone we really want to see him fight? Is there a feud you really want to see Del Rio in? I don't think Del Rio has the longevity that Sheamus does.

Time will tell. Like I said, I know I'm in the minority in my hatred of Del Rio. I just don't see what the rest of you guys see.
For me, it's not even close. Alberto del Rio by a mile.

I'm not a hater of Sheamus by any means, but his was far more forced then it should have been. They could of had him come around and destroy and finally get the championship. Instead, they skipped all of that and had him gain two championship reigns that have little to bring up in terms of highlights.

del Rio on the other hand, has come out with the vignettes and got the crowd to hate him instantly. He's a guy that doesn't mind looking the fool, but then can get it done in a violent way. He has been moved quickly, but it was done in a slightly better way, in that he was someone who loved being able to say he beat you any way that he could. He enjoyed it. Doesn't apologize or look for a reason as to why he did something.

Sheamus was a guy that would cheat, but would make it seem as if he wished he didn't have to. He simply had to resort to it in the match. Didn't apologize, but was conflicted.

del Rio is also more well-rounded, so it's helped him along and is now headlining WrestleMania. Hard to argue for Sheamus with that one fact, really.
I say Sheamus.

Sheamus's push was done in less time and had more shock value. Sheamus was only in WWE after 5 months or some shit. Sheamus had acheived less before his push giving more shock value. Del Rio had already rised to the midcard, the long feud with Rey and challanging for the WHC at TLC. All Sheamus had done before the push was send Jamie Noble out of action and a pretty good feud with Goldust on ECW. Sheamus actually won the TITLE in his push and it had more shock value due to him beating "Super Cena" the "face of the WWE", Del Rio won a SHOT at the title. There's a difference.
Del Rio. His push seem more organic and if he wins the title it would not appear to be a fluke that Sheamus's maiden title reign felt like. He would have earned it by winning the Royal Rumble and not because he pushed a man off the top ropes through the table. Del Rio still has many big names to work with for future feud while Sheamus has already faced both Cena and Orton too fast too soon. Both have bright futures in wrestling but I prefer Del Rio's push as it is built up over time even though it was a fast push as well.
Don't you think we should wait till after Del Rio holds some gold? It's silly to assume one's push is better when one newcomer hasn't had that big moment yet like Sheamus has. I love both of 'em. There two of the best WWE's gained in a while. But what if Del Rio loses at Mania(Thor help us all). This would go to Sheamus. Therefore, I'd have to wait a while before I could decide that.

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