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Sheamus' losing streak

The Eighties

Forward Thinking Nostalgist
Ok so it's not a long losing streak but it is a surprising one, two clean losses to JoMo and a clean loss to Orton over the last month, plus he lost the triple threat cage match last week.

What surprises me about this is I thought they'd be keeping him looking ultra strong for the return of Triple H. It makes me wonder if their feud when he returns will be short lived.
Well when it comes to facing John Morrison, it makes no point of Morrison losing to Sheamus. That would bury Morrison off a major loss from the WWE Title. Sheamus has been losing since TLC but whose to say he's even going to face Triple H, Triple H hasn't even returned yet. This right now is a transitional period between now and the Rumble, Alberto has made his statement, Big Show has made his, next week I see Sheamus and other superstars doing the same thing.

I dont think this losing streak will be remembered or will last long.
It is not really a huge deal I don't think. In the case of the losses to Morrison the sole purpose of that feud was to put John Morrison over and make him look like a legitimate main event threat, Sheamus repeatedly beating Morrison certainly wouldn't have achieved that goal.

The loss in the Cage match is no big deal either, it is a difficult match to win there are two other men in there and there is a cage surrounding you. Losing a match like that doesn't make you look weak.

So I do see where you are coming from but it's not like Sheamus looked weak in any of the losses, all of them were hard fought matches that he only just lost so there is nothing to be concerned about just yet. However in saying that if this streak lasts for a bit longer then there may be a minor cause for concern.
Well when it comes to facing John Morrison, it makes no point of Morrison losing to Sheamus. That would bury Morrison off a major loss from the WWE Title. Sheamus has been losing since TLC but whose to say he's even going to face Triple H, Triple H hasn't even returned yet. This right now is a transitional period between now and the Rumble, Alberto has made his statement, Big Show has made his, next week I see Sheamus and other superstars doing the same thing.

I dont think this losing streak will be remembered or will last long.

It is not really a huge deal I don't think. In the case of the losses to Morrison the sole purpose of that feud was to put John Morrison over and make him look like a legitimate main event threat, Sheamus repeatedly beating Morrison certainly wouldn't have achieved that goal.

The loss in the Cage match is no big deal either, it is a difficult match to win there are two other men in there and there is a cage surrounding you. Losing a match like that doesn't make you look weak.

So I do see where you are coming from but it's not like Sheamus looked weak in any of the losses, all of them were hard fought matches that he only just lost so there is nothing to be concerned about just yet. However in saying that if this streak lasts for a bit longer then there may be a minor cause for concern.

I definitely have no issue with the way he has put Morrison over, nor do I think he's in the process of being buried, I just find it odd that they have essentially used him to give two faces wins after a loss (Orton after TLC, JoMo after the FCA with Miz) in matches that were just booked rather than being part of an angle, when in all likelihood he will be facing Triple H soon.

None of the matches were squashes that is true, they were booked as strong contests, but I will be interested to see what Sheamus does next to get back on track, I could see him possibly being a dominant force in the Rumble, racking up some eliminations.
yeah i agree with everyone else in saying that there is no cause for concern here. Sheamus still looks strong in every match and will get back to his winning ways sooner then later. he did a great job of putting over jomo and everyone loses to Orton
Sheamus still looked strong in those matches. The fact that he keeps losing to Morrison can be explained as Morrison having his number, similar to how Miz keeps winning over Morrison. It builds continuity and also provide more interesting trivial for future feuds.
Personally I think the WWE don't care what the hell happens to Sheamus because when he does eventually have the rematch with Triple H they're going to put him over the 'King of Kings..' So everyone will be all like "Look how good Sheamus is ,he just dicked Triple H" and no-one will care that hes lost like four matches around December January time..
Sheamus still looks strong in every match and will get back to his winning ways sooner then later.

I agree. No one is trying to bury Sheamus and, in fact, I think it's an indication of how established he's become that he can be used in putting over an up-and-coming wrestler, while still looking good himself.

WWE can use more guys like Sheamus. His ring persona is as nasty as can be, yet it's said he's well liked behind the scenes. He's earned his position through hard effort and an apparently solid work ethic, plus he displays a passion for what he's doing. On this forum, I don't see people talking anymore about how he was pushed too fast and hasn't earned his advanced standing.

Plans have been made in advance and I suspect Sheamus knows he'll be made to look strong again in anticipation of Triple H's return. I really look forward to it.
STOP THE PRESS!!! Sheamus lost more than two matches in a row!!! THE HORRORRRRRRRRRRRRR

Come on, man. Who gives two flying squirts of camel semen about this?!

Wins... losses... they're meaningless. It's all about how the wrestler is "booked". That word is a part of a large gray area in pro-wrestling that can be viewed in many different ways by the viewers. Wrestlers can be on losing streaks and still be viewed as a threat for a title. They could also be on winning streaks and be as little of a threat as someone like Evan Bourne. However, if the matches are done well and tell the right stories, if the wrestler's character is still relevant, and if storylines are in place to keep the synergy and flow of the character going, their wins and losses don't mean anything.

I guess the best way to respond here is by asking you all a question. Even after Sheamus's loses, do you view him as anything else besides a main-event threat for the world title? I don't, either. Therefore, I see no need to discuss this subject any further.
I don't see any reason to be concerned, but I am kind of surprised they're feeding Sheamus to Morrison. Sheamus is a beast.... figured they'd use someone else to help push Morrison. But I guess if it gets the job done, oh well. I do want to see Sheamus back in the title scene soon. I hated this guy when he first debuted, but now he's grown on me. Morrison and Sheamus definitely know how to put on a good match though, that's for sure!
I dont think it will hurt sheamus. Its just an attempt to put over Morrison, which Sheamus is doing VERY very well. And its also prolly just a setup for a returning HHH, Theres just noway that there not going to fued. Sheamus is prolly going to go over HHH at wrestleMania this year, so i dont think its anything t worry about.
WWE is SO stupid. Sheamus is a two time WWE Champion and he has the potential to hold more in the future. Sheamus is going to drop back down to the Mid-Card if he doesn't win a match soon. Seriously, if WWE wants HHH to look strong, they should make Sheamus look strong too. Sheamus needs to regain his momentum. I say, have him join the Nexus, beat up John Cena, and start a winning streak. This is how you make both Sheamus AND HHH look strong. WWE is stupid. They should be using Sheamus better. He is on a EMBARRASSING losing streak. BREAK THIS LOSING STREAK ALREADY AND START A WINNING STREAK! NOT ONLY WILL IT MAKE SHEAMUS LOOK STRONG, BUT IT WILL MAKE HHH LOOK STRONG TO BEAT AN ESTABLISHED SUPERSTAR.
I wouldn't worry about this. I have to agree with D-Man as it's often more important how a wrestler is booked rather than if he loses.

Dolph Ziggler had three phenomenal matches against Daniel Bryan and lost all three but still came out looking like an absolute star. He had two phenomenal matches against John Cena a few weeks ago, again losing both times, and now he's #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Sheamus' losses to Morrison & Orton won't hurt Sheamus a bit because he still looked like a star that deserved to be in big match situations in those matches. If Sheamus starts getting his ass handed to him on a regular basis inside of 3 minutes, then's the time to start worrying about being buried.
I don't see any reason to be concerned, but I am kind of surprised they're feeding Sheamus to Morrison. Sheamus is a beast.... figured they'd use someone else to help push Morrison. But I guess if it gets the job done, oh well. I do want to see Sheamus back in the title scene soon. I hated this guy when he first debuted, but now he's grown on me. Morrison and Sheamus definitely know how to put on a good match though, that's for sure!

This is pretty much what I was getting at, I was never suggesting Sheamus was being buried, I think we all know he's a big part of the future. I was just making an observation that it is surprising that a guy lined up for an imminent big match with Triple H is losing so often.

I do agree though that the way the matches have been booked has made Morrison look strong rather than Sheamus look weak.
WWE is SO stupid.

Yet last time I checked they're the company with a billion dollars and your, well some kid with contraversial opinions at best.

Sheamus is a two time WWE Champion and he has the potential to hold more in the future. Sheamus is going to drop back down to the Mid-Card if he doesn't win a match soon.

Your first sentence is fine, Sheamus IS going to hold more championship in the future, it's pretty much guaranteed. I couldn't count the number of times a big superstar has dropped into the mid-card only to re-surface un scathed even after a length stay there. The prime example at this time has to be CM Punk. He had a programme going into last mania with rey mysterio and Big Show outside of the title picture for the duration of his last year on Smackdown, yes almost a year without being in the main event scene.

And where pray tell is he now?

Seriously, if WWE wants HHH to look strong, they should make Sheamus look strong too.

WWE doesn't need to make HHH look strong you idiot, he's going to look strong in any outcome. Do you think WWE is still trying to get over this grizzled veteran who is a 13-time world champion.

Sheamus needs to regain his momentum. I say, have him join the Nexus, beat up John Cena, and start a winning streak.

I could be wrong but I don't think Sheamus is exactly a rookie anymore? And what incentive has Sheamus to group himself up with the rest of Nexus should he want to feud with Cena which, I'm afraid, Punk is doing already! The only difference between the Sheamus your dreaming of and the one in reality is that your Sheamus has a winning streak and is in the nexus for no reason.

WWE is stupid.

Once again if you have the bank balance of Bill Gates than a sinceirly apologise, and otherwise STFU. End of the day, they're actually genius. They are using a guy who only broke into the main event scene relatively recently to lift another guy, who has had trouble in the past, into it. Sounds like a plan to me!


The point that your trying very hard to miss is that sheamus is over, and he's not over for being a cowardly heel like Dolph Ziggler who has trouble winning matches, he's got over as a big nasty bastard who puts people on the shelf and can always back up his words in the ring. Even if sheamus loses every single match between now and the re-arrival of HHH, I wouldn't be worries in the slightest, the feud won't be affected at all.

As long as sheamus continues to look dominant in the ring and the people that go against him (unless it's the cenas and the ortons) look like they escaped the match with their life even when they won, there isn't anything more they need to take into consideration for his character.

"IT WILL MAKE HHH LOOK STRONG TO BEAT AN ESTABLISHED SUPERSTAR" ........are you worries the guy is gonna comeback and have to join zach ryder and primo, and need to climb the ladder to get to the top. Seriously if your plans were cheese, they'd be emmental. I don't know whther I want you to stop posting because I could write for a week about the stupidity of your posts, gives me something to do, your lack of knowledge of how things work in wrestling is insurmountable.
Even though he has been losing, it doesn't matter really.. He has been great in those matches and hasn't disappointed anyone.. This happens to wrestlers at times and JoMo is gaining from his victories over Sheamus...
I am a bit surprised with the way Sheamus has been booked post the KOTR. While it does no harm to his image as a main eventer, looking dominant leading upto his imminent feud with Triple H would not do him any harm either. But I guess that is why WWE gave the KOTR crown to Sheamus anyway. Its something he would brag about in his feud with Triple H.

Overall I would not read too much into this. Sheamus is not being depushed in any way. He has just been booked in matches where it has made more sense to give the victory to his opponent or one of his opponents. I have also been impressed with Sheamus' ring work lately particularily in his feud with John Morrison.
to be honest i see sheamus in a great positions that losing some matches wont affect him his that high up. Yes he can be taken down quickly but the push that he got and him being KOTR makes him look like a monster and strong walking in to any match and still is hated by all. On the other hand we have JoMo that is not established as sheamus and a lose to him will kill him momentum wise as hes not as over as sheamus. sheamus dosent have much to gain beating jomo while jomo has alot to gain beating sheamus and lets face it in the WWE of tommorow jomo will be a main eventer.
I wouldn't worry about this. I have to agree with D-Man as it's often more important how a wrestler is booked rather than if he loses.

Dolph Ziggler had three phenomenal matches against Daniel Bryan and lost all three but still came out looking like an absolute star. He had two phenomenal matches against John Cena a few weeks ago, again losing both times, and now he's #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Sheamus' losses to Morrison & Orton won't hurt Sheamus a bit because he still looked like a star that deserved to be in big match situations in those matches. If Sheamus starts getting his ass handed to him on a regular basis inside of 3 minutes, then's the time to start worrying about being buried.

Excellent point here. Sheamus' credibility won't take a hit. He's still a strong and tough as ever. The only way we need to be worried is if Sheamus was losing to someone like Horswoggle or a WWE Diva which is VERY VERY unlikely. Then that's when we need to worry. However, he lost to great competitors like Orton, John Morrison, and Barrett. Nonetheless, any losses will just fire him up EVEN MORE, and make him more determined to win the next match. Even if you don't like him, you have to admire his strength and willpower. My only thought is, would people be concerned this much if he hadn't won the WWE title as early on in his career as he did? Everyone will go through lulls, and everyone is going to be a critic, as anxious as we all are for the next thing to happen, I just am knowing that he will get his come-uppance soon, everyone wins a match as some point. Why else did Hornswoggle beat Chavo all those times? Eventually Chavo had his day, and Sheamus will come back around, its a rotating thing. Sheamus is talented no matter what matches he loses, and he should be glad he lost to great guys like Orton, JoMo, and Barrett. He's not going down in the ranks at all, at least in my view.
I Think that Sheamus' losing streak is just a reason for him too fued with Triple H, like, when H returns, maybe have Sheamus end the streak by pinning him.

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