Sheamus is so much better at chasing championships


Getting Noticed By Management
There were a couple of reasons why I stopped watching in 2007 and didn't stop watching until the end of 2009. I was getting sick of seeing the same old people in the main event scene. Then there was somebody who was instrumental in getting me back into wrestling. This was Sheamus when he won the WWE Championship in 2009.

There were some mixed opinions on this. Some people defended the win claiming "Anybody but Cena" and that Sheamus is fresh. I was in this category. Others claimed it was way too soon.

Soon enough, we would find out he would be booked like shit. He would only appear on RAW for like 5-10 minutes and would only win against jobbers. He only retained via DQ and never got a big win in a title defense.

Before he won, he was on a mean streak on ECW. He came to RAW, retired Noble, beat up King and put Mark Cuban through a table.

Then when he lost the belt, he has a match with HHH at Wrestlemania but then he goes on another hot streak where beats up anybody who got in his way. He put HHH on the shelf for the rest of 2010. He was gaining momentum again as he qualified for the Fatal Four Way and if my memory serves me right he beat Orton clean in a tag match.

Thanks to the Nexus, he becomes a two time WWE Champion. At least this time he retained against Cena at Money in the Bank, albeit not clean but he still played the cowardly heel when I'm sure he could easily fuck up a good chunk of the roster. He ran away from Nexus and once again retained against Orton but not by pinfall or submission.

After losing the title he then went on a cold streak but still was a threat to RAW because of what he had done before. Now he's on Smackdown and he is on fire. He has been part of the four way Smackdown main event and he really showed dominance this past Friday Night and is once again doing what he did before.

As a Sheamus fan, my concern is, when we see the return of Celtic Gold, will he be booked like shit yet again? Why do you bother making him look like this unstoppable force while pursuing the title then when he has it he's a coward? Why even give him the belt if you're going to book him like this?

I hope I'm wrong because Sheamus really is a dying breed in today's WWE. How many guys do you know that can talk on the mic, put on a good match, have the size, look and believability? Not many but Sheamus is one of those guys. If and when Sheamus becomes a three time champ, PLEASE, WWE, don't fuck this up.
I seriously hope that Sheamus gets better matches in the future. He strikes me as the kind of guy who has no good side, just a sarcastic one instead and that's actually a pretty good charisma to have. He's kind of like the WWE's life-like bad guy, and that's why he's been so succesful in the business. Now all he needs is to get back in the swing of things and get that title
As a Sheamus fan, my concern is, when we see the return of Celtic Gold, will he be booked like shit yet again? Why do you bother making him look like this unstoppable force while pursuing the title then when he has it he's a coward? Why even give him the belt if you're going to book him like this?

1)i would love to see sheamus win the gold again, he is fresh, he is great in-ring and on mic, he isnt boring, he is exciting, he doesnt suck he rocks, he doesnt botch moves he does them awesomely i really enjoy him and feel that he is main event material, hell, that he deserves to be big time main event once again.

2)one of the biggest reasons that sheamus was booked to shit on raw was because the guy in charge of raw creative dislikes sheamus and didnt feel that sheamus was deserving of any good pushes (or, thats what i read along while back like in 2010). so far with sheamus' new winning streak i think a 3rd world title reign is very close.

3) all heels are made to look cowardly, believe me, i have confidence that sheamus can win without a distraction, he really is a great wrestler. with that said, i hope that sheamus wins the WHC champion from orotn/christain, but more likely orton cause sheams deserves to win.
Sheamus is definitely good at chasing a champion. He can be good as a champion too though, he was a victim of bad booking. That doesn't mean that Sheamus himself is not a good champion. He is the Celtic Warrior and warriors do not just attack, they also defend what is theirs. I hope Sheamus' 3rd world title reign when it comes will be as good as his title chasing because he is better than how he was booked to appear. Him being a better chaser than champion is not his fault.
The problem was WWE tried to book him as a cowardly champion, which made no sense whatsoever. He came in being this big unstoppable force and as soon as he gets some credible contenders he becomes a coward. It was just silly to have a man his size and with his power play that role. Next time he gets a title, which will probably be the WHC, he needs to be booked like an unstoppable force, just like during his debut.
Agree with much of what's been said. Great look, and when on the mic he gives intelligible and entertaining promos.
I kind of like crazy and obsessed version of Sheamus. His brutal beatdowns of people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time made him fun to watch when he first came on the air. For younger kids, he was a pure, scary bad guy who might put their favorite wrestler out of the WWE for good. For more sophisticated fans he was fresh and had his own style, and some people just enjoyed watching the type of brutality he represented. And he was doing the beat-downs without a stable or manager helping him. His size and intensity made it all believable.
Sheamus is a great talent. He was booked pretty awfully on Raw if he got a more believable Brock Lesnar like push it would have been great. Instead he retired Jamie Noble and attacked King. Sheamus is great on the stick and in the ring. Even Randy Orton said in an interview he wishes they're were 3 or 4 more Sheamus's. Sheamus deserves a World Title reign where he is booked like a monster powerful heel.
Sheamus is 1 of the few wrestlers that i think would be a main eventer in any are in the WWE. In this cookie cutter day & age in todays wrestling world and espicially the WWE,having your own speacial look like Sheamus does is priceless.Personaly i think he can play any role that creative gives this man,although i think monster heel is his bread & butter. I like watching him chase the gold, but i think it's to soon to re-live Orton/Sheamus.But don't worry this man will definately have a few more championship belts in his near future.

---just my opinion---
Sheamus is certainly on a roll these days and certainly is one of the more interesting things on Smackdown. He is playing a very effective badass heel who is not scared to fight back, when it suits him obviously.

That means that he is obviously not going to start beating down the top babyfaces of the brand down to a pulp in the space of five minutes. At least, he is not going to do so cleanly. He is still going to cheat and use other underhand tactics to get advantage. That is the way to build sympathy for the babyface as heels beating down a babyface cleanly makes the babyface look bad and weak and hinders the babyface from connecting with the crowd.

However that does not mean that he should be booked as a coward. That does not go along with his Celtic Warrior image even though it's not a bad gimmick to have as a heel. Truth is, there are too many heels like that and Sheamus as a badass can be a refreshing change. Somehow a balance needs to be found.

One of the simplest ways of doing so would be to book him in hardcore matches. Or at least have him request hardcore matches at ever instant. Make the hardcore match "his" match in the same manner the HIAC is Undertaker's yard. He already has a good history in such matches, like putting HHH on the shelf in one such match, so it shouldn't really be a hard thing to do.

Basically what Sheamus should do is to cheat but never run away from a fight. Though that is a difficult thing to do with Orton as the top babyface as the blue brand. Orton is supposed to intimidate opponents and him facing off with a badass heel will not gel as the characters are basically the same even though their alignments are different.
I agree he is a fresh person to have challenging for a title. Id like to see him win the IC Title and go on a dominating streak of beating everyone and taking on all challengers i think it would give him more credibility as a world champion. Since he never really had a build up when he won it.

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