Sheamus Beat Cena Clean. Sort Of. Ish.

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
On RAW last night, Sheamus pretty much beat Cena clean. OK, so he didn't actually pin him. OK, there was interference. OK, so he used the steel steps.

  • Come on, Cena was never gonna kick out after the kick and the steps. He was a vegetable.
  • The interference was after Sheamus had Cena beat, and was in favour of Cena. Well, before he ended up underneath the announce table.
  • The referee - and Mr. McMahon - saw the steps being used and decided it was fair play.

So shall we make the smallest of jumps, chalk this one up, put it down in the history books and call it the most significant win of Sheamus' career so far? It's not like you have anything better to do, is it?
I personally think they need to continue to have Sheamus win clean and bring back that dominance we saw from him. He's actually grown on me as of late, and you almost never hear anyone talking about "getting the rub" from Trips anymore. Yes he probably got a nice push due to everyone favorite son-in-law, but the man has improved.

On a side-note.. can we get rid of the "i'm invoking my rematch clause" the next night on Monday Night Raw.... Has anyone ever won the title back the next night besides Stone Cold on Kane the night after first blood?
Eventually somewhere down the line Sheamus is going to have to pin someone with credibility in a clean fashion. I almost thought he was going to pin Cena last night which would have been great, but the match got thrown out. Thus there was no official winner.

Even though Sheamus may have been dominant during perhaps the entire match last night, he still did not get that victory he should have. Due to this casual fans think the only way he can beat Cena is to either put him through a table or pick the bones in a multi-man match. Had he of defeated Cena last night some casual fans probably would have been like "Wow this Sheamus is for real, he beat the best RAW has to offer". Instead there like "Well, he just got lucky again". So I would say Sheamus eventually needs to pin someone of Cena's stature clean, sooner rather than later.
Didnt Jericho win his title back against Batista on smackdown in a cagematch last year?

But yes Sam it was indeed a clean win for Seamus in my eyes,even though i have not seen the match yet.Biggest win of his career? I doubt it,he beat Evan Bourne clean a few weeks ago and he is on the best roll on raw in 18 months arguably.
I really hope that they are not going to go don the cowardly heel route again with Sheamus. He doesn’t need to go down that road! For me, Sheamus is imposing enough in the ring to actually take on quite a few of those guys by himself and I would love to see him just take his beating like a man… Kind of like how John Cena decided that it was just as much worth his time trying to fight and getting a beatdown than it was trying to run away. Of course, that is Cena being typical Cena and “defying the odds”, “standing up to the threat of injustice” and all that jazz.

With that being said, I would still like to see a little more from Sheamus this time. He doesn’t need to be as over the top as Cena and try to beat down all of them but seeing him dominate one of the guys would be a remarkable start to his title reign. If the WWE doesn’t start building him into a credible Champion that can hold his own against some of the Nexus, then how do they expect us to take him seriously? I realise that the cowardly heel technique is just a way of getting him over but they could do it multiple other was and perhaps with a better overall result for Sheamus.

At the end of the day, I just don’t want to see this title reign go the exact same was as the last one and that is what is in danger of happening if the WWE don’t add something else to his character other than running away constantly.
Nah. That was nothing more than your standard John Cena match. Literally, you can watch the vast majority of his matches (main event/title matches, anyway) and there will be a point where if the match had stopped like this one did, you'd say his opponent beat him clean. But they don't, because he always comes back. And he would've come back last night, if not for NXT. That's what he does. Don't get me wrong, it was definitely a significant match for Sheamus and his credibility, but did he beat Cena? No.
im waiting for nxt to come down and interfere in a cena sheamus match, cena and sheamus clean house and while the crowd is cheering, sheamus boots cena and just stands over all the bodies. its gotta happen.
SpoodBeest™;2153427 said:
Eventually somewhere down the line Sheamus is going to have to pin someone with credibility in a clean fashion. I almost thought he was going to pin Cena last night which would have been great, but the match got thrown out. Thus there was no official winner.

Even though Sheamus may have been dominant during perhaps the entire match last night, he still did not get that victory he should have. Due to this casual fans think the only way he can beat Cena is to either put him through a table or pick the bones in a multi-man match. Had he of defeated Cena last night some casual fans probably would have been like "Wow this Sheamus is for real, he beat the best RAW has to offer". Instead there like "Well, he just got lucky again". So I would say Sheamus eventually needs to pin someone of Cena's stature clean, sooner rather than later.

I agree completley with you here. Sheamus needs to pin someone, a genuine main eventer, either on Raw or at a PPV. And it needs to be a clean win.

I know he has done it before, but, he's been with WWE for about a year, and I can't remember a single match that he has had a clean pinfall victory in.

This just makes me wonder, Sheamus not being able to get a clean pinfall over Cena, is that more to do with building the heel Sheamus, or further enhancing Super Cena?

I thnk this is yet another example of boosting Super Cena, because WWE can't cope with it's superhero being beaten fairly, can it?
Personally, I think Sheamus' credibility has been established by beating Triple H and having them constantly refer to how Sheamus took him out of action. However, I believe Sheamus does need to pick up a clean win over Cena to add that little extra bit of credibility to his character and to show his dominance. Dominant heels don't need dirty tactics, or at least they shouldn't. And just as someone said a few posts up, I would love to see Cena and Sheamus clean house of the NXT guys, then Sheamus turn around and boot Cena in the head.
LMAO it's pretty funny that you can consider a non-win over Cena as the biggest win in a multiple-time WWE Champion's career and actually be right. That is just how impossible it is to beat Cena (I fear typing 'SuperCena' anymore since I was red-repped to death just for the mere mention) at this point. Honestly the only time I saw Cena lose cleanly since getting the never give up gimmick was to a face HHH.

I recall watching last night thinking to myself 'Is Sheamus going to actually win this thing?' But I shook it off remembering that Vince was the special referee and the Nexus was still around. Also, unless it's a squash, Cena is usually dominated in his matches before he hulks up and pulls out the victory. I wouldn't have been surprised in the least if Cena managed to kick out of the bicycle kick and lock in the STFU if the match continued. It was just another way to keep the title off Cena without him ever having to actually lose, ever... ever
Cena has never really been beat by Sheamus. I'm Irish and I hate the guy, but everytime has been controversial in some shape. His first win was luck, with Cena seemingly going to win the match, plus the rematch he was DQ'd. Until he ACTUALLY beats him 1-on-1 I still won't rate him. Injuring HHH was a good move by WWE, as it showed him as a strong character, but I think he needs to face a heel who will push him to the limits and still come off victorious, a special match that he get the crap kicked out of him! That will earn him respect.

P.s. The move with him "supposedly" giving the title back was awesome! Had me fooled.
Yep Sheamus' victory last night was definitely one of, if not the most meaningful victory he ever had, going over the face of the company, one of the toughest opponents in the WWE.

I do believe there's been reports that WWE plans to build Sheamus as really strong with this reign, and that he will hold the championship in a fair amount of time, and I will enjoy every bit of it, because Sheamus first time had me enjoying him, second time is bound to be as good, if not better.

He has credibility now, and he is even more over now, he is definitely a solid main event player now, and I'm loving it, this victory was the top of the icing that was needed for him to be complete.
What I like is the fact that Cena hasn't defeated him...well i don't think he has in singles competition..has he??

But Sheamus is like the next best thing...he's great and I think he should win cleanly more often..there is no point in having this huge heel..(by huge..i mean the size of him)...and not have him winning cleanly...

I think if the match would have led to a clean win..but obviously WWE don't want the face of the company losing cleanly now do they???
I think if the match would have led to a clean win..but obviously WWE don't want the face of the company losing cleanly now do they???

Unfortunately you are right. The WWE has yet to discern that if the number one face of the company gets pinned cleanly it DOESN'T mean that he is less credible. I don't think it would kill the WWE to have Cena out of the main event for a while and have him in a storyline with NXT. This could be a perfect opportunity to bring some other names (Miz and Evan Bourne namely) into the main event scene. Then when you bring Cena back into the main event it may not be as stale as it is now.

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