Shawn Michaels Vs. The Undertaker Pt. 2 & 3?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I've/We've been watching RAW for the past few weeks. And I don't know where the WWE are going with Shawn Michaels Wrestlemaina plans? As we know right now Shawn does not have a match at WWE Elimination Chamber nor know if HBK's wrestling the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 26? (Maybe RAW guest host "Jerry Springer" can talk to Shawn and make a breakthrough?)

But the only way I can think of for Shawn to get his match up with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania is to put HBK's career on the line! Shawn Michaels can get Vince McMahon to make it a "Career Vs. The Streak" match at Wrestlemania since Shawn doesn't have anything to bring to the table for his request to come through but his legendary career in the WWE. There at Wrestlemania 26, Shawn would get his revenge against the Undertaker from last years defeat. But then the infamous streak of the Undertaker at Wrestlemania would be broken!

And after (probraly both) Shawn Michaels takes a break from the ring/road after Wrestlemania. It would be the Undertaker this time around seeking to get revenge on HBK around next years Wrestlemania in Atlanta? The Undertaker would want revenge against HBK for ending his undefeated streak at Wrestlemania 26, and since both the Undertaker & Shawn Michaels are on the brink of retirement it could be a "Career Vs. Career" match made in Heaven!...of hell? Or even in hell in a cell match to break the tie for what would be the rubber match! That's how it would have to go down.

I can be wrong about this? But iy would be great to travel down this road right here!
Taker has no reason to accept HBK's challenge though. HBK is going schizo about this fued and Taker couldn't care less.

Plus why would Vince start doing HBK favours, considering it was HBK's idea to bring Bret back, and that's what got Vince in the situation he's in now? Surely he'd want to punish HBK by not putting him on the WM card at all, wouldn't he?

And a HIAC match between the two would have been a great idea 7 years ago when Shawn first came back, but both men have taken a LOT of abuse since then, and i really don't think a HIAC match would be safe or wise for either man, not only that, but if we're going to have a HIAC PPV every year, then they won't have any at 'Mania will they?
Taker has no reason to accept HBK's challenge though. HBK is going schizo about this fued and Taker couldn't care less.

Plus why would Vince start doing HBK favours, considering it was HBK's idea to bring Bret back, and that's what got Vince in the situation he's in now? Surely he'd want to punish HBK by not putting him on the WM card at all, wouldn't he?

And a HIAC match between the two would have been a great idea 7 years ago when Shawn first came back, but both men have taken a LOT of abuse since then, and i really don't think a HIAC match would be safe or wise for either man, not only that, but if we're going to have a HIAC PPV every year, then they won't have any at 'Mania will they?

The Undertaker has every right to except HBK's challege at mania man. I'm sure that ever since Shawn Michaels returned to the ring as a active performer. The Undertaker has been trying hard to figure out why the hell is Shawn Michaels considered "Mr. Wrestlemania" when of course Takers undefeated at Wrestlemania unlike Michaels? So to put all things in prospective so to speak. And put that phase to rest once and for all about HBK.

On the other hand. Both The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels can take this storyline up a knotch, by bring up there past wars?? Like Shawn or Taker can bring up the fact that they were the first guys to wrestle in a hell in a cell match. Or HBK can get personal with the Undertaker by blaming the deadman for putting him in retirement for four years. And as far as Wrestlemania 27 goes. It could be the Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels in a hell in a cell rubber match! The two vets are going to retire by then anyways. So why can't they go out with a bang??
love the ideas but i think shawn might sneak his way in to the raw EC and win the title thus setting up for hbk vs trips fot the title at wm26. shawns taken time off anyway and we all know trips is dieing to get that title again
The Undertaker has every right to except HBK's challege at mania man. I'm sure that ever since Shawn Michaels returned to the ring as a active performer. The Undertaker has been trying hard to figure out why the hell is Shawn Michaels considered "Mr. Wrestlemania" when of course Takers undefeated at Wrestlemania unlike Michaels? So to put all things in prospective so to speak. And put that phase to rest once and for all about HBK.

On the other hand. Both The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels can take this storyline up a knotch, by bring up there past wars?? Like Shawn or Taker can bring up the fact that they were the first guys to wrestle in a hell in a cell match. Or HBK can get personal with the Undertaker by blaming the deadman for putting him in retirement for four years. And as far as Wrestlemania 27 goes. It could be the Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels in a hell in a cell rubber match! The two vets are going to retire by then anyways. So why can't they go out with a bang??

I'm pretty sure the "Mr. Wrestlemania" angle was covered before last years' match, I can vividly remember Taker cutting a promo talking about Shawn being Mr. Wrestlemania and saying it casts no shadow on being undefeated, or something like that. They could do it again, but then it would just be repeating last years' build. They've got a good story going on, and eventually I think it'll point in the direction of Taker vs. Michaels.

Richey said:
love the ideas but i think shawn might sneak his way in to the raw EC and win the title thus setting up for hbk vs trips fot the title at wm26. shawns taken time off anyway and we all know trips is dieing to get that title again

You read waaaay too much meltzer and actually believe him. If "Trips" was "dying" for that belt back he would've "told his wife to write him into a championship run" a while ago and cancelled out everything happening because "he holds people down". lawl.
I dont want to see Undertaker vs HBK again.That match was rated 10/10 for gods sake.What are they gonna get this time 11/10?No they probally wont be able to pull of another great match because their bodies are older now.
The Undertaker has every right to except HBK's challege at mania man.

Did i say he didn't have the right, or did i say Taker doesn't care about wrestling HBK? Hhhmmm, pretty sure i said the second one. When Taker and HBK faced each other in the ring about 3 weeks ago, Taker said 'I beat you already, i've nothing to prove to you, so the answer is no.' So where does Taker's rights come into it?

I'm sure that ever since Shawn Michaels returned to the ring as a active performer.

Didn't mean to end that sentence there did ya?

The Undertaker has been trying hard to figure out why the hell is Shawn Michaels considered "Mr. Wrestlemania" when of course Takers undefeated at Wrestlemania unlike Michaels? So to put all things in prospective so to speak. And put that phase to rest once and for all about HBK.

I'm noticing a total lack of understanding about the Undertaker gimmick here. The Undertaker is supposed to likened to a force of nature. He is the judge, jury, and executioner of the WWE, hence why they refer to him as the 'conscience of the WWE'. He basically represents Death. The character is not some guy dressed up in eye make up, he is a supernatural presence that is only focused on dominion over all he sees.

That ring is his yard, and he's the big dog that runs that yard.

Jealousy is not something the Undertaker is phased about. Sharing the spotlight is not something that matters to him. As long as he's not disrespected, the Deadman has no interest in his opponents. When they start trying to make a name for themselves by spitting on his legacy, then they're fucked.

So, Taker isn't interested in putting anything in perspective, he just wants to be the top dog and severly hurt anyone that tries to take it from him.

On the other hand. Both The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels can take this storyline up a knotch, by bring up there past wars??

Like Shawn or Taker can bring up the fact that they were the first guys to wrestle in a hell in a cell match. Or HBK can get personal with the Undertaker by blaming the deadman for putting him in retirement for four years.

They did all that last year, so why use it this year? Plus, last year the underlying factor that HBK used to get Taker to agree to a match at WM was the fact that Taker had never beaten HBK. Well now he has, and Taker's already said no to HBK's rematch challenge, so blabbing on about the past, when they already did that isn't going to do anything for the angle.

And as far as Wrestlemania 27 goes. It could be the Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels in a hell in a cell rubber match! The two vets are going to retire by then anyways. So why can't they go out with a bang??


1) In order to have a rubber match, you need to have had 2 matches already where each side has earned 1 victory. They've had 1 HIAC together, so how the fuck can they have a rubber match?

2) They're both bordering on retirement so you think it would be a good idea to shove them both in a HIAC match for their final match, and expect them to wrestle at the same calibur they did 13 years ago? Why don't we just skin them both and make them wrestle in a bowl of lemon juice. Why would you want to put 2 of WWE's most respected veterans in a match renowned for it's brutality for their final match? You're sick man, we should be celebrating their careers not encouraging them to get themselves killed for our amusement.

3) I already said this but obviously you didn't read it, there's a HIAC PPV now, that will be the only time they ever have HIAC matches during the year. They won't have one at WM as long as that PPV is still going.
I think we will see HBK VS HHH VS The Undertaker and i dont think there will be a mitb match because wwe has a new ppv call mitb and i think its gonna be Chris jericho(c) vs edge and cena vs orton vs sheamus(c) mizshow (c) vs mvp mark henry rey mysterio vs cm punk vs r-truth drew mclyntre vs kane vs morrison and we will probably see either a battle royal or some handicap matches
I Could see a part 2,But i dont think that they will have a 3rd match next year in Mania.After this match im sure that this will be the last one between both of then.And personally I wont like to see a 3 part.It will be burn out already and it will get kind of boring,And i also think that this will be HBK's last shot to pin Taker in Wrestlemania.
I also belive that it will be Undertaker VS Triple H VS Shawn Michaels and I have for months. I believe that HBK will cost Undertaker the title at Elimination Chamber and then the Undertaker will accept Shawns challenge on one condition, if HBK loses, he must retire. Over the next few weeks Triple H and Shawn get into more arguements and Triple H tells HBK that he is obsessed with beating the Undertaker and that he will be forced to retire. HBK gets angry and superkicks Triple H. Triple H enters the match, making it a triple threat at wrestlemania, with the person who gets pinned being forced to retire. Triple H says that he will make history by retiring HBK and ending the undertakers streak on the same night........
It is said that both Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker are taking a big time off after Wrestlemania 26.. I think that HBK is gonna cost the undertaker the title at elimination chamber.. and thus, taker wants to be in wrestlemania and takes on HBK's challenge.. and since both superstars are gonna take a big time off after wrestlemania, i personally think they should be in a Last Man Standing match at wrestlemania26.. and ends up with no winner as both cant answer the 10 count... and therefore they will not be in the scene for a very long time after wrestlemania26..
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