Shawn Michaels vs Diesel IYH


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is a question about the last match Diesel main evented with wwf at a In your house against shawn michaels before leaving for nwo. I believe it was good friends better enemies. After the match shawn pins him, goes on to flip off nash, drop a couple f bombs as nash rolls out ring. Shawn seemed legitally pissed and this was before attitude era around early 96 and wwf was still in kinda pg era so it surprised me. Shawn then goes into a celebration of doing hogan's flexing pose, then razor's pointing routine.

My question was did he know about the nwo or just a good coincendence. I heard hogan was a last minute addition, maybe michaels was pissed his buddies were leaving or just a big nothing. maybe someone can shed some light and discuss.

Here's the end of the match to help.
He knew about the WCW and that they were coming on strong; the NWO wasn't even thought of yet. Shawn was full of pride and this was a time that he was upset that Hall and Nash, his buddies, were leaving. He wanted to show why he was best in the world, and I'm sure mocking Hogan came with the moment, and because of his status. They had a great match and he was full of adrenaline.
yeah i pretty much agree with everything you stated but just always wondered if there was some underlying knowledge to that moment. Was kinda weird when you watch it now knowing whats happened. That was a great match for both guys.
It was a great match...u can see it on that Shawn Michaels: From the Vault DVD...They had a interesting interview with Diesel before the match that was shown.
Shawn can be seen saying "you want a big boy to play with?!", which of course was a response to WCW's wher the big boys play, after he says "c'mon" doing hogan's pose and , " c'mon" after doing razor's pose, he also pantomimes " get your ass outta here" after flipping off nash and dropping f bombs, this was about about three weeks prior to the kliq curtain call,hall's 1st appearance on nitro was 5/26/96

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