Shawn Michaels Shoot Interview


Wrestling Historian
I’ve been seeing the shoot interviews with Shawn Michaels on the main WrestleZone page and have been watching them as they have been posted. Each one has portrayed him as speaking openly and discreetly to the interviewer and giving insight to each subject they’ve touched on, many of which speak a great deal about Bret Hart for instance where Shawn Michaels makes many claims to the true story of things behind the scenes. My question is this… the last two parts of the interview clearly prove that Shawn Michaels is a liar and was blatantly lying to the interviewer and the audience of said interview in his claims about the Montreal Screw job. So how can we, therefore, believe anything that Shawn Michaels said throughout the entire interview as its clear he lied at the end of it? And if so, does this shoot interview give a great deal of insight into the “true” Shawn Michaels, more then people could’ve realized if they didn’t know about the lying. Thoughts?
That's the true Shawn Michaels alright. You can't believe anything he claims, especially when he's supposedly being honest, if you watch his work on the mic, you know he's made faking honesty into an art form. He might be a superb in-ring performer, a fantastic promo cutter, but as a human being, he's an insecure, self centered, backstabbing, cowardly and disgusting primadonna.
*Yawn* Anything original there yet? How's Bret Hart down there? I absolutely love how much people seem to believe is fake/real when in reality they have NO idea. It's the same philospohy which makes me laugh when people say Bret Harts book made them hate HBK, but Shawn's was lies. How would you know this? And how the hell would Bret/Shawn give an accurate opinion of the other? They hated each other.

Regarding Montreal, Shawn lied about it in the beginnign because Vince told him to - he was doing his job. That whole thing was down to Vince, and Vince specifically told Shawn to pretend he knew nothing about it - Vince even came down to the ring to attempt taking heat off Shawn. Which part of this do you not understand?
*Yawn* Anything original there yet? How's Bret Hart down there? I absolutely love how much people seem to believe is fake/real when in reality they have NO idea. It's the same philospohy which makes me laugh when people say Bret Harts book made them hate HBK, but Shawn's was lies. How would you know this? And how the hell would Bret/Shawn give an accurate opinion of the other? They hated each other.

Regarding Montreal, Shawn lied about it in the beginnign because Vince told him to - he was doing his job. That whole thing was down to Vince, and Vince specifically told Shawn to pretend he knew nothing about it - Vince even came down to the ring to attempt taking heat off Shawn. Which part of this do you not understand?

You assume the negative impression about HBK is only based on the Bret Hart incident, how wrong you are. Do a simple research on shoots from almost anyone not employed by WWE at this time and the positive things about HBK dwindle down to "he's a great performer." Nobody seems to think he's a great guy....except HHH, and maybe Vince. Why do you suppose ? Did they ALL read Bret's book ? Or is it that he's indeed he is a piece of feces as a human being ? I personally do not know Mr Hickenbottom but solely based on his reputation among his peers, I have no regard for him as a human being and would severely question anything he claims to be truth, as you say, he lies on command, so why even trust such a lowlife ?
I have no problems with his talent however, his matches are spectacular and there's no doubt he will steal the show at WM 25 with UT, see, I can differentiate between the person and his work, can you ?
No, this shoot interview is not a truthful representation of the "real Shawn Michaels." In hindsight, he lied egregiously about two things: his role in the Montreal Screwjob and Bret Hart having an affair with Sunny. Shawn Michaels admitted in later years to knowing about the Montreal Screwjob, and his own affair with Sunny gave him motive to lie about her and Bret Hart (I would look at Sunny's shoot interview with RF Video to get a better idea of this; in fact, there's a video somewhere on youtube that edits Michaels' claims about Sunny with her own claims about her affair with Shawn).

I do respect Michaels' work and I think he is a much more truthful and honest person than he used to be (people can change, and I believe that he has), but this shoot interview was bullshitting at its finest.
So, he doesn't prefer his HIAC match over Taker/Foley's? Taker isn't the most professional guy he's ever worked with? (until that point). WCW weren't making offers left, right and center for him to jump ship? Vince didn't joke about firing him and the immediately afterward, go ahead and do it?

All in all, i don't honestly care if he lies about his role in the Screwjob, if Bret had simply laid down like they wanted him to originally, we wouldn't STILL be whining about it 12 years later.

Big Show put it best on the McMahon dvd. Bret thought he was going to leave WWF the champion and wouldn't do the other guy the favour, so they took it away from him. Big deal, get over it.
If I'm not mistaken, these shoot interviews are from many many years ago. Also, if I'm not mistaken, I've heard rumors that Shawn was high on some kind of drugs during the interviews as well. It's been a while since I've seen it, but I remember thinking that was a definite possibility.

These interviews were before HBK turned into the born again Christian. Like any good liar, he will mix fact in with fiction, to spin a story to something that is true, but not really the truth. I remember watching them a while back and finding it amusing some of the things he says, and how "honest" he really was.

It appears as if he's grown up and changed quite a bit since these times, and I certainly hope he has.
All in all, i don't honestly care if he lies about his role in the Screwjob, if Bret had simply laid down like they wanted him to originally, we wouldn't STILL be whining about it 12 years later.
And if Vince had honored the contract he offered Bret like they both agreed to originally, then NONE of it would have ever happened.

But, let's not get started on that, there is enough here to be talked about.
You assume the negative impression about HBK is only based on the Bret Hart incident, how wrong you are.

Not true, I simply find that a whole load of Hart fans positively hate HBK for that reason. And that's true, so you cannot argue against it.

Do a simple research on shoots from almost anyone not employed by WWE at this time

Yes, HBK was an ass 'at this time' - no one is arguing against you on that.

and the positive things about HBK dwindle down to "he's a great performer."

And isn't that what matters?

Nobody seems to think he's a great guy

I forgot that means something in your professional wrestling ability :rolleyes:

....except HHH, and maybe Vince.

Well seeings Vince is the only one whose opinion matters, I think Shawn is okay.

Why do you suppose ? Did they ALL read Bret's book ? Or is it that he's indeed he is a piece of feces as a human being ?


I personally do not know Mr Hickenbottom but solely based on his reputation among his peers, I have no regard for him as a human being and would severely question anything he claims to be truth, as you say, he lies on command, so why even trust such a lowlife ?

Shawn volunteers at a Church, and does what he can for his fans, and his family. There are no stories of him being an ass anymore. So I'd like your proof for it, personally.

I have no problems with his talent however, his matches are spectacular and there's no doubt he will steal the show at WM 25 with UT,

Well that's all that matters then, right?

see, I can differentiate between the person and his work, can you ?

Well they're both great :)
Mrs KB:
I can tell you a recent incident that, in my eyes, proves what kind of man HBK is. Remember his feud with Chris Jericho ? Well, kayfabe wise, Jericho "accidentally" punches HBK's wife on the mouth and he goes ballistic, going on to extract his revenge on Jericho. Fine on the kayfabe level, they even redid the same angle with HHH for Wrestlemania, you know, you hit my wife, and now you die sort of thing. On the personal level, here's a non performer, HBK's wife, who'se only pro wrestling experience was being a Nitro girl and dancing, that gets belted in the mouth with what I believe was a half pulled punch, gets a fat lip from it and they make it a point in showing her disfigured face on TV and on their web site, and all promote a series of matches? Do you think HBK needed the money or even the hype ? I thought it was an horrible thing to do, even if his wife agreed, I can't believe a loving husband would allow his wife to get hurt on national tv for money. Orton's wife was played by an actress in his angle with HHH, why do you suppose that happened ? She didn't even get hit. Maybe Orton cares more about his wife than HBK does. You are a fan of his, and that's ok, I don't judge you for it, but you should not judge me for not liking the person, it's a personal decision based on my own perception and feelings about him.
'Nuff said.
When that slag got hit I was laughing my heart out for days, possibly the best part of the year, in my opinion. Seriously though, I don't really see why that's a bad thing on his behalf - I doubt he'd have gone up to her and said "I want you to get hurt on T.V.". If his wife wanted to get involved (Which of course the ****e did), that's up to her. Shawn would never, ever do something that would hurt his family.

And yes, you have a right to how you feel, but being on a wrestling forum, I also have a right to challenge or debate it :).

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