Shawn Michaels is the One and only Showstopper



Shawn Michaels is the One and only Showstopper

Great Main Event and Great Chemistry with Edge.

I hope if Shawn Michaels defeated John Cena for the WWE Championship.

I want him to feud with:

Harry Smith
Gregory Helms
CM Punk
Chris Benoit ( again)
Fit Finlay ( A posibble Dream match)
The Undertaker ( 10 yrs. Anniversary of the Hell in a Cell match)

and if ever my biggest dream match

Samoa Joe vs. Shawn Michael
Shawn Michaels is freaken awesome But Samoa Joe for god sakes HBK deserves better
Shawn Michaels vs Ken Kennedy.


Shawn Michaels vs. King Bookah
I would like to see HBK feud with Undertaker again. It's been years, and it would be good to see them again. They had great matches, Hell in a Cell, Casket. WWE needs good feuds, and this is one for sure.
I'd like to see HBK feud with Chris Masters for a few months. His match with Masters at Unforgiven '05 was probably Master's best match(due to HBK carrying him). And if anyone can get Masters over as a serious heel it's the show stopper! Right now WWE needs to use HBK to put over the younger talent so that we will have great feuds to look to for a long time to come.

BTW, I think Masters has a future in wwe if they put him in the right feuds.
What they need to do is give my boy some SERIOUS competitve feuds. I'm rather sick of this formula for Shawn where he does the program with the heel, owns him entirely, but the heel gets a technicality win (like Orton's brass knuckles to the forehead win) and then goes on until the end of time claiming they beat him like it was nothing. I miss the drawn out, serious feuds like Shawn/Bret, Shawn/Hunter, or Shawn/Jericho.
He can carry a match very well, but at the minute he is playing second fiddle to paul. I think he should focus on his singles career now.

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