Shawn Michaels Best Moments


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The Showstopper, The Headliner, The Main Event, The Icon, The Heartbreak Kid. Shawn Michaels Career spands over 20 years. Hes had matches with all the greats: Undertaker, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, Ric Flair, Chris Jericho. and even modern fueds with the likes of Batista, Randy Orton, John Cena ECT.
so What is your favorite HBK Moment?
My favourite HBK moment was his 1st title win at Wrestlemania. I was only about 10 years old at the time, and watching him pin Bret Hart for the title was incredible for me. I was a huge fan of his at the time,he is by far my favourite wrestler of all time, and seeing him achieve his 'boyhood dream' was great. I think the commentary in the final few moments of that match added to the whole feeling, and i dont mind admitting that to this day, if I watch his after match celebration, it still gives me goosebumps.
It's undoubtably Wrestlemania 12. From the video package which included footage of when he got beaten up, to probably the most memorable entrance I've ever seen, to the match itself, the commentary and the ending. it was all flawless.
My favourite Shawn Michaels moment was when Stone Cold stunned him and he retired and vowed never to come back because he had a career ending injury. Then my second favourite moment was when he lied and went back on his word and came back because he realized his legacy wasn't all that good and anymore. So much for that career ending injury. My next favourite moment is when he retired and vowed to never come back after losing to Undertaker at Wrestlemania last year. My next favourite Shawn Michaels moment will be when he breaks his word again and comes back.

LOL What a dick.

Anyway, there are a lot of HBK moments I could list as a favorite. Winning titles and performing in numerous "Show Stopping" matches. Also, other moments that include milestones and promos.

He had so many unplanned moments with DX that ended up being classics that no one (including when DX reformed in 06) could ever recreate.

I will pick one that I truly loved, but is probably a little different than what most people would choose. I loved the moment he has in winning the 1995 Royal Rumble.

Everyone, including The British Bulldog, thought Shawn was eliminated when Davey Boy threw him over the top rope. He raised his arm in victory and posed on the middle rope. Only one of Shawn's feet hit the floor and he pulled himself back into the ring.

As Davey Boy was celebrating on the ropes...... Shawn ran in behind him and knocked him over the ropes, and won the Rumble and the Wrestlemania Championship match.

This wasn't a great moment for Davey Boy. But it was for The WWF/E and Shawn. It was the first time they had ended the Rumble like they did. With everyone thinking it was over, and the Heel sneaks back in and claims the match.
The Boyhood Dream of him Winning the WWE World Title at WM12 was the best! The best match ever!

I liked the 1st Hell in the Cell with Undertaker! (when Kane shows up)

I like the Ladder Matches with Razor Ramon!

I liked his match with Sting at WrestleMania 27, oops! I am seeing the future! Sorry
The two icons, who never switched wrestling companies, when everyone else did!
The two icons who found God!
The two icons, who were the absolute best in the 90's. Hbk was in WWF and Sting was in WCW.
I have a couple favorite moments. The first was when he forfeited the WWF title to avoid a rematch with Bret Hart. He came out and rambled on about how he may never wrestle again and gave his version of a Lou Gerigh speech. He supposed had an injury that should have had him out for months and I believe he was back right after wrestlemania. The icing on the cake was the gayest tribute video in the history of the WWF. Go to you youtube and watch Tell Me A Lie. It's nauseating.

My second favorite moment is Summerslam 2005. It was in this match that he cemented his place as the most unprofessional guy in the business. He flopped around like a fish out of water everytime Hogan hit him. Then the next night on Raw he basically exposed the business and said was forced to lay down for Hogan. Of course everyone knows that wrestling is fixed. That doesn't excuse what he did.

These two moments prove what I selfish baby HBK really was. There are several accounts of him being the most hated guy in the locker room. These two moment are just two examples of why.
yea HBK may have been a dick, but he is still the greatest performer of all time, hands down. You name any big wrestling name and Michaels was in the ring with him. Go through all the big names, Mr. Perfect, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Bulldog, Undertaker, Angle, Jericho, Hogan, Flair, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Warrior, Savage, Austin, Rock, HHH, Million Dollar Man, Orton, Cena, the list goes on and on.

Every Wrestlemania Michaels had a great match, match of the year award honors with Diesel, Bret Hart, Austin, Jericho, Angle, McMahon, Cena, just shows you how amazing Michales is (i mean with guys like McMahon and Diesel?). But his greatest moment I think is when the Heart Break Kid was actually born.

Thats right Marty Janetty is still remembered in my mind as the man going through the glass mirror and Shawn Michaels breaking out on his own. Maybe not a significant moment at the time, but really what started it all and showed Shawn's personality and started his slow rise to the top of the WWE.
My favorite Shawn Michaels moment was when he and Triple H reformed DX in 2006. I had always loved seeing footage of old DX promos, and at that time I wasn't watching wrestling anymore, but when I read that they reformed DX that was what kept me continuing to being a fan of the business.
I am going to pick a very specific moment as my favorite HBK moment. It was when he did his patented kick up kick up at SummerSlam 2002. This was Shawn’s first match since WM14 and no one really knew what kind of condition he was in. Would he be able to wrestle like the HBK we remembered in the 90s? Would his back limit him? I figured he would be able to work a decent match but he far exceeded my expectations. I was really impressed as the match went on but still had my doubts as to what he could really do. When he did that kick up I realized HBK was back. The crowd reaction was awesome. That is one of my all time favorite matches and as strange as it may sound the kick up was the highlight.
So many to chose from. It would seem that every monemt in Shawn Michaels' career is worth mentioning. From the awesome Sweet Chin Music throught the barber glass window that ended the Rocker's run and started the HeartBreak Kid persona, to him giving a Sweet Chin Music to Ric Flair after saying "I Love You", all have been great moments. The greatest moment I would have to go with would be his first ever WWF Championship reign that started the long career of Shawn Michaels.

It was the first ever Iron Man match in the WWF (to my knowledge) and this moment is not only the best moment in Shawn Michael's career, but probably the most recognizable moments in Wrestlemania history right next to Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania 3. The Wrestlemania 12 match is often looked at as a overrated match, but I disagree. Every part of the match was epic. The match was designed to get a very young, cocky, kid that was HBK, over. And it did just that. To win this match, you had to be the better match. Yoiu not only had to get the most falls, but you had to outlast them in an hour match. This match and the moment that followed is what started the career oif Shawn Michaels. This moment coined the famous "The boyhood dream, has come true" quote that is still heard everywhere today.

A great Shawn Michaels moment.
Good thread man, HBK has more jaw dropping memorable moments than anyone else in the industry. Trying to pick one out of his illustrious career is unsurprisingly really difficult.

Obvious ones are Wm12, Barbers Shop window, Ladder match at Wm10, Wm26 , The Initial Dx Run & winning the Royal Rumble after being the no1 entry.

But for me When he won the first ever elimination chamber at survivor series the match was hyped & advertised so very well it's one of my favourite matches. It was right in the middle of HBK's and HHH's best feud together imo. Aswell as after having his gift of wrestling taken away by injury and all those years out of action, He could finally say he was back and as good as ever..... If not better.
Mine would have to be everything from his last heel run from just after SummerSlam '97 till Wrestlemania 14. HBK was bad ass and cool at the same time, and even when everyone was marking out on Austin (who was just bad ass) I use to watch HBK and think "this guy is twisted bad but damn he's cool". So for me it's a period of time which compromises a series of moments, from the matches to the promo's to the skits - awesome.

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