Sharkboy Interview

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I have to say he had the voice of Austin down very well. Though i dont see how TNA feels having Shark Boy mocking SCSA will work for him. though it was sorta funny i still doubt that will go over unlike the Jay's macho man thing. Now that is funny, but Shark boy being SCSA like i dunno
God that was hilarious. Shark boy is from around my hometown, so I've heard him talk before, he is a lil redneck, but he's cranked it up from this interview. It'll be interesting to see where he goes from here.
That was pretty funny actually. I hope they dont make him use the gimmick, but it was good. One Parody character is enough for my liking.
Seems like TNA is out of ideas so they have to ripoff WWE stars? It was an ok inpersination, but the SCSA gimmick is copyrighted by the WWE, not SCSA. So they would be wise not to use again on TV, or they will get sued by McMahon. TNA needs to build up their own original stars, not ripoff the WWE. TNA is looking more like WCW everyday, anybody remember the old age outlaws in WCW? Seems that is the route TNA is going, come on TNA, fire Russo and give us something, we need competition to the WWE...a valid one.
hahaha, that interview was hillarious... anyways, I highly Highly doubt anything more will come of it. It was a quick joke, Its not gonna be his gimmick. people like sharkboy as sharkboy not as stone cold. thats why nothing more is gonna happen, Jay lethal being "Black Machismo" is funny, and i like the storyline where sonjay (Spelling?) cant find his gimmick... but i also doubt that he will find any gimmicks by the time this story is over. he'll just get pissed about lethal being over, and he'll get fed up with nash and "His Ideas" and then they can turn it into a good fued.

I dont see what everyone is complaning about, This is good tv (Internet tv.. i guess) anyways, Either way its entertaining. So i dont know why everyone is doing this TNA is looking like WCW more and more... whatever, they are still on the rise, and as soon as they get... sorry, If they get RVD that will just boost it even more, because now it wont be just one big star going to TNA (Angle) it will have been 2, the latter being the face of the newest brand WWE has been trying to build.
[/QUOTE]Seems like TNA is out of ideas so they have to ripoff WWE stars? It was an ok inpersination, but the SCSA gimmick is copyrighted by the WWE, not SCSA. So they would be wise not to use again on TV, or they will get sued by McMahon. TNA needs to build up their own original stars, not ripoff the WWE. TNA is looking more like WCW everyday, anybody remember the old age outlaws in WCW? Seems that is the route TNA is going, come on TNA, fire Russo and give us something, we need competition to the WWE...a valid one.
Its not really ripping them off, its parody, TNA are just having a laugh recognizing the competition, WWE has never recognized the competition properly (unless of course they have purchased it first). Its a joke really, i can honestly say i dont think TNA thought to them selves hey now, Stone cold has a good gimmick ill just have Shark boy do that character...its Parody, Like The Blue world Order was, Like Juventud Gurearra's "The Juice" was etc etc...
Seems like TNA is out of ideas so they have to ripoff WWE stars? It was an ok inpersination, but the SCSA gimmick is copyrighted by the WWE, not SCSA. So they would be wise not to use again on TV, or they will get sued by McMahon. TNA needs to build up their own original stars, not ripoff the WWE. TNA is looking more like WCW everyday, anybody remember the old age outlaws in WCW? Seems that is the route TNA is going, come on TNA, fire Russo and give us something, we need competition to the WWE...a valid one.

I don't think there ripping off of Stone Cold but rather just having fun. It's not like it was on tv and there actually making a story line out of it. Shark Boy is a guy that is good in the ring but is more of a comical character and this is just a good example of that. IMO, people take this TNA/WWE thing way too far. Sometime's you have to put that aside and have fun with both companies. Now you can't deny that skit wasn't funny.
That was kind of funny in the sense that TNA is ripping of the WWE. TNA will be lucky if they don't get sued by the WWE or Stone Cold himself.

By the way, he did sound like Steve quite a bit. I swear it is a perfect twin. Did you see how he walked off from the interview? Exactly like SCSA.
That was kind of funny in the sense that TNA is ripping of the WWE. TNA will be lucky if they don't get sued by the WWE or Stone Cold himself.

Ill say it again, ITS PARODY, you cant get sued for parody, if sharkboy had said "thats the bottom line cos stone cold said so" then a court case would have ensued, but because it was a piss take, parody sketch, and said "Thats the bottom line cos sharkboy said so"
Ill say it again, ITS PARODY, you cant get sued for parody, if sharkboy had said "thats the bottom line cos stone cold said so" then a court case would have ensued, but because it was a piss take, parody sketch, and said "Thats the bottom line cos sharkboy said so"

WWE can sue if TNA changes his gimmick to it. Lets see this week if it stands.
Well they cant...For the same reasons WCW couldnt sue over the Blue world Order and WWE couldnt sue over the OLD Age outlaws and so on and so on or when WWE introduced GILLBERG etc etc.

If Tna gave Sharkboy a stone cold Gimmick and Called him Stone cold Steve Austin and He drank Steveweiser's and wore t-shirts that said Ruck Fules, then they would get sued, but if sharkboys gimmick was a parody of stone cold and he was called "Rock Chilled Shark Boy" and he drank Sharkbrewski's etc, then does not pertain to any copyright laws.
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