Shark Boy Granted Release

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
According to the official Facebook account for him:

"I have officially requested and been granted my release from TNA Wrestling. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at TNA for giving me the opportunity to perform in front of their audience since the very early days of the company. Thanks especially to the great TNA fans who have given me their support throughout the past eight years... Now on to the next chapter!"

Trim that fat, baby!

Thoughts on this?
Dammit! I liked Shark Boy. I loved the Austin type gimmick. The catchphrases were cool, and they matched up pretty good. I don't care what anybody says.

Hey..... maybe Vince'll bring him in since Stone Cold came back. Methinks that'd be a pretty funny encounter, ala Goldberg/Gillberg.

Seriously, I do like Shark Boy. I really wish him the best. And I would love to see him in a face to face w/Austin. License to print money.
Thoughts on the matter:

Is there anyone in the world besides Shark Boy who gives a shit about this?

That's about it. How much more can you say?
I recently saw a video of Shark Boy in an indy promotion and he got the most reaction out of anyone. Even though his match was over, during the other matches that followed, the crowd kept chanting "Shark Boy, Shark Boy" or "We want Shark Boy" Even though he is a gimmick wrestler, I still think he could have been used more in TNA and sadly, he wasn't. Hopefully Shark Boy goes to RoH or something. He does have a devout following after all and wherever he goes, his fans will follow.
Shark Boy is like many other wrestlers on the TNA roster, I completely forget they are even on the TNA roster until they are released from said roster.

I would like to see Vince give him a shot, especially if they worked the Austin angle, it could be hilarious. He'll probably do something with ROH or in Japan or Mexico. Whatever he does I wish him the best, as he is a talented charismatic character that is very entertaining to watch.
Thoughts on the matter:

Is there anyone in the world besides Shark Boy who gives a shit about this?

That's about it. How much more can you say?

I'm just glad their losing a guy taking up a roster spot for no reason, frankly.

There isn't that much to be said about this kind of thing, but Shark Boy did have a bit of a cult following, even in TNA, so it does matter, albeit marginally.
Meh, Sharkboy was good wrestler for the X-division. After that what did he ever do? Last i heard he was a road agent in TNA. Anyways maybe he will go to ROH. Nothing against Sharkboy but i would be more worried if it was a big name wrestler that asked for his release.
I'm just glad their losing a guy taking up a roster spot for no reason, frankly.

There isn't that much to be said about this kind of thing, but Shark Boy did have a bit of a cult following, even in TNA, so it does matter, albeit marginally.
To be perfectly honest, I actually liked Shark Boy. But then again, I also like Chikara. I have a soft spot in my heart for stuff that's pure camp like that.

He just didn't fit in with the 'new' TNA, however. Not one bit. TNA is trying to treat themselves as srs bzns right now, and Shark Boy is a character that's completely silly at its roots, like Curry Man (another one of my favorites.)

He'll do alright for himself. I hope.
does anyone know what shark boy looks like incase he does debut in wwe or returns to TNA as a new character???
Jimmy Hart and now Shark Boy! Oh my! I guess the 'sheets are right! TNA is dying!

On a more serious note, I always liked Shark Boy, but with the existence of another comedy wrestler like Eric Young who is without a shadow of a doubt funnier than Shark Boy, there is no place for him on the show, so dump his ass.

Spring cleaning anyone? I bet the next in line for a big push ... off a cliff ... is Brian Kendrick. Unless he learns to levitate. Then he's money.
Was it Shark Boy or Eric Young that recently signed a contract with TNA even though they didn't wan to? Probably both. Either way, same difference. We haven't seen Shark Boy on Impact for months, besides his New Year's Eve party with EY and OJ. I guess we will never see that great Shark Boy vs. Robbie E feud. Damn it to hell!
TNA had a shark?
wait, TNA had Taylor Lautner? he was Sharkboy in the movie Sharkboy and Lavagirl.

seriously, no loss at all. I have only been watching TNA since the start of 2010, and during that time I think I only saw Shark Boy once and that was backstage at some party thing with Eric Young and Orlando Jordan.
I'm surprised it took this long for either him to ask for his release, or for TNA to release him themselves.
Shark Boy leaving is'nt as much as a loss at all. He hasn't been on the show for a long, long time. Same with Jay Lethel, uh oh.

Anyway, I'm saying this now. The day AJ Styles ask's for his release from TNA, TNA is done. Or if they run out of money, which does'nt seem that far away.

Anyway, yeah Shark Boy is gone. Really, it's a loss a big as a roadie leaving WWE.
I'm a Sharkboy mark so deep down I'm a little saddened by this. I found his gimmick and appearances a welcomed change from most of the seriousness in TNA.

But I'm not surprised since he hasn't been seen since his return at Final Resolution. And before that it had been months. So if he wasn't being used and was just taking up space, I see nothing wrong with letting him go. Plus if I'm not mistaken he asked for his release and was granted it, so it was welcomed by both sides.
In one way, it's really no big loss to TNA, but only because TNA wasn't using all. What was the last thing he did in the past...almost a year? Gave a stunner to Cookie? Seriously, that was all they used him for (to my knowledge, do correct me if I'm wrong.) Sharkboy had been written out of TNA story for a very long time and it isn't as if he was going to get another shot at anything.

Now, I enjoy the concept of the masked wrestler and I think Sharkboy was one of the most original things that TNA had going for them. If only they'd use him. He was an excellent wrestler, very entertaining, and a little bit out there. That's what I liked about him, he was something different. Unfortunately, his character didn't seem to flow very well with the "attitude-era continued" direction of TNA. He was just a little too silly for the current product. I personally think that TNA could have used some lightening up, but that's just me.

This is really the best move for Sharkboy, though. If they're not going to use him, then he shouldn't be there. Move on to a company that'll use you, Sharkboy, and you'll do fine.
Shark Boy leaving is'nt as much as a loss at all. He hasn't been on the show for a long, long time. Same with Jay Lethel, uh oh.

Anyway, I'm saying this now. The day AJ Styles ask's for his release from TNA, TNA is done. Or if they run out of money, which does'nt seem that far away.

Anyway, yeah Shark Boy is gone. Really, it's a loss a big as a roadie leaving WWE.

why would Styles ask for his release? that has as much of a chance at happening as John Cena asking and being given his release from WWE.
Hm. So nobody knew he doubled as a road agent and house show ref? Yeah, he did a hell of a lot more for TNA than Jimmy Hart. Even if people didn't know. Shame. This guy had 3 separate jobs in TNA but that still didn't keep his job.
why would Styles ask for his release? that has as much of a chance at happening as John Cena asking and being given his release from WWE.

It is a possibility. Maybe he'll get fed up with all the former WWE superstar's and old guy's getting the spotlight. Kinda like what happened with Jericho, and Benoit in WCW. Hell, TNA is virtually WCW 2000 all over agian. Sting being champion, team's everywhere. Maybe he'll see how much success Jericho had when he jumped to WWE in 1999, maybe he'll do the same.

And no, it's not the same as Cena leaving, becuase Cena's the top face. AJ's just there right now, and he's been there for year's and hasn't been champion since RVD won it, and Styles is the only house hold name in TNA.
I'm not surprised by his release, nor do I care. I don't like Sharkboy for the same reason I don't like the Bushwackers, Doink the Clown, & Santino.....The character is stupid and way too cartoonish.

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