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Shane or Stephanie? Who will be the better Chairman of The Board?

Who will be the better Chairman of The Board

  • Shane McMahon

  • Stephanie McMahon-Levesque

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So once again i was sitting on the couch thiknig about Raw when the limo blow and Vinnie Mac "died". Then a Question came to me again Vince bought the company from his dad in the late 70's,since he was his father's only child their wasnt really a prblem right? But Vince has two kids Shane and Stephanie who play a prominent role in WWE Universe as i write this Thread. But out of those two only one can really be the "Man" or "Woman" in church right? So when Vince dies or just has to leave do to old age Who will become the Next Chairman? Will one of them take the ball, run with it, and lead the company to even greater heights? Or will one of them get it and drop the ball? The question i want to get out is who do you think would be the better Chairman of The Board? Shane or Stephanie?
Great Thread just finished reading your one about the best heel. That must be a thinking coach you have over there.

Shane McMahon: In all honesty he would probably be better then steohanie as he is the "son" and probably inheireted alot of his father's traits. its njust something abot him that does not scream chairman for some reason. If he is just going to be a chairman that sits in the back and creates stories for the top talent and keep things running then i believe that yes he would make a great chairman. Somewhat like Dixie Carter in TNA

Stephanie McMahon: I'm probably going to catch a lot of slack for this but i believe she would make a better chairman than Shane, as they say "Like father like daughter". To me Steph would be the next Vince with a TV role in there. She already come's up with alot of storyline's that we get today, plus her husband was in the bussiness so im sure they would make a great team.

In my conclusion Steph needs to be the Chairman and Shane become the CEO of the company and be in charge of thier world affairs
I would prefer Shane, but Vince seems to favor Stephanie. Stephanie has been used on air more than Shane and I'm always reading about Steph conducting meetings with the roster and making decisions. Some of her opinions about various wrestlers which have been reported on the net seem ignorant to me. Vince had to basically take the company from his father, so Shane would have to do the same.
I say Shane would be the better Chairman of the WWE. He would be a better person because he is the one who is in touch with the audience moreso than Stephanie. He took the WWE to places it hasn't been. What places might those be you ask? He created WWE.com and was able to finalize a major TV deal in Brazil which allowed Raw and Smackdown to air there. Stephanie on the other hand has an innate ability to get what she wants like her father which is not necessarily a good thing. Look at where Vince's approvals and likes and dislikes have gotten us today: Batista and Triple H feuding with the Legacy in what has become a stale storyline that started out great. So imo Shane O'Mac all the way!
Difficult choice. I think the one thing Stephanie has going for her is Triple H. I know that seems a strange thing to say but if you think about it Triple H in creative control (which with Stephanie in charge he no doubt would be) without being a part of the product would be a great thing. Say what you will about him, he does have a mind for the business. Not a great fan of Stephanie in terms of creative work. The quality of the product has slipped since she's been in charge of creative. If I was Vince, I'd think about putting Shane and Steph in charge of Raw and Smackdown individually, see who performs better. Mainly to what Shane could do as a part of creative. Might create a nice rivalry between the two, which could benefit the quality of each show.
dont get me grong i think Shane would make a great CEO and he should be the CEO and run the company and ocassionally clash with stephanie on tv but Stephanie has a more vince like feeling which sometimes is a good thing and sometimes a bad thing..... i mean creative right now isnt as good as it was but Vince developed the Attitude Era and i dont know, with the help of HHH i think Stephanie can be a great Chairman of the Board
I'm going to have to go with Shane on this one....Not to discount stephanie or her abilities I just think she's too much like Vince whichh is obviously going to hurt her in the end

Shane represents a new outlook on the business. I see him being able to take it places Stephanie or his Father would only dream of. I see him on listening to the fans more instead of the "audience of one" a great example would be.....

Everybody knows that one day TNA will be competition to WWE and the McMahons will sooner or later acknowledge their presence. I see Stephanie going about this particular issue Much like McMahon did Wcw/ECW...Buying out there talent until they fold.

I see Shane However goging head to head with them and besides one or two talent exchanges between the companies no major stars would jump ship (Because all of TNA's stars were WWE superstars). I also see shane up'n the antie by aquiring NJPW to sort of kill TNA's chances of competing and helping ROH much like WCW did ECW so then TNA could deal with a bigger threat to them and not try to run with the big dawgs (yea I said it)

Same story two drasticly different5 outcomes both successful one far more entertaining. Shane McMahon IS the future of the WWE Corperation while Stephanie will be by his side much as Linda is there for VInce
I also see shane up'n the antie by aquiring NJPW to sort of kill TNA's chances of competing and helping ROH much like WCW did ECW so then TNA could deal with a bigger threat to them and not try to run with the big dawgs (yea I said it)

No way would WWE be able to buy NJPW unless they throw a TON money at Yuke's....and I don't think they'll need it, business seems pretty good. Unless you mean getting NJPW in a talent exchange deal. I could see that happening, but it'd be a waste. They had a NJPW deal back in the early 80's that did ok, but the Michinoku Pro deal of the mid 90's was horrible.

Back to subject though, I remember Shane saying he was brought up in the physical part of business: Taking tickets, sweeping up the arena, setting up the ring, refereeing,announcing, and even wrestling. While Steph was brought up on the business side:Accounting, production,ect....

So I see it like this-

Shane in charge of creative. Storylines, hiring talent, even maybe a character on TV.

Steph would be the "official" CEO. Running the business with shareholders, setting up new markets to go into ect...

In the end though who really knows right?
That's kinda a big toss up. I actually think that it'll be split up between the two of them, having co-ownership of the company. That could also lead into a big storyline (which I have been thinking to myself since 2002 that it should be Shane v. Steph as GM's of Smackdown and RAW).

By the time Vince passes the torch to his kids, I believe that Shane and Steph will pretty much have no tie-downs (kids, school, etc) and something like the family split could happen in kayfabe...

Of course, HHH could wind up being Chairman being son-in-law. I could see that too... (damn Steph and her evil ways lol)
This question is very difficult to really understand. There's plenty that goes on behind the scenes in regards to running the day-to-day business side of the WWE, and it really depends on who has the better business sense between the two. I don't know the first thing about what it takes to run a multinational entertainment corporation such as WWE, let alone make it successful. I don't know Shane or Stephanie in regards to their business knowledge. So I guess my answer is...I don't know.

As far as storyline goes, I think Stephanie would make a better Chairman on screen character. As of late, when Stephanie is on TV she seems to just give off that aura that she's a great successful businesswoman, someone who you know means business. So from a storyline point-of-view, I would have to say Stephanie.
You'll think that this is the stupidest answer, but why not BOTH! Co-chairmans of the board.
NOTHING would ever make Vince retire, not even that guy with the black robes and slyther, LOL.
But when he does have to step down, I'm sure that he enjoy some quality time with his grand children. Shane said in an interview that Vince wasn't really around for him and Steph as much as he wanted. But now there is nothing in the world he'd rather do then play with his grand children...
Anyway, back point. Both. In my opinion two people in charge isn't to farfetched... Steph in charge of SD! Shane in charge of RAW. They can bring in some sibling rivary to the programming and try to out do each other every week...

Good rep please!
At this moment, I would say Shane.

I get the impression that Shane is the one who is more level-headed than his sister, and isn't as egotistical. I think he is the one who is more in-tune with today's audience. And I feel he is the one who is more likely to listen to and consider feedback from others, as opposed to the "I'm going to do whatever the Hell I want to do, and I don't care who isn't happy about it" approach of his father. And my concern is that Stephanie was adopting that same philosophy from Vince, but now I'm not so sure. After reading about Stephanie becoming frustrated with Vince leading up to Mania, I think she may be truly growing up and seeing the errors of her father's current ways.

But, at the same time, I haven't been the least bit impressed with Stephanie's job in heading the Creative Team, since she has been in charge. Although that again, may be more of a reflection on Vince, given the degree of his involvement in this area, as opposed to her.

My vote, however, goes to Shane.
I would say that Shane would be the better choice as Chairman, purely because he is better at negoiations, he is the Executive Vice President of WWE Global Media, overseeing International Television Distribution, Live Event bookings, Digital Media, Consumer products, and Publishing.

In addition to his corporate responsibilities, he has also contributed to WWE’s programming as a talent and Creative contributor. So he has the experience and ability to lead the way. Stephanie is the Executive Vice President, Creative Development & Operations. She has less responsibilities than Shane purely because Vince relies on her for creative output and ulitimately he is building Shane up to take over.

As Sidious rightly said, Shane has less ego and will do a. what he's told b. listens to others whilst Stephanie has been more of a "lap dog" for Vince and is only just maturing, Shane has been aware for a while.

My vote goes to Shane for Chairman, but Stephanie to lead Creative, with Shane's oversee, but not as strong as Vince's control.
Shane will probably get it, maybe because of something as simple as him being male. Most of the people in Top-tier jobs are still predominantly male, and there's a possiblity that could sway McMahon, especially in a wrestling business.

I'd prefer Stephanie, because I love her lots. She's an absolutely amazing woman; by far my favourite 'diva'. I think Shane will get most of the behind the scenes jobs to organise, whereas Stephanie will be given the character on TV. I just think she's much better suited for it - I can't imagine Shane being anything like a major figure like his father was.
I think Shane would get himself into angles and would play more of a role in the product, as the new Mr.Mcmahon. He'd get into feuds and have the odd match where he'd get the crap kicked out of him.
But the difference would be people would care about Shane as "the boss" much less.
I don't think he'd get much respect, everyone would be constantly comparing him to Vince, which I don't think Steph would get very much. And there'd be a lot pressure in the job of replacing Vince. I don't think Shane could handle that too well.

Steph gets my vote simply cause she's got Triple H. Without him, she wouldn't be on tv as much. The poll should be between Triple H and Shane, cause that's who it's gonna go down to. Steph will let Trips do most of the work, keep an eye over the creative team, check out new talent etc.
Steph will still be there, but most people will forget about her cause she won't appear much. I think having steph as the next chairman has to be the better option because once Triple H is retired and can't push himself to the moon, he'll be doing whatevers best for the business with every decision he makes. He simply understands the business better than Shane.
Shane probably didn't learn about the industry from his father like Vince jr. learned from Vince sr. due to how how huge WWF/E became and how busy Vince was. While Triple H, on the other hand, lives and breathes the industry.

But there's always the question of whether Triple H and Steph split up. Personally I don't think that'll happen. They've got 2 kids, plenty of money, and they're never on the same show long enough to aggrevate eachother. So they've got a till-death-do-us-part thing going on. So if Steph gets the top spot, Triple H will be doing the wrestling-based work. Therefore my vote goes to Steph.
"Shane will probably get it, maybe because of something as simple as him being male. Most of the people in Top-tier jobs are still predominantly male, and there's a possiblity that could sway McMahon, especially in a wrestling business." HBK-A-Holic.

What's Shane being male got to do with it? Everyone who's said Shane has backed up their point talking about how he would manager the business and how his many responsiblies have prepared him for it. Linda McMahon is the CEO of the WWE because she has the experience and the qualifications and she knows what she's doing, not because she's a man... Oh wait, she's not a man. Poked a big hole in your logic...
Gotta go with Steph. She seems to have a good understanding of the business, has had more direct involvement with the product, and has played politics a lot better than Shane.

She is also married to one of the most knowledgeable people in the business.

And finally, never, ever underestimate the power of an attractive woman in the business world. When it comes to using the Chairperson as a "public figure", Steph blows Shane out of the water.
I would have to say Shane because he seems to be more in touch with what the fans want. He would be great in the creative aspect and talent scouting as well. However Stephanie seems to be more business oriented. However if she is the Chairwoman, things would only get worse for WWE in terms of show quality. She would continue to hire these hollywood writers and things wouldnt really change. Shane on the other hand, would take the business to the next level....And regardless of who is chosen, HHH will be a prominant figure. Eventhough he is Stephanie's husband, he is also Shanes brother in law so he'll he in the equation either way....at the end of the day, I'd MUCH rather see Shane as Chairman
"Shane will probably get it, maybe because of something as simple as him being male. Most of the people in Top-tier jobs are still predominantly male, and there's a possiblity that could sway McMahon, especially in a wrestling business." HBK-A-Holic.

What's Shane being male got to do with it?

It's just a fact of almost every job - you're more likely to get ahead if you're male.

Everyone who's said Shane has backed up their point talking about how he would manager the business and how his many responsiblies have prepared him for it.

And? Are the people on this forum the one deciding? I'm not getting at any of them for their choices, simply saying that's how it is. You can look at the facts if you don't believe me. Over 90% of people in the top jobs are male. And they're often more respected for doing their jobs.

Linda McMahon is the CEO of the WWE because she has the experience and the qualifications and she knows what she's doing, not because she's a man... Oh wait, she's not a man. Poked a big hole in your logic...

..You've poked no holes in my logic whatsoever. My 'logic' is based on the fact that men are more successful than women in the world of business. You can't dispute that, because it's a proven fact. Based on that, I can make the assumption that Shane could get the job over Stephanie due to his gender. I'm not saying it would happen, simply that it's a possibility; one which does come up in the world.
I think Stephanie would by far be better. And while I realize she plays a character on tv, she just seems to have a grasp of the business. The way she carries herself is different than the way Shane carries himself. Maybe I say that because we've seen Shane in the ring more than Steph, but Steph just has something about her. Almost like... she knows exactly what she's doing. I know that nobody can have a perfect grasp on whatever business they made be heading, but Steph just has that "something." What that something is, not sure. You always hear more about what position Steph holds in the company and what she does behind the scenes. You never hear that much about Shane. So granted the person you hear more about and taking control (i.e. the backstage meeting recently addressing that everybody is equal and the younger talent can rise up and take the main event spots with some hard work) is Steph and that leads me to believe she has a little more input in some things or again... just a better business sense about her.

I also don't think it hurts that she's married to HHH. You know he'll be around longer than we want him to be around as far as in-ring action goes. He's already on his downslope as far as his career goes and sure he'll get another title reign or two, but he's already peaked and nobody can deny that. So HHH will stick around on TV and be a character for as long as he wants to be. Or at least until HHH and Steph separate (which I wouldn't bet on). I think HHH would have some great creative ideas as far as the tv product goes after he steps out of the ring seeing as he's married to the bosses daughter and using his own career as experience and a way to draw some insight.
Shane would do the best job...I've got 2 words for people that think Steph would be better...MOOD SWINGS.

First post and you go on about how Stephanie's period will affect her job. Wow.

Anyway, the question isn't who would do the better job (Shane), but who WILL be the Chairman once Vince McMahon does leave this earth on a jet plane. My answer is Stephanie. Because Shane is more business oriented. He's more of the marketing, advertising, and whiz kid of revenue. Stephanie will want to be hands on with the actual product, along with HHH. Which spells doom for the WWE. Imagine the final say so is a woman who hired writers from Seinfeld, Alf, The Man Show, AND FRAISER to write pro wrestling story lines. I cringe at that thought.

Watching the ESPN E:60 piece on the WWE shows me that Stephanie has NO idea what the fans want. She only knows what she wants. And that will eventually turn fans away from the product. Hopefully, it doesn't get to that point in the near future. Hopefully, some actual WRESTLERS will write stories and book some fine matches, instead of having Tom Cherones write some stupid sketch involving Santino sniffing Rosa Mendes' panties.

So Stephanie will take the reigns as Chairman once dad and mom's gone. Enjoy the ride when that happens.
Shane would do the best job...I've got 2 words for people that think Steph would be better...MOOD SWINGS.

I would absolutely LOVE for you to explain what is the worst first post I have ever seen. Mood swings? I hope you're not showing any sexism here?

I see no reason why Stephanie would not be best for the job, and you haven't given me a good one. Either person would do a great job, as I think they've grown up around the business enough to know what is happening. My decision is based solely from what we've seen from each person on TV. I think both should have a big role, but Stephanie should be the one who is the main boss on T.V; she's definately shown she can be professional, and I think here is where Shane's stunts and matches work against him. I see Stephanie as being the one who could organise things and seem to be in control more.
I'm gonna go with Shane McMahon on this one cause I believe he is more in touch with what the fans want nowdays & could probably help get wrestling interesting again if he is to get the company once Vince dies(by that time I think both Shane & Stephanie will be in rocking chairs).

I think Stephanie is more like Vince & although that can be good at times, but if you look at how stale the WWE is today then it can also be a downfall & it would hurt Steph in the long run if she ran the company.

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