Shane McMahon...Do You Miss Him?


Occasional Pre-Show
So, I was watching WWE's OMG Moments DVDs the other day and I came across the match between Shane McMahon and Kurt Angle at KOR in 2001 I believe.

This match made me miss Shane a little. Granted, I know a lot of you hate the McMahons and feel strongly about them taking any tv time or ppv slots over the real superstars and talent, but I felt Shane had some pretty impressive moments in WWE. This match with Angle was a shining example.

Its obvious that in a real situation, Angle would have probably killed Shane, but given circumstances of story, Shane had a legit chance in this match. This was Angle's third match of the night and Shane's first. It was falls count anywhere, so obviously weapons make even an inexperienced wrestler dangerous. I loved the moments where Angle belly to belly suplexed Shane through the glass on the stage. It was that moment that Angle refers to Shane as one tough sob in an interview somewhere.

So given his past contributions, do you think you as a fan miss any aspect of Shane McMahon in WWE? Whether it be in a corporate sense or an onscreen character sense?

Do you think the WWE company itself misses Shane? (This is not my cryptic way of saying the company is hurting without Shane, obviously no one person is bigger than the company.)
As a child he entertained me and there was one moment that shocked me and triggered my love for Wrestling when i was around 9 or 10 . it was summerslam either late 90's or early 2000's but it was a hardcore match between shane and Steve Blackman and i just remember Shane jumping off te titantron onto Steve Blackman who was on a table then an ambulance came to the Arena my memory is hazy but thats what i believe happened and i loved that match and watching it as a kid really entertained me.
i really do miss him,with training he could have been really good in the ring but he didn't want people to say he was only a top guy cause of who his dad was,his match against test at summerslam 99 was good
yknow, it's one of those you don't know what you got till it's gone type things with Shane and Stephanie... at the time I absolutely hated seeing them on screen but the more I see clips of it I remember being entertained by it. Shane had some great work, ESP when he was backing another wrestler like booker T or even the posse... Stephanie against Jericho was GOLD... They had their moments for sure, Stephanie I still cringe at the thought of her having any power backstage, but I can still see both having something to offer on screen (and shane probably something backstage too)
I miss Shane O Mac, his elbow onto Big show, the steve blackman feud and kendo stick moment in particular, his coast to coast. He had some sick spots and matches and a lot of the talent give credit to shane for certain bumps that they themselves wouldn't take.

I still remember the "There is no going back, there is no tomorrow" bit working up to Invasion, that sh!t was Awesome.
Its funny you mention that. I have thought for some time now, what would WWE be like today if Shane was in charge. My opinion is that things would be quite different. I am not sure about the reasons he left the business, but I am certain he wasnt thrilled with the direction it was going. As much as I like Triple H, I dont feel that he will be that different from Vince. Seeing as those Steph is part of the creative staff and has had role in the direction of the company for some time, she pretty much supports the direction WWE has been going in for the last few years, and im sure HHH being around both of them long enough has lost his connection with what its like to be a fan. Yes WWE has changed for the better just a tiny bit in the last few months but honestly we are miles from being the awesome programming that was the WWE circa 2000. Ive heard Shane has an interest in MMA or something like that, and he knows that the adult market and the people who actually spend money (not kids) are an important group that shouldn't be ignored. Shane himself epitomized and to me was an intricate part of the attitude era. I dont think he frowns on the WWE's past as some probably do now. I think Shane would listen to the fans and being a young guy could relate better to to them as well as the talent. Maybe he wouldnt be as good a business man but I am certain we would have a better product and that in itself should lead to better business. Hey thats just me, I could be completely wrong, but I dont believe HHH/Steph are the solution to WWE's problems.
I don't necessarily miss Shane so much, but I did appreciate what he brought to the table. I also understand why he left as well. He wanted to make it out on his own and that is respectable. He could've been a great mind in the back and he would have instant credibililty because of who he is and what he has done. His feuds were all watchable, especially the one against his dad. Some of the best spots of all time.
Shane McMahon's value is underrated, I thought he was very entertaining personality who put on some of the better matches and performed some of the better stunts in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment. I can't really speak of his work backstage because I am (like most of us are) completely unaware of his actual production even though I know he had a very prominent role and was influential in the launching of I know he didn't work with creative but I believe he was the Executive President or VP of global media, which boasts media outlets in 146 countries in 55 languages and constantly has their talent going on worldwide tours that didn't happen nearly as much before Shane was in charge.

I think his value onscreen wasn't even as big as his value offscreen, but there's no real way to know that for sure as a wwe fan. I definitely miss him and I'm hoping to god he returns soon to reveal that he stole HHH's phone out of Steph's purse and texted Kevin Nash. I know this is a recycled storyline but it worked back then, what if we could make a McMahon in every corner work today? Triple H w/ Steph vs. Cena w/ Vince vs. Punk w/ Linda vs. Del Rio (unfortunately because he's the champ) w/ Shane and then maybe even a Punk vs. Shane match because he's only 41 (younger than HHH) and probably still has some good matches left
I miss Shane as I always thought it would be him running the WWE today. I miss Shane becuase he was always entertaining an he put his life on the line in just about every match. He was damn near crazy and he was more hardcore then Matt Hardy and just as Hardcore as Jeff Hardy. He would fall from 30 feet just to put a smile on our faces. He was good on the mic to and he good make anything seem interesting. I still miss Shane O'Mac to this very day. When he left it just feels like a hole in the WWE that still to this day can't be filled.
The great thing about Shane was he came in and earned his respect. Yeah he was the bosses son, but when he was in charge and you tried to cross him, he had no problem of putting you in your place. Unlike Vince, he was believable in the ring and just athletic enough that he found his way around the ring and put on decent matches with random Superstars.
Actually, yes. I miss him. Just think of all of the crazy shit this man has done:

*Taking a bump from Steve Blackman from the titantron
*flying through announce tables
*coast to coast
*having his nuts jumper cabled by Kane
This guy had to prove that he wasn't just the bosses son with a silver spoon in his mouth. That he had balls. I miss that. But I can see WWE sliding him into the current situation with HHH, Punk, Nash, Vince, and Laurenitis. He can end up on Punk's side and have a match with HHH or Nash or something.
I miss the tension and storlines he, Vince and Stephanie had. You just never really knew where it might go. I never cared about his wrestling because he just ripped off RVD or whoever to get a pop. It's the stories that mattered with Shane for me.
I do miss Shane. For many of the reasons listed above by other posters. I was actually hoping Shane would be revealed as the anonymous GM. Because Shane could play both the Heel and Face to perfection. I remember when he returned during the Vince & Trish "affair" storyline. The pop he got when he came out was INTENSE. Granted his punches looked like Diva's throwing punches but that was because he wasn't born a wrestler.

However, unlike most silver spoon fed people he got into the ring and trained. He, under his own will decided to put his money where his mouth was. Shane I'm sure had the respect of the boys in the back because he didn't just come in and say "this is how it is done" and such. He went out and took nasty bump after nasty bump. He took risks.
Unfortunately he appeared to age very quickly. I remember when he came back he had gray hair forming on the side of his head. I don't understand why he was turning gray so quickly. His cage matches/hell in a cell match with DX, hardcore matches, last man standing matches etc etc weren't the best matches on the card BUT he put on a performance that many people still talk about to this day. I mean we're talking about him right now lol. Shane gave everything he had and the fans showed the respect he earned.

Shane for Anonymous GM!!!!
Its funny you mention that. I have thought for some time now, what would WWE be like today if Shane was in charge. My opinion is that things would be quite different. I am not sure about the reasons he left the business, but I am certain he wasnt thrilled with the direction it was going. As much as I like Triple H, I dont feel that he will be that different from Vince. Seeing as those Steph is part of the creative staff and has had role in the direction of the company for some time, she pretty much supports the direction WWE has been going in for the last few years, and im sure HHH being around both of them long enough has lost his connection with what its like to be a fan. Yes WWE has changed for the better just a tiny bit in the last few months but honestly we are miles from being the awesome programming that was the WWE circa 2000. Ive heard Shane has an interest in MMA or something like that, and he knows that the adult market and the people who actually spend money (not kids) are an important group that shouldn't be ignored. Shane himself epitomized and to me was an intricate part of the attitude era. I dont think he frowns on the WWE's past as some probably do now. I think Shane would listen to the fans and being a young guy could relate better to to them as well as the talent. Maybe he wouldnt be as good a business man but I am certain we would have a better product and that in itself should lead to better business. Hey thats just me, I could be completely wrong, but I dont believe HHH/Steph are the solution to WWE's problems.

How many adults spend money on wrestling versus how many are forced to by their kids. On this site alone there are a lot of people who openly flaunt watching on streams or just reading results on these sites, the kiddies don't do that, they want to be there live and their parents are going to be encouraging illegal streams. They want shirts, toys, games, etc. the adults can make do just watching the show. Not ignoring the adults is a good start, but to discount the financial impact the kiddies have is a killer.
I know some people miss Shane because with him not there, that means Stephanie is heir to the throne. Many fans hold her at least partially responsible for the decline of WWE since 2002.

As many of you know, Stephanie is head of the creative team. Stephanie was the one who started pre-scripting all the promos. Stephanie was the one who gutted the creative team and replaced them with "Hollywood TV writers". Stephanie was the one who did away with planning angles out weeks/months in advance and instead writing week-to-week. Stephanie was the brain behind the Molly Holly "junk in your trunk" angle, Paul Burchill's pirate gimmick and the formation of the Spirit Squad. I would not be surprised if Hornswoggle was her idea, too.
I do miss him cause he really had good mic skills and a good look.In my opinion he could have been a wwe champion and he would be a believable champion.I hope he consider on coming back just maybe once.
I do miss him cause he really had good mic skills and a good look.In my opinion he could have been a wwe champion and he would be a believable champion.I hope he consider on coming back just maybe once.

I don't really thing being a champion was his thing more than being with a champion, or managing a champion. He got respect from the boys in the back by putting on a decent match from time to time, but I don't think being WWE Champion would've ever been an option. At least not a legit shot.
Outside of the little rant I went on, I almost forgot to mention how much I really enjoyed Shane's run as an on-screen character and wrestler. Although a lot of people crapped all over the storyline at the time, I really liked the whole feud between Shane and Kane. Yes it was corny and silly at times but they put on a couple of damn good hardcore matches. I think one was a LMS match and the other, a rare ambulance match. Both were two of the best matches in Kane's career and in year of 2003, imo. That match brings to mind another amazing match between him and Angle at KOTR 2001. The suplex through the glass, damn that was crazy. Just looking back his matches with Blackman, Test and Big Show, even the WM against his father, as well each were very entertaining. And oh yeah all those insane bumps to go along, the guy deserves mad respect. Oh hell yeah I miss Shane O' Mac. Like I said before a true staple of the attitude era. His presence as the son of the boss always added another element to the story lines. Always made the program more entertaining just by showing up.
I dont really miss him, I actually like the WWE atmosphere without him. WWE always tried to push him as the follow up to Vince McMahon but we always knew the company was heading towards the direction of Triple H and Stephanie. I dont think the company misses him because he wasnt really a big loss to them. He wasnt an in ring performer and his job backstage could've been taken care of by someone else. Surely Vince would prefer if he was around to make sure the company always falls into the hands of the family first, but in the long run his absence hasnt hurt the WWE so I dont see why they would miss him.
Shane McMahon was a guy to use seldomly. His tinatron spots were great and death defying but in every other match he did the same thing. The thing I miss most about him is his theme. Money money money money dolla dolla dolla dolla. Chintzy Chung well you get the point l.

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