Shameless SFW Promoting Continues...

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Ban any and all members of SFW that come back to promote SFW in a stupid and pointless manner, all they are doing is just causing some hell. The Staff of SFW is NOT condoning their actions in any way shape or form. In fact, one of the very first things brought up when SFW went back to SES forums, was posted by Steel, and it says that the Staff doesn't want anyone coming to WZ and starting shit.

So these members, that keep coming back, and keep raising hell, are just making matters worse. Quit smart mouthing WZ members, and quit acting childish, its not helping anyone, and instead, making you look more like an idiot then anything else. Your Staff doesn't condone it, so why must you keep reappearing. If you have nothing to contribute, and you don't wish to follow the rules here, then you will be repeatedly banned... simple as that.


Accept it for what it is, and not what you believe it was.
I didn't mean to cut the game short, but the quicker all this B.S. is resolved, then the quicker we can all remain on good terms. Because if this dude is indeed Ghost or any other member of SFW, then it makes the Staff of SFW look bad. They left and apologized for their actions, I really don't think they want the insult and injury when their members cannot accept what happened. Because the people that will be blamed and takes the heat for this kind of stuff isn't Ghost or any member, its the Staff that takes the heat.
Cyric, for you information the Spoiler Tags had been planned for a while, I've had Internet issues until this week.

Funny thing is though, you actually stole our rules, and used them almost word for word, you also used the rule we implemented on getting ten posts. Personally I dont have a problem, but I think we have every right to say you stole those things... as you have even freely admitted.

EDIT - BTW that Umaga guy was pasite, funny considering only the other day he claimed he wasn't bothered about WZ anymore.
Cyric, for you information the Spoiler Tags had been planned for a while, I've had Internet issues until this week.

Fair play, I just assumed since I implemented them only a little while before, and they appeared after you discovered the forum.

Funny thing is though, you actually stole our rules, and used them almost word for word, you also used the rule we implemented on getting ten posts. Personally I dont have a problem, but I think we have every right to say you stole those things... as you have even freely admitted.
I changed a few things, not that, that's the point anyway. Yeah, I stole them, but I credited them, at least. I'm sure I'm not the only one to steal them either, and it would be naive to think so.
I'm fully aware that "other" people steal stuff from here, people that constantly bash the place for that matter... I actually find it quite funny.
Well, as SFW Staff is most likely going to view this anyway, I'd like to take the time to address my view on the situation. No flamming. Just my view. No political B.S in which SFW Staff are probably thinking I'm going to hate on them. Here it is-

Whether they want to admit it or not, SFW came in to WZ and took my idea of bringing back a Fed on WZ. I signed up in January and almost immediately started talking to Jonny about re-making WZCW. About two weeks later, I got a PM from MrESteel and he told me that they were interested in bringing their Fed to WZ because the forum they were at was dying. I had no interest in replying, because being as arrogant as I am, I wanted to take it. In the end, Jonny decided to take them because they were an existing Fed. I was mad, but not mad enough to do crazy shit.

Fast forward 2 months. I look around the SFW forum and I don't like the way they run it. I think to myself for a while and think ''If SFW Staff wants to be different from all other E-Feds, then maybe WZ could have 2 Feds! It's never been done and we can compete.'' I pitched it to Staff and SFW didn't like it. Although, me being an ass, decided that we should ask you, the members what you all thought. Mostly SFW members voted 'No' because they thought that they were perfectly fine and that SFW didn't need competition. What the SFW Staff forgot to tell you was that it was all going to be a work. They were eventually going to beat our E-Fed. We would give them the results and all that other stuff before it even happened. Still, they denied. I was persistent, but they kept saying No.

All in all, I was starting to get a little irrated. Not only did I think that SFW Staff were too coward to even have another Fed, but I also thought the Fed was poorly run. I was being pretty loud and vocal in the Staff Room, telling them what I thought of SFW. MrESteel and I would constantly argue and it was f***ing annoying. I believe that we both just stopped arguing though. I went on MSN a while later and Spiral was on. We both came up with an idea in which we would make a faction on SFW. We asked D.C and Enforcer if they wanted to do it, and they accepted. So we were off. Before we started, Spiral and I both decided that if we ever got Title shots, we would take the Titles off and just leave. It was wrong and immature, but that's how angry we were.

Apparently, we never got that far. I got on MSN and Spiral was on again. He told me that he google'd WrestleZone on Google and that this site popped up where they were hating on the Forum. Apparently, it was SES and it was SFW Owner, The Dragon. He voiced his opinions on what happened during the '2 Fed' discussion. The problem was, he made a huge mistake in the process. He copied and pasted something that was from the Staff Room. I decided to show it to Staff, even though my intention was NOT for them to get deleted.

It turns out that Jonny didn't like it all, and took action. The action? Delete SFW. Once again, I had no intention on getting SFW deleted, and neither did Spiral. And don't ask why I showed Staff. I was just supposed to hide it? and pretend it never happened? Sort of like SFW tried to hide it? The truth is, SFW screwed SFW. I had no clue that any of this was happening, and neither did anybody else on Staff. If MrESteel was a real man, he would've told us that the SFW members were hating on WZ. But guess what? He didn't. So even though he wasn't a part of the hating, by not telling us, he was helping to hide everything. I don't want to take shots at him, but that's the truth.

So in the end, I might get what I wanted. SFW did indeed get put off of WZ and I might get the Fed on here. Is that confirmed? No. I hope SFW Staff doesn't take this personal, because they all trashed me just like I trashed them. We were both constantly looking to get the last word, and really, neither of us are going to get it. I'm not apologizing, as they didn't apologize to me, but I think all this is the truth and nothing but the truth. If not, then please correct me. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. SFW screwed SFW.

^Your a real jackass you know that? I didn't do the ... at the end. It was followed by a comma, idiot.
^Your a real jackass you know that? I didn't do the ... at the end. It was followed by a comma, idiot.

This obviously is not my fight but Retribution is actually correct Ace. Putting three periods when paraphrasing something signifies that there is text following the quote that he took it from. So he is not a jackass after all.
Ugh. I really don't care. Only an idiot would decipher all of that, and something that he had practically nothing to do with, and just quote that last line. So in my mind, he is a jackass. But once again, he wouldn't know would he? Because he's just a N00b.
I just read through your post again Big Ace and I figured I would put my two cents in as this seems like a hot topic here. I hope that I am not blasted for it but being new I just figured that I would provide an outside opinion.

On the WZ and Ace side:

Id like to start out and say that I highly doubt that SFW "stole" your idea of bringing a Fed to WZ because like you said when MSteel came to WZ he said he was looking for a new home for SFW because there forum was dying. So I dont believe it would even be possible for them steal your "idea".

Secondly, In your post you say that the whole two fed thing was to be a work and then later you say that you were going to take there titles if you ever won them. Did it ever occur that they didnt want to go along with your plan cause they didnt trust you? Because from your post it doesnt seem like you our a trust worthy person.

Moving on, I wanted to find more information out about this so called "trashing" so I Googled "WrestleZone" like you said Spiral did and I cant find anything at all. No whether he found it some otherway and you want to keep it a secert I havent found any such "trashing" However like you said the trashing was during the time you were trying to get your second Fed now if I were apart of a group and you were doing that to me I also would be highly upset but again I dont know what was said.

Now onto this SFW:

Some of the information seems quite unclear here as it seems some details arent really being given. However if the rules of the Staff forum were broken then that person should have been given punishment not an entire group...Seems harsh. But again if it was the owner of this group should he not have the right to tell his members what is going on?
Id like to start out and say that I highly doubt that SFW "stole" your idea of bringing a Fed to WZ because like you said when MSteel came to WZ he said he was looking for a new home for SFW because there forum was dying. So I dont believe it would even be possible for them steal your "idea".

You didn't read it clearly then. I said that I came up with the idea to create a new Fed on WZ before Steel even got here. He came up to me and PM'ed me saying that the forum SFW was on was dying and they were thinking of coming to SFW. I didn't reply because I didn't want them coming in and barging in with something that I was planning on doing.

Secondly, In your post you say that the whole two fed thing was to be a work and then later you say that you were going to take there titles if you ever won them. Did it ever occur that they didnt want to go along with your plan cause they didnt trust you? Because from your post it doesnt seem like you our a trust worthy person.

It seems to me that you've gotten both subjects confused. The two Fed situation happened before we joined SFW, let alone thought of the idea of joining. So how can you possibly say that they thought we were going to give up the Fed idea and just go to SFW and take their titles? They never would've possibly have guessed that. So you, my friend, are mistaken.

Moving on, I wanted to find more information out about this so called "trashing" so I Googled "WrestleZone" like you said Spiral did and I cant find anything at all. No whether he found it some otherway and you want to keep it a secert I havent found any such "trashing" However like you said the trashing was during the time you were trying to get your second Fed now if I were apart of a group and you were doing that to me I also would be highly upset but again I dont know what was said.

Obviously, they took it off. If it never appeared then how would I have been able to show it to Staff? The Dragon wrote it himself. If you haven't found any ''trashing'' then you're either Biased or blind. Because at SES there's a thread in what is now 'The Trash Can' titled ''Fuck WrestleZone Forums' Maybe there you may be able to view it? Jackass.

Now onto this SFW:

Some of the information seems quite unclear here as it seems some details arent really being given. However if the rules of the Staff forum were broken then that person should have been given punishment not an entire group...Seems harsh. But again if it was the owner of this group should he not have the right to tell his members what is going on?

Did you not read my post? You must be from SFW because even D.C, who is sided with both views on this, has agreed with everything that I just said. Are you stupid or what? They broke the rules by posting private comments made by Staff. I did NOT make the damn decision to take them off of WZ. It was NOT ME! It was Jonny's decision. You think I'm bullshitting? Please. Those dumbasses at SES took a quote of what I typed in where I said ''SFW screwed SFW'' and typed my name as Big Ass. If that's not immature, I don't know what is.

To your final line, his members? Was SES hosting SFW at the time of the 2 feds idea? I don't think so. What I do think is that SFW came onto WZ for popularity. Oh wait, I don't think, I KNOW! It's a goddamn fact. I saw it on the SES forum and if you think I'm lying then you're obviously from there.

EDIT: I've made up my mind that you're from SES. No need to be so biased against me though.
I just read through your post again Big Ace and I figured I would put my two cents in as this seems like a hot topic here. I hope that I am not blasted for it but being new I just figured that I would provide an outside opinion.

As long as you don't act like you know the place more than anyone, your opinion is as valid as anyone elses.

On the WZ and Ace side:

Id like to start out and say that I highly doubt that SFW "stole" your idea of bringing a Fed to WZ because like you said when MSteel came to WZ he said he was looking for a new home for SFW because there forum was dying. So I dont believe it would even be possible for them steal your "idea".

Well, as I recall, Ace was the first person to bring up the E Fed idea so really, it was a little weird that all of a sudden there was a new E Fed on here that just suddenly came on. I don't think they stole his idea but rather, they stole his position. They didn't offer Ace a position to help or anything like that because from my position, he was the first to offer, so he should have gotten some sort of response as to why SFW came in.

Secondly, In your post you say that the whole two fed thing was to be a work and then later you say that you were going to take there titles if you ever won them. Did it ever occur that they didnt want to go along with your plan cause they didnt trust you? Because from your post it doesnt seem like you our a trust worthy person.

This is just how Ace is. Obviously, we were still angry at the way we felt we'd been brushed aside by SFW, and wanted some form of payback. This was well before we actually started in SFW and once we did, we realised that the best way to get them back is just to show them what we could do with DC and Enforcer by having an awesome feud and ultimately, turn into an anti-SFW faction altogether to add some interest again, but we would still work with them. Let's set this straight. Like I've said before, Ace had plans for a WZ E Fed before Steel came along, so what would be fair to him is to have a rival fed to boost SFW's inevident popularity, and he meant no harm to SFW, it was just made to seem like that. It's obvious that he may want to 'get revenge' but that was far from the truth that long ago.

Moving on, I wanted to find more information out about this so called "trashing" so I Googled "WrestleZone" like you said Spiral did and I cant find anything at all. No whether he found it some otherway and you want to keep it a secert I havent found any such "trashing" However like you said the trashing was during the time you were trying to get your second Fed now if I were apart of a group and you were doing that to me I also would be highly upset but again I dont know what was said.

I actually was looking for anti-wrestlezone sites, so I typed in the usual: "Wrestlezone sucks" and "F*** Wrestlezone" and stumbled upon this whole behind-the-back crap that had been going on for too long by people too scared to post their opinions on here. I'm not going to give you the site link, but obviously some pissed off people from that SFW home site will want to kindly spread their site all over this one. If you are too weak to say something to someone's face, why bother badmouthing them where you think they will never see it?

Now onto this SFW:

Some of the information seems quite unclear here as it seems some details arent really being given. However if the rules of the Staff forum were broken then that person should have been given punishment not an entire group...Seems harsh. But again if it was the owner of this group should he not have the right to tell his members what is going on?

Well, the owner of SFW breaking a very important rule may not be justifiable to ban the whole of SFW, but it was more than that. Nearly all their members had 'issues' with WZ and were complaining and complaining about moving back to the site that was dwindling in the first place, and even the same perso who copied and pasted what was said in the Bar Room seemed to instigate a lot of the hatred on that site. Not to mention the fact that another of their leaders, Steel, had thoughts of 'bailing' on the site eventually anyway. Not the kind of loyalty you'd expect from people that Jonny has given that much loyalty to. I know I speak for a lot of people when I say, it's good riddance to have them removed.
Obviously, they took it off. If it never appeared then how would I have been able to show it to Staff? The Dragon wrote it himself. If you haven't found any ''trashing'' then you're either Biased or blind. Because at SES there's a thread in what is now 'The Trash Can' titled ''Fuck WrestleZone Forums' Maybe there you may be able to view it? Jackass.

Did you not read my post? You must be from SFW because even D.C, who is sided with both views on this, has agreed with everything that I just said. Are you stupid or what? They broke the rules by posting private comments made by Staff. I did NOT make the damn decision to take them off of WZ. It was NOT ME! It was Jonny's decision. You think I'm bullshitting? Please. Those dumbasses at SES took a quote of what I typed in where I said ''SFW screwed SFW'' and typed my name as Big Ass. If that's not immature, I don't know what is.

EDIT: I've made up my mind that you're from SES. No need to be so biased against me though.

Now wait one second. You are suppose to be a mod on this forum correct? Because verbally attacking me like that is completly uncalled for and not needed. If you read my post I said that I couldnt find anything like that meaning I couldnt find a forum that came up like that when I googled!! I dunno what SES is either so please dont come at me like that and act like an actual mod!
Stop acting like an idiot. We already checked your IP and Email Cyric. No point in coming back and acting like a little girl. I won't do anything too bad. Except....banning you for coming back. Go back to your washed-up, WZ Clone forum Assclown.

We have more Mods on than you have active members. Go back and cry about how you can't give SFW the popularity they tried to steal by coming here. It's just so funny how you try to act like a little kid. It's weird how you went from Mr.SFW to acting like a 10 year old. Who knows? Maybe you're not acting. Nonetheless, Banned.
Just for the record Mr. Newbie, this is the bar room and we will treat you which ever way we want, especially if you're sticking your nose in business that doesn't concern you.

And as a party who had nothing to do with any of the e-fed situations at the origin of this conflict, I can tell you that those threads exist, and that there's no reason for them to be posted in here, but they exist. Just go to SES and look for them there even.
Newbie? Cyric is a newbie? I guess he couldn't stand being away for so long. Oh well, I guess we can all go back to our regular lives now. Oh and here's my favorite line.....

SFW.....SCREWED....SFW. Don't blame it on me. I didn't decide to put them out, nor did I have the intention on putting them out. SES can stop acting like a bunch of 10 year old ****ies and shut their mouths already, because there's a difference from SFW and myself. Unlike The Dragon, who p***ies out and talks behind your back, I tell you right to your face. So because this is gonna get posted on there anyway, I feel like giving you all a piece of my mind. But, nah. You're not worth it. 20 or 30 guys who are pissed off because their Fed got kicked off of WZ are just pathetic.
Just for the record Mr. Newbie, this is the bar room and we will treat you which ever way we want.

Actually its The Wine Bar...

I guess I better finish this once and for all. I made the decision to rid WZ of SFW for a few reasons, the least of which being that it was no secret a lot of people didn't want to be here. There was a thread on that "other forum" documenting that SFW Intended to leave WZ in 1-2 Months, I know it has been claimed they were only considering it, but the way in which it was worded told me that they were definitely going to leave. Then you have the Copy and pasting of stuff from the Board Room. On that occasion it was only SFW related, however it's been made pretty clear that this is unacceptable for anyone to do on this or any other Forums. I private maybe.

This debate is over, Its been explained by everyone involved, everyone has weighed in on the issue and it doesn't need to be discussed any further. Anyone who has been banned from WZ during the SFW stuff will remain banned, anyone caught consistently coming back will be reported to their ISP, ANYONE starting more threads about this will be banned on site, that includes the staff, so people just bloody leave it.
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