Sex With Children: Right Or Wrong?

So you two just layed there? No :la:? :lol2:

:lmao: This reply was edited. Before it said Becca wouldn't be happy to hear about it.. now its a question.

In reply to this question.. I'd have to say.. yes. hahahaha

My first EVER girlfriend never even kissed me. We dated for a solid month, & she's NOW a stripper.. yet she never kissed me?! How is that explainable.

The girl that was my first, sexually, (that never did "anything") did "something" but it wasn't anything beyond seeming more like a rookie than a vet. :lmao:
My first EVER girlfriend never even kissed me. We dated for a solid month, & she's NOW a stripper.. yet she never kissed me?! How is that explainable.

Dude, sucks to be you. I'm trying not to laugh because it's out of order, but it's bloody funny.

Also how did I not know about this smilie... brilliant. :la:
:lmao: This reply was edited. Before it said Becca wouldn't be happy to hear about it.. now its a question.

In reply to this question.. I'd have to say.. yes. hahahaha

My first EVER girlfriend never even kissed me. We dated for a solid month, & she's NOW a stripper.. yet she never kissed me?! How is that explainable.

The girl that was my first, sexually, (that never did "anything") did "something" but it wasn't anything beyond seeming more like a rookie than a vet. :lmao:

So you had sex, but did not kiss? :lol2:
So you had sex, but did not kiss? :lol2:

:lmao: No, you're confusing my very first girlfriend, with my very first sexual experience. All in all, my first sexual time was with the girl I first truly loved. However, as warped as it is.. we never "officially" dated..

Meanwhile, my first girlfriend, Charmaine.. (stripper) that relationship was more of a she liked me because I wore black & had long hair. I had a mysterious look, but she ended up hating me being so "nice." Meanwhile, I liked dating her, because I loved being seen with a beautiful girl. I loved the feeling of being accepted by someone.
:lmao: No, you're confusing my very first girlfriend, with my very first sexual experience. All in all, my first sexual time was with the girl I first truly loved. However, as warped as it is.. we never "officially" dated..

Meanwhile, my first girlfriend, Charmaine.. (stripper) that relationship was more of a she liked me because I wore black & had long hair. I had a mysterious look, but she ended up hating me being so "nice." Meanwhile, I liked dating her, because I loved being seen with a beautiful girl. I loved the feeling of being accepted by someone.

Oh! :lol2: I was starting to think :weird: things about you. :D
Meanwhile, my first girlfriend, Charmaine.. (stripper) that relationship was more of a she liked me because I wore black & had long hair. I had a mysterious look, but she ended up hating me being so "nice." Meanwhile, I liked dating her, because I loved being seen with a beautiful girl. I loved the feeling of being accepted by someone.

See I'm thinking maybe I should be a jackass for a little while, I think I'm too nice and I think it turns girls off... maybe if I'm an asshole for a while this girl I'm kind of seeing will actually make up her fucking mind.
See I'm thinking maybe I should be a jackass for a little while, I think I'm too nice and I think it turns girls off... maybe if I'm an asshole for a while this girl I'm kind of seeing will actually make up her fucking mind.

The only females (in my mind) that accept assholes, are the ones you definately DON'T want to get involved with. When I seen my first girlfriend about 3 years ago, after not seeing her in ages.. she was working at a gas station..

And she was like "Didn't we used to date?" I was such an ass, my reply was "I think so, that was back when you were a lot prettier & skinner though." Her reaction was great. :lmao: She was like "Did you just call me fat?" And I said "No, I just said you aren't as skinny as you used to be. I'm glad to see you figured out how to eat."

Then she asked if I was calling her "stupid." And I continued by saying "No, its nice to see with time, you've learned the basics of childhood."

At THAT point, she literally ASKED me if I was dating anyone. I laughed, then said yes.. from that point, she wanted to try to be friends. I asked why, & she said "Because you're different." And its only because I was a dick to her.

I mean, no.. you definately don't want that type of girl in your life. I feel bad in the sense of thinking I only became friends with her at that point, over feeling she truly needed someone "good" in her life.
And she was like "Didn't we used to date?" I was such an ass, my reply was "I think so, that was back when you were a lot prettier & skinner though." Her reaction was great. :lmao: She was like "Did you just call me fat?" And I said "No, I just said you aren't as skinny as you used to be. I'm glad to see you figured out how to eat."

Then she asked if I was calling her "stupid." And I continued by saying "No, its nice to see with time, you've learned the basics of childhood."

At THAT point, she literally ASKED me if I was dating anyone. I laughed, then said yes.. from that point, she wanted to try to be friends. I asked why, & she said "Because you're different." And its only because I was a dick to her.

:lmao: So you called her fat, and stupid, but she wanted to go out with you!? :lol2:
:lmao: So you called her fat, and stupid, but she wanted to go out with you!? :lol2:

Charmaine had A LOT of issues, to say the very least. I really don't mean to bury her like this, because she doesn't deserve that much, regardless of anything. However, when we first started dating, she'd tell me about all these guys that physically abused her.. & she went on to tell me she believed she deserved it, because she felt she was a bitch to them.

I don't care how much of a bitch a Woman can be, it doesn't warrant physical abuse. And she would literally argue with me over being "too nice" to her. I remember one time in general, I pulled my car over in the middle of the interstate & told her if she wanted a jackass, that she needed to get out of my car, because it wasn't me. At that point, she said she liked me talking to her like that. Again, she had a lot of mental unbalance.

So fast forward to me (jokingly) being an ass to her. she hung on every word I said, whenever I bad mouthed her, because she liked the nature of it, apparently. I remember the two biggest things I gave her crap for.. is her weight & her dark hair. (because of arm hair & whatknot)

I remember saying that she had gotten really hairy, & she grabbed her arms & was like "You're being so mean to me." & I replied by saying "last time I knew you, it was what you enjoyed the most." Her reply to that was "I never said I didn't enjoy it now."

The truth is, even with joking I just couldn't be a complete ass forever. I told her after the first week of refinding her, that I was only joking, & she said somehow she knew because she just couldn't picture me changing & being "bad." We formed a friendship that lasted up until she decided for whatever reason it was okay for her to walk directly into my house, without knocking, & come directly INTO my bed room when I just happened to be sleeping.. with the lack of clothing. Needless to say, since I wasn't single.. it wasn't taken lightly in the eyes of the other woman. :lmao:
Charmaine had A LOT of issues, to say the very least. I really don't mean to bury her like this, because she doesn't deserve that much, regardless of anything. However, when we first started dating, she'd tell me about all these guys that physically abused her.. & she went on to tell me she believed she deserved it, because she felt she was a bitch to them.

I don't care how much of a bitch a Woman can be, it doesn't warrant physical abuse. And she would literally argue with me over being "too nice" to her. I remember one time in general, I pulled my car over in the middle of the interstate & told her if she wanted a jackass, that she needed to get out of my car, because it wasn't me. At that point, she said she liked me talking to her like that. Again, she had a lot of mental unbalance.

So fast forward to me (jokingly) being an ass to her. she hung on every word I said, whenever I bad mouthed her, because she liked the nature of it, apparently. I remember the two biggest things I gave her crap for.. is her weight & her dark hair. (because of arm hair & whatknot)

I remember saying that she had gotten really hairy, & she grabbed her arms & was like "You're being so mean to me." & I replied by saying "last time I knew you, it was what you enjoyed the most." Her reply to that was "I never said I didn't enjoy it now."

The truth is, even with joking I just couldn't be a complete ass forever. I told her after the first week of refinding her, that I was only joking, & she said somehow she knew because she just couldn't picture me changing & being "bad." We formed a friendship that lasted up until she decided for whatever reason it was okay for her to walk directly into my house, without knocking, & come directly INTO my bed room when I just happened to be sleeping.. with the lack of clothing. Needless to say, since I wasn't single.. it wasn't taken lightly in the eyes of the other woman. :lmao:

:lol2: She's pretty messed up. Just to clear things out, how did your girlfriend find out about the other woman just marching into your bed?
To clearify, I still try to keep track on how she is, & whether she's okay, or needs any help. I keep more than enough distance, because she isn't exactly liked by anyone I know. She never really was. I took a lot of crap for dating her, & I took even more for caring about how she was long after she left me.

Hell, Charmaine doesn't even care for me as a friend anymore after that day I'd assume, but it doesn't mean I don't care enough to wanna know she's okay.

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