Sex With Children: Right Or Wrong?

I don't get what you really mean but if you mean a 42 year old man having sex with a 12 year old, WRONG!
As long as they are legal to have sex I would say it's ok if you're like 25 and under.
But if you're 16 and had sex with a 42 year old man.. Eww!
I think it's ok if they can walk. But if they can only crawl then that is just sick.

So... handicapped people are out of the question, all together than?

As long as they are legal to have sex I would say it's ok if you're like 25 and under.
But if you're 16 and had sex with a 42 year old man.. Eww!

So, you're saying 16 to 25 is perfectly okay? Good to hear.. I like you again.
Why didn't you like me?

If you're 10 years older than the person you are f**king that's just sick.
10 years, 9 years. Will is a sick man.

I feel perfectly fine & healthy, I have no clue what you're talking about :p

I said borderlinee but as soon as it strucks ten then it's a no no.

Well, short of me somehow growing faster than her.. I doubt that would happen. Wait, wait.. between the monthes of April 1st-October 23rd, then I think we'd be 10 years apart.. but thats more like a matter of monthes, not a year.
Hmm I don't know, it's getting technical now *confused*

Seems to me like thats happened to you before.. (in the picture thread, during the beginning of the whole e-wedding set-up)

And whats confusing about it.. I'm 25, she's 16.. 9 year difference on paper. It works like anything made in Korea! (not meant offensively)
If the relationship ever goes sour, all she has to do is claim *rape* and Will will go to E- Prison for life
If the relationship ever goes sour, all she has to do is claim *rape* and Will will go to E- Prison for life

Yeah, thats not good. lol Lets not think about that part of it, shall we? Its more like a random theory than an actual fact, to be honest. :lmao:

Wait, dispite the whole rape thing.. which, yeah, rapist deserve death.. but do people who're falsely accused of rape go to prison for life? I know you get a nifty little picture & your own profile on a computer page. :lol2:

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