Several TNA Stars To Return to TV

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Pre-Show Stalwart is reporting that several TNA stars, including Traci Brooks, Christy Hemme and Hernandez, are expected to return to TV at the set of Impact tapings this week. Sources we have spoken to have indicated that Hernandez is most likely to return to TV this week, while the other two names mentioned are only rumored to return at this point. We will have more information on these returns as it becomes available.

Great news. For those who don't know:

- Traci Brooks was out with an "injury"...she suffered a rupture on her breast implants. Take note, girls.

- Christy Hemme was out after a neck injury back around Geneisis, which she healed without a surgery.

- Hernandez has been out due to neck surgery, he was ordered to heal his wounds for a healthy main event push.
I like it. The Knockout Division has been stale, and with Tara and the two new Knockouts, plus Brooks and Hemme, it can mix things up again and bring something new to it.

I know they want Hernandez in the Main Event, but I don't see it happen. Would he feud with Morgan, then Joe, then Nash, and work his way up? Will he be a hired gun by Foley to take out Angle? It's a gamble on TNA's part, just injecting him into the main event. Homicide didn't get nearly the response I'm sure TNA expected, and it may be the same for Hernandez. They're great athletes, but the crowd didn't seem to react to Homicide, as a face or the heel they're seeming to make him. I personally think they should remain in the tag team division, and I predict they'll end up back in the tag team division by the end of the year. Remember, Bound for Glory is October, and Hernandez shouldn't be anywhere near the main title match for that. Maybe afterwards, but for now, they should just keep him and Homicide close, not necessarily a tag team, but as partners. They can feud with more of the MEM that way (Booker/Steiner).

But in short, Hernandez should come back and feud with Matt Morgan, not be pushed into the title picture
Hernandez going into the Main Event is a big deal when you look at the fact that most not all but most of the Main Eventers in TNA have been established in larger companys like WCW or WWF/E, so to have a some what home grown guy pushed into the Main Event for a change will be good.

im not so excited to see Hemme back in the company as i was never a huge fan of hers, Traci on the other hand i cant wait to come back, i miss her.

i think TNA needs to spend more time making there own Main Event guys insted of taking Established guys in all the time, its good for the company some times, like Sting was good for the company when he first came in and Kurt is good for the company for the most part, and Mr. Anderson will be great for the company, but the likes of Kevin Nash who couldn't work worth a damn when he was in his prime and Scott Steiner who is just a freak with a 3 move, move set.

so to sum it all up, i cant wait to see Shawn Hernandez back in the TNA ring with a nice Main Event Push... i also think they should put him into a fued with Matt Morgan as i think their styles would compliment each other.
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