Serious question about the DX McMahon feud a while back.


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm very sorry if this is in the wrong spot but I am watching the best of monday night raw disk three, and on disk three they are showing part of the DX McMahon fued. Now that question I have is on Raw DX was dressed up like Shane and Vince making fun of them. After they was doen Shane and Vince came out and brought out the Spirt Squad and I remember this like it was yesterday because it was so funny but see the DVD brought it back to me. DX apparently dumped shit all over the McMahons and the SpirtSquad.

So my question if anyone can answer this or knows for a fact, was that really shit that got dumped on them that night or was it just something that was mixed up to look like shit??

My only reason for asking is that well for one that would be discusting but I would also imagin that I would throw up if that happend to me and I noticed none of them threw up.

Sorry I know this is dumb but does anyone know for sure if that was really shit or something mixed up to look like shit??
Did the Undertaker really burn Kane? No. Same answer to your question, there is no way they really dumped shit on them. Do I know this for sure? No, but it's a safe assumption.
My god...was it really...i just can't begin to write what a ridiculous question that was?!?! Yeah...Vince McMahon would accept to be covered in shit on live TV!
I believe it was mud, chocolate, and something else. Possibly corn and other materials to make up the fecal looking texture
No. Do you realize how bad that looks for you as a fan to even believe that it could've actually have been real? I you know how unsanitary it would've been to actually do that!? Not to mention the fact that the arena probably would not have allowed that let alone either McMahon.
No. Do you realize how bad that looks for you as a fan to even believe that it could've actually have been real? I you know how unsanitary it would've been to actually do that!? Not to mention the fact that the arena probably would not have allowed that let alone either McMahon.

About as unsanitary as rolling around in a ring filled with blood that came from someone else... if not a bit healthier.

As for the main topic, it's possible that it was real manure because well, they had Stephanie go face first in it before and same with British Bulldog. So it's very possible that it was real manure...

At the same time, I would assume not but then again, I wouldn't put it as a definite answer. To be honest, nobody here can really say cause well, they weren't really the ones who poured it.
Wow I got ran do alot for that question, thank you Straight Line Stitch fot not tearing me up and acctually talking about it. Umm I know its probably far fetched but as mentioned things like this has really been done before so I was only wondering. Honestly I am a huge fan have been for many many years, just wondering if anyone had an answer. I my self as a Nurses Aide am near shit quite often and as said blood is alot worse for me to be near for medical reasons so I wouldnt say its to hard to say it could have really been shit. Anyways I was just wonderin and many said no so I will assume its a no.. Thanks for the answers.
Vince peed his pants when Austin held a gun to his head in the ring, got squirted by beer and milk from a fire hose, put his face in Rikishis ass, pulled his pants down revealing his tightey whiteys a bunch of times, the list of stuff he would do to garner attention for his company is never ending. So yeah i wouldnt put it past Vince to actually have shit dumped on his head.
I do remember shots of the crowd that night that were giving some very genuine reactions to a very foul odor. I remember thinking... huh?
About as unsanitary as rolling around in a ring filled with blood that came from someone else... if not a bit healthier.

As for the main topic, it's possible that it was real manure because well, they had Stephanie go face first in it before and same with British Bulldog. So it's very possible that it was real manure...

At the same time, I would assume not but then again, I wouldn't put it as a definite answer. To be honest, nobody here can really say cause well, they weren't really the ones who poured it.

First of all ALL wrestlers are put through extensive blood tests. I remember reading about Bob Orton not being able to be in a match with blood or him not being able to be busted open because he had a staff infection.

Secondly, having real human waste dumped on you like that is equivalent to eating it...WHICH IS UN SANITARY!!! There is NO WAY back in the day as you mentioned, that they would even entertain the idea of using real manure.

This thread needs to be closed.
There is no way it was real shit. I just... nah, I won't bash the OP.

I think Eddie Guerrero sprayed Big Show with what was supposed to be waste from a truck? I think I remember Big Show saying in an interview it was dog food with water so I would assume that it very well could have been the same thing.
The responses in this thread are why people are afraid to leave the non-spam sections. Next time just answer the question and move on.

No it wasn't shit

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