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Series That Should Continue


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
How much of an explanation can I give for this?

The first thing that comes to my mind would be Pilotwings. I started playing this one the other night and it's as awesome as it was when it came out. The sequel on N64 is also fun as hell. It's a genre of game that has a ton of replay value over the years and is very much a pick up and play game. With things like that going for it, why would you not want to have a new version of it?

What are some others?
Killer Instinct

For those who don't know, Killer Instinct was a fighting game made by Rare. They first made an arcade version, then a Super Nintendo version, then a sequel for the arcade, and finally a remake of that sequel for the Nintendo 64.

For some reason, I always preferred it over Mortal Kombat. The fatalities were more fun, especially the stage fatalities. Plus, you could play as a dinosaur and a skeleton! I would love to see this game make a return, complete with all the fighters and stages from the first two games, plus new ones.

KI just had a little something that MK in my eyes did not, and I want to experience it again.

Gitaroo Man

Gitaroo Man was a ton of fun. It was a little rhythm game released by iNiS for the PS2, and was later remade for the PSP. I own both.

It had great tunes, a simple yet fun story, some awesome moments, and it was just a ton of fun. It was also difficult, but in the best way possible, the way that made you want to continue playing because you knew you could do it eventually. It was extremely satisfying, one of the most satisfying experiences I've had in a videogame, defeating Gregorio Wilhelm III after twenty retries.

I would love to see a Wii version with new songs and new characters. I've even thought of a title for it: Gitaroo Man Forever.
Legacy of Kain - From the time I finished Defiance, I waited for a final chapter in this story. It never came. Seriously, LoK has one of the greatest stories in all of video games. By far in the top 10 of all VG Storylines ever. The gameplay got a little stale around Soul Reaver 2 (Blood Omen 2 was just terrible), but the story remained excellent (Again, Blood Omen 2 was just terrible) and it always kept the dark, eerie, feel to it with the soundtrack [I demand you check out the music from Soul Reaver 2; 10/10]. I doubt we'll ever see the final chapter, as the voice actor for the Elder God, Tony Jay, died and several of the key members of the series left Crystal Dynamics. But hey, you never know.

Guilty Gear - Now I don't mean that stupid RPG crap they made for 360, I mean 2D Fighting Game Guilty Gear. The story I could care less about, but the fighting was so fast paced and the characters were so cool. Almost all of them are based on people from the heavy metal genre, while their attacks are named after songs. I think's its Testament who's Instant Kill move is named "Master of Puppets". CMON! Ignore the Instant Kill moves, look at the name, MASTER OF PUPPETS. You can't GET any more bad ass.

Honorable Mentions:

The Chrono Series [Trigger and Cross]
The World Ends with You [Still haven't beaten it, so IDK if a sequel is possible]
Capcom VS series [I want Capcom VS SNK 3 with K' dammit!]
Thanks to MasterShakeIz4Real for reminding me about The World Ends with You. I absolutely loved the first one, with its unique battle system, cast of great characters, and interesting premise. The story was deep and fascinating, and I'd love to see either a sequel with new Reapers and a new Game, or one that follows the characters in the RG. Heck, they could even set up a game with new characters but the same Reapers in the same UG and I'd love to see it.

Mostly I just want another game full of symbolism and wild mass guessing all wrapped up in a stylish shell of fun and humor.
Legacy of Kain - From the time I finished Defiance, I waited for a final chapter in this story. It never came. Seriously, LoK has one of the greatest stories in all of video games. By far in the top 10 of all VG Storylines ever. The gameplay got a little stale around Soul Reaver 2 (Blood Omen 2 was just terrible), but the story remained excellent (Again, Blood Omen 2 was just terrible) and it always kept the dark, eerie, feel to it with the soundtrack [I demand you check out the music from Soul Reaver 2; 10/10]. I doubt we'll ever see the final chapter, as the voice actor for the Elder God, Tony Jay, died and several of the key members of the series left Crystal Dynamics. But hey, you never know.
Sadly that's precisely why they stopped. That and the terrible visual effects of the Spectral Realm. Its like being on crack. But this is truly a series that should at least be remade. Imagine Soul Reaver 1 on the PS3. It was a rival to Ocarina Of Time, so why not?

Capcom VS series [I want Capcom VS SNK 3 with K' dammit!]

Tatsunoko VS Capcom was just released.

Megaman Legends:
The story never reached a climax. The control back then were a problem but they would go great with the Wii Remote. Not to mention they can capitalize on Megaman Trigger's appearance in Tatsunoko VS Capcom.
Megaman Battle Network Series- These games were by far, some of the funnest Megaman games I've ever played. The gameplay was superb, the controls were easy, and the storyline in each game was absolutely phenomenal. Yes, Capcom has tried to make crappy rip-off versions of it in that stupid Star Force series. But to be honest, It's not even close to the Megaman Battle Network games. I'd consider it Megaman BC. You get one row of panels to fight on in the Starforce series instead of 3 like in the BN Series. In the SF Series, when in battle, it's a frontal view of the enemies, and sometimes, you are in front of the attack, so you can't even see it. At least in the BN series, it was a side-eagle view, therefore it allowed for better gameplay.

Another reason is the whole "Jacking In" process, for those of you unfamiliar with these Megaman games, "Jacking In" is the process of getting to start playing as Megaman on the internet....Or at least thats what it was in the Battle Network Series. In the Star Force series, you literally had to find a path to get onto the internet from the ground your human was standing on. Once you did, you would combine with 'Mega' who was your sidekick so to speak. Even when you were on the internet, you would still be above towns, making it less realistic to me.

If you don't believe me, try playing one of the Mega Man Battle Network games (2,4,5,7 were the best), and try playing a Star Force series game. When you do, you will understand what I mean.
I would love, love, love for Mega Man Legends to reach its conclusion. To me, the series was the perfect way to transition a 2D series into 3D. The games were a ton of fun, with memorable dialogue and characters, and they really felt like Mega Man games. MEga Man Legends 2 has so many memories for me, and is as close to perfection in my eyes as a game can be. The developer wants to finish the series up, and they recently released a cell phone game, so why not finish it?

The only problem I think would be if they decided to release it on PS3 or Xbox and changed the graphics, because the blocky graphics were part of the charm. But it could work very well on the Wii.

Stinger, I adore the Battle Network series, but it reached a touching and epic conclusion in Battle Network 6. So I would not like it to continue outside of remakes.
Oh, and the second one was the best. ;)
I was reading the responses on here, when I turned around an' saw a game I think should have a sequel [Again, not technically a series, But I just think it should be made one.] A little known game made by Square Enix [At the time Squaresoft] called The Bouncer.

It was basically a beat'em up following the story of 3 Bouncers, who were trying to save this girl who ran the club they worked at or something from a big corporation. The story is very short, and the gameplay is pretty simplistic for the most part, and it looks like the characters are ragdolls when they get knocked down, but for some reason I just really loved the game. The main character, Sion Barzahd looked like an older version of Sora from Kingdom Hearts [I heard they got his character design from The Bouncer incidentally.] and just kinda clicked with me as a character. So yeah, I doubt we'll ever see a series of "The Bouncer" but it's always fun to hope.
At the moment I can only think of 2 series I would like to see more of.

XIII - My god.. This game was such great fun, a typical first person shooter done in a comic book style. I still remember how comic book slides will pop up of you shooting a guy in the head with a crossbow. This game just had style.

While to be fair, it was a fairly typical FPS, the only unique thing I remember was the ability to pick up chairs and hit people with them and even then thats not that special. The story was good fun, a man wakes up on a beach with amnesia, being chased by the government. While that certainly is about as cliche as you can get it was great fun. As the game progressed you gradually learned more about your character and who he was, as well as the cult he was involved with and why everyone is trying to murder you. The game picks up and gets really exciting.... Then ends suddenly on a cliffhanger.

If I recall Ubisoft made this game, and they certainly arent a small company, it has been denied that a XIII sequel will be released at all, rather dissapointing as it wasnt a bad cliffhanger and it would have been a delight to see how vastly the sequel could have improved.

The other series is Def Jam: While I have not played the most recent one, and I have heard its pretty average, 'Def Jam: Fight For New York' had a great fighting system, mixing wrestling with street fighting and over the top finishing moves. While it wasnt a game you would play over and over, there was definitely enough to warrant a purchse. If a next gen Def Jam came out that retained the fighting style of 'Fight For New York' rather then 'Icon', consider it purchased.
One example that comes to my mind but probably nobody else's would be Legend of Dragoon. They set themselves up PERFECTLY for a prequel because of all the storyline elements revealed about an epic war in the past called the Dragon Campaign. You even end up meeting spirits of people from both sides of that war. The powers that your playable characters use were inherited from equipment used by warriors during the Dragon Campaign, and you can fight the spirits of these same warriors as optional bosses late in the game. Not to mention (without spoiling anything) a couple of huge storyline points you find out involving the two leaders from both sides of the war.

I always thought that we would eventually see "Legend of Dragoon 2: The Dragon Campaign" which would be a prequel that took place during the event you hear so much about in the first game, starring characters you'd already be familiar with. Why did this never happen? Probably because too many people hated the original game for its bad translation or its annoying battle system. Oh well, a sequel/prequel to that underrated game could have been awesome.
Devil May Cry

Near the end of Devil May Cry 4 got me interested when the priest guy said that they needed the blood of Sparda for the 'Savior' and was going to used Dante but ended up using Nero instead, they never addressed why and I'd like to know why. Also the gameplay is awesome (mixing guns and swords) and would just be good to play.
Dagger just hit the jackpot... I cannot believe I forgot about Legend of Dragoon. That game is awesome on all levels. The "Additions" battle system, The Dragon Spirits, the storyline [Lloyd is the man btw], soundtrack, everything was so great about that game IMO; I absolutely agree that they should make a prequel, playing in the "Dragon Campaign" era would be so awesome, especially with today's graphics.

I heard somewhere they were trying to make a second game, but since then, which was many years ago, I've heard nothing. Oh well, I'll still play that 4 disced game until the day they stop working. Lol

Also: Doc & Dagger know their fuckin games. Everytime I see their posts in the VG section, I see shit that I'm down with. Doc & Dagger= Gaming Godliness.
I'd really like to see a continuation of Conker's Bad Fur Day. The original was funny and memorable, and it managed to make fun of not only popular movies at the time, but provided some of its own wackiness. I'm sure there's a whole wealth of ideas they could use to make a new one.

I'd also like to see another Marvel VS Capcom. I know Tatsunoko VS Capcom came out recently, but Marvel VS Capcom 2 is considered one of the best fighting games of all time, and is certainly one of the most popular. The vast number of characters from both sides could provide a huge line-up if another one was made.

I'm also annoyed that MvC2 didn't have character-specific endings, but that's just me...
Devil May Cry

Near the end of Devil May Cry 4 got me interested when the priest guy said that they needed the blood of Sparda for the 'Savior' and was going to used Dante but ended up using Nero instead, they never addressed why and I'd like to know why. Also the gameplay is awesome (mixing guns and swords) and would just be good to play.

REALLY, REALLY?! DMC4 was out less than two years ago, on this generations console. This is very much a series still going on, it's liek me saying Zelda or something equally daft.

So I go with one that is pretty famous. It's had five games in the series, starting in 1993 with the last one in 2006. There were three cancelled games in said series. The SNES, N64, GC and DS all had a version. Yup it is of course the immensely fun Starfox series.

I am quite surprised Nintendo haven't released one yet for the wii, we're four years into the consoles life span and this is one of the most anticipated franchises to carry on (there's also proper DK platformers, people want Kid Icarus for some reason plus Pikmin).
Definitely seconded Lee, Starfox potentially is one of the funnest Nintendo series out there. Despite the shortness of Lylat Wars, it may be the game I have played over and over most of all.

Another series that does have a current gen game, but from what I have seen has been fairly quiet for the last 4 years is Virtua Fighter. Virtua Fighter 4 and 5 are my favourite fighting games of all time, while Street Fighter, Soul Caliber, Tekken etc. are all well and good, to me its Virtua Fighter that wins it all. There are no weapons or powerballs in Virtua Fighter which kind of takes the appeal for some, but instead the game focuses on popular fighting styles. There is a Jeet Kune Do fighter in there, a wrestler, even a Drunken Kung Fu master.

I would love to see a Virtua Fighter 6, with more characters (providing balance remains), a proper online mode and an enhanced story.
I absolutely agree with KB on Pilot Wings. One of the titles I remember most from my child hood, the game was just as much fun as it was frusterating. Being no more than 8 years old and having to figure out proper timing and d-pad manipulation like that was extremly tough. Completely worth it though and I would more than welcome another title.

To my knowledge there hasn't been any talk of a new Donkey Kong game for the Wii yet, which is a shame. I mean a Donkey Kong Country style sidescroller, not any sort of racing game or anything else. Most would agree that Donkey Kong Country 2 was the best of the series and I would love to play a new take on the classic.
Megaman Battle Network Series- These games were by far, some of the funnest Megaman games I've ever played. The gameplay was superb, the controls were easy, and the storyline in each game was absolutely phenomenal. Yes, Capcom has tried to make crappy rip-off versions of it in that stupid Star Force series. But to be honest, It's not even close to the Megaman Battle Network games. I'd consider it Megaman BC. You get one row of panels to fight on in the Starforce series instead of 3 like in the BN Series. In the SF Series, when in battle, it's a frontal view of the enemies, and sometimes, you are in front of the attack, so you can't even see it. At least in the BN series, it was a side-eagle view, therefore it allowed for better gameplay.

Another reason is the whole "Jacking In" process, for those of you unfamiliar with these Megaman games, "Jacking In" is the process of getting to start playing as Megaman on the internet....Or at least thats what it was in the Battle Network Series. In the Star Force series, you literally had to find a path to get onto the internet from the ground your human was standing on. Once you did, you would combine with 'Mega' who was your sidekick so to speak. Even when you were on the internet, you would still be above towns, making it less realistic to me.

If you don't believe me, try playing one of the Mega Man Battle Network games (2,4,5,7 were the best), and try playing a Star Force series game. When you do, you will understand what I mean.

There's a remake/cross over of the first Battle Network coming soon for the DS. It crosses over with Star Force.

Stinger, I adore the Battle Network series, but it reached a touching and epic conclusion in Battle Network 6. So I would not like it to continue outside of remakes.
Oh, and the second one was the best. ;)

True, but the third had more to offer. ;)

Another mention of mine has to be 007. Goldeneye is a game of legendary levels and Nightfire was hugely underrated but freakin' awesome. Everything Or Nothing changed the pace with a pretty decent 3rd person style as well as From Russia With Love and Rogue Agent was a nice change in scenery. A new one aside of the mandatory movie-based Quantum Of Solace has yet to be made. Its a great franchise which I feel is very underrated and always has entertaining multi-player (because you love to throw Oddjobs hat). One to fit this war game craze on todays platforms would really do it for me.
Ghost Hunter
I loved this game alot. It had humor but it also some damn good gameplay. It was long but it wasn't too long. It had damn good graphics for it's time and brilliant level design. Alot of points in the game were creepy and scary. There was even one point that nearly made me cry. One of the reasons I would like there to be another game is all the mystery. For those who have played the game there is a point where Hawksmoor is talking to people but you cannot see as it appears he is alone but you can hear the voices. I have always wondered what or who the fuck those people he was talking to were and what they had to do with him. Many of the detail in the game was excellent especially how creative the ghosts were and how eery some areas were(For those who have played i am talking of the prison level in the talk room). The game was well recieved so why didn't Sony make a sequel to it?

I remember this game scared the shit out of me when i was 5. Alot of it didn't make sense sure but i still found it awesome once i stopped shitting myself over it. It had hard bosses and was quite confusing. The ending of it was very vague and didn't answer alot of questions. i would've liked a sequel to answer some questions and see how the characters went on especially with Swagman.

Clive Barker's Jericho
Clive Barker is my favourite author first of all. I love all his movies and his books. The game was very difficult which was one of the things that got it alot of criticism as every membe of your team bar the one you were playing as died as soon as the enemies emerged and you had to save them all. I loved the idea of it and all the characters and their unique abilities. It was incredibly gorey which seemed unnecessary to an extent. I would like to see a sequel as like Swagman it left a vague ending. The boss's and maps were quite freaky and a typical thing to see from Barker. I am not sure if there is a sequel planned but i doubt it.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
My friend bought me this game for my birthday when it first came out and it was before i got into star wars so i wasnt to sure if i was gonna like it. Once I played it for a while i really started to get into it. It was pretty much the first role playing game i played on the xbox.

What I liked about it was the large amount of characters and there was several planets you could travel to with lots of area to explore. Also the character you start with and the other characters you add to your group throughout the game you could choose for them to be on the light or darkside depending on what you have them say and their actions.

Anyways the game had one sequal in 2004 for the xbox and pc which I also played and i really enjoyed that one as well. Im really hopeing that they will make another sequal for the xbox 360 since the storyline is not from the movies so they could really do anything with it.

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