Serena's off the wagon: Will she make it on her own?


Is a thin rope
If you watched the most recent episode fo Smackdown, you'll know that Serena intervined in the Luke Gallows/Kane match (well, I say match. It was more like a beatdown). Her intervention was a video tape giving Punk an alibi but in the process revealing that she went to a bar, had a smoke, and a rather large amount of alcohol. Following this, Kane decided to move on from killing Punk and instead look for another murder victim. The SES then left sans-Serena.

The upshoot of this is that Serena is strongly implied to have been kicked out of the SES. This actually reminds me a little of another great stable. Specifically Evolution. I remember reading a HHH interview a few years ago when he talked about kicking out Randy Orton from the nest because he was ready to fly on his own (and then that the same would happen to Batista when the time was right for him). This got me thinking, does WWE think Serena's ready to go solo, or do they just see no need for a female to make goo goo eyes at Punk any more.

I suspect that it's the former. Because Serena Deeb is actually one hell of a woman's wrestler. Her ring work is simply top notch. She can wrestle better than most of the divas (that's not saying much, but still), cut a good promo (which she did in two segments tonight), looks very different to the normal Divas ('freaks' get pushed. Just ask Awesome Kong), and most importantly she plays her character damn well. Whether she's the daughter of a mob boss from Sicily, or a straight edge deciple who is in love with her savior (lucky bastard Punk) she is very convincing in whatever role she plays. Serena Deeb could be a breath of fresh air in the SD Diva's division, and would help plug the gaping chasm of tallent left by Beth Phoenix. As such, i hope this is the path they take with her.

I think there will be a storyline involving her trying t get back into the SES. Or there will be one and she stalks Punk because she truly loves him.
But, as the question asks. I think she can make it on her own, but I bet top dollar that she wont get anywhere without LayCool making up a stupid name for hr and starting to feud. But She can easily make it on her own, she has the look (tits), move set, and she can talk, so she should make it a fair way on her own
Serena is a very good and entertaining wrestler, but I don't think WWE is going to let her go solo. Like a poster above said, they're going to make her stalk Punk for love or try to get back in the SES and make another failure out of a talented diva. I just hope that they'll actually let her sprout out and become an actual star of the Women's division, let her be the face for the younger girls out there who only watch for John Cena and usually on watch on Monday nights, MAKE them want to tune into Smackdown, just make her the Mickie James of 2010 and make her the John Cena of the Diva's division and she'll be just fine, but PLEASE let her go solo if you're going to take her out of the SES, PLEASE!
I think there will be a storyline involving her trying t get back into the SES. Or there will be one and she stalks Punk because she truly loves him.

Interesting idea, but one that I consider to be unlikely. Firstly because that would come too close to being not PG (or glamoriaing stalking) and would be a wee bit close to that disasterous 'Taker/DDP storyline. Punk will probably get another random female deciple (perhaps AJ Lee, but I doubt that. She only just turned heel in FCW, probably to fill Serena's hole) at some point in the near future, possibly leading to jealousy on Serena's part but that's as close as we'll get to a stalker angle.

But, as the question asks. I think she can make it on her own, but I bet top dollar that she wont get anywhere without LayCool making up a stupid name for her and starting to feud. But She can easily make it on her own, she has the look (tits), move set, and she can talk, so she should make it a fair way on her own

Of course she won't. Leycool are the head bitches in charge of the Women's championships. However Serena is something different to the people they've faced before. She's everything they aren't and I doubt she'll be too concerned about been called 'Baldielocks' when she's trying to re-earn her place in the SES by 'saving the women's division by delivering the 'straight edge message' (i.e. her finisher) to one diva at a time'. Or sometihng like that anyway. In any case, I hope they removed her from the society to stop her being a pretty ornament at Punk's side.
It's like you said in my thread: It's time for Serena to have some matches to prove her worth to the SES. Serena is my favorite diva in the WWE along with Natalya. She's sexy as hell, plays her character to perfection, and is a GREAT women's wrestler. I'm hoping she gets put in match after match after match and wins, because to be honest I actually enjoy seeing her wrestle.

If Beth Phoenix is in any fit state, I want to see them feud. Both are accomplished in the ring and rather attractive, so their matches together should actually be really enjoyable to watch. Similar to Natalya v. Tamina, when good women's wrestlers wrestle, it's a ton of fun.

I kind of want the SES to take her back. After all, she exposed her "sins" to the world just for Punk. That has to be worth something. And if Kelly wins the Women's Championship I want Serena to win it from her to start the SES on its way to being a golden stable.
Serena like said already is very good in the ring and also really good on the mic imo. I don't think she is kicked out of the faction just yet.They will probably be teasing it for a while and then possibly have another women either on the current roster or in devlopmental to replace her and start a feud with her and making her a top diva face on smackdown. Which wwe is lacking on Smackdown a strong face diva.

As for can she make it on her own. Well I think she can she is one of those womens wrestler's who never wrestles cause she is always focusing on there tag team or factation like Hart Dynasty or The Uso's etc. So yeah I do think she can make it but as a top face diva on SmackDown.
Serena is a very good and entertaining wrestler, but I don't think WWE is going to let her go solo. Like a poster above said, they're going to make her stalk Punk for love or try to get back in the SES and make another failure out of a talented diva.

I don't think her trying to get back in would be a disaster. It'd keep her on TV and eventully build up to her in ring debut. Especially if Punk offers a chance to get back in to the SES by winning the women's championship (giving her the motivation to get in the ring and kick ass) as well as making the fans want her to fail (because the fans won't want Punk to get what he wants)

I just hope that they'll actually let her sprout out and become an actual star of the Women's division, let her be the face for the younger girls out there who only watch for John Cena and usually on watch on Monday nights, MAKE them want to tune into Smackdown, just make her the Mickie James of 2010 and make her the John Cena of the Diva's division and she'll be just fine, but PLEASE let her go solo if you're going to take her out of the SES, PLEASE!

Agreed. Serena needs to go solo after this split. an association with the SES is fine, depending how close that association is. If it leads to Serena getting into the ring it's good. If it's just her doing nothing while the SES moves along regardless then that's bad.

It's like you said in my thread: It's time for Serena to have some matches to prove her worth to the SES. Serena is my favorite diva in the WWE along with Natalya. She's sexy as hell, plays her character to perfection, and is a GREAT women's wrestler. I'm hoping she gets put in match after match after match and wins, because to be honest I actually enjoy seeing her wrestle.

Agreed. Serena is a beast in the ring, good to look at and plays her role perfectly. She should be given a shot at running with the Women's title, and I hope she is.

If Beth Phoenix is in any fit state, I want to see them feud. Both are accomplished in the ring and rather attractive, so their matches together should actually be really enjoyable to watch. Similar to Natalya v. Tamina, when good women's wrestlers wrestle, it's a ton of fun.

FUCK YES DOCTOR! Serena and Beth would tear the house down (as much as a women's match can). They've worked together in the past very well (and were both part of the best spear in pro wrestling history) and in WWE where the booking is better and they've both improved it should be better than any women's matches we've seen in a long time.

I kind of want the SES to take her back. After all, she exposed her "sins" to the world just for Punk. That has to be worth something. And if Kelly wins the Women's Championship I want Serena to win it from her to start the SES on its way to being a golden stable.

Like I say, Punk should give her a shot at getting back in to the SES by winning the Woman's championship, and then either letting her back in, or giveing her the GTS as a reward (I'd say Gallows should deliver his finisher, but I don't think it'd be PG if it's done on a woman).

Deeb can be a good face too. She was for most of her career.
I think Serena is going to have to prove her worth to the SES. I expect her to get involved in matches and trying to get them wins or even wrestling in her own matches and winning to prove she can make up for her "sins". Like many have said Serena is a solid in ring worker and can work the stick pretty well in the limited time we have seen her. She saved Punk by exposing herself. Seeing as she made the SES look weak I imagine she is going to receive a lot of slack from the SES and they will "torture" her and make her earn her way back in.
This makes me happy, aside from the fact that she'll wear skimpy outfits, she is a good wrester. Her against Natalya or Tamina or and decent diva wouldn't be too bad to watch. I miss the days of diva's who could wrestle, this might finally bring that back.
If they get Serena into wrestle some matches, it will be great, due to the fact that the womens division needs a couple more good heels, and she is excellent on the mic so she doesn't have to worry in that department, so it will be interesting to see how all this develops in time.
I think she's gonna be an impressive addition to the Smackdown Divas.She's a great in ring competitor,and she has that dominating look about her.Her ring work is gonna be much like Beth Phoenix,a powerful destructive style with massive strikes and takedowns.I think she can have a great feud when Beth comes back,but she'll probably be trying to prove her love to Punk.
Serena could succeed on her own. She has the in ring talent and is already getting heat due to her association with the Straight Edge Society. They could leave her a heel trying to gain her way back into the SES, or they could turn her face and feud with LayCool telling the girls that you don't have to look like that to be flawless. You just have to have self confidence and see could even keep her Anti-Diva moniker.
I guess only time can show where this ends up, I kinda hope Serena won't be out of The Straight Edge Society, not because I wouldn't want to watch her wrestle, because she's damn good at that, but because I think her presence within the Straight Edge Society adds a lot more to the faction.

I think she could do well in the divas division, but the fact that she has been a part of The Straight Edge Society for a decent while now, and has made a name for herself through that, and to top it off, it being one of the most hottest angles to be going on in WWE and more specifically on Smackdown right now, I would consider it a kind of degrading in terms of how they put her to use.

And I'm not saying her being in the Straight Edge Society is better than watching her wrestle, no no, but I am saying that the Straight Edge Society is most likely doing more for her than singles competition in a division the majority of the fans couldn't give a damn about anyway unless it's to check out the bodies of the divas during their entrance, not watch them beating each other up.

So I hope she's sticking with CM Punk and Gallows, but not necessarily for months to the end of The Straight Edge Society, as much as breaking from them in a little while, build up the break instead.
I just don't see her wrestling in Smackdown!, not yet anyway, if she was THAT good then WWE would put her on a brand to wrestle, I know she is good as well, but the fact that they brought her in just because she was wiling to go bald, it looks like WWE is holding her back from her in-ring talent!!

I think they might just cut her out, or they might have an angle where she is trying to get back in!! Because Punk isn't going to be chased around by Kane anymore because the taping showed that Punk wasn't around at the time!!
I could see her slowly building up to winning the Women's Belts in a some-what face turn. As she slowly claws her way to the top of the mountain, she would get the attentions of Gallows & Punk once more and she would be offered her spot back but may possibly refuse it. This is definitely an interesting scenario which could see her go either way.

In many ways, this may make her or break her. If she fails to prove herself to WWE (on her own) then this could be bad news for her but if she impresses the right people through her in-ring work and her promo abilities then she could go far, very far. WWE is still looking for another excellent female all rounder (like Trish & Lita) and this may well be Serena's chance to seize that spot, especially with Beth Phoenix out of action.
I don't think she is finished with the S.E.S, as people have said see will most likely try and find some way to get back into the group.The group has lost to much, they lost Punks hair and didn't gain the title at Fatal Four Way.So I think she needs to stay with them.But then again she can wrestle and can cut a decent promo, so she could go out on her own.
Sometimes it takes an injury or other unintended circumstance in order for a wrestler to get a break. You can name many instances when this happened, the most recent being Undertaker's injury creating a push for Kane.

Now, we have Serena. If it weren't for Punk's arm injury, I doubt the storyline would have gone in a direction that pushed her to the least, not yet.

Eventually, she'll go on her own, but that time hasn't arrived yet. Last night was the first time she's spoken as an individual. Yes, she has uttered words before, but they were always in response to (and in support of) Punk. Now, Serena is the one initiating the dialogue. I think it's great, but she has quite a ways to go before she's free of storylines with Punk and Luke. She has to deal with SES in an adversarial manner now, at least for awhile. There will probably be reconciliations, followed by new splits, until the situation is resolved.

I'm enjoying her, I really am. Little Fuzzhead has a great WWE future ahead.


Mrs. Goldust
She's not done yet, I bet over the next few weeks she'll be begging for forgiveness and I honestly think Punk will give forgive her, she did save him and he does have a soft spot for her. I'm still kind of wondering why Punk got so upset, was it that the video showed the world serena was drinking, showing that she's a hyprocrite and if Punk forgives her, then he's a hyprocrite also?

It's no big secret that smackdown needs more divas so this could be their way of adding one more to the mix, I mean it's not like serena is needed in the group, she's not the star or the main attraction so why not? But I honestly think they'll just put her back in the group, hope I'm wrong though

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