Semi Finals: Link vs. Batman

Who wins?

  • Link

  • Batman

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The Doctor

Great and Devious
Staff member
Super Moderator
Round Four


It's the battle of gadgets and utility belts as Hyrule's greatest swordsman takes on the hero Gotham deserves. Link possesses magical artifacts galore, and they led him to victory against the leader of SHIELD Nick Fury. By the same token, Batman's gadgets helped him outmaneuver the blind martial arts master Daredevil. It's toys vs. toys, weapons vs. weapons, warrior vs. warrior as these two men collide!

I'm not sure on this one.

Batman preys on fear right? Well Link has been a kid for most of his adventures (or a teenager at his oldest) and has faced off with some FREAKY things. he's looked them in the face and has carved them up. I don't think Batman is going to be able to get inside Link's head.

Now that being said, I don't think I can pick a winner in one on one here. Magic and swordplay and a wide assortment of gadgets of his own are going to be hard to get by. However, Batman is just that: a man, while Link is a boy. I really can't pick one or the other here so I'll have to wait on more arguing.
This is a very tough one, my fave film and comic character versus my fave vid game character...

So let's look at it properly.
Link is just a boy - yes, until he reaches The Master Sword. He then ages by 7 years to become what, 19ish? Yeah he's still a boy but less so by this point.

This WILL be the closest of the battles but this comes ALL down to the armouring.
Link has Nayru's love, invincibility for a set amount of time in short. He also has Din's fire, which wraps himself in fire...

He has the masks also. But what happens if Batman uses the grappling hook to take away those masks? Turning into a goron would have little effect on Batman as Batman has his explosives which would EASILY destroy the rock armouring. Zora link would have twin boomerangs and could play guitar at batman but that's about it, and deku link would have little effect also. So this comes down to the mirror shield, the megaton hammer, and pegasus boots for link as well as the longshot.

I could see both men disarming one another continually, with grappling hook and longshot relatively.

This goes back and forth, but I THINK just due to the versatility and also some of the twilight princess powers, Batman would fall. I mean the gale boomerang here would have some effect, being able to create tornados which would sweep batman off his feet for instance. Dropping bats down hard would be a good start with one of those, a few deku nuts and then a few well timed stabs. Batmans armour is very strong though and would take a LOT of hits, but yet we've seen batman's armour beaten up more than once - IE, once it's beaten up and broken, it's bruce wayne we're looking at.

This is the thing. Batman is still bruce wayne, and once the armour is broken down, which fire arrows would do well with (setting wayne on fire), it's no longer batman that Link is facing. Link is ALWAYS link.

Not to mention the 4 fairies in bottles he'd have stacked away too :)
Batman all the way. While I agree with KB that he may not be able to intimidate Link, he's still a better fighter. Link isn't used to fighting someone as agile as Batman. In addition, Link's best form of magic is a fire spell. Guess who wears a fireproof suit? This is yet another fight where intelligence prevails (which means Batman is going to end up losing the poll because people here seem to think that intelligence means absolutely nothing).
Batman all the way. While I agree with KB that he may not be able to intimidate Link, he's still a better fighter. Link isn't used to fighting someone as agile as Batman. In addition, Link's best form of magic is a fire spell. Guess who wears a fireproof suit? This is yet another fight where intelligence prevails (which means Batman is going to end up losing the poll because people here seem to think that intelligence means absolutely nothing).

Yes he goddamn is. He's fought and won against people who are able to evade his attacks by teleporting across the goddamn room. Do you even know what the word "agile" means?

Also, who came up with his weapon tier list? His best form of magic isn't the fire rod. Each and every single one of his weapons have a different, effective, and unique function. Batman has a weakness, and Link will zero in on it as if it's flashing red and yellow.

Link has fought and beat people and monsters that, without a doubt, belong on the supers list. Batman can barely handle the Joker.

Here's my first major rant on why someone should beat someone in this tournament so sit back relax and enjoy.

Link has been on numerous adventures, he has killed flaming dragons, silenced soldiers of the dead, and has saved the world many times through decimating his opponents. He has experience battling any type of opponent and someone with so little versatility as Batman stands little chance in actually winning this round. But here are just a few ways on how Link will win this round.

Link has the power of magic. What is stopping Link from using his Light Arrow, to take down Batman from afar. Batman doesn't use a gun so a battle of long distance weapons favors Link. However, that's not all Link can do. Link could simply get out his Sling Shot and fire a Deku Nut at Batman. This will at least stun Batman which would give Link ample time to decapitate Batman especially if Link is using his special boots. Then you have to take into account close quarter combat. If Batman does find a way to get close to Link all Link has to do is use his Goron Mask to become a Goron which would mean Batman's strikes would do absolutely nothing. Link has weapons for every possible type of battle that Batman could possibly try, and every time Link outmatches.

Also, Batman feeds on fear and Link will show no fear. Batman is frankly outmatched in that his own strenghts will NOT help in any way in this battle. Link has proven that he can take a beating and still survive and when it comes down to it, all it takes is one sword slash and this is all over. However, if Batman can call in his Bat-Mobile this one has gotten a hole lot more interesting, however I think Link could use his hookshot to get above the bBat Mobile, then put on his Iron Boots and then drop on the Bat Mobile causin it to break.

To Sum it Up Link wins based on his arsenal of ways to beat you.
Yes he goddamn is. He's fought and won against people who are able to evade his attacks by teleporting across the goddamn room. Do you even know what the word "agile" means?
Teleporting isn't agility. It's a mental power. He hasn't fought someone who is essentially a superninja. His enemies always has some sort of pattern that you can figure out. Batman has no pattern. He thinks in the moment.

Also, who came up with his weapon tier list? His best form of magic isn't the fire rod. Each and every single one of his weapons have a different, effective, and unique function.
I was referring to faerie magic, such as Din's Fire. I wasn't talking about magic-imbued weapons. Batman has faced all of the elements of elemental magic-imbued weapons in Link's arsenal, and has won.
Batman has a weakness, and Link will zero in on it as if it's flashing red and yellow.
What weakness is that? All that comes to mind is the fact that he's a mere mortal. So is Link. And for the bottled faerie argument that I saw, it's complete nonsense. His world stops for him to open a bottle. This doesn't take place in his world. Batman can knock the bottle away with a batarang no problem. Link can't use the faeries to recover from being knocked out either since he'd have to be knocked out first first, so Batman would have already won.

Link has fought and beat people and monsters that, without a doubt, belong on the supers list.
So has Batman. He's in the DC Universe, with people like Superman and Darkseid running around. Batman has held his own in various JLA stuff against many other super-powered beings, more powerful than Gannondorf.

Batman can barely handle the Joker.
You're confusing the fact that Joker is still alive with the fact that Batman hasn't handled the Joker well. If Batman didn't have such a strong moral code, and actually tried to kill his enemies, Joker would have been dead 50+ years ago. Link is no slouch, but in order for Link to be successful against a boss, he has to take his time to figure out a pattern. Batman just goes with the moment, something Link hasn't had to ever do within the LOZ games. Batman can outmaneuver Link. This is Batman's fight. It's close, but it's Batman's fight.
Yes he goddamn is. He's fought and won against people who are able to evade his attacks by teleporting across the goddamn room. Do you even know what the word "agile" means?

Also, who came up with his weapon tier list? His best form of magic isn't the fire rod. Each and every single one of his weapons have a different, effective, and unique function. Batman has a weakness, and Link will zero in on it as if it's flashing red and yellow.

Link has fought and beat people and monsters that, without a doubt, belong on the supers list. Batman can barely handle the Joker.

Pretty much what Bolf said, you talk about intelligence and then state that Link would have a problem with Batmans agility? Good grief man.

What about the bombarrows? I think Link is more than capable of throwing a few of them out at Batman from some distance. What's Batman going to to do shoot him? Oh wait that's against his code.

Link has the advantage over Batman, he won't be scared of him. What's Batman against someone who can cope with his agility, has a better array of items and has no fear of him? He's a middle aged man in a bat suit. Who's Link? The hero of time.

Link Wins.
Batman has a thing for turning teenage boys in his crime fighting sidekicks, and would quickly see a new ally in Link. He would spend much of the fight trying to get Link to join his "Bat-family", only for Link to lure him close with an agreement that he would join Batman, when Bats is close Link shoves his sword through Batman's heart, killing him, and sending Link to the next round. Granted this argument is probably filled with flaws, but I don't care, this is how I justify my vote for Link, cause I DO NOT WANT BATMAN IN THE GOD DAMN FINALS.
Wrong, but I'll humor you.

Here's my first major rant on why someone should beat someone in this tournament so sit back relax and enjoy.
Looking forward to this.

Link has been on numerous adventures, he has killed flaming dragons, silenced soldiers of the dead, and has saved the world many times through decimating his opponents.
Enemies with patterns. Predictable enemies. Batman is not predictable. Also, I wouldn't say decimating, since Link has to die many, many times in order for the typical person to get through a Zelda game.
He has experience battling any type of opponent and someone with so little versatility as Batman stands little chance in actually winning this round. But here are just a few ways on how Link will win this round.
Wait, you're saying Batman isn't versatile? I don't know if this stupidity or ignorance. Look at the variance of his rogues gallery, and then tell me he isn't versatile.

Link has the power of magic. What is stopping Link from using his Light Arrow, to take down Batman from afar.

Batman doesn't use a gun so a battle of long distance weapons favors Link.

However, that's not all Link can do. Link could simply get out his Sling Shot and fire a Deku Nut at Batman.

This will at least stun Batman which would give Link ample time to decapitate Batman especially if Link is using his special boots.
Batman's cowl is reinforced with Kevlar. Link's sword isn't piercing that. What special boots would help Link? The iron ones? The ones that allow him to float briefly at the sacrifice of maneuverability? The ones that allow him to move fast at the sacrifice of maneuverability?
Then you have to take into account close quarter combat. If Batman does find a way to get close to Link all Link has to do is use his Goron Mask to become a Goron which would mean Batman's strikes would do absolutely nothing.
You're confusing if with when. Batman can use his bat-lasso. It wraps around Link which trips him up as he falls to the ground. Then he gets an electric shock from it, giving plenty of time for Batman to use bat-cuffs and then hang Link upside-down, ending the match.

Link has weapons for every possible type of battle that Batman could possibly try, and every time Link outmatches.
Just stated how you're wrong, but if you want to go into specifics, go ahead.

Also, Batman feeds on fear and Link will show no fear.
The fear argument is probably the worst. Batman does that to intimidate the run-of-the-mill thug. He doesn't typically try to scare the real villains.

Batman is frankly outmatched in that his own strenghts will NOT help in any way in this battle.
You have not proven any of this. In fact, I've shown how Batman wins this.

Link has proven that he can take a beating and still survive and when it comes down to it, all it takes is one sword slash and this is all over.
Link can take a beating with the use of healing potions and faeries, stuff that I already showed won't be that helpful. As I said earlier, Kevlar makes it a bit harder to stab Batman.

However, if Batman can call in his Bat-Mobile this one has gotten a hole lot more interesting, however I think Link could use his hookshot to get above the bBat Mobile, then put on his Iron Boots and then drop on the Bat Mobile causin it to break.
Batman wouldn't need to do this, but just to humor you, the Batmobile will take a lot more than just the weight of Link in iron boots (which couldn't be more than 250lbs) to break it.

To Sum it Up Link wins based on his arsenal of ways to beat you.
Link could beat a disarmed Batman. Not a Batman with all the weapons in his utility belt.
Pretty much what Bolf said, you talk about intelligence and then state that Link would have a problem with Batmans agility? Good grief man.
He's got both in spades. Don't see the problem here.

What about the bombarrows? I think Link is more than capable of throwing a few of them out at Batman from some distance. What's Batman going to to do shoot him? Oh wait that's against his code.

Link has the advantage over Batman, he won't be scared of him.
As I said in my previous response, this doesn't matter.
What's Batman against someone who can cope with his agility, has a better array of items and has no fear of him? He's a middle aged man in a bat suit.
Can't cope since there's no pattern, magical doesn't mean better, and fear is irrelevant. If you're going to say Batman is just a middle-aged man in a bat suit (age isn't established here) then Link is just some punk elf kid in a green tunic. Still looks favorable to Batman.

Who's Link? The hero of time.
Hero of time in his own little pocket Universe. One of Batman's alternate universe versions, Owlman, came within moments of destroying EVERY UNIVERSE. Guess who stopped him? That's right, Batman. He saved every single universe and plane of existence. Kind of puts Link to shame there.

Batman Wins.
Batman has a thing for turning teenage boys in his crime fighting sidekicks, and would quickly see a new ally in Link. He would spend much of the fight trying to get Link to join his "Bat-family", only for Link to lure him close with an agreement that he would join Batman, when Bats is close Link shoves his sword through Batman's heart, killing him, and sending Link to the next round. Granted this argument is probably filled with flaws, but I don't care, this is how I justify my vote for Link, cause I DO NOT WANT BATMAN IN THE GOD DAMN FINALS.
Why on earth would Batman do this? Batman is extremely selective on who his Robbins have been. He wouldn't just see some kid in a tunic and be like "hey, this guy might make a good sidekick. I should be friendly and say hi, even though he has a sword drawn against me and I'm in a battle tournament." Your written vote shouldn't count since it's not a real justification. It's just some utter nonsense from someone who doesn't really understand anything about anything, or at least that's how you come across.
I'm going to vote Link here.

The main thing for me is I don't think Batman has what it takes to actually finish Link off. Batman rarely uses guns, he usually relies on his own hands and feet and his own fighting ability when in a one on one fight, that's something that just wont finish Link off. I don't even know if he would even get a shot in on Link, because Link has the biggest advantage in this fight with one simple item; The Master Shield.

What is one of the first things you learn to do in a Zelda game? Block ALL attacks with your shield and then counter attack with your sword or bow. There's nothing Batman can throw at Link that he couldn't block with his shield or evade by rolling. Even if Batman can throw grenades or smoke bombs, Link can just Z target that shit, fire an arrow at it and blow it up mid-air.

There's so many ways Link can defeat Batman; fire arrows, ice arrows, bomb arrows, stabbing him with his sword, turning into a Goron and rolling over him, I can go on and on. But everything Batman has to throw at Link, Link has a way to block it/evade it and then counter it.

To sum it up, its going to take a lot to take Link down and I just don't think Batman has what it to takes to finish him, but Link can take Batman down in multiple ways. LINK WINS
He's got both in spades. Don't see the problem here.

And Link has no problem dealing with enemies that are considerably harder to hit than Batman. See also: Flaming bats.


World record for a thrown boomerang: 427m

World record for a bow and arrow shot: 2,047 m.

Link also has the Hawkeye that enables him to use the bow accurately from further away than Batman can respond.

Can't cope since there's no pattern

Batman can't cope because he's dead before he can do anything to retaliate.

magical doesn't mean better, and fear is irrelevant. If you're going to say Batman is just a middle-aged man in a bat suit (age isn't established here) then Link is just some punk elf kid in a green tunic. Still looks favorable to Batman.

Some punk Elf kid who's beaten Ganondorf more times than Bruce has cried over his parents and has Brucey outgunned significantly.
I'm going to vote Link here.
I take it you took the TLDR; method?

The main thing for me is I don't think Batman has what it takes to actually finish Link off. Batman rarely uses guns, he usually relies on his own hands and feet and his own fighting ability when in a one on one fight, that's something that just wont finish Link off.
He relies on his fists in close quarters. If you read my posts, you would have seen that Batman has a bat-lasso. This ties up Link and shocks him, which will keep him down enough for Batman to slap on some bat-cuffs and hang him upside-down, ending the fight.

I don't even know if he would even get a shot in on Link, because Link has the biggest advantage in this fight with one simple item; The Master Shield.

What is one of the first things you learn to do in a Zelda game? Block ALL attacks with your shield and then counter attack with your sword or bow.[/quote]
You can't counter with the bow since the bow can't be out with the shield. Sure, Link can try to block Batman's punches and kicks and try to counter with a sword. Batman is too smart for that and would do what I've already explained.

There's nothing Batman can throw at Link that he couldn't block with his shield or evade by rolling. Even if Batman can throw grenades or smoke bombs, Link can just Z target that shit, fire an arrow at it and blow it up mid-air.
Batman knows how to time things. He would throw something as a fake to get Link to move where he wants him to. Z targeting works in his world, against predictable enemies coming at predictable angles. It's not going to cut it against Batman and his unpredictability.

There's so many ways Link can defeat Batman; fire arrows, ice arrows, bomb arrows,
Batarang, batarang, batarang. People need to read before posting.

stabbing him with his sword,
His batsuit is reinforced to take on bullets. It can take on a sword too.

turning into a Goron and rolling over him,
Because Batman is going to stand there and let Link roll over him? Batman beat Clayface on numerous occasions, so the Goron isn't going to work.

I can go on and on. But everything Batman has to throw at Link, Link has a way to block it/evade it and then counter it.
I'd like to see you try. So far everything you've said has been proven to be noneffective. Batman isn't going to go in some easy pattern that takes a certain number of hits to kill. That is what Link is used to. He doesn't fight unpredictability.

To sum it up, its going to take a lot to take Link down and I just don't think Batman has what it to takes to finish him, but Link can take Batman down in multiple ways. LINK WINS
Already proven how Batman can do this easily. You're flat out wrong.
And Link has no problem dealing with enemies that are considerably harder to hit than Batman. See also: Flaming bats.
Z-targeting doesn't work outside of Link's universe.

World record for a thrown boomerang: 427m

World record for a bow and arrow shot: 2,047 m.
The old applying real world physics argument. Both worlds defy physics, so this is null.

Link also has the Hawkeye that enables him to use the bow accurately from further away than Batman can respond.
Hawkeye makes it harder to use peripheral vision. If I'm smart enough to figure it out, Batman figured that out 10 minutes ago, at least. He'd come from angles Link couldn't see.

Batman can't cope because he's dead before he can do anything to retaliate.
Nope. You lose. Try again.

Some punk Elf kid who's beaten Ganondorf more times than Bruce has cried over his parents and has Brucey outgunned significantly.
He's defeated Ganondorf less than 20 times. Saying that Bruce cried about his parents dying more than 20 times is rather pointless, don't you think? Either way, Link doesn't have Batman outgunned. Batman outmaneuvers Link and wins.
Z-targeting doesn't work outside of Link's universe.

And you know this how? Z-Targeting is just how we, the players are able to access Link's skills. He's got the skills already, we just use them with the touch of a button.

The old applying real world physics argument. Both worlds defy physics, so this is null.

Ah, the old this evidence doesn't match my viewpoint therefore it must be discounted arguement. Used a lot in this universe too. But even so, Link can shoot Batman dead before he can get close enough to throw a batarang.

Hawkeye makes it harder to use peripheral vision. If I'm smart enough to figure it out, Batman figured that out 10 minutes ago, at least. He'd come from angles Link couldn't see.

Doesn't matter if he figures it out or not if Link's already planted an arrow in Batman's throat. Batman has NO PREKNOWLEDGE of what Link's got in his arsenal. The only way he's finding out that Link's got a sniperbow is when he gets hit by an arrow from a kilometer away.

He's defeated Ganondorf less than 20 times. Saying that Bruce cried about his parents dying more than 20 times is rather pointless, don't you think?

True, but it was exageration for effect, rather than a serious statement.

Either way, Link doesn't have Batman outgunned. Batman outmaneuvers Link and wins.

Link outranges Batman, can use magic while Batman cannot, can transform into a golem as well as having access to other magical masks, revive himself using a fairy in a bottle (which is treated as an item so don't try any "no backup" bullshit) and fire laser beams from his sword. Batman has his gadgets too, but he's still out of luck against Link.
And you know this how? Z-Targeting is just how we, the players are able to access Link's skills. He's got the skills already, we just use them with the touch of a button.
He'd still have to time it correctly. As I stated, Batman will figure out Link's timing first, enabling him to coax him into getting hit.

Ah, the old this evidence doesn't match my viewpoint therefore it must be discounted arguement. Used a lot in this universe too. But even so, Link can shoot Batman dead before he can get close enough to throw a batarang.
He doesn't need to throw a batarang to deflect arrows. He does throw them to knock a bow from Link's hands though. Don't these fights start with the guys within a small (relatively speaking) distance of each other?

Doesn't matter if he figures it out or not if Link's already planted an arrow in Batman's throat.
Again with the not reading. His neck is protected. Arrows won't pierce it so easily.

Batman has NO PREKNOWLEDGE of what Link's got in his arsenal. The only way he's finding out that Link's got a sniperbow is when he gets hit by an arrow from a kilometer away.
He'd be able to figure it out faster. And again, the battle doesn't start with them a kilometer away.

Link outranges Batman, can use magic while Batman cannot, can transform into a golem as well as having access to other magical masks, revive himself using a fairy in a bottle (which is treated as an item so don't try any "no backup" bullshit) and fire laser beams from his sword. Batman has his gadgets too, but he's still out of luck against Link.
As stated, they start rather close together. Batman has dealt with all the elements before, and has come out on top so there goes the magic wins the battle argument. The goron is like Clayface, who has been beaten on numerous occasions. The fairy in a bottle is hard to use, which I already said. Link has to be at full life to use the lasers. One measly tap on the shoulder would have taken away a part of a heart, and there goes the lasers. Batman doesn't need luck. He has his superior agility and intellect to guide him.
He'd still have to time it correctly. As I stated, Batman will figure out Link's timing first, enabling him to coax him into getting hit.

Would he figure that out before or after he's started bleading?

He doesn't need to throw a batarang to deflect arrows. He does throw them to knock a bow from Link's hands though.

So you're saying that If Link gets out of range, Batman can't do shit to him? Glad we're on the same page.

Don't these fights start with the guys within a small (relatively speaking) distance of each other?

*shrug* It's not my call.

Again with the not reading. His neck is protected. Arrows won't pierce it so easily.

With a soft bulletproof material? Fun fact, Kevlar would stop a bullet but not a sharp, stabby object (like an arrow).

He'd be able to figure it out faster. And again, the battle doesn't start with them a kilometer away.

Before an arrow finds its way through his armour?

As stated, they start rather close together.

Then it's magical sword vs man with stupidly shaped boomerangs. this doesn't favor Batman either.

Batman has dealt with all the elements before, and has come out on top so there goes the magic wins the battle argument.

Link has indestructable magical armour that is powered by money. He can just pound on Batman while he's powerless to respond.

The goron is like Clayface,

Goron: Solid rock, Clayface: amorphous blob. I don't see many similarities.

who has been beaten on numerous occasions.

Because of the fact that THEY ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT his tactics would fail miserably.

The fairy in a bottle is hard to use, which I already said.

Activating instantly at the moment of his death to remove all injuries and restore his life is difficult to use? Really? What do you condider to be of intermediate difficulty, walking and chewing gum?

Link has to be at full life to use the lasers. One measly tap on the shoulder would have taken away a part of a heart, and there goes the lasers.

Link's tougher than you think. He can walk around after detonating a bomb at point blank range to his face. He's one tough motherfucker.

Batman doesn't need luck. He has his superior agility and intellect to guide him.

To his grave, perhaps. But not to victory. Not against the Hero of Time.

This match is quite interesting. As KB so perfectly said, Batman preying on fear wouldn't work on Link, but Link is just a boy, even when he's older Link (17-years-old) whereas Batman is a man, and would have the strength of such. Both men have faced creatures stronger physically than them and both men have prevailed due to their utility belts and equipment. Honestly, this matchup seems pretty even.

Batman could win this if he exploited the weaknesses of Link's arsenal and moved in to make this a close-quarters fight. In a close-quarters fight, a trained martial artist can defeat and disarm an expert swordsman. And Link's arsenal does in fact have weaknesses, some pretty defined ones, not least of which being that weapons like the bow, slingshot, or hookshot need to be set and aimed properly.

This is of course assuming that Link's long-ranged weapons such as the bombchu, light arrows, or fire rod don't hit Batman first. Link has been shown in games to have excellent aim and command of tactics, as seen by the Z-Targeting system. In the game the Z-Targeting system is represented by the arrows we see but in a battle such as this it just means that Link is really, really good at aiming. A few bomb arrows shot at Batman would be enough to knock him down and harm him, even if they weren't a direct hit. Batman has few long-ranged weapons save for the Batarang and grappling hook, and Link has similar items himself with the boomerang and hookshot.

Now, in a close quarters fight Link could transform into a Goron. However, the Gorons have a weakness of their own, with their soft underbellies. It's not as soft as human flesh, more like tough leather, but it is something that can be cut and pierced by one of Batman's weapons. To counter this, Link could curl into a ball and roll around, thus granting him the protection of the Gorons' rock hard backs, but even a Goron can be forced to uncurl with a strong enough blow. If Batman could get Link to uncurl he could throw a few punches into Goron Link's gut or maybe even a few Batarangs.

I really think at the end of the day it'll be the magical artifacts and long-distance weapons that give Link the victory here. The Fierce Deity mask makes him taller, stronger, and able to shoot lasers out of his sword. The Pegasus Boots allow him to run quickly and dodge, which means he could broaden the distance between him and his foe. His various types of arrows such as bomb, ice, or light could really hurt Batman's suit, even if it is fireproof. This would be enough to pick off Batman from afar. Batman is mostly a close-quarters combatant so Link being able to keep Batman away in many different ways would be enough to give the Hero of Time the W.

Link wins.
Wrong, but I'll humor you.

Looking forward to this.

Me not so much. But I have no problem debating you if it is getting Link votes. Which it is.

Enemies with patterns. Predictable enemies. Batman is not predictable.

So what you are saying that Ganondorf who can transform into multiple creatures, and has many ways of beating you is predicatable rght? Cause in Ocarina of Time I was pissed when he transformed into Ganon. Why? Cause I didn't see that coming.

Also, I wouldn't say decimating, since Link has to die many, many times in order for the typical person to get through a Zelda game.

Have you ever played a Batman video game? Cause I've killed him many times.
Wait, you're saying Batman isn't versatile?

Yep you understood that.:rolleyes:

I don't know if this stupidity or ignorance. Look at the variance of his rogues gallery, and then tell me he isn't versatile.

Your repeating of the word Batarang has convinced me he isn't versatile.




Your saying a light arrow does less damage then a Batarang. I'm sorry but that isn't true.

Batman's cowl is reinforced with Kevlar. Link's sword isn't piercing that.

The Master Sword has pierced the likes of some nasty creatures. But then again I don't need to tell you what a bomb arrow will do to Bats do I?

What special boots would help Link? The iron ones? The ones that allow him to float briefly at the sacrifice of maneuverability? The ones that allow him to move fast at the sacrifice of maneuverability?

The Pegasus Boots if you must know.

Batman can use his bat-lasso. It wraps around Link which trips him up as he falls to the ground.

You do realize a sword will cut a lasso. Just saying the lasso won't do much.

Then he gets an electric shock from it, giving plenty of time for Batman to use bat-cuffs and then hang Link upside-down, ending the match.

Except Link has the abilities to heal himself with his bottled fairies. So the shock wouldn't do much damage.

Just stated how you're wrong, but if you want to go into specifics, go ahead.

Feel free to continue on if you want.

The fear argument is probably the worst. Batman does that to intimidate the run-of-the-mill thug. He doesn't typically try to scare the real villains.

Link's a villain? With that argument Batman wouldn't even fight Link.

You have not proven any of this. In fact, I've shown how Batman wins this.

Batarang, Bat Lasso, Body armor does not win a fight. Sorry.

Link can take a beating with the use of healing potions and faeries, stuff that I already showed won't be that helpful. As I said earlier, Kevlar makes it a bit harder to stab Batman.

Don't make me list every weapon Link has to beat Batman. He does not need to stab Batman.

Batman wouldn't need to do this, but just to humor you, the Batmobile will take a lot more than just the weight of Link in iron boots (which couldn't be more than 250lbs) to break it.
Link could beat a disarmed Batman. Not a Batman with all the weapons in his utility belt.[/QUOTE]

He can't use the Batmobile anyway. However, Link would find a way to defeat it to. Probaly turing into a Goron and rolling over it.
I'm not overly up on either my DC Universe or that of Zelda so I'm only going to state my reason for backing Bats and leave the arguments to the more learned amongst you.

The simple reason I have picked Batman is that I am well aware that Batman is the DC's Captain America. Link might well have him out gadgeted but as long as there is a way that he can physically beat him, then, pure and simple, Mr Wayne will be victorious. 70+ years of winning battles he has no right too also won my vote.

I'll return y'all now to your regular programming;)
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