Seed planted for Shield triple threat on Raw


Occasional Pre-Show
Once it was down to the the shield members all I could see was triple threat. Rollins getting the chair shots in and momentarily laying waste to Roman and Dean was to me obviously the beginning. Now Ambrose will want Rollins again as much as reigns. Look for tag matches in the upcoming weeks to the open the door for the mistake and accidental blow that seals the deal on the shield triple threat at tlc or slowly built for the rumble.
What do you think. Do you think tonight was the beginning to the shield triple threat?
The break up was the begining of the triple threat. Storyline wise tho i do believe that those 3 closing out raw with orton and cena out and the other class of 02 legend probly out the rest of the year i can only see a story like these drawing in viewers. We are already going to be interested in what happens next week to further it and through SS and they will leave us with clifhangers through the next few months. I think we will see RR loose at SS then maybe ambrose accidently cost him at TLC and maybe Rumble or soon after RR joins the dark side to get the title.
If there's going to be a Shield Triple Threat match ever, here's my verdict on how it should be. Dean Ambrose should be the face and Seth Rollins should be the heel. And Roman Reigns should take the "asshole-that-people-love" role. I guarantee that this will draw much more money than if he would be a face. He should be someone like Brock Lesnar or Stone Cold Steve Austin or maybe CM Punk (With much less Wrestling and Mic skills). I don't complain or banter about Roman Reigns. i'm just saying the verity of what might draw more money. I don't fancy the idea of him making goofy faces around. He should have a stone face and personality that might intimidate the other stars.

If these circumstances will be possible then we really might get a satiable Triple Threat match!

I totally agree with Prince Vee....
Dean Ambrose should be the face and Seth Rollins should be the heel...
and have Roman Reigns who talks less and who is dominating in major time of his match....
If Roman Reigns is to win the world title from Seth Rollins (a big 'if') I think it would be in a traditional one-on-one; that Reigns would only have his victory cheapened by achieving it in a Triple Threat. Conversely, if Rollins is to retain, it would likely come in 'cheap' fashion, such as a 3-way.

In other words, if we wind up seeing a Triple Threat at the next PPV, I would guess Rollins is going to be the winner. If Rollins goes it alone against Ambrose, Roman wins.
If this is going to happen, Dean Ambrose needs to accidently cost Reigns the match at Survivor Series. Slowllllly build it from there. Have tensions continue to rise between Ambrose and Reigns with Rollins always in the background eventually leading to an explosion. Whether Ambrose turns or not is irrelevant if WWE can book it right. The earliest this should come to fruition in my opinion is the Royal Rumble. Time is the most important thing in a build, especially one as significant as a Shield triple threat has the potential to be.

This scenario will become much clearer following SS, but color me surprised if WWE does indeed plan on doing this match.
I just have a question for the poster and all here.... Why would any of the three sports entertainers(I'm done calling them wrestlers) want to have this triple threat. Still to this day the best run any of these three men have ever had was with the shield. Romans pushes have not really gone as planned. Ambrose is out in the wind. Rollins title run has been average at best. So why remind fans of of the shield. Wouldn't you want to stay away from that. Wouldn't you want to build your own brand. Stand on your own. Create magic moments for yourself by yourself.

Rollins title win had reigns in the match. They are linked. Ambrose greatest fued was with who? Rollins. Now he is reigns side kick. (I bet he never thought he would be a sidekick when he was destroying his body in Czw) reigns title match at the series is against Rollins. Once again they are linked.
Every since they have broken up the whole show has been based one one if not all three guys. The rest of the roster has suffered. Guys can't get pushed. See wcw nwo if you want to see how this affects the industry as a whole. And it isn't positive. The ratings are bad. Really bad. And yes shield overkill has something to do with it.

I liked the shield when they were together. But what about those that didn't care for them. Then you are origin holed in a corner watching a show that's based around a situation you don't care for so you just turn off the tv. It turns fans off.

People are in so much of a rush to see a triple threat of guys that really by no means haven't spent anytime apart. Sorry to burst bubbles it not going to be really that special Because truthfully they have been on top of each other anyway. And now there is rumblings of a heel Ambrose and face reigns. How many Rollins guest referee matches are they going to have?

I'm not hating. I'm just why do you your name linked to your old partners name.
Triple H and Shawn fueded years down the line. That's what made it special. That's why it drew. None of these guys really have a name. None of these have done anything without another shield members name attached to it. None of these guys have done anything noteworthy without each other.
I just have a question for the poster and all here.... Why would any of the three sports entertainers(I'm done calling them wrestlers) want to have this triple threat. Still to this day the best run any of these three men have ever had was with the shield. Romans pushes have not really gone as planned. Ambrose is out in the wind. Rollins title run has been average at best. So why remind fans of of the shield. Wouldn't you want to stay away from that. Wouldn't you want to build your own brand. Stand on your own. Create magic moments for yourself by yourself.

Rollins, Reigns, and Ambrose will ALWAYS be linked with The Shield. It doesn't matter how many years go by, people will remember those three guys as the rookies who came in and stole the damn show. The best run any of these three had was in The Shield? Completely debatable as Reigns has headlined a WM since than and Rollins is the current WWEWHC. Reigns' push may not have gone to plan but he's still next in line for "face of the company status"... I'd say he's been on a pretty good run since the split. Rollins title run has been fantastic in my opinion. Best since Punk's. You're right about Ambrose though. He's been the odd man out ever since the split it seems. I still don't understand why they would have to stay away from this match though? It's one of the most anticipated match-ups right now and will leave a lot of people happy. That can only do good things for Ambrose, Reigns, and Rollins. And I would say winning the World Title at Wrestlemania is a pretty magical moment, don't you think?

Every since they have broken up the whole show has been based one one if not all three guys. The rest of the roster has suffered. Guys can't get pushed. See wcw nwo if you want to see how this affects the industry as a whole. And it isn't positive. The ratings are bad. Really bad. And yes shield overkill has something to do with it.

See Kevin Owens, New Day, Sheamus, Wyatt, Rusev. All guys who have gotten sustainable pushes since the implosion of The Shield. Saying Raw's ratings are due to Shield overkill is a bold statement. One that can't be proven so I won't even try but I find it to be a pretty ludicrous statement. Three of the hottest guys in the industry are contributing to a lack of ratings?

I liked the shield when they were together. But what about those that didn't care for them. Then you are origin holed in a corner watching a show that's based around a situation you don't care for so you just turn off the tv. It turns fans off.

Probably about 5 percent of people didn't care for The Shield. I NEVER heard a bad thing about them when they were at their hottest. There is always going to be people who don't like something. You can't cut somebodies legs off of them because some people may not like their act.

I'm not hating. I'm just why do you your name linked to your old partners name.
Triple H and Shawn fueded years down the line. That's what made it special. That's why it drew. None of these guys really have a name. None of these have done anything without another shield members name attached to it. None of these guys have done anything noteworthy without each other.

HHH and Shawn feuded years down the line because Shawn retired in 1998. But believe me, HHH and Shawn Michaels in 99 or 2000 would have been just as special as their 2002 feud. Maybe moreso cus Shawn would have still been all messed up in the head.
I can agree with with on a few points:
1. They are three of the hottest in industry
2. KO & the New Day have came up in the shadow of the "Shield Revolution"
3. There are going to be people that don't like a certain sports entertainments stuff
4. Rollins run has been the best run since Punks
5. The triple threat is really anticipated
6. You can say that Rillins win was a great day for the kid.
7. I can't prove that the lack of rating is Shoeld overkill

But this is where we difference in opinion

1. Bray, Rusev, Sheamus cannot be taken seriously. Not at all. No to one of the these guys have won a decent fued. Bray has been jobbed out too many times. Rusev never ever evvvvver had a good run. When your fiancé is more over than you there's an issue. Sheamus well he is Sheamus.
2. For every KO and New Day there's a Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro, Sandow, and a host of talented entertainers that can't grab the brass ring because they aren't allowed to. Please don't give the at least they are getting TV time. Because when you are on TV looking like a schmuck..... You are a schmuck.
3. Just like I can't prove the ratings are hurt because of the "Shield" you can't prove that it has actually help. But the one thing we that is fact is that the ratings are in the toilet and Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose have been at the top of the card. You said it yourself they are three of the hottes guys in the in industry in your humble opinion. (Which I respect)
4. Rollins win at wrestlemania..... It's not even top twenty moments in WWE history. Not even close. If we factor in the ECW WCW WCCW NWA.etc moments (mind you the E takes credit when they want to for these catalogs) where does it fall. Is it on par with hogan slamming Andre, Machos kissing Liz in the middle of the ring, the Warrior and Hulks face off, Mankind wins the belt (that was on raw) Kerry Von Erich beating flair, Daniel Bryan's win. Where does it fall? It was a good moment but it doesn't grace to top twenty and I don't care how many top ten list they twist on the Network to say so.

My point is that I feel it's just too soon. I would rather they gave it a few years. Let Roman have a run. Build up some Hall of fame credentials for these guys. Make them true headliners. The Rock, Stone Cold, Angle, Taker, Jericho are not going to be around forever. Why giveaway a match now when you are going to need it one day to make $ off of. Do you understand this match isn't going to even close wrestlemania. Second to last match. This match of given some time and patience could be epic. Why give it away when you are going to need a few years down the line. I'm telling you when those Hall of gamers truly stop wrestling what's the plan. Who headlining what? Go to the house show figures. They aren't pretty. That's why you have the Theses part timers headline shows now becasuse these young pups aren't ready yet. Outside of Cena........ Crickets...... Crickets. There are NO superstars. And I hope you don't think when Cena goes part time the older fans will appreciate him. They don't because he isn't and has never been for our target audience. I'm just saying. Why give away something you are going to desperately need in the future now?
Once it was down to the the shield members all I could see was triple threat. Rollins getting the chair shots in and momentarily laying waste to Roman and Dean was to me obviously the beginning. Now Ambrose will want Rollins again as much as reigns. Look for tag matches in the upcoming weeks to the open the door for the mistake and accidental blow that seals the deal on the shield triple threat at tlc or slowly built for the rumble.
What do you think. Do you think tonight was the beginning to the shield triple threat?

I don't think a Shield triple match will happen. If anything we'll see the inevitable Ambrose heel turn. We'll probably see Ambrose costs Reigns the match at Survivor Series. Reigns vs. Ambrose take place from TLC through Fast Lane.

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