Season One: ICW Worldwide

Rooster Smith

Dark Match Winner

You know what I watched this weekend? I watched CWF Hollywood, VCW, CWE ... Some had their moments.

But You know what? They're not ICW. They're not Portland Wrestling Uncut or Hoodslam. They're not Metro Pro either, even as Metro Pro isn't Metro these days. (Last two episodes were good though and I have hope for the future.)

I started databasing all the indie feds with an episodic TV show a few months ago (hoping to post it here eventually.) and at that time, things were on fire.

ICW was in the middle of their season, Metro was better than RAW and Portland Wrestling was showing the world (or at least Portland) that you could be family friendly AND extremely entertaining.

It's not that I don't like these other promotions, but there is definitely a hierarchy. So I went back and watched the first episode of Portland Wrestling Uncut and ICW Worldwide. If you're looking for quality indie wrestling in an episodic format you could do a lot worse and not much better.

Here in the first worldwide episode, you get James Scott against Chris Renfrew. Renfrew beats the crap out of Scott and Scott's testicles with some foreign objects. Scott is hands down better with actual wrestling though, just dominate.

After the bout BT Gunn confronts his old buddy, Chris. Not sure what their beef is but it's mentioned that Gunn has not been the same since losing the ICW Title.

INtercut with this match, we see the ending of the first Whiplash/Grado bout. Whiplash cuts a promo on Grado being an insult to Pro Wrestling. Jack Lester, a friend of Grado, would also cut a promo after kidnapping Whiplashes's Mad Max themed sidekick.

Then we get a tag team match that features tea bagging and a lot of fun grappling.

ICW, man. One of the best, can't wait for season 2.

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