Sean Avery

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Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
Sean Avery is considered to be the most hated man in the NHL. Currently he has been suspended indefinitely for making a comment about opponent Dion Phaneuf of the Calgary Flames, and his girlfriend Elisha Cuthbert.

"I'm just going to say one thing. I'm really happy to be back in Calgary, I love Canada. I just wanted to comment on how, it's become like a common thing in the NHL for guys to fall in love with my sloppy seconds. I don't know what that's about, but enjoy the game tonight."

Now is Avery just the NHL's Manny? is this just Avery being Avery, or does the NHL have to step up and do something about this name before he puts a bigger black mark on the NHL quicker than Bertuzzi can bulldog you?

Now this is not the first time he has crossed the line, that line could have been crossed when he started to yell obscenities at the crowd earlier this year. It could have been crossed when he attacked Iginla for being boring. Some may have applauded him when he decided to try and block out goalie Martin Brodeur, I believed he was playing with a non-sportsmanlike manner. He has made enemies in the NHLPA, the French Canadian Community, and even with most of his teamates.

Should this guy be allowed to continue, or does the NHL need to step up and give him a thrashing?
I hate Avery with a fiery passion. I never liked him from his days in LA. I cannot stand him and never could. I really hope that the league gets rid of him for a while. Hopefully he'll be suspended for a good period of time, perhaps he'll learn his lesson. If he doesn't and keeps it up..... Through him out of the league... He's a stain on the NHL with his conduct. I don't care how good of a player you are, if you act like a two year old playing hockey, swinging your stick in goalie's faces, going way out of bounds to verbally attack another player publicly, then you might as well be one of the league's worse. So as I said I hope he gets suspended for a while, then once he gets back, if he steps out of line one more time get rid of him.
I don't think he should be disciplined at all. I mean his comments were, at best, crude; but they were outside the realm of what sports leagues should be allowed to rule on.

I hate that the NFL thinks they can suspend Plaxico, or even Pacman, for "conduct detrimental" because it happens off the field.

You can't claim that just because one is on television he is a role model. I'm sorry, if someone wants to be a role model, then good, but it can't be forced upon them.

Plus, what he said is funny. I mean, I am in love with Elsiha Cuthbert. I would let her tie me up and......well, you get the idea. But what Avery said, while out of line, didn't result in a hocket injury, and in fact, probably sold some tickets for people to boo him.
I don't think he should be disciplined at all. I mean his comments were, at best, crude; but they were outside the realm of what sports leagues should be allowed to rule on.

I agree and disagree with some of this. I feel that the league should punish Avery. Not due to what he said, but for the fact that he made it personal with another player, and also made it public himself. Burrees shot himself in the leg, he didn't make it public himself, in fact he apparently tried to keep it undercover, but Avery just came out and blatently said it. Reguardless of what his intentions were, he went a little too far. I mean last year he called Brodeur a fatty or something like that. It was childish yes, but it's not like he went out and called out Brodeur and his wife as he did with Iginla and his girlfriend. That's why I feel he needs to be punished in some way.

Now onto what I agree with. I do agree that sports leagues tend to extend their rule over their players a bit too much. The incident with Burres is a prefect example of that. Yes he had an illegal gun, yes he's going to face consequences, should the NFL go and give him a punishment as well? I don't think so. Should the Giants punish him, yes, he plays for that team, and the punishment should be up to the team and not the league.
I don't mind that the NHL is trying to take the moral high ground in this, but to indefinitely suspend a player for saying something is a bit of a knee jerk reaction in my opinion. Fine the man, make him miss a game maybe, but to have his status in limbo is completely over kill in my opinion.

I like the NHL, i'm not a huge fan, but I'm a casual fan that will watch the games when I can find them in HD. This is something the NHL needs. They need a lightning rod to get people outside of their bubble to watch the sport. The NHL has little to no interest of the main stream sports audience outside of the people that pack the arenas. It's a shame because it's a great sport, it's just hard to follow. Sean Avery can be a guy people love to hate, and want to see get smashed in every night.
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