Scott Steiner's $1 Million Challenge To Hulk Hogan


It looks as though the drama and tension between Scott Steiner and Hulk Hogan continues, at least on Steiner's side at any rate.

To recap the situation, the trouble began during WrestleMania weekend where Steiner came up to Hogan's wife and began to verbally assault Hogan himself. Hogan's wife had absolutely no idea who Steiner was or what was going on and, as you might imagine, got pretty upset at this strange man coming up to her in the middle of an airport spewing obscenities about her husband and threatening him. Steiner was in town to attend the WWE Hall of Fame induction ceremony, where Hogan was inducting Macho Man Randy Savage, and Hogan requested that Steiner be barred from attending the event, a request that WWE officials obliged, which only led to Steiner continuing to talk trash about Hogan off & on ever since.

At, Steiner posted a video in which he lays down a challenge to Hogan. On June 7 at Citi Fields in Queens, NY, the Legends of Wrestling event is being held and Steiner has issued a challenge to Hogan: if Hogan is able to body slam him, he'll give him $1 million of his own money. In the video, Steiner says, "June 7th, New York City, I'm saying you can't slam me, and I'm putting up a million dollars of my own money saying you can't. don't have to beat me, you have to slam me. But once you step through those ropes, I'm going to beat you up punk!" The video itself can be seen at this link:

Now, whether or not Steiner is 100% serious is anybody's guess. After all, we all know that pro wrestlers are among the most notorious professional bullshitters on the face of the planet, many of whom rival even the grimiest politician when it comes to blowing hot air. In Steiner's case, however, it's entirely possible because the man's pretty damn unstable; I dunno if he has anger and impulse control issues, I dunno if he's done so many steroids in his life that they've contributed to things or what, but the guy has a history of volatile behavior. Some examples include:

April 21, 1998 - Steiner threatens Georgia Department of Transportation employee Paul Kaspereen after Kaspereen informed him an exit ramp leading off Interstate 575 was closed. He then hit Kaspereen twice with his Ford F-250 pickup truck, though Kaspereen was not badly hurt. Steiner was subsequently arrested and, on March 17, 1999, pled guilty to aggravated assault and making terroristic threats, which are felonies that carry a maximum sentence of up to 30 years imprisonment. However, under Georgia law regarding first offenders,a first-time offender will be found not guilty if they do not violate the terms of their probation. The judge in the case sentenced Rechsteiner to ten days in the Cherokee County jail. He also placed him on a seven-year probation order, ordered him to pay USD$25,000 in fines, restitution, and legal fees, and ordered him to perform 200 hours of community service.

February 7, 2000 - On this episode of Nitro, Steiner angered WCW officials by making disparaging non-kayfabe remarks toward World Championship Wrestling and Ric Flair. During an in-ring promo, Rechsteiner claimed that when Flair appeared on WCW programming, "the people at home, all they did was grab their remote, change the channel to the WWF, and watch Stone Cold – a person you and your own friends got fired from here, 'cause you're a jealous old bastard!" He then called Flair an "ass-kissin', backstabbin', butt-suckin' bastard", before ending the tirade with the comment "WCW sucks!" and was suspended for two weeks.

January 2001 - Steiner was arrested for assaulting a man named Randall Mankins, who was an EMT working in North Carolina. As part of a storyline, Mankins entered the ring to tend to Michael Modest and Christopher Daniels, who were selling leg injuries inflicted by Scott Steiner. As Mankins entered the ring, Steiner struck him twice and he was charged with assault the following morning. The charges were dropped after it was determined Steiner was not made aware Mankins was an actual EMT and not an actor. That same year, Steiner also fought backstage with WCW road agent Terry Taylor.

There are various other incidents, but these are among the most well known. With Steiner's challenge, I'm sure that it's being done partially to generate interest and publicity for the upcoming event in Queens, NY and to hype himself. After all, we all know there's virtually no chance of Hogan showing up to this thing and Steiner himself is well aware of that. At the same time, the more I read about stuff like this, the more I personally feel sorry for Steiner; the man's 52 years old, yet he behaves like some amped up, stupid 19 year old kid who's either too stupid to use good judgment or simply doesn't care to exercise it. Also, Hulk Hogan's, literally about 9 years older than Steiner and has had a busload of problems when it comes to his body. Over the past 10 years or so, Hogan's had both knees replaced, I know he's had at least one hip replacement though I think he MIGHT have both replaced as well, he's undergone a variety of painful surgeries in order to repair and essentially rebuild his back so that he can actually function without being debilitated by crippling pain 24/7 and he's not getting any younger. If Steiner is serious about wanting to beat Hogan up, it just makes him look pathetic in my eyes as Hogan's almost 62 years old and his body's just plain worn out. Like Steiner, Hogan has a BIG mouth and is a shameless self-promoter, but that goes with the territory when it comes to wrestling; but Hogan's also an old man who's body is broken down and who has nothing but words and hype.
Scott Steiner is a certifiable lunatic, or just a plain asshole if you look at his history. Hogan isn't going to accept this challenge, the man can barely walk to the ring, never mind get into it with a nutbar like Steiner.

You have to kind of feel sorry for someone like Steiner. He could have retired and lived comfortably appearing here and there when it suited him. As it is, he's a train wreck. It would be interesting to see if he actually has a million dollars to pony up. If he does, it makes this story even sadder.
If Steiner had a million dollars would he still be wrestling in town halls?

This is great though. WWE should bring him back on their next reunion show. Not for Hogan's amusement, for mine.
Haha, Scott Steiner just gets weirder and weirder.

This is just ridiculous, Hogan is not going to show up for this event. All that will happen (as Steiner well knows) is that he'll get in the ring, call out Hogan and then just absue him over the mic when The Hulkster doesn't show up. Thats all.

As insane as he is, I do enjoy seeing and hearing stories about what a total nutjob Steiner is. What a character.
Scott Stiener has always been a bully. The only time he was an exciting performer was in the early 90s when he was teaming with him brotherin WCW and WWF. But upon reflection and reading about this guy - you see why WWF never put the tags on these two bullies.
There's a little Scott Steiner in all of us, there's the good and bad consciences and then there's the balls out insane rage of our Scott Steiner persona.

I remember when I was young, ProWrestling Illustrated was all about Scott Steiner. He was looking to be that generation's Bruno Sammartino based on the articles they would do on him when he started teaming up with Rick. I'm thinking that his immaturity comes from having been glorified at such a young age, only to never get a serious place at the top. Sure, he was the World Champion at one time. I can't for the life of myself remember how or when it happened, though I do remember it was during the waning years of WCW.

I'm sure all of us have known assholes who've succeeded so well in life that they destroy any faith we might have in the concept of karma, I'm also sure that all of us are mature enough to just let it go when those assholes do succeed.

Scott is a mess of emotional rage and a grandiose sense of entitlement. I think he should be the first (I assume) drug free person to check into the accountability crib with DDP, if only to be counseled on how to behave in public. Scott needs to understand that he doesn't need to remind Hogan of how he feels about him, he left about a thousand tweets explaining his hatred for Hogan before I had to stop following him.

Scott is in a mental state now where he's damn determined to make you realize that he doesn't care what you think, if for any moment we forget about him he'll drive an SUV through our houses just to scream at the top of his lungs that he wants us to forget about him.

I think Scott needs to add some new caveats to his challenge. Scott will donate one million to a charity of Hogan's choice if Hogan can slam him, and Scott will remain passive during the attempt. No going Tasmanian devil on Hogan, just do it for charity. If Hogan's back gives out, he has to donate to a charity of Scott Steiner's choice. This might start a trend among pro-wrestlers to drum up good PR and help out the less fortunate. Wealthy investors who happen to be pro-wrestling fans can invest in a fund raiser and get to settle a disagreement among their friends regarding who can or cannot slam who.

Scott, we still love you buddy.
Steiner only really had one big contract at the end of his WCW run, and his WWE run didn't last long, and didn't include many main events. Id be surprised if he could come up with a million dollars but.....

While Hogan isn't scheduled for this event Ric Flair & Brett Hart are....I wonder if he'll start any trouble with them.....

This is just a publicity stunt for Steiner, trying to generate some interest in him, he's way past his physical prime and his reputation for "not getting along with others" makes him hard to deal with (an un-attractive, a loose cannon who doesn't draw much money).

If he's smart he'll be on his best behavior and not do anything to cause himself any further problems....he's already persona non grata with WWE over the recent threats to Hogan's wife (causing trouble for Hart or Flair would only make that worse by the way) so he needs to show he isn't a lunatic to get smaller feds, and autograph shows like this to even pay his appearance fees. Otherwise he'll be broke
Scott Steiner scares the shit out of me. If I saw him walking down the street, I'd probably run the other way. Guy is certifiable.

That being said, I can't get enough of these Steiner stories. He's so off his rocker that he could host a one man show in Vegas by grabbing a mic and ranting for a few hours. The challenge is obviously nonsense and there is zero chance of Hogan showing up of course, but it makes for another great notch on Steiner's legendary rap sheet. Wasn't Steiner much more calm when he was younger? It seems like once he became "Big Poppa Pump" he lost his fucking mind.
Scott Steiner hating on Stephanie calling her a douchebag.

Scott Steiner hates Triple H.

Scott Steiner hates Shawn Michaels.

Scott Steiner hates Ric Flair.

The guy should be on a mental hospital.

Something is very wrong with this asshole.


Steiner is crazy, I really think the steroids got to his head very early on. He is a thug mixed with gorilla on steroids. Buuuuuuuttt.......Steiner = Ratings FOR ME

He is a special attraction for me, its like watching Scary Movie or Naked Gun, you have to expect alot of bat shit crazy moments out of the left while being entertained. But he is old and crazy and wants people to look at him.
I just get the feeling that Hogan would probably smash him even though he's pretty much disabled. Hogan is trained in Boxing and has a longer reach than Steiner, so I don't think steiner would be able to get close enough to do any damage if it really came down to it. If Steiner did get in close, then Hogan sill has the size and height advantage anyway and he knows pretty much the same if not more wrestling skills than steiner.

This is what always happens, someone comes out with a big mouth and picks on someone they think is fair game and they end up being destroyed. Happens all the time.
Man, Steiner challenging an old man who can barely walk to the ring, he must be basically the toughest motherfucker on earth.

Steiner doesn't have a million to put up.

What a pathetic fucking loser.
This is so surreal, but also feels about 20 years out of date.

Steiner may not have a million dollars to put up, but Hogan doesn't need the payday either.
Ok I think Vince should capitalise on this. He should offer Steiner the opportunity to do this at Summerslam 2015. He should leave the ball in Hogans court and let him decide whether or not he will attempt to enter the ring with Steiner.

They could play an injury angle with Hogan to protect him and send out Brock Lesnar. See what Steiner is really made of. :)

Also - $1m is not a lot of money. I am sure someone like Scott Steiner who was paid very well in WCW, Had a two year stint in WWE and then a long run in TNA will have this amount stashed away. He still may be doing the indie scene and the town halls but maybe he actually enjoys the pro wrestling business and is simply trying to stay relevant?!
Well, that certainly had all the eloquence of a typical Scott Steiner promo.
Let's see here, we've got a beef between him and Hogan that has made news, and a wrestling event coming up that Scott Steiner is featured in.
Sounds like he's just giving a bad promo to try and draw fans to the event he mentioned. although, I believe there is genuine real life heat between the two, I don't think there will be any kind of response from Hogan, and Steiner's true intentions where to promote the event.
too bad he didn't throw in a "Big Bad Booty daddy" in there.

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