Scott Steiner is leaving TNA?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Source Wrestling Observer Newsletter: "Scott Steiner is heavily rumored to be on his way out of TNA following this Sunday's Bound for Glory pay-per-view. He is said to be on the bubble as a result of his friendship with Jeff Jarrett and because company president Dixie Carter has never been a big fan of his.

There were rumors a few weeks ago indicating he had given notice, but it appears management made the call in this case."

If this is the case then that would imply Booker T and Steiner will drop their tag team titles at BFG. I've actually enjoyed Steiner in TNA but admit he's past his prime and this will be a blow to TNAs ratings because he has drawing power. Scott Steiners run in TNA has not been impressive though but i still enjoyed his interviews and some of his matches. It will be sad to see him go.

I like Steiner in TNA but you're right he is past his prime and i beleave it is time for him to hang up his boots for good. So I think they will drop the titles at BFG I would think to beer money but it could be British invasion if thy really want things to get heated between WE and MEM. Ether way I think its time for them to drop the titles. I have never been a fan of Scott but he will be missed.
I have always been a Scott Steiner Fan but think he could still be in the main event if he wouldn't have done steroids like he did. He really can't go like he used to. I hate to see him go though as I think he is very entertaining. I just wish he wouldn't had abused teh roids like he did. I could see him as a huge star if he didn't.
I wish steiner had got a better push on tna, but he's had a series of injuries during his time there. i would have liked to have seen him and rick get the tag titles when they feuded with team 3d, but what can you do. To me he has been one of the more entertaining parts of the program. his promos have been hilarious, which is good because the tna writers suck. I will miss him, in his prime he was very underrated
Steiner's run in TNA has been less than memorable, much like the run of his counterpart Booker T. Neither has proven they can improve ratings and the luster has worn off of both their once-stellar careers; fans can now see them in a much truer light: they are old, and clutching at the last shred of legitimacy they have.

You have to give Big Poppa Pump his props though - working through injuries and old age, he can take some good bumps and make the newer talent look good. I have to admit, I popped when he delivered the first Frankensteiner in seemingly years and years a while back, and made it look pretty easy in fact. But, I think his age and injuries are finally catching up with him, and he cannot go like he used to. Honestly, his career has been on the down slope ever since WCW went out of business.

Steiner will always be remembered for his short fuse and freakish physique. And for overstaying his welcome...not like he wasn't wanted, but his body needed to stop years ago.
As much as I love Scotty, it's about fucking time. When he first came to TNA honestly he shocked me with his enthusiasm in the ring. Anyone remember at Lockdown 2007 when he pulled out a fucking moonsault and a Frankensteiner? Yeah, I marked out big time in that match. Since then though he's gone back to being the lazy worker we saw in the WWE. His mic work has diminished greatly as well. Really, the only thing he and Booker T are doing in TNA right now are wasting valuable TV time, and I'm a fan of both men. It's time they moved on frankly, atleast for now so long as TNA only has 2 hours of TV time per week.
sorry about the bad spelling,grammer.
steiners best days have past.i agree his promos are gold.their entertaining and funny.his wrestling skills have gotten bad.but for the most his good, most importantly his entertaining
After what he pulled off Sunday, I hope he doesn't leave. TNA is doing a lot better than they have recently, and what they really need is a top-flight heel. Steiner can easily take over that role, and feud with someone like Hernandez, who desperately needs an opponent. Angle and Nash seem to be the only ME level heels, and both have other programs going now.

Steiner v. Hernandez would be a decent PPV quality match, especially if Scotty can pull out whatever that was he did Sunday.
Boy am I glad he stayed. He was great tonight, and showed that he still has "it". He cut a fantastic promo, and his attack on Lashley really looked like he still has the fire for the business. He was wearing that shirt (which I want to find on TNAShop now), and even busted out the Steiner Recliner.

The only thing that could have made his time on Impact any better would have been a Frankensteiner, but I guess they need to save something for next week.
I like Steiner, as long as no one hands him a microphone...I remember some old WCW promos that were so bad that I actually felt embarrassed for him. None the less, he was a great part of the MEM as a thug and I do hope he sticks around for a bit longer as I feel he still has a lot to offer. I would have loved to see him feud with Kurt Angle while they were both still in their prime....
Seriously? "As long as no one hands him a mic"? He's a great mic worker. You have to remember the level of drugs he was probably on through the late 90s, and he was still able to pull off some great promos. Before then, and ever since, he is a great mic worker, and has done some solid work for the 2 weeks that he's been feuding with Lashley.

Lashley is never going to be promo gold, so it's really up to him to work the talking end of the feud.
Seriously? "As long as no one hands him a mic"? He's a great mic worker. You have to remember the level of drugs he was probably on through the late 90s, and he was still able to pull off some great promos. Before then, and ever since, he is a great mic worker, and has done some solid work for the 2 weeks that he's been feuding with Lashley.

Lashley is never going to be promo gold, so it's really up to him to work the talking end of the feud.

We'll have to agree to disagree about Steiner's mic work, however I totally agree with you about Lashley....his mic skills are pretty bad. He definitely needs a contemporary version of Bobby Heenan or a Captin Lou to be his voice and provide him with a little character.
I've always been a huge mark for Steiner – hell his theme is my ring-tone, but he's about reached his end with TNA. The Lashley feud doesn't look all that promising, and certainly doesn't have much longevity.

TNA doesn't really need Steiner as much as Steiner needs TNA at this point. They've essentially got the new Steiner in Morgan, anyway. "Genetically Jacked, Athletically Stacked" and the "DNA of TNA" are quite obviously tributes to "Big Poppa Pump" and "The Genetic Freak".

The only thing I'd miss about Steiner is his incredible mic work. The guy can turn any interview into comedy gold. Case in point? "Mike Morgan" from a few weeks ago.
I honestly believe some of that mic work is part of his character. If thats the best the man can speak in everyday conversation then its no way he could handle basic life needs.
I don't want him to go, partly beacuse of his speech on the mic, like "the samoa joe is fat!" quote.

I think you mean "Sloppy Joe". But yeah, I agree. I love how well he can poke fun at other wresters. He did the same with Matt Morgan calling him Mike Morgan the other week, then asking "well, who the hell is Matt, then?" :D
Ah the Mike Morgan quote. I personally think that he legitimately thought the name was Mike, but it could've been worked and was pretty awesome either way. The point is that Scott Steiner still has something to give wrestling, I think that his mic work is perfect for his character because its him. A jacked up meat head who thinks he's superior to everyone else. Now his in ring work is certainly not what it once was, however, Scotty can still do a pretty decent hardcore/gimmick match, or a short 10 minute power match. He can still sell decently, and has the ability to really step it up. I hope Scotty sticks around for a little while longer.
Ah the Mike Morgan quote. I personally think that he legitimately thought the name was Mike, but it could've been worked and was pretty awesome either way. The point is that Scott Steiner still has something to give wrestling, I think that his mic work is perfect for his character because its him. A jacked up meat head who thinks he's superior to everyone else. Now his in ring work is certainly not what it once was, however, Scotty can still do a pretty decent hardcore/gimmick match, or a short 10 minute power match. He can still sell decently, and has the ability to really step it up. I hope Scotty sticks around for a little while longer.

I actually thought so too, but he recovered so well and despite bumbling his interview (like he's done dozens upon dozens of times in his career) he turned into comedy gold!
Big Poppa Pump is hilarious!! I wish they would already put the Motor City Mafia together before it’s “too late”. Nash and Steiner paired up with Shelly and Sabin would be gold, in my opinion. They could go from comedy to serious and back. Can you picture Scott doing the MCMG hand sign?? Wait, can his hands reach each other?? #@#@!!
I don't want him to go, partly beacuse of his speech on the mic, like "the samoa joe is fat!" quote.

The best part was when he was interrupted by Angle and he slipped in "but he's fat".

And don't forget when he called Petey Williams, "Make Believe Muscle". Pure win.
The best part was when he was interrupted by Angle and he slipped in "but he's fat".

lol "calm down Scott, calm down"

"But he's FAT!!"

Anyway, I think Scott's probably the funniest guy in TNA right now, with Booker being a close second. Has Booker been on TNA recently? I havent watched sadly.

If he leaves than thats up to him, at least he'll be helping to make Lashley look good before he goes, if he stays all the better, dude fucking cracks me up.
The best part was when he was interrupted by Angle and he slipped in "but he's fat".

And don't forget when he called Petey Williams, "Make Believe Muscle". Pure win.

Make Believe Muscle! OMG! :lol:

I completely forgot about that.

It's like it's been said over and over... he turns any segment into comedy gold!
I have to say i'm not suprised. I never cared too much for Steiner, I liked him and Rick when they were dominating the tag-team division, but that's about it. I always felt he was just too overhyped. I did pop a little when I saw the Steiner Recliner though. I agree TNA needs a full blown heel, I just don't think Steiner is the man to do that right now. Is he still fully recovered? I know he almost died or some shit. I think he needs to take his ball and go home while he still has some of his good health left.
Steiner can still pull it out when he wants to, but I don't think he really wants to anymore. He's definitely never going to get back to WWE, so he may as well stay in TNA for as long as he wishes. There has never been a muscle bound adonis as a TNA Champion, which is probably why Booker T ended up leaving, but with the creative changes, I can see that changing. For me, Steiner should be kept for the bigger shows and basically mollycoddled the rest of the time because his steroid abuse has clearly weakened him. I'd give him another year, and maybe put him in the main event scene, but I probably wouldn't have him wrestling more than twice a month.
We all know Steiner is hysterical, whether intentional or not. But it's time for him to be done. He can barely move anymore and it's painful to watch his matches nowadays. I always liked Steiner, but it's time for this dog to be put to pasture. Is that the right expression? I don't care.
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