Scott Hall suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Getting Noticed By Management

Kevin Nash has updated his blog on with an update on the heath of his longtime friend, Scott Hall. We wish there was better news to report here .. According to Nash, Scott Hall is going through a very dark period, one of his worst ever. Nash explains that Scott's problems are a lot deeper than substance abuse and asks people to see Hall as a human being like all of us, with feelings and problems that might ultimately take him down for good.

Here's part of what Nash wrote:

"Over the last few weeks, since the horrifying New England appearance of Scott Hall, my Twitter page has blown up with plea’s to help Scott. First of all, nobody has to ASK me to help Scott Hall. I consider Scott like a brother. He’s much more than a friend. I have spent more time with Scott Hall in the last 18 years than I have with my wife in the 23 years we’ve been married. We have no secrets between each other. This is ‘real life’. Nobody knows what Scott has gone thru since early childhood to what he has gone thru up unto this point, except for me. I can tell you Scott Hall has neither a drug or alcohol addiction, Scott’s problem is he suffer’s from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Drugs and alcohol aren’t the problem, to Scott they are the solution. He is a fragile and broken human being, not a race horse that you take a whip to to perform. Scott Hall is in bad shape and each time I talk to him I feel it may be the last. It’s gotten to the point where I save his voice mails, much like I would’ve saved Andrew’s (Test), because I knew sometimes when I heard his message it could be the last. The media will want to blame wrestling when Scott passes. Scott was broken way before he broke into the ring for the first time."

Hmm .. I feel bad for Hall.. I mean its simply sad.. :(
I get that some folks are concerned for Scott, and god bless Kevin Nash for REPEATEDLY sticking by hall and trying to help the guy.

But, I got a couple problems with the sitch...

1)When are they gonna have to get tough with Scott? Not talking being mean, I'm talking tough love. If Scott is worth it, then when is Scott gonna realize " Big Kev loves me like a Bro--- I gotta get better and stop this for Kev, For My Kids" I get the Race Horse/Whip analogy, but there has to be an effort on Scotts part-- a real one, a powerful one that respectst all the help you guys gave him.

If the PTS-disorder is true, then I don't mean to be harsh. ( but why are we just now hearing about it )

2) The thing I can't seem to get is why Hall get so many passes with fans , but Jeff Hardy gets slammed hardcore? Don't get me wrong, I'm no Hardy fan, but guys, at least be consistent.

3) MY REAL problem with the sitch is this twitter deal. More pointedly, IMO,...

A WALKING PEICE OF SHIT LIKE SEAN WALTMAN. If those were really his tweets,....He calls Hall's kids mother all kinds of crap on his twitter while crying about airing out personal crap. Does he even see the hypocrisy? Yeah she shouldn't have done it, but if she couldn't reach anyone, then Im not sure I'd be too mad.

Instead of saying " I'll see what i can do--for your/his kids, can i call you so we not discuss on twitter?" He calls her "asshole". Really and what does that make Xpac--- I'll start,...howzabout a dogs rectum?

Im so tired of hearing this, IMO, drugged up greaseball run his stupid mouth. Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash have carried this sack of crap and its old.

He's ignorant, all he can do is insult folks he disagrees with. To me, the guy constantly comes off as a turd.

Ill admit I was never a fan of Hall as a wrestler--ever. But I hope the dude can find the strength to get the help, to stick with it and find peace and happiness--for everyone involved. When he tried to get in shape in his later days in TNA , I was hoping that would be the beginning of good days for him.

But he's gotta get away from Sean Waltman....he did wonders for Chyna.

note: MODS.. if gotta censor/ban me... no biggie, but those tweets set me off. I apologize only if i offended anyone.
I am showing this being posted twice in this section, I guess there was a clitch in the system.. I'll PM a mod to remove this one.
...What the FUCK did Hall do that caused him to have post-traumatic stress disorder? Are you shitting me? What happened, his dealer run out of pills? Jesus PTSD is something fucking soldiers returning from war get, not a junkie who makes a fool of himself in public and still gets paid for it.

This is the biggest bullshit excuse I've ever heard. Scott Hall does not have PTSD for fucks sake.
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A WALKING PEICE OF SHIT LIKE SEAN WALTMAN. If those were really his tweets,....He calls Hall's kids mother all kinds of crap on his twitter while crying about airing out personal crap. Does he even see the hypocrisy? Yeah she shouldn't have done it, but if she couldn't reach anyone, then Im not sure I'd be too mad.

Instead of saying " I'll see what i can do--for your/his kids, can i call you so we not discuss on twitter?" He calls her "asshole". Really and what does that make Xpac--- I'll start,...howzabout a dogs rectum?

Im so tired of hearing this, IMO, drugged up greaseball run his stupid mouth. Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash have carried this sack of crap and its old.

He's ignorant, all he can do is insult folks he disagrees with. To me, the guy constantly comes off as a turd.

You really just picked out things from that report and just choose to ignore everything else, huh? Pac didn't call her an asshole until she acted like a fucking asshole. That twat got on fucking Twitter to stir up drama, she deserved to be told the fuck off. There's no reason for this situation to be thrown out there in the public eye like that and instead of keeping it behind closed doors like everyone else is, that fucking cunt went public with it. I actually felt like this was pretty human of him to do since he had every right to tear this ignorant bitch down, but he actually was very respectful to her(once he realized who she was) and told her to talk to him in private.

I know hating on Waltman is the cool thing to do with you kids these days, but make sure you have a legit reason first. Less you want to come off looking like an idiot.
You know fighting in a war is not a requirement to get post traumatic stress disorder right? I'd wager that there are far more drug addicts suffering from it than soldiers.
You really just picked out things from that report and just choose to ignore everything else, huh? Pac didn't call her an asshole until she acted like a fucking asshole. That twat got on fucking Twitter to stir up drama, she deserved to be told the fuck off. There's no reason for this situation to be thrown out there in the public eye like that and instead of keeping it behind closed doors like everyone else is, that fucking cunt went public with it. I actually felt like this was pretty human of him to do since he had every right to tear this ignorant bitch down, but he actually was very respectful to her(once he realized who she was) and told her to talk to him in private.

I know hating on Waltman is the cool thing to do with you kids these days, but make sure you have a legit reason first. Less you want to come off looking like an idiot.

Bullcrap....IMO , dudes been a douchebag all his career. You're a tool for ignoring Waltman being a druggie prick. He can't keep a job with a promotion---am I imagining that ? its always someone else fault with him and why is that almost every time you see him, his eyes are glazed over?

As far as Scotts ex, If folks aren't telling her whats going on, then I understand why she did it, I didn't say it was cool, but when asswipes like you call women-- ***** ,you get what you get.....

and I got news for ya...The fact that the wrestling sites report on the Hall let me go further, when Scott shows up blasted outta his mind at a show, then He makes it a situation thats get reported.....

It was already out there, she didn't make anything much worse than what it was. They have kids and she has to do what she has to.


I hope he gets helped for good, he can do better and I sincerely wish him well.
You know fighting in a war is not a requirement to get post traumatic stress disorder right? I'd wager that there are far more drug addicts suffering from it than soldiers.

Fair enough, but as I understand it, post traumatic stress disorder does involve some form of stressor. If not a war, then there should be some significant stressing factor to bring PTSD on, and most of us are unaware of any such stressor for Hall which apparently pre-dates his wrestling career.

Seems a little random and out of the blue to me, and a little convenient. Because as far as I know, the only stressor in Hall's life is how or where he will find his next fix or his next drink.

Don't get me wrong, I was a big fan of Scott Hall and would love to see him get his shit together. I am sympathetic to his situation. I just don't like seeing his situation get rationalized away with bullshit which is not true.
...What the FUCK did Hall do that caused him to have post-traumatic stress disorder? Are you shitting me? What happened, his dealer run out of pills? Jesus PTSD is something fucking soldiers returning from war get, not a junkie who makes a fool of himself in public and still gets paid for it.

This is the biggest bullshit excuse I've ever heard. Scott Hall does not have PTSD for fucks sake.
Fair enough, but as I understand it, post traumatic stress disorder does involve some form of stressor. If not a war, then there should be some significant stressing factor to bring PTSD on, and most of us are unaware of any such stressor for Hall which apparently pre-dates his wrestling career.

When I read the blog, the very first thing that sprang to my mind was child abuse, probably sexual in nature, which CAN lead to PTSD. PTSD is not limited to going to war.

I'm not saying that's what happened, or even that's what Nash is implying, but when I read that, it was the very first thing which came to my mind.
Fair enough, but as I understand it, post traumatic stress disorder does involve some form of stressor. If not a war, then there should be some significant stressing factor to bring PTSD on, and most of us are unaware of any such stressor for Hall which apparently pre-dates his wrestling career.

Seems a little random and out of the blue to me, and a little convenient. Because as far as I know, the only stressor in Hall's life is how or where he will find his next fix or his next drink.

Don't get me wrong, I was a big fan of Scott Hall and would love to see him get his shit together. I am sympathetic to his situation. I just don't like seeing his situation get rationalized away with bullshit which is not true.

Definitely see what your saying, but PTSD can afflict folks from other sources...A buddy of mine, his mother who's a bit older was afflicted with from a bad car crash and was diagnosed--- it can happen .
Bullcrap....IMO , dudes been a douchebag all his career. You're a tool for ignoring Waltman being a druggie prick. He can't keep a job with a promotion---am I imagining that ? its always someone else fault with him and why is that almost every time you see him, his eyes are glazed over?

I never defended what he's done in the past, but in this case he had every right to dress her down. She acted like a jilted bitch that wanted attention, she got it.

As far as Scotts ex, If folks aren't telling her whats going on, then I understand why she did it, I didn't say it was cool, but when asswipes like you call women-- ***** ,you get what you get.....

She went straight to the public with it, she didn't try to DM anyone. But are you really trying to play this bullshit about me calling a woman a twat? You have been insulting Waltman for shit you thought was fucked up, why is it any worse for me to insult a woman for acting like a bitch? I show no favoritism for a woman, if she acts like a fucking twat I'll call her a fucking twat.

and I got news for ya...The fact that the wrestling sites report on the Hall let me go further, when Scott shows up blasted outta his mind, then He makes it a situation thats get reported.....

You know, a comma would work just fine. It would make your posts look at least halfway intelligent as opposed to this garbage. Yes, he made the situation, but everyone that really cared about him kept it behind closed doors. This attention mongering cunt decided it would be better to go to the public with it and make herself look like a fucking moron, she deserved to be dressed down.

It was already out there, she didn't make anything much worse than what it was. They have kids and she has to do what she has to.

This is the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard. So the fact the they have kids together makes it ok to completely disregard anything resembling common courtesy just to get a quick 15 minutes of fame? She's just doing it for attention.

Come back and talk to me when you make it out of the 7th grade.
Fair enough, but as I understand it, post traumatic stress disorder does involve some form of stressor. If not a war, then there should be some significant stressing factor to bring PTSD on, and most of us are unaware of any such stressor for Hall which apparently pre-dates his wrestling career.

Seems a little random and out of the blue to me, and a little convenient. Because as far as I know, the only stressor in Hall's life is how or where he will find his next fix or his next drink.

Don't get me wrong, I was a big fan of Scott Hall and would love to see him get his shit together. I am sympathetic to his situation. I just don't like seeing his situation get rationalized away with bullshit which is not true.

This is just a hunch, but I'd imagine that a decades long battle with drugs and alcohol can serve as quite an effective source of psychological trauma.

Actually that's a lie, I did a few minutes reading before posting, so it's not just a hunch.
I never defended what he's done in the past, but in this case he had every right to dress her down. She acted like a jilted bitch that wanted attention, she got it.

She went straight to the public with it, she didn't try to DM anyone. But are you really trying to play this bullshit about me calling a woman a twat? You have been insulting Waltman for shit you thought was fucked up, why is it any worse for me to insult a woman for acting like a bitch? I show no favoritism for a woman, if she acts like a fucking twat I'll call her a fucking twat.

You know, a comma would work just fine. It would make your posts look at least halfway intelligent as opposed to this garbage. Yes, he made the situation, but everyone that really cared about him kept it behind closed doors. This attention mongering cunt decided it would be better to go to the public with it and make herself look like a fucking moron, she deserved to be dressed down.

This is the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard. So the fact the they have kids together makes it ok to completely disregard anything resembling common courtesy just to get a quick 15 minutes of fame? She's just doing it for attention.

Come back and talk to me when you make it out of the 7th grade.

Everything that comes outta your posts are a "crock of shit"

When you got no argument, trolls like you go for the grammar.

Again, I said I didn't agree with what she did, but I wouldn't attack anyone and call them a asshole or twat or cunt ...but let me call it like it is, you're a douchebag, plain and simple.

"If " those guys are holed up and for whatever reason not letting folks know where Hall is, then I say , do what ya gotta do.

Y'see , the situation woulda' been easily diffused if Shitman had just said " pm me or call me i'll help if i can." but instead acted like a classless punk.

I don't know her, I can't speak to why she posted the tweets, I don't really care, but i can only go on her words. If She was concerned and concerned for her kids I can read her heart and mind. Folks do stupid things in an emergency--- outta haste, outta blind reaction. Maybe to embarrass Hall, maybe ....but do you know that for sure? Why is that reason to attack her? Ah because internet trolls love to hit and run ...thats why.

Im done with this, I've said the points I wanted to make...Im done here.
I'm sorry but being a drug addict doesn't give you PTSD. Trust me, my entire family were/are drug addicts and so was I for a long time. Just being addicted to drugs isn't traumatic enough to give you PTSD. It can ruin your life and destroy your mental state, but that's still not PTSD. You have to actually have, you know, some big trauma happen to you. Going to war, a car crash, watching a loved one die, etc. Not just being a depressed drug addict for 20 years. This is nothing but another bullshit excuse in a long line of them to try and excuse Hall's behavior and to try and make it seem like his drug addiction isn't his main problem, when it clearly is. "Oh no, it's not the drugs! He has PTSD! That's why his life sucks!" Fucking puh-lease Kevin Nash.
I'm sorry but being a drug addict doesn't give you PTSD. Trust me, my entire family were/are drug addicts and so was I for a long time. Just being addicted to drugs isn't traumatic enough to give you PTSD. It can ruin your life and destroy your mental state, but that's still not PTSD. You have to actually have, you know, some big trauma happen to you. Going to war, a car crash, watching a loved one die, etc. Not just being a depressed drug addict for 20 years. This is nothing but another bullshit excuse in a long line of them to try and excuse Hall's behavior and to try and make it seem like his drug addiction isn't his main problem, when it clearly is. "Oh no, it's not the drugs! He has PTSD! That's why his life sucks!" Fucking puh-lease Kevin Nash.

...At what point did Nash claim that drugs and alcohol caused Hall's PTSD (if he has it)? I read it as he abuses drugs and alcohol because he has PTSD. The way he mentioned that "only he knows what he want through in his childhood" makes me think that the traumatic stress (if he had one) was that he was abused as a kid.
...At what point did Nash claim that drugs and alcohol caused Hall's PTSD (if he has it)?

...At what point did I? I mentioned his drug addiction because that's the main issue that Hall has publicly struggled with for 20 years, so it would be the most obvious contributing factor to something like this.

I read it as he abuses drugs and alcohol because he has PTSD. The way he mentioned that "only he knows what he want through in his childhood" makes me think that the traumatic stress (if he had one) was that he was abused as a kid.

Well he was fuckin' fine and dandy mental-health wise throughout the 80s and into the 90s, so I highly doubt something traumatic like that happened to him in his childhood unless he just managed to repress it for 30 years. Which he very well could have.

I just don't believe it. Not for one second. Not from classless people like Hall and Nash. Sounds like a bullshit excuse. Just my take on it.
You know, and I may be guessing here......oh screw the stupid stuff on this one.

Here's a thought: MAYBE THERE IS STUFF IN HIS LIFE WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT. Good grief the people in here are making my head hurt. We know Scott Hall as a character, not the real person. I have no idea what he's gone through in his life or what trauma he might have gone through. Nash knows him rather well so I'd bet it's something he knows that we don't. There's a reason Nash didn't say what it was: it's none of our business. Maybe he's telling the truth, maybe he's not, but the people in here saying point blank that Hall doesn't have PTSD are idiots if they believe they know what could be wrong with him because I guarantee you that you have no proof at all of anything.
Apparently my post got missed, or ignored...
This is nothing but another bullshit excuse in a long line of them to try and excuse Hall's behavior and to try and make it seem like his drug addiction isn't his main problem, when it clearly is. "Oh no, it's not the drugs! He has PTSD! That's why his life sucks!" Fucking puh-lease Kevin Nash.

When I read the blog, the very first thing that sprang to my mind was child abuse, probably sexual in nature, which CAN lead to PTSD. PTSD is not limited to going to war.

I'm not saying that's what happened, or even that's what Nash is implying, but when I read that, it was the very first thing which came to my mind.

Well he was fuckin' fine and dandy mental-health wise throughout the 80s and into the 90s, so I highly doubt something traumatic like that happened to him in his childhood unless he just managed to repress it for 30 years. Which he very well could have.

I just don't believe it. Not for one second. Not from classless people like Hall and Nash. Sounds like a bullshit excuse. Just my take on it.
In response to the bolded, not according to Nash:

Nash said:
The media will want to blame wrestling when Scott passes. Scott was broken way before he broke into the ring for the first time.
It's in the last line posted in the opening post.
...At what point did I? I mentioned his drug addiction because that's the main issue that Hall has publicly struggled with for 20 years.

Well, at the point you adamantly started talking about how drug addiction can't cause PTSD makes me think that you were.

Well he was fuckin' fine and dandy mental-health wise throughout the 80s and into the 90s, so I highly doubt something traumatic like that happened to him in his childhood unless he just managed to repress it for 30 years. Which he very well could have.

I just don't believe it. Not for one second. Not from classless people like Hall and Nash. Sounds like a bullshit excuse. Just my take on it.

You: "he was fine and dandy mental-health wise throughout the 80s and into the 90s."

Nash: "Scott was broken way before he broke into the ring for the first time."

Seems to me that you and Nash disagree on Hall's mental health back in the 80s and 90s and I'm going to go ahead and take Nash's word on it. He does know first hand what Scott was like back in the day and spent shedloads of time on the road with him.
...What the FUCK did Hall do that caused him to have post-traumatic stress disorder? Are you shitting me? What happened, his dealer run out of pills? Jesus PTSD is something fucking soldiers returning from war get, not a junkie who makes a fool of himself in public and still gets paid for it.

This is the biggest bullshit excuse I've ever heard. Scott Hall does not have PTSD for fucks sake.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

<33 <3
...What the FUCK did Hall do that caused him to have post-traumatic stress disorder? Are you shitting me? What happened, his dealer run out of pills? Jesus PTSD is something fucking soldiers returning from war get, not a junkie who makes a fool of himself in public and still gets paid for it.

This is the biggest bullshit excuse I've ever heard. Scott Hall does not have PTSD for fucks sake.

While I agree that this is probably just another excuse, you can get PTSD from pretty much anything. People easily get mild cases from getting pulled over by the police.

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