Scariest Moment of your life

Senor Coconut

Residant G.
Mine would have had to be when i went downstairs with my cousin to get a snack but when we went upstairs we saw my mom and his mom sitting on iestmy bed and crying and I asked them what was wrong they told me that my dad had died in his sleep (heart attack) I didnt know how to respond so i just started crying and left the room

What was/is the scariest moment of your life?
Scariest moment in my life - Got to be whenever I asked my fiancee's dad for permission to ask her to marry me. I have never been as terrified about anything as I was about asking that question to him.

Add to this the fact that he ignored the question and continued on with cooking his dinner and I was ready to run out of the room. I think if it weren't for the fact his wife was there and made him answer me, I'd have left. Trust's harder than asking the girl!
For me it would be when my grades came out and while already being on probation, it looked like I had been suspended from college. There was no way I could explain something like this to my family, period. Turned out in the end I had miscalculated and was actually safe, but it was a terrifying 6 hours.
I think I have two moments that really scared me. The first is probably when I ended up in the hospital with a 106 degree fever. All I can remember is being scared that I was going to die, and the doctors said that I almost did.

The second, and I consider this the scariest, happened a few years ago. My sister had just gotten a job and had just started driving and one night it was raining really, really hard and she was supposed to be home hours ago. I was so scared that something had happened to her. It's probably one of the reasons why I have so much anxiety over her now.

Flames Out
Out of all the events that have happened in my life, I'd say the two worst moments, or "scariest" moments would be as follows. (In this order)

1. Father Almost Dying: My Father is a very strong willed individual, but I'm not stupid enough to think he'll live forever. However I'm pretty sure noone is prepared for when the day comes that you do lose your Parents. That Day almost happened for me in June of 2002.

I was with who later became my (now ex) fiancee, and we were walking around the town square, the mini park. I received a phone call from my Mother saying I needed to come to the hospital and she at the end of the conversation broke down crying. Now at this point in time my Father had already over came several heart-attacks and heart-surgeries. On top of that, I only got phone calls in the middle of the night (it was like 2a.m.) when it was deadly serious, so I knew instantly something was badly wrong.

I rushed to the hospital, and unlike all the previous times before then when I'd gone to see my Father in the hospital, this time I had a shakiness about me. When I got there, the very first person I was confronted by was a Doctor.. which did not make my nerves any calmer.

I was told that as of that moment, my Father's chances of surviving, were at 8%. EIGHT! I was informed that he was basically slipping in and out of a coma at that point, and they were going to try to stablize him a bit more then transfer him to Iowa City.

The ending to this, was my Father being in a coma-like state, (self-induced) for about roughly a month and a half. He ended up having another major heart-surgery, and pulled through. However that was without a doubt the worse moment in my life.

2. Miscarriage: Normally I'd say the second worst moment in my life was when I had my ankle ran over, and I had to have a pair of reconstructive surgeries to put me back together. However, I'm going to say the moment that hurt worse, that was more "scary" for me than anything under my Father.. would've been losing my unofficial first child.

My Wife & I found out she was pregnant on her Birthday. We found out because she wouldn't stop bleeding badly, for almost a week and a half. And it was on her birthday, that we also found out we would end up losing the unborn child, that we wanted more than anything, because "It just wasn't time yet."

Thats the excuse every Doctor gave us. "Its not you, its just a random thing." But regardless of how much anyone tells you that. Regardless of how much anyone tells you, that it isn't you.. it doesn't take away the pain and suffering of knowing the one thing you wanted more than anything, you finally got.. and lost.. all at once.
The scariest moment of my life was when i was ganged up by 8 people.I had an argument with a guy and suddenly he pushed me and called his friends over i was really shitting in my pants at that time but luckily for me a teacher saw what was happening and i was saved.I learned my lesson never to insult a bully.
When my kid was born. I've never been concerned for my own safety. I'm of the opinion that whatever happens, happens. But when my child was born I realized that I'd suddenly have to change every aspect of my life. Right then I knew that I'd do anything for that gooey little creature.

I was also kinda concerned when my mum died. Mostly because I had no other family, none that I knew anyway. But I wouldn't say I was scared.
My worst moment was when I was(and still am) In First year.

I was bullied for 3 months straight.Sometimes it would last a week sometimes a day.It depended on what mood the bullies were in.My only saviour was bebo and e-feds on bebo which were the most fun I had every week.Then I logged onto my page-and there it was-A threat from 3 of my class mates.I was ridculed and embrassed.I couldn't take it anymore.I broke down.I told my parents and they contacted the school.I was still depressed.The school offered my a consuller.I wonder if it was the right move-It would do me good but would people think I was unstable?I decided to go.So for one month I told this great consuller my problems and she sorted me out.I felt proud-I felt great.The people that threated me got suspended and I made a friend in during this time-Niall.It was just great.And the final Icing on the cake?I got into a honours class while those bitches were put into the bottom.

Whenever people bring it up I don't wanna talk about it..........I've made peace with my enemys.......but Those 3 months of hell nearly broke me down.
Have to be my Grandmother dying, that was the worst thing that ever happened to me....when we found her on the floor after suffering a stroke, well that was the scariest sight of my life, and will probably be stuck in my head for the rest of my life...then seeing her on that hospital bed, all helpless...and later dead...well yeah...those had to be the scariest moments of my freaking life.
One morning a couple of years ago when I still lived at home, I went to go wake up my mom for work, and she wouldn't budge. It scared me to fucking death, but after a good thirty seconds to minute of yelling, she finally woke up.

Another time when I was a preteen, me and one of my friends were out walking and almost got jumped by like six black dudes for no reason. It was bullshit. The reason why the African-American crime rate is so huge where I'm from is because hardly any of those guys fight ever one on one. It either becomes 4-6 guys against 1 or 2 guys, or someone just pulls out a fucking gun. It's pathetic.

Lastly, when I played football in high school, there were plenty of times I was scared shitless, lol. I just wasn't the warrior one is suppose to be when you play football, especially in the deep south where everyone takes the shit so seriously. Steroids could've really helped me out since there was no testing and I knew so many of the players were on them, but I never took them for some reason. I've always thought to myself though what would've happened if I decided to take them.
Scariest moment of my life was probably back in the first grade when someone asked me why I was making a fathers day card/present for my uncle. My parents got divorced when I was two years old and I haven't seen my father since then (I'm 18 years old now). It was scary for me because that was the first time I actually began to question the divorce and how it affected me. It made me question whether or not if I was weird and if it was my fault. But as I grew older, I realized he's a dirt bag and I didn't need him. It only made me stronger and taught me to love those even more who are close to me.
the scariest moment of my life was when i tripped and rolled under neath a car that
was backing up and the tire stopped less than a inch away from my face
try it some time it will wake you up
I have a couple of situations that scared the crap out of me.

The first happened when I was 12 years old. My Mom had gotten sick and we didnt know what it was. She said her back hurt her and she felt really sick as well. She went to both the family Doctor and the Chiropracter but they couldnt do anything for her really. Then 4 days after she had first gotten sick we decided that she wasnt getting any better so we took her to the hospital. After waiting awhile the doc came out and told us that they were transferring her to another hospital but they were afraid that she might not make it through the night. She made it through the night. We visited her the next day and she had tubes in almost every part of her body. Now as a 12 year old kid seeing your mom filled with tubes is not a very pleasent picture. We talked to the doctors at the new hospital and they said that she had a staph infection that settled on her spine. They also said that if she did survive that she would never walk again. To make a long story short, after 4 long months my Mom was back home and walking again.

The second was the night that me and my mom got a call that had said my fathers heart had stopped. We went to the hospital and the doctor had told us that there was nothing they could do and that my father had passed away. I loved him very much. I just hope he knows how much he meant to me.
Now, i'm only 13, so i havent had any REALLY bad expiriences (thankfully.) but the scariest moment of my life was i had a friend a friend over and we were on my trampoline, my mom comes outside and tells me to get off the trampoline. So i do and she tells me that my grandpa was diagnosed with cancer. That made me so sad, but then about an hour later, she came to me and told me that on the same day, my grandma just suffered a stroke and she was going to go to Wenatchee for a few days. Then she told me i couldnt go with her and she left. My grandpa died a little while later, but my grandma is still alive.
There a couple of moments that have been really scary.

One was about a year ago, we got a call at about 2am in the morning. I knew something was bad, as nobody rang at that hour. After talking on the phone for a while, my mum told me that my Granddad had just had a heart attack. In a couple of days, we visited him. You have no idea how scary it is to see your granddad with tubes sticking out of him. It was just so freaky.

Then we went on a holiday to Europe while my Granddad was still sick, and my Dad got a phone call over there. He told us that our Granddad had died. I have never cried more than that moment, ever. I just wished that I had spent more time with him, and I hope he knows how much I love him.

There was another moment that happened only a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, it was pretty easy going, until we got to this part where the face was almost vertical, with just a couple of handholds and footholds. It was raining, which made the rocks slippery. It was about 8 metres tall. I was about halfway down, when my friends brother laughed at him because he had fallen down the last metre or so. When his brother took the next step though, he slipped and fell from the top. On the way down, he hit me and I ended up falling upside down down the mountain face. Luckily I only glanced my head on a rock and I didn't get a serious injury, and neither did my friend's brother. But it was fucking scary those couple of seconds I was falling, I really beieved that I was going to die.
T'was June 25, 2004.. normal day just like any other. I was 14. Mom started screaming.. turns out my sister had called her, told her my other sister, and my neice was stabbed by her BF. She died later that evening in the hospital, she was stabbed 14 times because she wouldn't give her BF, who she was leaving a week later, money for crack.. I couldn't cry.. for like.. a month because it was total shock and realization hadn't set in.. but when I was able to I cried like never before.
A few things come to mind here.

1. When I was in year 5 at primary school, I fell over and cut my knee at a camp which ran from Monday - Friday, I cut my knee on Wednesday, it got infected, Sunday night I started to turn blue so we went to a hospital (They turned me away and told my mum to give me Panadol) my mum persisted in trying to tell them something was wrong with me, so we went to another one where they took me in after a couple hours waiting and my mum knew something was wrong. The doctor who assessed me said I had Golden Staph and Cepticimia, not quite sure how to spell it, but my Aunty had it and died from it before I was born, so I would have died, but my mum knew from previous experience that she had to do something and fast. I was scared I was going to die on my way to the hospital and after I was turned away from one.

2. The very first time I met up with my ex as more than just friends. Going on my first date I had no idea what to do, how to act, what to say etc. I was a fish out of water and was nervous waiting for her to turn up. It didn't help when she came and told me "My mum's here" and I looked to my right and she was there and talked to me.

3. Also singing infront of a large group of people up on a stage. That scared the hell out of me, I only done it to get rid of my fear of singing infront of a large group of people. The nerves made me sound really bad because I was too nervous.
I wouldn't call this scary but it certainly was sad and the worst experience of my life.

3 years ago my Grandfather passed away. He was fairly old at 90 years of age. He had 9 daughters and 1 son with my mother being the youngest sibling. On a Friday night after school the phone rang and we were told my grandfather was in hospital and it sounded very serious. Instantly my parents rushed to the hospital while me and my sister were dropped off at our other grandparents house. My parents picked us up the next morning and my mum was a total mess. She just had tears in her eyes for days. I was depressing just looking at her. I felt so sad and miserable inside as my grandfather had a soft spot for me as I was the only boy grandson out of all the 8 teenagers.

I never forget when he gave all the grandchildren (and theres over 15 of them, all girls) $5 each for Christmas on top of our presents. But he gave me $10. It wasn't about the money, it was about the thought that he gave me the most out of everyone there, just because he felt sympathy for me being the only boy. After his death though, I just couldn't cry. I was emotional but I just couldn't cry. I was still in shock about what had happened.

But at the funeral when the coffin was lowering into the ground, almost everyone was crying. It was a terrible moment. Then my cousin who was a year older than me just came up to me and hugged me and she was crying a lot. Finally, I just bursted out in tears. I finally let all that emotion go. I cried for my grandfather. That was the saddest moment of my entire life and I will never forget it for as long as I live.
When I had my car crash, It was the moment that my thinking changed from "Oh shit, It close but I shouldnt hit it" to "ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG (I know i'm going to get hurt)". It by far was the worst moment of my life to date, My stoumch(sp?) sank, And sheer panic overwelmed me.

The second thing that spring's to mind is when my young brother was hit by a car, And was knocked out completely, The wait for the ambulance felt like 3 year's, No one knew what to do, or what to say, The only we could do was to make sure he could breath, And to leave him where he was because of any possible neck injuries.

And the last thing that I thought of was my GCSE results as I knew that they would determine the rest of my educational and working life.

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