Scariest film of all time?

Paralyzer Z

Fuck honor
So I was watching Cinemmassacre's monster madness (a series that this guy does on his website and reviews horror movies every day in the month of October) and I began wondering what is the scariest movie of all time. Now for starters earlier this year I wanted to watch a movie from a youtube list that included many films that i had never heard of before. Only one movie on that list actually struck me as being more than just a gore fest for the hell of it ,but that movie is my #2 pick.

My pick for the #1 scariest movie of all time is sadly the very very VERY Obvious


The exorcist (1973) scared the living shit out of me. It wasn't the turning around head or the green slime that regan spits out, or even the curses and morbid portrayals of some religious figures. It was that damn face of Regan while possessed by the demon Damien. Anyway enough talk about the obvious here is what I think is the most underrated film in terms of scare factor.

Men Behind the sun (1988) is my pick for the most underrated movie in terms of scare factor. Now I know I may have posted about it once before but this shit is truly crazy. The damn trailer contains one brief instant of nudity so I cant show but you can check it out on youtube if you have an account. This movie is about war crimes on Chinese civilians by the Japanese unit 731. They used them for biological experiments and most of the scenes are quite disturbing. The most infamous scene is the one where the rats eat a cat alive and it is shown full on camera, with the cat loosing it's skin and blood all over the place. Disturbing most of the time = scary so you can imagine an extremely graphic movie scaring the shit out of you.

Any Halloween is tomorrow so here are my questions.
What in your your opinion is the scariest movie of all time? Why?
Are there any films that you think are underrated in terms of scare factor?
I really can't think of the scariest movie of all time. The Exorsist is a good film selection however it was a little weird for me. I think The Ring would definitely be up there in terms of scary.

However, one very underrated film when it comes to the scare factor is the movie Signs. I don't think the movie was intended to be scary rather erie and suspensful. Signs is by far a scary movie to me, simple because it had an erie feel to it. The thought of something watching you from a corn field is quite an uncomfortable feeling. I'd say it's really underrated when thinking of scary movies.
This is one probably only applies to me because I'm freaked out by creepy old slavic ladies but the scariest movie to me is Drag Me To Hell . Yes this movie has some funny and goofy stuff in it, I mean a goat calls the main girl a ****e, but aside from that this movie has some legitimatly scary shit. I remember seeing this movie in the movie theatre when it came out and about 15 minutes into the movie(when it started it was full) half of the people in the theatre had left, that should sum it up pretty well. But this movie had a bunch of creepy/scary stuff, the worst parts for me though were not when a demon shadow is chasing her around her house but when the creepy ass old lady was attacking her because to reiterrate what I said earlier, old ladies(especially slavic) are creepy as shit to me.

Another contender is one that I saw very recently, Paranormal Activity 3. I would like to say first that I am a horror movie fanatic and I do not scare easily, and this one had me gripping the arm rest of my chair at the movie theatre. I love getting scared by shock scares(which this movie had plenty of) but what really eeked me was the creepy stuff that really shouldn't be that scary but it gets to me. For instance when
The main guy opens the garage door and sees all the old lady witches staring at him in their black robes
I was creeped out like crazy. This movie freaked me out so much(keep in mind this never happens to me) me and my friends stayed and hung out after the movie in order to avoid having to all drive home alone. When I did get home I called my fiance to talk to her while I was walking from my car to my door and while walking through the back yard I was legitimatly freaked out.
Though it's not a horror film, the film that has legitimately scared me the most is Right At Your Door.

For those that haven't seen it, I won't spoil it as it has an amazing twist, but the concept and direction is amazing. It focuses on a dirty bomb attack in LA and how one guy copes with having to seal himself into his home to avoid breathing in the potentially lethal fumes in the air. However his wife was outside when the bombs hit and the central emotional conflict of the story is how he has to deal with leaving her outside due to the risk she potentially carries.

The idea of being isolated from the person you love and feeling so helpless about it all is a terrible thing to imagine and it's what makes the film so scary in that a dirty bomb attack is a credible threat that leaves lingering dangers to the surviving population.
Anything with kids, kids scare the crap out of me. I have two of them and I'm waiting for their heads to start spinning, start speaking in tounges or find a 666 birthmark.

Therefore my list consists of Sixth Sense, Poltergeist, The Shining and the scariest movie of all time is The Omen (the original).
The movie that scared me the most was Shutter. It is a 2004 Thai film. Its story is as follows:

A young photographer Thun and his girlfriend Jane discover mysterious shadows in their photographs after fleeing the sceen of an accident. As they investigate the phenomenon, they find other photographs contain similar supernatural images, that Thun's best friends are being haunted as well, and Jane discovers that her boyfriend has not told her everything. It soon becomes clear that you can not escape your past.

The scenes and the sound effect in this movie are extremely eerie. The ending made me jump out of my seat in shock.

The film was remade in English in the year 2008 under the same title(though the remake was not as scary as the original).
I honestly couldn't give an honest answer to this question because not a lot of movies have legitimately scared me as a grown adult. That being said, I have been completely terrified by a couple of movies during my lifetime.

The first of which has already been mentioned. The Exorcist was the first movie I seen that stayed with me when I went to sleep and would keep me out of bed at night. Having caught a showing of it on late night TV as a frail 9 year old, I can tell you that I have never been so frightened in all my life. The face of the afflicted girl stayed with me and would haunt me every single time I closed my eyes. That night, after watching, I could not fall asleep. My nerves were frayed and my senses were shot. It truly was a horrifying movie.

That said, it shows it's age now and I find myself still being entertained but not scared if I watch it now. I guess this is where you can trace my love of the horror movie genre.

However, the closest I'll ever come to mentioning the scariest horror movie is the original Halloween movie. Michael Myers face had the same effect as the girl from the Exorcist. After watching it, everything turned into a horror movie. Shadows were cast in my room as I tried to sleep and the darkness became an enemy of mine. Between that and The Exorcist, I'd say that is the closest I'd come to choosing the scariest movie of all time.
For me, it has to be Halloween. When I was younger, it would scare the crap outta me. I had to go to Bed with the light on for a long time.

The last movie to make me shake was The Strangers. I don't know why, but it had me jumping a little bit.

I want to see Paranormal Activity 3. Haven't seen it yet.
Saw 3.. I peed in my pants when I saw the torture scenes! This movie is one of the scariest and bloodiest! I really hope they cancel the series for the sake of young childrens' futures.
When I was younger, Texas Chainsaw Massacre because my brother showed me the basis and told me he'd been transported to Ireland, locked up and escaped, yet to be found. The bastard started knocking on my bedroom window at night when he knew I was shitting myself. Damnit, I miss being young!

The only film that has made me turn away, more from disgust than fear, is The Human Centipede. I found it horrific and nearly puked at the scene where the Chinese guy shits into the girls mouth. I am also genuinely scared to ever watch The Human Centipede 2, as I've heard it is 2x than the first from a guy who couldn't even watch the entire thing.
Like Dave said, it is all relative as to when you saw the movie. One movie that scared the bejesus out of me when I was a teenager was Salem's Lot. I'm sure if I watched it today, I would not find it too bad at all. I remember watching that show at a friend's house and it scared the shit out of me. Then we had to walk home afterwards, at night, past a cemetery no less. I found that movie to be super creepy.
I tend to lean more towards things that I believe have some basis in reality. So when I think scary, the first one that comes to mind is "The Fourth Kind." I believe that it's based on true events and the audio tape at the end with the aliens "talking" freaked me out. I had a tough time sleeping that night.
Man there's a lot of good scary movies. To me the best ones are the ones that are more cerebral in their scare factor than they are for making you jump at the right time or for being purely gory.

I really thought the first Final Destination was just about the scariest shit I ever saw. All the ways that people died in that one were pretty feasible and realistic, it was all stuff that however unlikely really could happen. As the series goes on of course they get more and more unrealistic, but that first movie made you think twice about every step you made the rest of that day, and a few following. It just left an uneasy feeling like "Damn, you just aren't safe anywhere, death can come knocking from out of nowhere at any time anywhere."

I thought the first "Saw" movie was pretty fucked up too. I liked that it wasn't just a horror flick, it was a mystery suspense thriller as well. You had an intricate plot, some really really nasty deaths, and a situation that was just so horrific you just couldn't imagine what it would be like even though you were seeing it. It was overwhelmingly sick and twisted.

Misery is another really good scary movie. Kathy Bates was so fucking crazy dude, that was like a living nightmare. It's one of my favorites of all time.

Speaking of Stephen King movies, I think a couple good contenders for being at least one of the top scary movies of all time has to be "IT" and "IT II", as well as Pet Cemetery 1 and 2. IT was fucked up in so many ways I can't even describe it. When Penywise tells that kid "They all float down here" That is one of the most chilling lines I have ever heard in a movie, and major props to Tim Curry being shit your pants scary in that one.

The first 2 Scream movies rank up there with me too, especially he first one. It was a movie that really hadn't had an equivalent at that time. We had never really seen a horror flick like that before that kept you guessing so much and kept the killer so well protected for the end reveal. Add to that you had Liv Tyler who made for a great scream queen in her own right, and a very clever plot, and this movie definitely has it's own bragging rights.

And what about House of 1000 Corpses? Now that was a fucked up movie! Just the sheer mental comprehension of the level of insanity of the main characters in this film put you in such an uneasy place, knowing that you are dealing with a different breed of killer, and knowing that the people just have no chance of survival once they get into their predicament. Sid Haig really helped set the tone for that movie in the beginning too. With his telling of the legend of Dr.Satan and the whole Murder Ride sequence, you knew from the get-go this was going to be one mega-fucked up movie and it was.

That's all I got. These are the movies that would make my top whatever list and I think any of them would be good candidates for being at least one of the best scary movies of all time.
In my opinion scariest movie all time is.........Wrong Turn series.
It's all parts are scary.I love this movie & it's all parts.Lately released it's new part Wrong Turn 4 was awesome.I love this movie & watch this movie twice in a day.really great movie.


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The Exorcist. (1973)

One of my favourites. This is the movie that I would say is scary, not to forget, The Ring being runner up. Some say the movie is a bunch of crap but that's just their opinion. It's not gory movies that I like, but those eerie ones which you don't forget easily, have miniature heart attacks and have to do with spirits and demons. What makes me think of this movie as the scariest of all time is simple - I had good sneak peaks when I was about 5 or 6 years old and not supposed to - while lying on the ground under my Uncle's chair like a spy. Different scenes from the movie were etched on my mind. Years later I watched it again - properly, and being a huge fan or thrillers and horror flicks, I know that this is the movie I find to be the scariest of all time.
Recently I have watched the movie Saw that I really like to watch........This is a horror movie and I like horror movies so much........I think This is the most scariest movie of all time......


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The original Shutter was absolutely scary. I watched it around 12:30 am, I got so scared that I didn't finish the second half. The next day I gather all of my courage and watched the second part about the same time as the first. That was one hell of a movie. The last part of the film won't make you sleep for a while. Might be the most disturbing scene I've ever seen.

The same directors as the original shutter created Alone. Again, that was one hell of a movie but not in the same level as shutter.

Also Insidious has potential to be the most scariest movie at the first half but turned out dissapointing at the latter half.

Saw series are not that 'scary'. It is more of a psychological thriller.

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