Sawall's Gallery.


Future Hall of Famer
This is an updated Gallery (- minus the wallpapers) since my other thread was missing a bunch of my old stuff. :/

Chris Jericho
all i used was images and layers. use a filter on the background.​

Drew McIntyre
all i used was images and layers. use a filter on the background.​

CM Punk
I first added the images to the background and applied a filter, the i added a new layer and added the logo and set the opacity. Then I added the cm punk as the final layer, then added a small boarder.​

The Miz
I took the be miz logo and added some images to the inside of the logo, I set the logo as the background, and simply added The Miz as the foreground​

CM Punk
I did the same thing as a i did with the miz sig. I added images to the inside of the logo, but i set an opacity to the images the added the main CM Punk image to a foreground.​

The Hurricane
Stand back there's a Hurricane coming through... with some pretty generic graphics, I didnt have much to work with here, but i like it.​
This is my 2nd set of Sigs for you the wrestlezone to admire i awe.​

Cody Rhodes
I just grabbed his entrance and made it the main background, then I added the blured brush strokes, threw in the main render and the text.​

CM Punk
I made the main background with star brushes, the i took the main render and pasted it multiple times adding size, oppacity and blur till it got to the main renders actual size, the in I added the text.​

Mickie James
This was a request sent in on my request thread. First what I did was make 2 backgrounds one all pink the other blue and adding a focus blur, then I added the to background renders and also gave them a focus blue, i then added the main render and gave her a hot pink glow, then added the requested text. with the boarder.​

Miz Vs. Jericho
Miz Vs Jericho!!! Yet another request for-filled. what i did on this one was take a plain white background and added a few different color grudge brushes then took the main renders and made two copies making one transparent and the other whole. Added sugested text then the border, the voila!​

The Baby face of RAW, I made a multilayer background with different Red' and brushes, took the WWE Logo and added it above the RAW logo then entered the Cena Render.​

The BabyFace of Smackdown! did the exact same thing i did with the Smackdown Sig.​
my 3rd set for the people of the WZone.​

CM Punk
This one was a request, I was testing new waters and tried different layers of brushes for a background, then I added the CM Punk Logo, Then a boarder, then the Main Punk render.​

Dan Wheldon
A Request for Dan Wheldon (Have no clue who this guy is, but RIP) I wanted to try and make this a Right side sig instead of the traditional Left or Center sig. 1st I added the main render and skipped the background, 2nds I added the three photos of the render as such events, to the background, made another layer and added some transparent-ish brush splashes, The added the requested text... There were not available renders around so I made this one from scratch!​

Gregory Helms
Greatest Cruiserweight Champ ever!!.. Ehem... Simple yet effective..I added the background, then the two transparent renders, then the main and the text, then made a fuzzy boarder.​

Team Cole
I dont know why i made this but it came out good, I added different brush strokes to come up with what I got I added the two renders and then the text, then two different boarders.​

Joe Hennig
(AKA Micheal McGillicutty) I took a render of his father is gave it a few motion blurs to the the back ground, the i took the two renders of his father and smudged the crap out of them, then I added the min render, and text, with a fuzzy boarder to make it perfection.*Cough* Zigglers a rip off *cough*​

Motorcity Machine Guns & CM Punk
Gosh I, had so much fun with this one. I did alot of new things I dont usually do, I started messing with the Drop Shadow feature and the the Name Block things, the one thing I really like about this is that ther is NO solid background, the only background is the stars, and Boarder.​
4th set, if you havent noticed i have been doing them in sixes so yeah, enjoy​
Motorcity Machine Guns
Here is another, its the MCMG, I took there home town of Detroit, Michigan. and made it the main background, and I tried to make a burn effect boarder. I then took there team finishers and put them in the back transparent, I added the main renders of MCMG with the drop shadow and the the text. Came out sweet!​

CM Punk
Pretty much just an edit of the original, I wanted Punk to rise out of the background so I just shrank the background layer, added a bored. and poof!​

Tyler Black
This was a fun experiment, I took an image and made it the background, then I open Microsoft Word and made the special text, and pasted them on as a layer, then i erased the boarder with a splash brush and added a thin black boarder. was fun. TIS WAS A REQUEST.​

Brest Cancer Awareness
Save the Ta-tas, this was fun to play with, i took the ribbons to make a "boarder, then in the middle i add some brushes, and then took a render of flowers, butterfly, and sun rays. to make the image in the center, then put in text and used a drop shadow effect. IT WAS GOOD TO GET OUT OF THE WRESTLING SIGS.​

Justin Gabriel
A small simple Mr.450 sig. I tried to stick with the color of his attire, and use the shades of grey for a background, then added the render with drop shadow, and used a stripe eraser brush to the the boarder effect.​

Boondock Saints
I just love this one. So much work to much to explain, but I love the way it came out. ^.^ has to be a favorite.​
Alright so I got up two having six again for this next set, I will never post a new set until 6 new sigs are created​
Randy Orton
This is a simple NBA type sig, just felt like doing something different. not one of my favorites​

Kelly Kelly & Eve Torres
Quick whip of of the two divas and using the divas title as the background.​

Linkin Park
One of my all time favorite bands. I took the background with some brushes, then applied the band, next i added the band logo, then added the main singers, along with the band name and a boarder. My favorite so far.​

Diamond Dallas Page
Something whipped up really quick for a request, I used alot of lighting brushes since last i remember alot of his attire had lighting on it, I used images of him in the DDP text and finished up with a fuzzy boarder.​

I like this request and the way it came out because I took it beyond the boarder, but staying in the limits of pixels. I had fun with this and had to make the renders myself.​

Optimus Prime
This was new limits for me, I was tried of doing the same old stuff so I watched a few tutorials, and went along with this. Came out good, now just to get used to doing more stuff with GIMP and/or Photoshop.​
Alright here is my next set, its been a few weeks. all constructive criticism is welcome.​
Brodus Clay
'Tis was a request, I set a gradient background with clouds as overlay, with brushstrokes and some 4d graphics. made a wind on the text and there you go​

My Fav. 5
Something quick, I made an incandescent background with some overlay brushes and the set the text to overlay.​

Cody Rhodes
Disfigured, Undashing, Deformed, Grotesque. I played around with masking and different brushes, and tried alot of things, came out great.​

Modern Warfare 3
This was real simple I just took renders made from MW3 and stuff kind fused them together to make this.​

Sonic the Hedgehog
Something simple i play with different things and tried different stuff, I just feel iffy on the huge fuzzy boarder. :/​

Modern Warfare 3
Basically the same as the other one just took out somethings​

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