Savior's thread of random shit.

Rising Savior

Occasional Pre-Show
Hello fellow bar roomers welcome to Rising Savior's thread of random shit I hope you all enjoy. Please leave a comment and I'll try to respond to it asap if not busy (okay not really asap). I know most of you are probably thinking who's this loser nobody making his own thread in the bar room but fuck it. Why Not?
SNS, you sir are awesome. I miss our late night dribble. And Rising, clogged sinks suck. I clogged my super toilet today. Reason for the super toilet nickname is because I havent clogged it the 6 or so years Ive lived here and today it clogged. It would slowly go down and then reclog with each flush. Im just glad it was me.
SNS, you sir are awesome. I miss our late night dribble. And Rising, clogged sinks suck. I clogged my super toilet today. Reason for the super toilet nickname is because I havent clogged it the 6 or so years Ive lived here and today it clogged. It would slowly go down and then reclog with each flush. Im just glad it was me.

Yeah it does suck usually when my sink clogs I just have to pull something out with a pair of pliers but today oh no not easy at all today I had to go under the sink cabinet take everything out remove pipes with pliers put everything back to no avail so I just went to Walmart to get some fucking drain-o which is working in progress now. Side note Walmart is really packed on Saturday night don't get it.
WalMart around me is hit or miss. Some nights it is mad packed and other nights I could be the only person roaming around. Guess that is what happens when you live in the middle of nowhere.
One place I fucking hate now and will never eat again is Carl's Jr's they always be doing some nasty ass shit to my food. Ugh fuck you Carl's you were the shit a few years ago but their food is literally shit.
Man oh man great night tonight I'm excellent at picking up chicks. I think I should write a handbook on how to pick up chicks.

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