Saturday Night's Main Event


I used to be a big deal
So WZ reported that they finally announced the date for the airing of SNME this summer. It will be airing on June 2nd, from the John Labatt Center in London, Ontario.

Hopefully it doesn't suck again and they give us some good stuff to work with.

The only knock I have right now is that it's in Canada, and worse, in London. It just seems like something that needs to be in the states... I dunno, maybe I'm just weird but I dont think it'll have the same feel to it.

Worse... why did they give it to London of all places? Is it because that just happened to be where they were touring that day? I was hoping they'd give it to Montreal if it was in Canada, considering they Jipped us on Survivor Series and didn't even bother to give the second biggest city in Canada a TV taping for the rest of the year.
The last couple Saturday Night Main events have been awful. I thought NBC was done with it. Not saying i don't like SNME just its been worse than a "B" ppv and that saying alot.

Hey Prax dont they have hockey night on saturday in Canada anyways? Plus they should put it in a big city and in my own opinion broadcast it live from Toronto or as you said Montreal.

What the show needs is a big title match for the main event and a godo undercard, yet i doubt that will happen as this show prolly be nothing more than build up for One Night Stand.

I'm sorry to say SNME i have lost interest in. What they they should is air a free PPV like ONS to get good numbers and show off the bets of the company be great free advertisment. They wont do that. prax if they past two are any indication of what SNME will be you should fill lucky its not in you city.
It will be your typical SNME show, 50 promos/interveiws, 3 matches that last like 2 minutes each, and cheesy-ass backstage segments that just insult the fans intelligence, ending with a crap main event that ends in DQ or some bullshit like that

I like the idea of a PPV-type show, I think that they should do that with Cyber Sunday, except change it to Cyber Saturday, do that instead of SNME
True, I really never had been interested in SNME though I mean basically what Justinsayne said it's mostly that at them. The last couple of SNME have been pretty bad though IMO usually something to get everyone pumped up for WrestleMania and things and alot of promo's and DQ matches and things. I do like SNME though but hopefully this one will be good, kinda didn't expect for WWE to do it though I thought when they said they wouldn't do it this year they would stick to there word lol.
yes... mark henry will be back in time... maybe he can get hurt again... how did he get hurt last time?? by actually attempting to run... is it just me, or when he went down, did anyone else feel an earthquake??
Actually the reason NBC is doing it again is cuz they are still under contract to do another one or two, I think just one actually after the one they airing this next month! Not only that but it's not going to air 2 hours after being taped like's taped days before which sucks! Guess I'll just read the spoilers on wrestleattitude when the come out!
Dr, hockey isn't on in the summer (duh, they play on ice :P)

At least toronto gets a TV taping every year (at the very least... they've also gotten 2 wrestlemanias and loads of other pay-per-views).
I thought the last couple SNMEs was pretty good(better than the weekly RAW, ECW and SD, IMO) but i am a real sucker for spoilers so that probably means i will not watch it on June 2nd unless the show sounds spectacular which is unlikely. There really is no point in this show anymore b/c it use to be special for the sole fact that superstars from all brands would be on it to promote one of the 4 interbrand PPVs, but today we are starting to see that with all PPVs and some superstars do not stay exclusive to their respective brands anyway which makes SNME less special.
Saturday Night's Main Event worked well for WWE in the 80's and early 90's primarily because of Hulk Hogan. Wrestling was so popular back then with Hulk leading the ship. It gave the fans a chance to see Hulk compete and entertain on free network television instead of PPV. Not to mention all the other matches and charcters that gave SNME it's edge.
I have seen every single SNME and I must say the new ones Sucked. It's another failed attempt to recreate something that just belonged to specific time and generation. Even having Hulk appear on the new SNME didn't seem to work. Alot of the hype for Saturday Night's Main Event stems from the shows opening theme song "Obsession" by Animotion. I think thats what got people caught up in the SNME craze.

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