Sarita Finished with TNA

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Sarita (Sara Stock) is done with TNA. That one is a real shame as she's a hell of a worker, but the company hasn't done anything with her in months. Her last date was the Lockdown PPV in April 2012.


Sarita was a good worker, but TNA never really pushed her at all since bringing her in in the first place. She spent the majority of her final months in the company being a valet, so I'm not too upset over her being let go, or leaving. Then again, women's wrestling isn't of any interest to me in the first place, so there's certainly some bias here.

Thoughts on Sarita's departure?
My thoughts on this wheen I first read it were "which not Mexican Mexican one is she? The one who had the face problem, or the one that had a comic in Mexico." I then googled her and it turned out she's both. Which leaves me wondering who the heck Rosita is, but meh I don't really care.

She did nothing but get paid so she won't really be missed. And now I'll go back to not giving a shit about her.
Although Sarita is a solid worker, this is another talent gone that I can't see being much of a loss for TNA.

With the current creative team it seems that the intention is to only feature one prominent knockout program at a time, so...

Of the other knockouts on the roster, she is a better worker than Madison, Tessmacher, and Velvet; but those three are competent enough and they don't have their roster spots based on their wrestling ability anyway, all provide sex appeal that Sarita can't match.

The rest of the division- Tara, Mickie, ODB, and Gail all have added appeal of their own(be it looks, recognizability, history, personality, or some combination of those), and are all also superior workers in the ring to Sarita.

It seems there just is no place for Sarita in the current landscape given the number of talents ahead of her and the limited amount of time alotted to feature the division.
This is practically the same issue as The Pope's; great talent, no push. That's what happened with Sarita. TNA needs Knockouts now because they don't have many. Sarita is a good wrestler but for some reason, they held her back.

Her first couple of months were pretty cool when she was wrestling top talent, she went on to hold the KO tag titles which are worth nothing as they're hardly defended and finally, she joint Mexican America. A team where she was a valet as IDR had mentioned.

After that, we never saw her and it was best for her to leave just like Pope, the company isn't pushing you so just leave. If you're talented you deserve that spotlight to show your talent off to add something to the show. Like CM Punk said, the more talented guys need the push.

Oh well.
She was alright.
Decent on the mic, her in ring was okay.
It's not a big loss to the Knockouts division, since that's gone to nothing now.
Didn't really push her enough to be a strong Knockout. The only thing she was good for really is the fact that her sister/cousin/whatever was there to be a knockout tag team. And that isn't really good enough.
I actually forgot Sarita and her midget cousin were still on the TNA roster. She wasn't bad on the mic or in the ring and she definitely had nice cans, but it seems TNA has put the Knockouts on the back burner over the past year so maybe it's best she moves on.
I really liked Sarita and Rosita. Now that Sarita is gone, I can't imagine why they'd even keep Rosita along too much longer.

It's the same thing that TNA had with Pope and never utilized, Sarita was never appreciated. They reached the top of what they could do in TNA. She had her runs as whatever woman's title they have over there right now and held the tag womens title with Rosita, but that's all they could do. They were never going to be better than they were then in TNA anyways.

Sarita should stay in Mexico and compete as she is WAY more over and accepted as an actual woman's wrestler over there. She has talent, but sad thing is no1 even will remember her.
My favorite Knockout after Tara, gone.

She'll either return to Mexico or Japan, she suits both better anyway. At least there she can just wrestle and not have to worry about whether creative has something for her or not. Its a pity, shes a great wrestler, and with all due respect I'll even state it, shes a great wrestler especially for a woman which is few and far between these days. Not a loss to the current product as she hasn't been seen in ages but more-so a pity.
I don't think it will be much of a loss for TNA, but I don't get why they didn't use her more. With a proper push she could have easily been one of the top knockouts. With her being gone I don't see them keeping Rosita much longer either which is a shame because the knockouts division isn't even close to what it once was, and they actually had the talent to make it a good division. Seems like they have really been cutting back on female wrestlers, and I wonder where this leaves the rest of the division. I am sure Sarita will find success in Mexico or Japan, and it just seems like another wasted talent for TNA.
if what you are suggesting is true then i would suggest that WWE will quickly grab her and make her Sin Cara mouthpiece.
This makes me wonder what exactly creative sees for the KO division. Sarita was solid in the ring, and was easy on the eyes, yet not on the same scale as Velvet, Tess, Mickie, etc. I found it odd she never had a run at the championship, especially when you take into account how often she beat Velvet (at least to my knowledge). Women's wrestling will always be filler in the U.S.; that's not to say there isn't any positives to it. I'll admit I wasn't a fan of Sarita or Rosita, but the former did bring a little something to the table that could draw my interest for a match. She will fare well in the indies, Mexico, and Japan.

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