Santino Marella: WWE Gold or Comedy Gold? Maybe Both?

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Behold the King.. The King of Kings
Santino Marella is talented, putting it simply. WWE has had some talented Italian wrestlers in the past, but in my opinion Marella surpasses all of them. The guy is hilarious, and every word he speaks practically makes your bones vibrate with laughter. I mean geez, the guy has got into an angle with Beth Phoenix, whose being booked to be stronger than him! This angle with her is hilarious, and the fact that he wants to be Women's Champion practically had me rolling on the floor.

So, Santino wins the WWE Comedy Championship, but can he win actual WWE gold?

The question is rhetoric, considering he won the IC Title in his impromptu debut match, and against Umaga no less. Santino rather impressed me with his first and surprising run as IC Champion, and I wouldn't mind another IC reign. Somehow, I actually believe that him wearing that gold would somehow add to his comedy, especially if he and Beth both are wearing gold after SummerSlam.

As a tag team competitor, I think Santino does fine, and if Raw didn't have the solid team of Rhodes and DiBiase to take the titles back from Cena and Batista, I think Marella could've been tag champs with... hmm... Carlito I guess. Hell, make him Tag Team Champions with Beth Phoenix! I wouldn't care because it would be hilarious!

Also, Santino is a bad wrestler, in fact he has a talent that no one else has in the ring. He has the ability to mix comedy with the action of the wrestling, and even though he's been booked as someone who just gets his butt kicked, I think he's going to be booked differently, along with Beth Phoenix, at SummerSlam.
Santino Marella is talented, putting it simply. WWE has had some talented Italian wrestlers in the past, but in my opinion Marella surpasses all of them.

He's Canadian.

The guy is hilarious, and every word he speaks practically makes your bones vibrate with laughter. I mean geez, the guy has got into an angle with Beth Phoenix, whose being booked to be stronger than him! This angle with her is hilarious, and the fact that he wants to be Women's Champion practically had me rolling on the floor.

That's his strong point at the moment. He has been so funny that he has hardly been drawing any heat lately. Every single week he says something new and hilarious..

Rey Mastrio!
Eyes up here! I am not a piece of meat..
Santino Marella.. Women's Champion..

So, Santino wins the WWE Comedy Championship, but can he win actual WWE gold?


The question is rhetoric, considering he won the IC Title in his impromptu debut match, and against Umaga no less. Santino rather impressed me with his first and surprising run as IC Champion, and I wouldn't mind another IC reign. Somehow, I actually believe that him wearing that gold would somehow add to his comedy, especially if he and Beth both are wearing gold after SummerSlam.

Unfortunately, I believe he will be winning the women's gold at SSlam.. Though, I am all for a Santino IC title reign.. You could let him get a few legit wins, maybe.. Oh, what a concept! Have him demolish Snitsky and a few other jobbers, then have some real matches.. A credible champ is born!

As a tag team competitor, I think Santino does fine, and if Raw didn't have the solid team of Rhodes and DiBiase to take the titles back from Cena and Batista, I think Marella could've been tag champs with... hmm... Carlito I guess. Hell, make him Tag Team Champions with Beth Phoenix! I wouldn't care because it would be hilarious!

It'd be funny, yes, but it would destroy his creibilty.. (What little he might have..) Because Beth would come off as the strong competitor..

Also, Santino is a bad wrestler, in fact he has a talent that no one else has in the ring. He has the ability to mix comedy with the action of the wrestling, and even though he's been booked as someone who just gets his butt kicked, I think he's going to be booked differently, along with Beth Phoenix, at SummerSlam.

I think you meant to say isn't a bad wrestler.. You're right. He was pretty good before he got to the WWE. But, you are wrong saying he will be booked differently. He'll never be a wrestler.. Just a side show.. Which is unfortunate, because he could be great..
Santino is the total package in terms of what a wrestler should be and what wrestling wants their wrestlers to be, an entertainer, performer and athletic. Santino is clearly well in all three. Currently, they are using Santino more for comedy and entertaining than the other too, but his work in the ring clearly shows that he has a talent similar to Mick Foley, he makes people look good. People diss on Santino for his losses, but he made them look good. When Santino gets gold, which he will as the WWE would be foolish not to give him the IC title soon, then we will see more offence and Santino will showcase his true wrestling skills.
Santino is alright. He is pretty funny. He gets the crowd going. That's all you can really ask of him. He isn't the most talented guy on the roster, but he gets his job done. His one-liners are classic. I don't ever see him getting out of the mid card though. Sure he might get a few Intercontinental titles while he's here, but they won't be memorable. He's decent, thats really all I can say. If he were to leave, I might miss him for about a week, then everything would be back to normal.
Santino to me is like the Rock in a way due to his mic skills and funniness. Except he isn't taken seriously. I just can't see him as a serious competitor. He is used for comedy purposes only. I don't see him ever being a legit competitor with his current gimmick. Maybe if they gave him back his OVW gimmick he would be more of a legit competitor but until then I don't ever see him in a serious role. Pretty much he is just a more important funny jobber. I think he might be able to get the IC Title again or maybe Tag Team gold. I think Santino might end up winning the Women's Championship at Summerslam. Santino is Comedy Gold and nothing else in my opinion.
Santino is a god on the mic. He can cut awesome promos, except noone takes him seriously. This is not his fault, it is the WWE's fault. If the WWE booked him to be a good wrestler as well as good on the mic, then he could be going for the WHC right now. Except his character doesn't have many wrestling moves. And what's his finisher? The point is, if Santino were booked to wrestle more and booked to wrestle better, he could easily be vying for the WHC.
I'd love to see Santino get pushed with a title. He could easily pull off the heel champ who always takes the easy way out and gets DQ'd repeatedly, or Beth could easily fill the Chyna role (except you'd actually want to look at the Glamorous Amazon) and help him win all the time.

Sadly, i don't see them winning the belts at SSlam. They'll come within a hair's breath and Santino will end up losing the fall despite Beth's best efforts. I totally want to see it go the other way, but since WWE frequently does the opposite of what I want, i don't see it happening.

Can Santino win a championship? Of course he can. Creative just have to want him to. If Vince and Shane McMahon, a retired Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson and Harvey Whippleman can win some form of WWE title, then so can Santino Marella.
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